Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1167 The approaching mirage 30, and the princess who came to visit in the middle of the nigh

Chapter 1167 The approaching [Mirage 3.0], and the princess who came to visit in the middle of the night

Before Yunmeng went to sea, Lin You had had the idea of ​​making the mirage more productive.

At that time, he had already entered the stage where he was not short of money, so the preparations had already started.

Although all walks of life have different needs for office tools, and comprehensive support requires a huge amount of energy and investment, when Lin You arrived here, the employees in the technical department who had been working silently and immersed themselves in the work were still talking about it. A satisfactory answer was given.

Compatibility work with mainstream office software on computers has been completed.

Only those who are niche, have special needs, and those involving non-technical issues have not yet been able to achieve compatibility.

But for Lin You now, this is enough.

After all, what he needs is the mainstream and the public.

Once it reaches the mainstream and the public, virtual office will form a new trend and general trend. By then, not only will Mirage’s sales and user online time rise rapidly, but the needs of those niche groups will also actively move towards virtual office.

Many problems will be solved easily.

Lin You highly praised everyone's work results. After giving out a bunch of large red envelopes on the spot, he announced that bonuses would be distributed uniformly on the next pay day, and then left amidst everyone's cheers.

The next step is to go to the operations department and leave the publicity work to Shen Ping.

This thing is different from games. It will seriously shake up the traditional working model. The initial resistance will not be small, and publicity work must keep up.

Shen Ping, who was used to his boss's vigorous and resolute manner, immediately asked: "Will you start immediately tomorrow?"

But this time Lin You shook his head: "Don't worry, prepare first. There are a lot of things you have to do next. Let's arrange them together later."

Shen Ping thought for a moment and immediately thought of the important point: "Are you talking about the [Cradle Project] demo tasting meeting?"

"Maybe there is [Mirage 3.0]." Lin You added.

Shen Ping was a little surprised at first, but soon nodded excitedly and said: "I understand."

Within Yunmeng, Mirage has long been three-in-one with [Bafang Ring] and [Focus Ring].

Not to mention the focus on the headband, just the two-in-one [Phantom] and [Bafang Headband] is enough to be introduced to the market as a new generation console.

In other words, the 2.0 generation update is less than a year old, so Yunmeng is not in a hurry.

Now, many upstream hardware products have been upgraded, and Mirage has launched a new generation without any problems.

Even the marketing department has long suggested that Lin You launch some [limited edition] consoles.

By upgrading some components such as materials, storage, power supply - or even simply changing the paint that is linked to the game, it can be sold under the name [XXX Limited Edition].

This is not because the marketing department wants to cut leeks, but because there are really many users who have expressed their needs in this regard.

The price of [Pacific Rim Limited Edition Game Warehouse] is getting higher and higher in the market, and the fact that there is still a price but no market is a clear proof.

However, Lin You remained unmoved.

At most, the game warehouse will provide some limited editions, and users can rely on luck to grab them if they want to buy them.

Now that he heard that [Phantom 3.0] was finally going to be launched, Shen Ping became excited almost immediately, and enthusiastically pulled Lin You for information.

But Lin You can't give it to her yet, because he doesn't have confidence in the most critical part - the chip.


After leaving Shen Ping, Lin You immediately called He Peng to inquire about the progress of the carbon-based chip.

The last time He Peng took him to the laboratory, he was shown a 130nm chip and said that a 79nm chip could be produced within a week.

For a long time after that, Lin You didn't pay much attention to this matter until He Peng mentioned it again yesterday.

During the phone call, even though he was interrupted by yesterday's accident, He Peng was still very excited when he mentioned it again: "Graphene chips have successfully broken through to the 28nm process!"

This is an important dividing line.

In the field of silicon-based chips, 28nm is the dividing line between low-end and high-end processes. After breaking through this process, it has officially entered the field of high-end processes.

Even though there will be precision processes below 13nm in the future, which require continuous research and development and upgrades, relying on the superior performance of graphene materials and new designs, the performance of 28nm graphene chips has surpassed the most advanced silicon-based chips currently on the market. chip!

The technical information provided by Lin You, the official investment regardless of cost, the researchers' day-and-night efforts, and the amazing efficiency improvement of the [Focus Headband]... With the joint efforts of these multiple factors, this epoch-making progress in the chip field was finally completed. !

Although it cannot be compared with the terrifying technology of [digital life], it is still a major breakthrough that can change the world!

One can imagine how shocked He Peng was when Lin You casually threw the incident behind him yesterday and suddenly changed his plans to go home.

"How is the yield rate? When can it be rolled off the production line?" Lin You asked the question he was most concerned about.

If the yield rate is too low, although it is not impossible to enter the market, it will either lead to a reduction in the profits of the chip processing factory or an increase in the price of products using this chip.

And He Peng gave him good news: "Under this manufacturing process, there is no need to worry about the yield rate. As for the production line... the supporting factories have already been prepared and can be put into production as soon as half a month."

"OK, I'll take a look in the afternoon. If there's no problem, put it into production as soon as possible. Just increase the production capacity. There are as many Yunmeng as you need!"

"I will pick you up?"


Lin You hung up the phone and returned to his office.

But he didn't rest either. Instead, he logged into the virtual world to follow up on the progress of the [Time and Space Fragments] processing.

At that time, he added this Easter egg to "Pacific Rim" for fun. He originally planned to make each of them into games in the future, but now the plan cannot keep up with the changes, so he had to form a small team to deal with this problem.

When it’s time to move, it’s time to perfect the gameplay.

After a busy morning, He Peng and I went to check the quality of the chip in the afternoon.

After returning, Lin You left the matter of purchasing chips to Zhong Chang to discuss, and he began to design the shape and specific configuration of the new generation of mirage.

I went home in the evening and continued to make simulated robots after dinner.

——Today’s live broadcast was postponed to the next day because Zhu Cixia was dragged away to prepare for the coming-of-age ceremony.

After all, Daxia is one of the "three poles of the world" today, and because Lin You has caused big things one after another, there is a faint tendency to rise to the top. As the little princess of Daxia, Zhu Cixia's coming-of-age ceremony naturally cannot be Ignore it and start preparations early.

Until the coming of age ceremony is over, she will probably be occupied with this matter for a lot of time.

Don't think about going to work.

It's not easy to find time in the evening to finish "Homeward Bound" with Lin You.

Lin You also had this consideration in postponing some big moves.

Otherwise, the princess of Daxia would have to have a coming-of-age ceremony, but the whole world is discussing new games and new consoles, which would be too embarrassing!

In this way, in the next week, not only Lin You was busy engaged in various tasks, but the entire Yunmeng also slowly "quieted" down.

Except for Ye Xiaohe's live broadcast party, there was no other action.

But the atmosphere of the princess's coming-of-age ceremony became increasingly intense.


Zhu Cixia's coming-of-age ceremony far exceeded her sister Zhu Qinglu's coming-of-age ceremony in terms of specifications.

This is actually something a little abnormal.

Because in recent decades, Daxia has been downplaying the influence of the royal family.

Princesses don’t do any special activities on their birthdays, and only on days of greater significance, such as coming-of-age ceremonies, they do so.

But it was just a small-scale dinner to invite foreign affairs personnel from countries that retained the royal system.

In addition, some relatives who have left the royal family but are still related to each other are invited.

There are very few others.

After all, in Daxia, the royal family does not control real power or resources. Being too close will arouse vague vigilance from the government.

Therefore, there is really no need to make a fuss.

My sister Zhu Qinglu was like this at first. Although the standard of the banquet was not low, and the guests at the banquet also sent blessings and gifts, she herself felt very deserted.

It's not as happy as having supper with your family at night.

As for those blessings, they are no more sincere than those from the media.

Originally, Zhu Cixia's coming-of-age ceremony would not have changed much. At most, it was because of the booming development of the Internet that she could receive more love and blessings from netizens.

But Lin You's appearance completely changed everything.

The specifications of her coming-of-age ceremony were astonishing.

The invitation letters had been sent out as early as the month before, and they were no longer limited to foreign affairs personnel from some countries. Instead, all foreign affairs personnel from countries with consulates in Xia Jing received the invitation letters.

The level of foreign affairs personnel who promised to attend the appointment was also much higher.

In addition to relatives, many of Zhu Cixia's friends will also come, senior government officials from multiple departments have also made time, and some important entrepreneurs in society...

Of course, the standards of the media are also several times higher.

All this is due to two tacit facts——

One: Lin You will definitely appear at the little princess’s coming-of-age ceremony.

Two: Zhu Cixia will soon leave the royal family and become a free man when he becomes an adult.

Then, Yunmeng will welcome a mistress.

In the eyes of netizens who eat melons, there is still some uncertainty about this matter.

After all, Lin You and Zhu Cixia are just in love now, and any accidents may happen in the future.

But no matter in the eyes of America's "Lin You Countermeasure Team" or Daxia's "Lin You Analysis Team", this matter will not be any surprise.

This is not only because they analyzed the characters of Lin You and Zhu Cixia, but also because Daxia officials will maintain their relationship.

It can not only tie up Lin You, a genius who changed the world at such a young age, but also let nature take its course and end Daxia's royal system.

To end the royal system of Daxia in such a non-smoky way, both the royal family and the people of Daxia, as well as other countries in the world that retain the royal system, can calmly accept this matter, and there will be no any dispute.

The best part is: it took absolutely no effort on their part.

By the time they noticed, Lin You and Zhu Cixia were already together.

What else is there to say?

Just give me full support.

It would be best to get married quickly and then have a child to absorb Lin You's temperament.

——Lin You thinks it comes out every time, but it makes big news every time. This is actually a bit scary.

No one can tell whether he will wake up one day and suddenly find that Lin Youwan has blown up the Internet all over the world, or that hundreds of millions of people are trapped in the virtual world and cannot log off, or that he has developed and tested several nuclear bombs on his own - —Or other more terrifying weapons...

This is what everyone can imagine, but there are even more things that everyone can’t imagine!

And when did Lin You do a big job that exceeded everyone's expectations?

So it is better to get married. Once married, you will be stable.

Even if he is still unstable, at least there is someone who can persuade him.

This highlights the benefits of the princess - the princess has received a good education and has extremely upright views.

This ensures that she will not go crazy with Lin You...

If we change someone else and let Lin You marry another Lezi person, and the two Lezi people are superimposed, what will happen is simply unimaginable!

Under this "guiding ideology", the popularity of the little princess's coming-of-age ceremony even surpassed the [Xiaoman] solar term day activities in various places.

When Lin You and Zhu Cixia broadcast "Homeward Bound" live, more and more viewers were discussing this matter in the live broadcast room.

Of course, many people mainly want to ask: Will Lin You hold a coming-of-age ceremony for the little princess in the virtual world, or do some special celebrations?

But Lin You was just concentrating on playing the game and did not answer these questions.

With their serious efforts, they successfully completed the first week of "Homeward Bound" in just four live broadcasts, ending this short live broadcast journey.

The day after the live broadcast ended, Lin You also completed the production of a set of twelve brooches and a realistic robot.

The two robot heads have also been completed.

This made Lin You breathe a sigh of relief, and he lay down early to rest and wait for the banquet the next day.

Unexpectedly, at eleven o'clock in the evening, I suddenly heard footsteps in the living room.

Lin You got up in a daze, put on his headband, opened the bedroom door, and saw Zhu Cixia standing outside the door in confusion.

He pinched himself to make sure it wasn't a dream.

"Why did you come here at this time?" Lin You was puzzled.

Zhu Cixia's tutoring was very strict, and she was always required to go home before 10 pm - it is said that this was given a leniency because of Lin You, which was always 9 pm before.

And as far as he knew, although the banquet only started in the evening, the little princess would be busy in the morning.

Zhu Cixia did not answer immediately. Instead, she glanced at the time and said, "I will be an adult in one hour."

Lin You blinked, a little confused: "Um... I wish you a happy birthday in advance?"


Behind Lin You, Xiao Meng slapped him on the forehead, with words written all over his face that he couldn't bear to look at.

Zhu Cixia shook her head, walked over, took his hand and sat down on the sofa, "Can you wait with me?"

"No problem, but is it okay if you go back too late?"

Zhu Cixia shook her head, "It's okay."

"Okay." Lin You felt relieved, picked up the little princess and put it on his lap, yawned and turned on the TV as background sound.

Then he asked: "How about I call for a cake?"

The little princess leaned against Lin You's chest, shook her head first, then thought of something, raised her head and asked strangely: "Are there any cake shops around here that do midnight delivery?"

She had already figured out the surrounding environment, and there should be no such store.

"I don't know either." Lin You shook his head, then raised his phone, "But I should be able to call him."

A puzzled look appeared on the little princess's face.

The girl on the night shift in the security team suddenly sneezed.

Two in one.

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