Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 14 What is top traffic?

The first person to notice Lin You's video was the person who was really angry that the comment function of his account was blocked.

They searched for Lin You again with a trumpet, intending to scold him severely again.

He was also banned for playing the trumpet, so he has to give out this bad breath!

However, the first post displayed in the search results is not the previous "war declaration video", but a new video.

They naturally clicked on the new video, wanting to see what kind of mess Lin You had made.

Then only a dozen seconds passed, and each of them turned into a look of being struck by lightning, stunned.

"Hold the grass! What the fuck is this! Who can explain to me, what the fuck is this, what the hell is it!"

"My mind is confused and I don't know what to say, but I still suggest you apply for the world heritage first."

"It's already 2030! It hasn't been applied for World Heritage yet!"

"Don't ask me, I don't know anything! I'm already a fool!"

"I can't read it! But I'm shocked!"

"Report to the teacher! I will answer this question! This is 'real, epoch-making, human-computer interaction technology!'"

"I'm an elegant and easy-going person. But you fucking tell me that you can fucking travel in place with a ring on your head. This is also called science?! Bully me because you can't understand magic?!"

I don't know if it's because they are the most spray-prone group of people on the Internet, the first batch of comments are full of a lot of vulgar language.

But soon, passers-by who didn't pay attention to Lin You and NetDragon at first also noticed this video, forwarded it to their friends in surprise, and asked if it was real or fake.

It was as if a hole had been dug in the dam, the traffic began to skyrocket rapidly, and the popularity of the video continued to rise, until finally, it was like a flood breaking the embankment!

Zhang Heying, head of NetDragon's public relations department, was driving home, and received another call.

Not caring too much, he immediately parked the car on the side of the road and opened Lingxi to find Lin You's news.

But - Lingxi died.

The soaring traffic in a very short period of time overwhelmed Lingxi's server.

Lingxi's maintenance team was unprepared for this sudden blow, and the office suddenly became chaotic.

"What's the situation? Which heavenly king or queen got married? Or cheated? Or was caught having an affair? Or passed away unexpectedly?"

"War broke out?"

"It's Lin You who posted a new video! He really made a big news!"

"What big news?"

"Stop talking nonsense! If you delay for a while, the quarterly bonus will be gone! Hurry up and expand the server! Hurry up!"

Three minutes later, the Lingxi server returned to normal.

Lin You's video views, which had stopped at 27 million, started to skyrocket again.

In the Lingxi operation and maintenance office, the supervisor who was staring at the data stood up suddenly and shouted: "Add more! Add more! The increase is too fast! Hurry up! Move! Another year-end bonus will kill you!" All gone!"

Zhang Heying, head of NetDragon's public relations department, finally opened Lin You's new video.

At the beginning of the video, Lin You is sitting on a chair, holding a white headband in his hands. The background is a desk with a computer, and a dynamic screensaver of a desert scenery is displayed on the monitor.

He looked at the camera and didn't say anything excited like in the previous video.

He just calmly picked up the headband, gestured to the camera, put it on his head, and reached out to press the switch.

The next moment, Lin You closed his eyes and lowered his arms, as if he had fallen asleep.

But the focus of the camera suddenly shifted to the monitor, and a person suddenly appeared on the screen saver of the desert scenery.

Then the video turned into a picture-in-picture.

The picture of Lin You sitting on a chair with his eyes closed was placed in the lower left corner, and the picture on the monitor took up most of the video space.

Only then did the audience realize that the desert was not a screen saver at all, but a running program.

Lin You in the desert wore exactly the same clothes as in reality, and finally spoke: "By now, someone should have guessed what I did."

"The heavy and inconvenient helmet, the first to be eliminated."

"An omnidirectional treadmill with a height of 3 meters and a width of 1.5 meters, the second one will be eliminated."

"Analysis equipment that can only simply analyze brainwave signals, the third one will be eliminated."

"Realize the real-time translation of brainwave neural signals and binary electrical signals, enter the virtual world in the state of consciousness, and fully open the limited senses."

He knelt down and picked up a handful of sand in an unhurried manner, and slowly sprinkled it down.

"It can be clearly felt that the fine sand is slowly kneaded into a ball, the tip of the nose is slightly itchy when the wind blows over the face, the calf muscles are tightened one by one when running, and the power is transmitted from the whole body to the forearm when punching, and then converges. From fist to fist, everything is just like reality."

"This is what I said - 'real, epoch-making, human-computer interaction technology'."

"I have a lot of admiration for pro players wearing heavy helmets, holding controllers, and training intensely on omni-directional treadmills for 6 hours a day, but I have to be honest, I think this defeats the purpose of the game. "

"It's time to throw off this heavy shackles and re-experience the purest joy of gaming."

Lin You began to talk while walking towards the sand dunes step by step.

At the same time, with the streamer, a red silk cloak appeared on him, and a mask covered his face.

The sound of wind and music grew louder.

Accompanied by the sound of music, he climbed up the sand dunes and slid down briskly all the way.

The camera cuts, he touches the rune to get the scarf, and the cloak flies up one by one.

The camera cut again, and two people in red cloaks followed the quicksand and slid down the road, passing through stone gates.

From time to time, they flapped their wings and flew up, resonating with each other in the air. Accompanied by the melodious music, under the setting sun is a golden sand sea, which is astonishingly beautiful!

The next moment, the screen went black and the video ended.

Millions of spectators watched this scene dumbfounded.

Too much information flooded in at the same time, and they didn't know which thing to be shocked by, and which thing to be ecstatic about.

But no matter how the ordinary audience reacts, the players have already started to carnival!

They never dreamed that one day they would be able to enter the real virtual world and play virtual games that are completely submerged!

"This is the end?! Where is the release date? Where is the price? Where is the payment link!"

"Isn't it a lifetime?"

"Definitely not! It probably won't take long to play! I haven't seen other people's games are ready!"

"Shut up! Come and take my money!"

"Speaking of which, he is just a college student, right? The tuition fees are earned by working part-time, so it's not because he has no money that he can't produce?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Donate money and let him do it! Whoever dares to stop him from doing it, I will drive a dump truck to find him tomorrow!"

"That's right! Crowdfunding must make it public! If you have any difficulties, you can tell me, and I will help you find netizens to solve it!"

"God find a netizen to solve it! What are you doing by yourself?"

"Sorry, I don't know anything, I only have money."

"... Gan"


For the time being, let's ignore the ordinary netizens who turned against Yingtian, and the gamers who celebrate the Chinese New Year ahead of schedule.

NetDragon's public relations department, from supervisors to interns, one counts as the other, and they all stay where they are, not knowing what to do.

Especially Zhang Heying, the supervisor, is like a mourning concubine.

I didn't even hear the traffic police coming and knocking on the window.

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