Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 202 Create a Star Dog

Before going offline, Lin You and Xiao Meng lit the fireworks on the boat that they bought earlier.

——that is, in the virtual game world, the fireworks are clean and stable, so they dare to do this,

Otherwise, in the real world, who would dare to set off fireworks on a boat?

Such a close distance is basically equivalent to putting it close to the face.

Lin You rested his chin on Xiaomeng's head, watched the fireworks together with Xiaomeng in his arms, felt relaxed physically and mentally, and happily went offline to sleep.


The next morning, Lin You was woken up by a phone call.

Xiaomeng didn't intercept it, which means this call is more important and it's best not to miss it.

So Lin You struggled to grab the phone and picked it up.

"Hello? Lin You?" There was a familiar female voice on the opposite side, "The journal will start in these two days, don't forget! You are the only one who didn't reply to the notifications in the group!"

"Ah! School starts!" Lin You woke up suddenly, "I forgot!"

"You are enough! Even if the school will definitely guarantee your graduation, you can't just report and not report!"

After Lin You woke up, he also realized that the girl on the other end of the phone was Xu Qiuyun, the monitor of the university.

"Okay, I see." Lin You shook his head and hung up the phone.

He is still looking forward to college life, if he can do it all over again, it is still the best college time, so he is definitely willing to experience it again.

It's just a pity that the senior year is already the end of the university, and the students basically start to rush about their future, and there is no free atmosphere of university life for a long time.

Therefore, Lin You did not intend to continue wasting time in college.

But no matter what, when it comes to senior year, it is almost time to graduate, and there is no reason to give up.

In addition, the hard work of the predecessor who climbed from a poor small place to one of the top universities in Daxia is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even for this effort, he couldn't let his hard work go to waste.

So this diploma is still required.

Fortunately, it is already a senior year, and there are only scattered elective courses, and most of the time will be left to the students themselves.

Coupled with the achievements he has made now, he became an "honorary alumnus" early before he graduated, and the school will help him graduate, and even if he wants to, he can directly guarantee the postgraduate study, master and doctoral studies, without any pressure.

It's just that time is precious, and now he starts to feel that time is not enough, so naturally he doesn't plan to continue his studies.

He knows very well that college life is all embellishment. It's good to change your mood when you are free, but it can't be the center.

The construction of the virtual world is the most important thing.

Go to school today to report, talk to the counselor about the situation, and you should be able to skip the school's various tasks and wait for graduation.

As a result, the counselor readily agreed to the request for a long-term leave, but insisted on asking him to give a speech to the freshmen at this year's orientation ceremony to encourage the younger students.

Lin You refused because he talked badly.

Leaving the counselor's office as if fleeing, Lin You walked outside the school, took out his mobile phone, and opened the class group he hadn't paid attention to for a long time.

He intends to ask if there are any classmates who know more about raising dogs, so that he can evaluate whether to raise a dog by himself, or buy a dog and put it in the company, and let Ye Xiaohe take it with him.

The company now has a lot of cats and dogs—of course, cats and cats are the main ones, and there is only one dog. Ye Xiaohe is not too tired to carry it, and even enjoys it a bit.

After the company personnel added, she was a bit busy before, but now she has become very leisurely.

Especially after most employees wear headbands and go to work in the virtual world. She just played with cats and dogs, in her own words, sucking cats with pay, happy!

She is even applying for a special account to post videos of cats and dogs.

In order to pass, I even wrote a feasibility report of more than 7,000 words.

The format is rigorous, the organization is clear, the data is extremely rich, and the successful cases are one after another, very convincing arguments——

Operating a dedicated pet account can establish a very good brand image for Yunmeng. It has a great positive effect on game sales, console sales, and even talent recruitment and cooperation negotiations.

In short, a lot of money.

When Lin You saw the feasibility report, he was deeply impressed by his appearance, and he underestimated this girl who always smiled silly and looked not very smart.

He didn't agree immediately because he was thinking about whether she could adjust the operation plan.

For example: the first celebrity dog ​​that this account operates is a Beagle?

Through this account, the audience watched a cute baby puppy grow up little by little, and their feelings became deeper little by little.

In this way, when "Quick Chase" is ready and officially released, players will be able to meet this dog in the game, which will definitely produce a very good chemical reaction.

Dreams come true! What a wonderful thing!

The more Lin You thought about it, the more feasible he felt, "Since it's raising puppies, why not just call it 'Baby Project'!"

"Does anyone in the group have a dog?" Lin You asked in the group.

The group exploded immediately.

"Ouyo Ouyo! The idol is here! Have you come to school yet?"

"Idol! Please sign me!"

"What kind of name do you sign! Take a group photo! I can't wait for the graduation photo day! Take a group photo!"

"Busy man! It's too difficult to wait for you to show up once! Take this opportunity, we must take a group photo today!"


No wonder they were excited. Although Lin You was already well-known at the playground team building last time, his reputation was a bit pretentious because of his fast take-off. After everyone met, Lin You didn’t change much, so they didn’t have much trouble. real feeling.

But in the past two days since the start of the journal, I don't know how many students have come to ask about Lin You in groups.

This made this feeling come true, and after the playground team building, Lin You made one big event after another, constantly shaking their hearts.

The Mirage host has sold 800,000 units in total, and now it has sold 18 million units, becoming the new king of the game industry in a substantial sense.

Two days ago, the sales of "League of Assassins" reached the top of the world, which made him a hot search again.

Now that Lin You finally showed up again, how could they not be excited?

Lin You looked at everyone's reactions in a daze. He stopped and raised his head, just in time to see the plaque on the gate of Donghua University.

"But, I'm already out of school?"

After saying this, he also took a photo and sent it to the group to prove that what he said was true.

As a result, some students were even more excited:

"Hold still! Give me 5 minutes! I'll be right there!"

"Add me! Add me!"

"I have a dog, wait for me to give you an opportunity!"


Lin You looked at these people speechlessly, and used the "face-to-face teaching opportunity". Is raising a dog something that needs to be kept secret?

But in the face of the enthusiasm of the students, I can't say anything, I can only say: "Slow down and don't panic, I will wait here."

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