Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 249 Lin You Appears

Video still has no sound.

There's no dialogue, no ambient sounds, and no background music.

The compartment was opened, and the staff moved out boxes of equipment, and soon the teachers joined in to help.

The screen switches, the assembler enters the classroom, wears a headband for a special student, and adjusts the detailed parameters.

From the first child's eyes widening suddenly, the background sound of the video suddenly appeared. He looked around incredulously, opened his mouth, but couldn't make a sound.

——Congenital deafness, most of them can't speak.

But now with the help of the auxiliary equipment [Bafang], I can hear the voice again, so learning to speak is not difficult.

Not to mention that there are professional teachers here, and the time to learn to speak will be greatly shortened.

Then the next student, and the next student, and the next student...

As the camera cuts, the same scene happens in one classroom after another.

In the end, all blind and deaf students wore octagonal headbands.

After each student puts on the headband, with a calm and curious expression on his face, he will be instantly filled with surprise and joy.

Children with visual impairment can't help looking around and can't stop at all.

Children with hearing impairment will listen carefully to every small sound and be very focused.

The vivid expressions of the children were full of surprise, but also burst out with the purest joy.

Surrounded by these students, the teachers were already in tears as they watched the students who had been with them day and night regain their sight and hearing one by one.

Everyone who watched the film seemed to feel the happiness of the students through the screen, and a smile appeared on everyone's face.

And seeing the teachers who were crying, they were also infected by that emotion, and their eyes were sore.

In the end, the teacher took the children to the outdoors, and everyone dispersed to use their new senses to re-experience the school they study every day, the classmates and friends they talk to and contact with every day.

Familiar with strange.

But the joy is not discounted in the slightest.

The video ends with things getting lively and animated.

At this point, everyone's little doubts about the technology have almost disappeared - this kind of thing can be verified on the spot, and there is no room for fraud!

All the audience at the scene applauded vigorously, expressing their excitement and admiration.

This is much better than simply showing the equipment on site!

The number of people in the live broadcast room climbed to 300,000 in one go!

The barrage has also become extremely active, and the screen is full of:


"I got a brick in my eye."

"Wow, wow! I'm sorry I'm not educated, I can only say wow, wow!"

"It's different for me, I still talk about cows and cows!"

Of course, there will always be people who don't fit in, especially across the Internet.

Some netizens’ barrage is unique: “Dumb students: international friendly gestures!”


After the video ended, Kong Xinsheng walked up to the stage again.

"What you see is the first stop [of the Journey Project]. This project is committed to going around the country and helping as many students in special education schools as possible."

"For those who are interested, you can follow the [Journey Plan] official account, and we will use this account to disclose information in real time."

"Finally, it's everyone's biggest concern: price."

"Bafang series vision and hearing aid headbands, we have subdivided them into three types: those that can only assist hearing, those that can only assist vision, and those that can assist hearing and vision at the same time."

"The prices of the three devices increase sequentially because of the differences in accessories."

Kong Xinsheng pressed the remote control pen in his hand, and the projection screen switched accordingly.

Three highly similar headbands are lined up, with their respective prices marked below:

Hearing Aid Headband: 6499!

Vision Aid Headband: 6999!

Vision + Hearing Assist Headband: 7499!

The price doesn't look cheap, but to be reasonable, the cost of this thing is not much lower than the cost of a mirage.

Regardless of the small portable processor of this device, the overall performance is much worse than Mirage.

However, once many key components are miniaturized, the production cost will increase a lot.

These three types of headbands are definitely profitable. After all, they need to operate independently and expand production, which requires the prosthetic company to make money.

But if it is said that it can make a lot of money, it is really not as reliable as producing more game consoles.

Kong Xinsheng explained to everyone: "Like Yunmeng's mirage mainframe, as always, the research and development costs have not been calculated into the price at all. And everyone knows that such an epoch-making technology should have its own value!"

"In order to prove our sincerity to everyone, I exhausted all my strength and pulled the boss over."

As soon as Kong Xinsheng said this, the noise level in the scene rose by at least 30 decibels out of thin air, and it was almost full of people's voices.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was also an uproar!

Kong Xinsheng had no choice but to increase his volume: "Next, I invite my boss——Lin You! Come and talk to everyone!"

In front of Lin You, the two reporters were very excited: "We caught a big fish! I didn't expect Lin You to come too! Great news!"

"Yeah! Where Lin You is, there will be big news! He likes to make a fuss! When he comes out, we can take more pictures!"

Lin You got up from his seat and patted the old reporter on the shoulder, "Excuse me, I want to go on stage."

The two reporters subconsciously turned around and looked at Lin You who took off his mask.

The next moment, the eyes of the two reporters widened suddenly, and their mouths opened slightly, but they were unable to speak.

Then they immediately shut their mouths tightly again, their eyes rolled around, obviously falling into uneasy thinking.

In the end, the cheeks at the corners of the mouths of the two twitched, they obviously thought of the words about Lin You behind their backs, and subconsciously backed away slightly.

The old reporter suddenly thought of something, and suddenly stretched out his hand to cover the media pass on his chest, blocking his name and the name of the newspaper.

This action reminded the young reporter, he hastily turned his back to Lin You.

Lin You smiled speechlessly, walked sideways past the two of them, and walked to the stage.

Just kidding, I finally remembered to cover my press card?

Didn't you see that in my breast pocket, the phone camera is facing outward?

Xiaomeng has been acting coquettish and cute in the earphones for a long time, begging Lin You to let her see the reaction of the two of them!

Those few seconds of "face changing" were definitely recorded by Xiaomeng!

Lin You has long been very aware of Xiaomeng's occasional bad taste.

As he was walking on the stage, he was still thinking: I must look for Xiaomeng when I go back, I have to watch the scene just a few more times, it is so interesting!

Looking at Lin You's back, the two reporters made up their minds: they will never talk nonsense in public from now on! It's so dangerous!

Lin You walked onto the stage under the attention of the audience, took the microphone in Kong Xinsheng's hand, patted his arm, and then spoke to the audience.

"First of all, if you don't lose your hearing completely, and you can still hear the sound with the help of an economical hearing aid that costs about 1,000 yuan, then it is not recommended to buy our product. It is completely unnecessary and very uneconomical."

As soon as Lin You came up, he first persuaded some people not to buy it.

"We have no intention of competing with hearing aid manufacturers for users, and we sincerely hope that they can live well."

"Because of our equipment, it is difficult to lower the price to the range of one or two thousand yuan, and many hearing-impaired friends really need products at this price."

"But I can honestly say that this price really doesn't make any money, it's just making friends."

"Because the price is really low, we have a special restriction: when purchasing equipment, please show the disabled certificate issued by Daxia. If there is no certificate, there will be a doctor in our store. Only related physical disabilities will be sold to you at this price."

"This is to ensure that our profit sharing can actually help those most in need."

Lin You said honestly: "Of course, we will not reject ordinary users. If you are only slightly hearing impaired, or just short-sighted, but want to try another device, it is not impossible. Just wait for three months, when the time comes It will be fully open for purchase.”

"In addition, there is a special discount." Lin You completely ignored the audience and reporters who looked questioned, let alone the barrage of question marks that were about to cover the screen in the live broadcast room.

He continued on his own: "When I approached Kong Xinsheng earlier, I offered to give him shares, but he refused. He hoped that I would subsidize all this part of the money to the retired veterans of Daxia who bought prosthetics and auxiliary equipment."

"Well... now in this world, there are not many such fools. So what can I do? I can only agree! And it's not enough to just promise. I'm the boss, and I can't be compared by my subordinates!"

Lin You finally concluded: "So this part of the subsidy will be doubled again!"

As soon as the voice fell, the scene immediately burst into thunderous applause.

In Daxia, the status of soldiers has always been very high, and retired veterans are even more valued.

After all, society has only been in peace for a decade or so.

You don’t have to look too far back, as long as you look up a generation, many relatives and elders in their families are soldiers. Once this measure is introduced, no matter how effective it is, the national favorability will definitely be full!

"This subsidy will include the full range of Journey's prosthetic products!" Lin You continued to add, "Not only the current Bafang series of visual and auditory aids, but also all the prosthetic devices that will be launched in the future!"

The applause that fell slightly because Lin You started to speak, resounded violently again, and many people's hands were clapped red and did not stop.

The applause was like a tidal wave, trying to drown Lin You.

Lin You's reputation on the Internet is not very good, and he left many people with the impression of being "crazy", "small-minded", and "not to be trifled with".

But now, at least at this moment, no one does not think well of him.

And he is widely recognized for one thing: he really keeps his word!

From the farthest example, it is said that NetDragon will be educated with the epoch-making human-computer interaction. Everyone thinks that he is sensationalizing, but he really created a virtual reality device in less than a week!

To those who are close in front of us, they say they want to make brain-controlled prosthetic limbs, and they really do it!

No one doubted the veracity of what he said.

After Lin You finished speaking, he put down the microphone and fled.

Both the audience and the reporters below raised their hands excitedly, wanting to ask some questions.

But Lin You had already handed the microphone to Kong Xinsheng swiftly, stepped off the stage, turned around and planned to leave.

One is because he came to the press conference and the things that need to be done have already been done.

The second is because Xiaomeng has already reminded him in the earphones: In the metropolis battlefield, the situation of the Red Army has gotten a little out of control.

Although listening to what Xiaomeng said, it was more like calling him to go online quickly and watch the excitement together, rather than dealing with troubles...

But watching the excitement is also fun!

Both chapters are 3k+ chapters,

It adds up to the same word count as the previous 3 chapters.

Even if it is 1150, I will work harder in the future!

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