Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 372 Give players all over the world a place to fight!

In the eyes of Qin Songyun, Fan Rui and the others, the battle for the first pass is not even a problem.

Lin You is different. Affected by his identity as a player in the original world, he will subconsciously feel that the first pass is very important.

Especially when it comes to cross-border competition, the importance of the first pass in the hearts of players will increase exponentially.

In Lin You's selfish heart, of course, he hoped that the players in Daxia could win the first pass.

But he doesn't have any idea of ​​cheating to help, and even in the future, he will try his best to ensure fairness.

He believes that only a strong enough competitive environment can grow the highest level of players.

If they really lost—especially when they had a first-mover advantage, Lin You would only feel ashamed for them!

In fact, his first reaction when he heard the news was——

"If you dare to lose, you will die!"

Afterwards, he began to think about another question, which is what this incident reminded him of——

Transnational competition among players, and even historical contradictions.

According to Lin You's production concept, Yunmeng's game players will not divide servers by region.

Instead, with the help of advanced virtual world construction technology, all servers and players' idle computing power are coordinated to form a whole.

In this way, players will not be blocked by the system when they are playing the game.

Because of the special mechanism design of "Quick Chase", the free team formation and random automatic matching system must be unlocked after the first round of customs clearance, and players have not had any intuitive feelings.

But in "Light Yu" and "Paradise", there are already many players from Great Xia who have met overseas players.

Moreover, in the countries within the Daxia cultural circle, Chinese is the second language, so there are almost no barriers to communication, and many people have made friends with foreign netizens.

When the "Quick Chase" player team clears the customs for a week, under the random matching mechanism, many players will also encounter them by accident.

But between players from different countries, apart from making friends, there is also a relationship - competition and confrontation!

If it's just players from Great Xia meeting up with players from other countries, that's fine.

Although there were frictions and conflicts between the suzerain country and the dependent country in history, they all happened hundreds of years ago, and they have completely disappeared in modern times, and there is no direct enmity between them.

But among the neighboring countries, that is another matter...

With the development of a long history, it was a bunch of bullshit, and there are many countries that don't like each other.

Even Izumo and Baekje regard each other as enemies!

If these are matched together, it is easy to fight directly.

And because of such an unexpected reason, the game experience will definitely be very poor if someone dies in the dark!

This still doesn't take into account the situation after leaving the Daxia cultural circle, when there will be more countries, the situation will only become more complicated.

Lin You felt that Yunmeng needed to think about these things in advance and deal with them.

——Of course not trying to find a way to eliminate the hatred and grudge between them.

Such a grand proposition is not something that Yunmeng, a small game company, needs to consider for the time being.

What Lin You really thought about was: Yunmeng needs a place where players from these countries can fight each other!

Yes, not only did Lin You not intend to persuade the fight, but he even wanted to fight hard to make players from these countries fight together!

After all, grievances will not disappear out of thin air. Fighting in the virtual world is definitely better than fighting in the real world.

That's right! Lin You concluded silently in his heart: This is all for world peace! I am such a good person!

As for where to let these players go to fight——

Neither Metropolis nor Night City are obviously inappropriate.

——These two cities are essentially designed for individual battles, at most they are small team battles.

Before the Metropolis held a free day, it was already very chaotic, with too many factors of luck and accidents.

And a game that emphasizes confrontation, fairness, controllability, and strategy cannot be ignored.

Besides, the firepower of these two cities is not strong enough.

Metropolis only has a tank and an armed helicopter, and Night City doesn't even have these. It's too petty! It's not cool enough to fight!

In fact, when Lin You thought of this, the answer was already very obvious——

Yunmeng needs a brand new, large-scale war confrontation game!

As for the choice, in fact, as early as four months ago, after following He Peng to see those heavy firepower weapons, it appeared in his mind——


And thinking about it now, he came up with a new idea - "Hell on Earth".

Or...all of them? !

In Lin You's heart, of course he wanted everything.

However, after the previous precedent that "Minecraft" failed to integrate "Terraria" and "Witch", he had to settle for the next best thing, he felt that he could not make a hasty decision, and still needed to discuss it with everyone.

And it is impossible to copy it completely, because the original version of "Battlefield" does not have the feature of "allowing players to fight against each other on a country-by-country basis".

Of course, the arch fire must be more thorough!

Well, you have to think about how to implement your ideas.

——hope it can land.

After the development of several games, Lin You has also understood: Many times, the ideas at the beginning of game development are not always realized in the end.

Even with Yunmeng's technical prowess, compromises and trade-offs are often required when developing games.

Game production, after all, is to serve the players, and the ultimate goal is always to be fun.

It's not just showing off your technical skills, and it's not just putting question marks in the map infinitely.

Thinking of this, Lin You felt that he should communicate with everyone as soon as possible, so he looked at everyone in the conference room.

"I thought of a new game project." Lin You said again, "This project can be the finale of our gunfight shooting series."

As soon as the words were finished, seeing Fan Rui's mouth suddenly opened wide, Lin You quickly explained: "Of course the sequel is not counted! Don't worry, "John Wick 2" will still be done in the future."

"And it doesn't mean that we won't make shooting games in the future. It's just that after the first stage, our internal core focus will shift to other themes."

Qin Songyun was a little puzzled: "Gunfighting and shooting games have always been the most mainstream and popular themes in the market. The "League of Assassins" and "John Wick" we produced, no matter in terms of sales or player feedback, It has also proved this point, and we can continue to do it, why are we in such a hurry to change the subject matter?"

Lin You looked at Qin Songyun, who was puzzled, and several executives who were a little uneasy, and said calmly, "Everyone, the current situation is very different from what it was a few months ago!"

He leaned back slightly on the back of the chair, and confidently announced: "Whatever we do now is the mainstream! Whatever we sell is the most popular theme!"

"I don't want to be too arrogant, but the fact is: we have already stood at the top of the industry in a real sense!"

“We have enough capital and room for trial and error to open up new fields, create new possibilities, and even—to try challenges that may fail. This is not only our freedom, but also our responsibility.”

"If we, as the company with the strongest technology, the strongest capital, and the best conditions in the game industry, do not have the courage to develop new game themes and create more and more interesting possibilities for players, then what qualifications do we have? Standing in this position?"

After Lin You said a word, several employees present straightened their backs unknowingly, and their faces became solemn.

A few people didn't suddenly realize until now: So their boss still has such a side!

But in the blink of an eye, it felt natural again.

That's right, if Lin You is really like what he usually does, he is lazy all day long and has no ambitions, how could he push Yunmeng to this height in such a short period of time!

Everyone here no longer hesitates, and even wants to start making an unprecedented game right away that will shock the jaws of the whole world!

Even Zhong Chang, a pure migrant worker, was aroused by Lin You with a sense of mission and a feeling of "being in Yunmeng, and being proud".

——Of course, he soon came to his senses again: "I'm not a game designer, I'm so excited!"

Then Zhong Chang relaxed his body, leaned firmly on the back of the chair again, and quietly watched the boss continue to play.

Fortunately, Zhong Chang did not join in, but the others did.

Not to mention a few game designers, even Qiao Nanyu and Ye Xiaohe, two department heads who had little to do with game design, were very supportive.

——Don't say that Ye Xiaohe is not the supervisor, the director of the new media department is also the supervisor!

Even if there are only three human employees and the rest are cats and dogs, pet employees are still employees!

Ye Xiaohe even started to learn Yunmeng's game development software in her spare time, and planned to apply for the development of a game with "Maomao" as the protagonist after she finished her studies.

Originally, she was worried that the boss would disagree with such a non-mainstream topic.

Now that the boss said that, it really touched her heart! Excited like a seal, applauding non-stop.

Lin You even looked sideways.

"Boss, tell me, what subject shall we do next?" Qin Songyun is ready to meet the challenge!

"?" Lin You looked at Qin Songyun strangely, "Didn't I say it? A gunfight!"

"Ah..." Qin Songyun suddenly felt excited too early...

"So, what kind of gunfight game is it?" Fan Rui was calmer.

"It's much simpler than the previous two games." Lin You's introduction was simple and rude: "It is to reproduce a famous battle in history, and then throw the players into it, playing the two sides of the war to fight."

"Ah?" Qin Songyun's first thought was not the content of the game, but the risks behind it: "A real war?"

Fan Rui is also a little uncertain: "No changes or changes, completely authentic reproduction?"

"I understand what you are worried about, and I also know that the war is not long over." Lin You nodded to reassure them.

"So when choosing a battle, we have to avoid the battles in the last 100 years, and try to make sure that it doesn't cause trouble to anyone alive."

"And the reenactment of the battle should be as real as possible—I mean, the single-player story mode must be a true reenactment of the historical battle, which means that it is just for the players to re-experience and learn about history, and there is almost no risk. .”

"As for online confrontation, the outcome is the player's own business. And at that time, tens of millions of battles will occur every day, and the meaning of winning or losing a single battle will be dispelled, and no one will care too much."

"Oh, I mean, in the collective sense, no one will care too much. Players who play too well and lose all the time will still be upset. This is something that can't be helped..."

With Lin You's clarification, everyone's worries dissipated little by little.

Just avoid the controversial ones as much as possible when choosing a campaign.

"Then, do you want to choose the battle that Daxia participated in?" Qin Songyun was a little uncertain.

If he was in NetDragon before, he wouldn't ask this question at all, and would avoid it without saying anything.

But the boss, Lin You, is really special. You often can't figure out how this person's brain grows and what he is thinking.

He was a little uneasy if he didn't ask clearly in advance.

The second update, later...

I am so sorry.

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