Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 445 Overseas mahjong craze!

As if afraid that the player would not understand, the system prompts three sentences, saying [Jurassic Park] three times in a row.

Ah Hu and the friends of the hunting group are not people who like to be famous and lively, so naturally they didn't start the live broadcast. Now, only the three of them saw this scene.

Ah Hu had a rare feeling: Shouldn't it be a live broadcast, and the pictures here should be broadcast, so that netizens can see what's new?

But after thinking about the troublesomeness of this matter, Ah Hu shook his head and gave up.

Withdrawing his sight, he began to observe the Mamenchisaurus on the ground again.

Especially staring at the claws and teeth of the dinosaur.

He felt that Yunmeng did a good job in this: after the prey on Dinosaur Island was successfully hunted, it would not disappear immediately, but followed the rule of "no interaction for 24 hours".

This leaves plenty of time for players to save their loot.

Interested players even tried the taste of grilled dinosaur meat.

But the taste of this stuff made everyone a little confused.

It's not that it's not delicious - the taste is still okay, the problem is... too familiar.

I feel that most of it is the taste of roast chicken, with some deviations, but not too much.

There are only a few, which are beef and venison.

It's not too fresh anyway...

——Of course it's not fresh, how does Lin You know what dinosaur meat tastes like? He hasn't eaten yet!

Besides, he didn't make dinosaurs for players to eat. This is "Jurassic Park", not "Gourmet Hunter"!

So Lin You didn't spend much time on the taste, and simply decided on the taste based on some guesses from popular science articles.

Even so, there are some ingenious players who plan to taste all the flavors of dinosaur meat.

In the Dinosaur Island section of the Whirlpool Forum, there was even a post dedicated to summarizing the taste of dinosaur meat.

——Of course, after today, this section is likely to change its name.

Ah Hu looked at his prey, thinking that with his own knowledge, no matter if he left claws or teeth, he would not be able to recognize its body without a text label.

After thinking about it, I think it's better to forget it, and I can take a picture together.

Calling on their teammates, the three of them stood in front of the huge 22-meter-long dinosaur. The background was the huge gate of [Jurassic Park], and the angle of view was zoomed out.


The group photo is complete.

Ah Hu has already made up his mind that this photo should not only be hung in the house in his login space, but also on the wall in his reality.

This scene is really good!

After that, Ahu was forced to drag his teammates into the park.

Just as he entered the gate, he was stopped by security guards who appeared from nowhere.

"Sorry, Jurassic Park hasn't opened yet, please stop."

"Then when will you open the park?" Ah Hu didn't give up.

"Please wait patiently for the park's announcement on the specific opening time." The security guard was expressionless.

"Oh, that's it." Ah Hu turned around and planned to leave.

Although he is so fierce in the game, in reality he is not good at communicating with people at all, and he is even a bit introverted.

But his teammate became a little fierce, staring at the security guard blankly and said, "Then what if I have to go in?"

As soon as the words fell, the two security guards pulled out their guns.

It's just that although they are fast, Ah Hu's teammate is even faster, shouting: "Look at the trick!!!!"

The [Dinosaur Treasure] in his hand immediately emitted a bright light.

The next moment, there was a plop, plop, and the five fell to the ground almost in no particular order...

Firing the [shock bomb] bullet at close range, coupled with that unreserved roar, the power is a bit more than expected...

To make matters worse, there was too much movement, and three security guards immediately appeared in the park, and they shot without saying a word!




One person, one shot, and go back home together.

After the nearest supply point was revived, Ah Hu looked at his teammates speechlessly.

"Damn it! I miscalculated." The teammate was still unwilling, "We can't just forget it!"

While talking, teammates opened the forum and started posting.

Aren't you crowded?


See who shakes more people!

Soon, a new post popped up on the Vortex Forum——

"The biggest secret of Dinosaur Island - Jurassic Park! Super beautiful, come and play!"

What opening time, what security is not allowed to enter, didn't mention a word, just put photos and location and started to pull people.

Ah Hu couldn't help sighing deeply, feeling that he couldn't even think about hunting peacefully tonight.


While Ah Hu couldn't help sighing, Chizuru Nishino was laughing loudly.

Just now, Izumo's virtual reality game player circle held an internal mahjong competition.

There are many mahjong masters in it, but she has passed the test all the way, and there is almost no one-on-one enemy.

He even defeated a [Chest Master] from the [Izumo Professional Mahjong League]!

He's not just an ordinary [Taishi], he was a well-known player who made a big splash in the oldest title match in the Izumo mahjong session last year - [War of the Throne], and went directly to the semi-finals!

Although he failed to win the "throne" in the end, he was almost one of the 16 strongest players in the Izumo Mahjong session last year!

This is certainly not because Chizuru Nishino is a mahjong genius girl.

——If she really had this level, she would have gone professional by herself long ago!

The fundamental reason is: the mahjong competition held by Yunmeng, of course, adopts the mahjong rules of Daxia.

As we all know, Daxia is too big!

So that there are so many mahjong with various local rules, even a city and neighboring cities may adopt different mahjong rules.

So Yunmeng directly adopted the rules of the national standard mahjong.

This rule is quite different from the local mahjong rules that many players are familiar with, let alone Yun's mahjong rules.

After changing some rules, everyone needs to adapt. This is the same for Daxia players and Izumo players.

Chizuru is a bit special: she didn't know how to play mahjong before, and she wasn't interested at all.

She has studied hard since she was a child, and she has only thought about going to Daxia to see it. Naturally, she has no time to learn mahjong.

The final result did not disappoint her efforts: After years of hard work, she finally got her wish and successfully got the opportunity to study abroad in Daxia.


Learned national standard mahjong in the dormitory...

At that time, she never imagined that one day she would be in Izumo, relying on the national standard mahjong, to kill the Quartet!

How could she not laugh out loud at such outrageous things? !

Qianhe knew very well that after the professional player got used to the rules, he would most likely be able to kill her instantly.


Chizuru is leaving!

Don't play the second round with him!

Even from now on, Qianhe will pay attention to the career of this professional player.

And more than anyone else, I expect him to achieve good results! It's best to win all the "title battle" champions and have a grand slam!

"Hahaha!" Qianhe smiled and ran away with an unladylike smile.

This calm professional player was left behind to review and summarize seriously.

Why would a professional mahjong player from Izumo come to participate in a mahjong event in a game that even has different rules?

Let's put it this way, Izumo is a top Mahjong league tournament.

After defeating countless professional players, the championship prize, which is converted into the currency of Great Xia, is about 300,000.

How much did Lin swim out?

Champion 4 million! The runner-up is 2 million! The third place is 1 million!

Such extra money, who wouldn't want it?

Even if you are discerning enough, you can naturally think: Is this really just a one-time extra money?

Or is it just the beginning? Will there be greater opportunities waiting in the future?

The energy I put in now is completely insignificant compared to the possible gains!

In contrast, those weak voices of opposition on the Izumo network, such as "this is an invasion of the Izumo Mahjong rules", "should not participate in this kind of event"... can be regarded as farting.

There was no splash at all.

And playing mahjong is not just a habit of Daxia and Izumo.

In fact, there are more or less groups playing mahjong in Southeast Asian countries.

It's just because of different regions and national conditions, how many players are playing, and the rules have changed accordingly.

This time, the mahjong competition that Lin You is going to hold will last two full weeks just for the audition stage.

The reason is to wait for the mirage mainframes in Southeast Asian countries to start to distribute goods on a large scale, so that everyone who can participate will participate!

The best situation is - to directly unify the mahjong rules of Southeast Asian countries!

No matter what rules you played in the past, since you are all here to participate in the virtual world, then follow mine!

This competition is held by Yunmeng every year, and 10 to 20 million is distributed every year, so just ask you if you want it!

As long as the most critical top-level competition is supported and the number of players participating is enough, there is no need for Yunmeng to spend too much money on his own.

Enterprises willing to spend money to sponsor or even organize their own events to promote their own brands should not be too many!

This is a cross-border publicity opportunity.

In contrast, the rules of Fighting Landlords are very uniform, but the scale overseas is far inferior to Mahjong.

So much so that on the overseas Internet, the Landlords competition is only viewed as an interesting event.

The mahjong game has already set off a craze.

It is foreseeable-although it is a bit outrageous to say, the mahjong competition is likely to become Yunmeng's first truly large-scale multinational game event!

Shen Ping has already prepared for a rainy day, and intends to ask if the hotel he booked last time has foreign-related qualifications...

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