Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 512 Come and kowtow to apologize!

Posting a video at this time is definitely not Super Tomato's original intention.

Before eating at noon, he finished the final modification of the video, and then uploaded the video, but it was rare-he was stuck for review.

I don't know if the content of [Village Breeding Machine] is a bit sensitive, but the video failed to pass the review until he boarded the airship.

As a result, it was postponed until now, and it was finally successfully released. It almost collided with the promotional video of "Battlefield", and the attention of passers-by was greatly reduced.

If it was a video posted by a small up, it might be buried.

But with the foundation of Super Tomato's tens of millions of fans, it wouldn't be so unlucky.

At most, some fans will not click on it at the first time, but will join in the fun and discuss "Battlefield" before watching this video.

Fortunately, there are quite a few fans who are obsessed with "Minecraft". They are looking forward to this video!

Since the total number of users of Yunmeng has exceeded 100 million, it has become more and more difficult for 80 to 90% of the players to do one thing at the same time - the diversion of players is inevitable.

Just like a while ago, when "Hunter: Call of the Wild" was just released, nearly tens of millions of players were still playing the new season of "Light Yu" [Empty Island Season] calmly, completely indifferent to the release of "Hunter".

Their loyalty to the game is astonishingly high.

This massive [Sky Player Gathering], the number of participants will exceed 20 million.

It seems exaggerated, but compared to the total number of users of Yunmeng, it is actually not too many, and even almost failed to reach 10%.

The current number of online players in "My World" is much lower than this, but it is still at the tens of millions level. With the fame and reputation of Super Tomato, when the players of [World No. 6] click on the video, the screen There are already dense barrages on the Internet.

At the beginning of the video, Super Tomato stands in "Minecraft", looking at the surrounding environment curiously, and then knocks on wood and mines.

The voice sounded, but it wasn't the Super Tomato speaking on the screen, but his own dubbing.

"Hi everyone, I'm Super Tomato!"

"This video is in my hands and I have been holding it in for a long time. I wanted to post it last week for everyone to see."

"But Yunmeng doesn't allow it! I don't think it's possible. Your boss and I are good brothers. Can you open the door for me?"

"So I chatted with Lin You privately, and got this reply——"

On the screen, Super Tomato posted a screenshot of a private chat with Lin You.

Lin You's reply was simple and rude——


"Okay, then bear with it," Super Tomato resolutely gave up, "and then wait until now. But it's okay, it's not too late."

"That's enough nonsense, let's get to the point!"

""My World", the potential of this game is really beyond ordinary people's imagination, at least beyond my imagination."

"I have a lot of evidence that can be used to prove this conclusion: the game's mechanism, special blocks, and the combination of mechanisms and blocks have endless possibilities."

"I didn't want to spoil too much, and I hope you can explore it slowly and discover the fun. But in order to prove my conclusion and give you some inspiration, I decided to take [water] and some special structures as examples to give Let's show something interesting."

"Everyone must have been in contact with the water in the game world, but it is likely that the thoughts were bound by the experience in reality, so that they failed to discover its additional usage, such as——"

In the picture, Super Tomato jumped from a height, splashed a bucket of water on the ground before landing, and then landed steadily without any damage.

"[Falling water], simple and effective fall prevention techniques."

"Another example--"

Super Tomato stood at the foot of a cliff and poured a bucket of water four squares above his head.

The water naturally flows down the edge of the rock, while Super Tomato swims up the cliff along the vertical flow of water against the current.

Then continue to repeat this operation, all the way from the bottom of the cliff to the top.

“[Water elevator], simple and easy to use mountain climbing technique.”

When we got here, the barrage of "???" from the audience almost covered the entire screen.

But Super Tomatoes haven't stopped at all.


On the screen, Super Tomato dug a two-square-wide canal on the ground, and then poured two buckets of water into the two squares at the edge.

After that, it became a water source, and water flowed out continuously along the canal.

"[Creating water sources], whether it's getting water or transporting items, is very useful."


He opened up a 9*9 piece of land on the ground, then dug a hole in the center, and poured a block of water into it.

After that, the whole land was turned into farmland.

"[Create arable land]."

"By the way, although this method is simple, as long as you use the technique of the previous canal, you can create a larger farmland."

While talking, the Super Tomato on the screen demonstrated to the audience.

"Take the water source as the center, create 7 grids on the left and right horizontally, plus the water source, a total of 15 canals. Calculated according to each 9*9, the water extending to both sides can irrigate 192 pieces of cultivated land."

"It's not over yet, there is [Cross Irrigation Method], which can irrigate a full 304 grids at the same time!"

"And, it's not too convenient for farming and harvesting, but it's mathematically feasible [348 grid perfect irrigation method]!"

"Of course, I originally calculated this method on paper. But after testing it myself, I found that it is completely feasible! This fully shows that the mechanism of the game is actually very perfect, and we just need to explore its potential by ourselves!"

With the increasingly outrageous farmland on the screen, the audience's barrage is becoming less and less calm:


"Can it still be like this?"

""Other World"!"


But even so, regarding the content of "water", Super Tomatoes still haven't played enough——

"The next thing is, everyone knows the mechanism: there is a breathing bar underwater, and if it exceeds the time, it will suffocate to death.

So, how to get oxygen?

A simple way is: use an empty bucket to fill the water in front of you into the bucket, so that there will be an extra space in the front, and the oxygen can be filled directly. As long as you keep scooping and pouring water, you can always get oxygen!

Using this mechanism, there are actually many ways to obtain oxygen underwater, so I won’t go into details here. "

"Look, just about [water], so many possibilities can be found within a week. It is conceivable that there must be countless things worth researching and discovering in combination with other items and game mechanics. .

It's just that it takes time, and it requires everyone's joint efforts. One or two people are definitely not enough!

Just saying this, you may not have any strong feelings. But it doesn't matter, I will build some special 'machines' next, so that everyone can feel the infinite potential of special mechanisms! "

"First of all - [Brushing machine]!

Using the mechanism that the villagers will call iron puppets to protect them when they are threatened by monsters, coupled with the water mechanism and magma damage, the refreshed iron puppets can be continuously burned to death, turned into iron blocks and collected in wooden boxes.

Although the villagers will be a little bit sad, this is a perpetual motion machine! "

"What if the villagers are not enough?"

"Simple! [Villager Breeding Machine]——

The reproductive mechanism of villagers is actually not complicated. As long as the number of nearby [beds] is more than the number of [villagers], and [villagers] can eat enough, then the breeding conditions are met.

The next thing is simple: first build a cross-shaped three-story glass structure, and then put steps, half-bricks, beds, trapdoors and carpets on the glass top.

Finally, put a fence on the hollow square for the villagers to settle down, and the [Village Breeder] is complete!

Surrounded by four beds, two adult villagers stick closely together in a space for breeding.

Once the village cubs are born, because the cubs are small, they will fall from the gap between the steps and the blocks, and be locked in the middle of the glass pillar below.

Of course, considering the mechanism that villagers must be less than beds, we also need to do some trimming on the bottom, such as flushing villager cubs out with running water and collecting them in a device away from the breeding machine.

It's not that hard, right? "

"As a result, the villager and the villager's aunt can huddle together to give birth 24 hours a day in the open air. What a blessing this is!"

"Of course, manual feeding is required here, and it is still a bit unintelligent. We can continue to upgrade, such as... like this!"

In the video, Super Tomato began to demonstrate how to upgrade the [Villager Breeding Machine], how to use it efficiently, and even join the cycle replacement mechanism of the breeding machine after the villagers' cubs grow up...


In the barrage of "split", "beef", "torture", and "terrible", Super Tomato upgraded the [Village Breeder] step by step.

Later, in order to make efficient use of the bred villagers, it also showed the [Village Discount Machine] that allows villagers to be bitten by zombies and then rescued, and then bitten and rescued to obtain high discounts on commodities.

Compared with these inappropriate "machines", the [Infinite Magma] made of stalactites and the [Flower Machine] made of pistons are much more harmonious.

The [Infinite Magma] device is a continuation of the "flow" mechanism of water, and continues to explore the possibility of this mechanism.

The [Flower Brush] is a device used to draw out [Redstone].

Using pistons, redstones, pull rods, repeaters, bone meal, launchers and other devices to build the [flower brushing machine], obviously confused many viewers.

Compared with the previous machines, the principle is simple and clear, and you can understand it at a glance, but this device is much more complicated.

Super Tomatoes also expected this, which is why he put this device at the end-

"About [Redstone], the introduction of the game system is very simple, but I have no doubt that its potential is the biggest among all the items in "Minecraft"!"

"Imagine that we can build circuits and transmit signals in the game world, how many things can we do?"

"It's just a pity that I don't have an engineering background, and my understanding of circuits is very thin. It is quite difficult to study redstone circuits, and it is difficult to find any ideas."

"So I am very much looking forward to it. Some circuit masters will come to develop this kind of gameplay, and it will open everyone's horizons!"

"At the end of the day, here's a preview of the content of the next video—[Recreate Fengtian Temple in the virtual world!]"

"Stay tuned!"

"Then this is the end of this video, thank you for watching!"


The Super Tomatoes video, even as he tries to control it, is a full 23 minutes long.

Fortunately, the content is rich and interesting enough, so that after reading it, not only do players not feel that it is lengthy, but they feel that they have not seen enough.

At the end of the video, the barrage is almost all "I haven't seen enough!" "More!" "You are too short!"

Some "Minecraft" players, after watching the video, began to pull back the progress bar, repeatedly looked back at the previous special device, and planned to copy one by themselves.

The comment section of the video also quickly became lively.

Players' comments can be mainly divided into three categories:

"Super tomato awesome!"

"Tips not in the video!"

as well as--

"What about the media who said the game was sloppy? Why don't you come here and kowtow to apologize?!"

Thanks to the book friend tail number 38294 for the reward.

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