Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 533 Redstone, core technology!

The news Xiaomeng gave was real-time. Just before she said it, a team had just lowered the Ender Dragon's HP to 10%.

The magic is that this team is not any team in the live broadcast, but college students from the same department.

What's even more outrageous is that these 38 people are the only 38 boys in their entire department.

The outrageous point of this incident is not that there are few boys. After all, the ratio of men to women is even more exaggerated than this, and it can be found everywhere in many colleges, especially in specific majors.

The really outrageous thing is: these 38 people, in order to achieve the current results, adopted the Da Vinci sleep method to fight against the anti-addiction system, relying on their super ability to stay up late, they fought fiercely with the Ender Dragon for almost a day and a night.

What does this mean?

——meaning that for the whole day on Tuesday, no boys showed up in all the courses of their majors.

not a single one.

This is too eye-catching!

Counselors have already rushed to their dormitories.

As a result, when Xiaomeng finished posting the announcement and went to see the team she had high hopes for, she found that none of the 38 people were left, and all of them were offline.

Xiaomeng tapped her head in confusion, looked at the owner who had quickly fallen asleep on the bed, thought for a while and still didn't disturb Lin You, but ran to the comment area to watch the excitement.

Xiaomeng posted the news directly using Lin You's personal account, so the content of the announcement is not very serious——

"It's a great honor that the Ender Dragon boss battle has aroused a wide range of players' enthusiasm for the challenge.

In order to encourage players to be brave enough to challenge, we will provide an additional reward for the top 10 teams in the world that defeat the Ender Dragon——

Open the mod production permission in advance!

The original intention of the birth of the game "My World" is to give players greater freedom, so that everyone can freely create the world they like.

For this reason, we split the whole world into simple cubes, just to make this process simple enough for everyone to get started.

But at the same time, we are also aware that while simplifying the difficulty, it is inevitable that some players are restricted from showing their creativity due to the lack of materials and rules.

And that was never our intention.

In order to make up for this shortcoming, the module production function came into being!

This is a creation system based on the "Minecraft" game body, but it is more complex and freer than the game body, which can give the game more possibilities and meet the personalized needs of players more deeply.

Custom blocks, custom monsters, custom props, and even custom stories and gameplay.

All rights will be returned to you.

Players who didn't participate in the challenge don't need to worry, the relevant permissions will be fully opened a week after the Ender Dragon is defeated.

I wish every player have fun playing! "

Below this announcement, the focus of discussion among the players is temporarily still surrounding the fiery battle for the first kill.

The main reason is the term "mod production", which doesn't sound like it's for ordinary players, not to mention that it is specifically stated in the announcement-this function is "more complicated" than the game itself.

Many players who started playing games because of Yunmeng, have never even heard of mod making, and are still asking questions in the comment area at a loss.

Even old players, many of them only heard of their names and hadn't really had much contact with them.

Prior to this, there were not many game companies in China that had produced games with open module permissions, and they themselves lacked the soil in this regard.

But now, it doesn't really matter.

Anyway, from the traditional MOD production to the MOD production of virtual reality games, although it is not necessary to start from scratch, the required learning cost will not be greatly reduced.

It is almost equal to the same starting line that players all over the world have been pulled back to.

Of course, Lin You's attention is here, and there will be no discussion about modules.

Some players with big brain holes were inspired by the series of "customization" in the announcement, and they are also excitedly imagining the possibility:

"I don't know how difficult it is to make. If it's not too big, make a war MOD and add planes, cannons, and submachine guns. Wouldn't it be possible to play "Battlefield" in advance?"

"It makes sense! What era is it, and you still rely on game companies? Do what you want to play yourself!"

"By the way, if you can do something as exaggerated as customizing the rules, then it must not be difficult to customize clothing? Can you have sexy underwear?"

"Naturist Beach?"

"Harem village?"

"It's small! The layout is small! Super Tomato has been building a palace. Isn't this a ready-made harem? Could it be that he got the news a long time ago and started the layout in advance? Didn't he keep saying that he has Lin You's contact information? "


"By the way, can I add a serious mating module? I saw calves, lambs, chickens, and little villagers popping out of the air with a 'pop'. Babies?"

"Are you doing it for the integrity of the game? I'm too lazy to expose you! It's not because I'm really lazy, but because I really want..."

"If you have to say that, shouldn't the right to take off your pants be returned to the player?"


In the comment area, the topic was distorted at the speed of light, and quickly rushed towards the direction of "Human Wonderful XP Award".

Xiaomeng had to consider whether to delete some comments.

However, the thoughts of players in the comment area are originally a collection of opinions on the openness of module permissions, and deleting comments is against the original intention.

Besides, Xiaomeng is also very clear that most of the people here are just joining in the fun and chatting nonsense, not really having a meeting of sex fanatics.

In the end, she decided to just pretend she didn't see it, and wait until the master woke up.

On the other hand, this announcement has also attracted the attention of many industry workers.

In the eyes of players, this is just a new way of playing, but in the eyes of practitioners, it will not be treated so simply.

After all, no one can tell whether this will be another game development trend.

Just like when Lin You produced "Journeyman" and "Light Yu" consecutively, he almost completely revitalized the casual game market.

Since November, countless casual games that have followed suit or have unique ideas have been released, and most of them have achieved very impressive results.

In the future, developers no longer have to roll their heads on the shooting game track, but have an extra road that looks like a small road, but in fact there are thousands of forked roads to follow.

"Casual game" is not like "shooting game". It is not a simple game classification, but a game concept, a mine that allows countless small and medium-sized game development companies to mine for decades.

Will "opening up MOD permissions to players" be another outlet, another trend?

It's just an announcement, and many game developers have already actively started to think: Should they also leave room for MOD production in their next game projects?

This is the current influence of Yunmeng—more precisely, Lin You—on the Daxia game industry.


This is true for the spectators on the outside, but the players who are being wiped out again and again on the floating island in the end and restarting the battle again and again are naturally unavoidable, and their desire to win is even stronger!

Although many people don't know exactly what and how to use the module for a while, but that's not important.

No one else has it, but I have it.

This is very important.

Many teams were kicked offline last night by the anti-addiction system, took temporary sick leave for the company, set the alarm clock and fell asleep.

I didn't go online again until I had enough sleep for 8 hours and got rid of my anti-addiction.

After starting the battle this time, many teams clearly felt that compared to the battle before going offline last night, the difficulty suddenly decreased significantly.

——In fact, the difficulty has not changed. It is because they are fully familiar with the mechanism and style of play yesterday. Now they are full of energy, their concentration is greatly improved, their reactions are faster, and they make fewer mistakes.

The effect may not be obvious for one person, but when the whole team is like this, the effect is very obvious!

In the prelude stage, not only is there no longer any difficulty, but even started to do flower work——

They no longer fight one by one in a step-by-step manner, but build defenses before starting the battle, then destroy multiple crystals in one go, and then use the defenses and traps to quickly clear the one or two hundred Endermen spawned.

In this way, it only takes three or four rounds to end the prelude stage and enter the formal battle.

The strongest team in this area is currently the Super Tomato team. They can destroy 5 crystals at a time, and then destroy the remaining 5 in the second round, and get all the crystals in two rounds.

In this way, the next two stages, especially the troublesome hurricane environment, were directly skipped!

The number of their teams has been reduced: some people can't keep up with energy, some people just join in the fun, and some people feel that they will only add to the chaos... In short, today, the original team of 135 people has only 52 people left. .

This is still much more than most land reclamation teams.

In order to make up for this weakness, Super Tomato invited a super powerful foreign aid - a redstone boss.

The boss spent half an hour studying the combat mechanism of the Ender Dragon, and another hour designing the battle venue in creative mode.

Finally, after entering the end, under the protection of everyone, it took half an hour to set up the battle field.

After the battle, the boss stayed underground with four levers in front of him.

When needed, a lever is pulled down, rumbling and smashing a large group of endermen.

After the blast is over, pull the lever back, and you can isolate the explosives and the BOSS, so as not to blow up the BOSS, and enter the next stage in advance.

When others are fighting BOSS in the middle, he can also lead a few people to climb up a few squares to replenish beds or TNT cubes.

——The underground is a good place, as long as you drill deep enough, you can avoid [Death Rolling] and [Dragon's Breath] damage.

The only problem is that if you drill too deep, when the Ender Dragon starts to amplify the [Great Earthquake], it will be too late to run away, and it will be directly shaken to death underground.

This is another test of combat rhythm and team execution.

How to cleverly use explosives such as beds and TNT explosives to quickly clear mobs and obstacles without blowing up dragons, which will increase the difficulty of jumping stages, is already a key skill to improve the efficiency of land reclamation.

And the Redstone masters who can use redstone technology to construct "automated" buildings are naturally the core talents without a doubt!

But the time for Redstone technology to be available is too short—less than a week, such a bigwig has not really come to the fore, and now most of them are only known to friends and acquaintances.

As a result, many teams don't even know the game can be played like this.

It wasn't until seeing the team of Super Tomatoes that even the battle mode began to change due to the addition of a redstone boss, and the difficulty was significantly reduced, that everyone really realized——

Redstone is likely to be the winner of this battle for the first kill!


All teams are hungry for talent!

All of a sudden, everyone longed for the big redstone, but they couldn't get the big redstone.

For this reason, many teams began to offer rewards in live broadcast rooms and social networks, and paid to invite Redstone bosses to join the team temporarily.

The price was even quickly pushed up to an outrageous level of 100,000 a day!

——Because the bed, the TNT block, and the ender dragon will all destroy the mechanism structure, the redstone boss can't just build the building and leave. He must participate in the whole process and repair and change at any time.

This limitation has significantly pushed up the price.

Chasing the wind is to post publicly, looking for redstone masters who are willing to work part-time, and join their team.

As for remuneration?

30,000 yuan.

But every hour!

If you successfully get the number one in the world, no matter how much you gave before, you will double it!

Thank you Tang Poetry Yiyang Five Hundred Awards!

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