It wasn't until 8 o'clock in the evening that the netizens who had been busy all day finally waited for an official announcement with white letters on a blue background——

"On November 27, 2030, at 8:45 a.m., our command center received an important tip:

NetDragon Game Technology Co., Ltd. has stolen important technologies related to national security, and the evidence is clear and reliable.

Our bureau immediately organized a team to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the units involved, and arrested Zhao Moumou (male, 29 years old), Wu Moumou (male, 38 years old), and Qian Moumou (male, 47 years old) three main suspects people, and 67 related persons involved.

After preliminary investigation and interrogation, the facts of the crime were clear and clear, and the suspect also confessed to the facts of the crime.

At present, the suspect has been detained in accordance with the law, and the case is being further processed.

Xia Jing National Security Bureau

November 27, 2030』


The dust has settled!

Although the case is not over yet, there are still more investigations, more inquiries, more non-disclosure agreements, and after that, there will be defense by lawyers, trial of the perpetrators, and so on.

Not to mention the future path of NetDragon and where will the large number of remaining employees go.

The follow-up effects are bound to last for a long time.

But for netizens, seeing this announcement is tantamount to closing the coffin.

Zhao Yucheng, the boss of NetDragon, is very likely to go to prison for 10 years for the crime of "endangering national security".

The other two main prisoners are also very likely to be sentenced to 5 to 10 years.

——This is the legal knowledge that countless lawyers came out as soon as the announcement came out, citing relevant legal provisions to popularize legal knowledge for netizens who eat melons.

At this point, Wanglong has been completely nailed to the pillar of shame, and he will never try to stand up again.

Yes, not Zhao Yucheng personally, but the entire NetDragon!

After all, this is not a commercial crime. It is not that the boss of the company climbed over the wall and entered the rival company's factory to secretly take pictures of the production line...

This is officially determined to be "endangering national security"!

Its severity is not at the same level as commercial crimes!

Netizens did not realize that NetDragon was not an ordinary commercial crime until this moment.

It was almost visible to the naked eye, and the scolding on the Internet immediately went up a few more steps.

By the way, everyone began to analyze some of the contents of the announcement.

Was the "important informant" mentioned in the announcement provided by Lin You? Is he the informant?

Otherwise, why would he appear on the scene directly?

Thinking about NetDragon's stealing of technology, and Lin You's presence, then the answer is simply obvious——

NetDragon stole Yunmeng's virtual reality technology, but was caught by Lin You, so Lin You took the special police and went directly to NetDragon to block the door and ransack the house!

How domineering!

To say that the only thing everyone didn't expect is that virtual reality technology actually involves national security.

But no one questioned this, as long as you think about it for a while, you feel that it should be so.


The NSA moved very quickly.

Early the next morning, the isolation cordon at NetDragon headquarters was dismantled, and employees were no longer restricted from going to work.

Although NetDragon's building is about to collapse, it has not collapsed after all. It is impossible for such a large-scale company to fall down and disperse in one day. The panicked employees still came to work on time.

The same is true for Zhang Heying.

It's just that he didn't expect that the headquarters of NetDragon was surrounded again!

But this time around, it was no longer the relevant departments, but - netizens and players.

Not players in a broad sense, but NetDragon's own shrinking player base.

The reason why it can be confirmed at a glance is that at the front entrance of NetDragon, there are a full six [Flying Dragon Three Generations] VR devices lined up.

The expensive equipment that was once sold for 70,000 to 80,000 units was randomly placed on the asphalt road by the owners at this time.

"What is this for?"

Unlike many other employees, they rushed into the company as soon as they saw this scene, and even put on hats and masks, for fear of being photographed by the mobile phones at the door.

As expected of a public relations officer, Zhang Heying not only didn't run away, but walked over bravely and asked them what they were going to do.

A big brother cast a disdainful glance at Zhang Heying, and said, "The live broadcast smashed the equipment!"

"..." Zhang Heying's eyes widened, shocked: "As for?"

"Too much!" The eldest brother gritted his teeth angrily, "Today I will draw a line with Wanglong!"

Zhang Heying swallowed, suddenly feeling parched.

The professionalism of a public relations worker told him: This is a sign of the complete collapse of NetDragon's word of mouth, and it is a sign of doom, and something must be done as soon as possible.

But another voice told him: "Stop struggling, give up, and find another home as soon as possible."

Just as he was hesitating for a moment, the doorway had become more lively, and even the banners were pulled up——

[RNM, refund your money! ]

Looking at the densely packed mobile phones and tripods, Zhang Heying dared to bet: everything that happened here was being broadcast live in real time.

This made him finally give up the idea of ​​​​intervening and turn around to enter the company.

In the company, unsurprisingly, people's hearts fluttered.

Everyone is on the computer, but the keyboard and mouse are untouched, and the mobile phone in the hand is buzzing.

All this gave Zhang Heying a strong sense of the end of the road.

Even if someone in the group is saying "the old chairman is back", it can't dilute this feeling in the slightest.

Looking out of the window, the three-generation Feilong three-generation VR equipment, which has become 8 sets, was smashed by the owner with a hammer amidst the enthusiastic applause and applause of the crowd, and the parts flew and scattered all over the place.

The muffled sound of "哐" and "哐" sounded in his ears, sounding the death knell for Net Dragon.

This gave him an extremely strong intuition: Net Dragon, it's over.

And it will be over very fast!


The gathering of players at the gate of NetDragon created a whole morning of fun for netizens.

Especially the scene of smashing the VR host and supporting equipment with one hammer and one hammer made them shout "Brother is awesome!"

No matter how much the price of this second-hand thing drops, it can still be sold for seven or eight thousand if it is listed now.

In the end, without saying a word, this group of people smashed it!

And it wasn't 8 units. Someone rushed to the scene one after another with the equipment, and smashed a total of 13 Feilong IIIs in the morning!

The atmosphere at the scene, from the righteous indignation "crusade against Net Dragon" at the beginning, has completely turned into an outdoor party later.

The number of people gathered more and more, so that the security guards of the science and technology park were also dispatched. After they came to the scene, they did not drive away the players, but began to maintain order and even provide help.

——In Daxia, things like "endangering national security" are extremely despised.

Netizens were so excited for the whole morning, and just after their excitement subsided, they received another piece of good news that made them very excited.

The official account of Yunmeng and the official account of "Battlefield" which has just registered recently issued an announcement at the same time——

『The early access version of "Battlefield" will be available globally simultaneously at 14:00 tomorrow afternoon! 』

Shen Ping led a team to carefully study the news reports of the arrest of NetDragon's boss by overseas media, especially in Europe, as well as the reactions of related forums and player communities.

After a busy afternoon, the answer given to Lin You was: You can post it, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

The grievances between Lin You and NetDragon were reported and spread to the European gamer community. The people there did not think that Lin You was too much. Instead, they felt that this is the "Real Man", a real man!

As a result, his favorability has greatly increased.

Therefore, this pre-emptive version of "Battlefield" will be launched in all regions of the world simultaneously.

In Europe, there is also a social networking platform with the same functions and functions as Lingxi - [Bluebird].

After the mirage was sold to the European market, Yunmeng also registered an account with [Bluebird], and this announcement was also released by Bluebird.

A large number of players cheered and clicked on the announcement to watch the detailed content——

『The early access version of "Battlefield" will be available globally simultaneously at 14:00 tomorrow afternoon!

Purchase reminder:

The early access version, you can immediately get the experience permission to start the game, and participate in it as the game develops.

However, the game content of the early access version is not yet complete, and may change in the future. If you don't particularly want to play the game right now, then you should wait a while to see how the game progresses rather than buying it in the first place.

——Why do we adopt the early access mode?


This purchase notice makes the players a little confused.

They have never seen such a routine.

Even if the game is sold before it is finished, even the content that has been completed may change.

Isn't this equivalent to spending money to buy an uncertain commodity?

And directly and publicly persuade players not to rush to buy, what kind of routine is this?

This kind of distribution method is so unreliable, if it is replaced by another company, it may be how the players will react.

However, Yunmeng's extremely reliable image and good reputation have made players willing to believe that Yunmeng is not trying to use an unfinished game to mow players down.

Therefore, this "early release" model can be viewed more tolerantly.

Although there are doubts in the comment area, they are not strong, and there are almost no direct criticisms:

"The announcement said, 'If you buy it early, you can enjoy a price discount'. How much cheaper can it be?"

"This 'unfinished', isn't it the same as the original "Flame 3", where the ending of the plot is unfinished? Then I'm going to attack you!"

"It's too sudden, too sudden! Even if you said it a day earlier, it wouldn't be such a trouble for me to ask for leave now!"

"I don't like selling unfinished games; but I'm very happy to be able to play new games earlier. So I won't comment for now. When I play the game tomorrow, I'll decide whether to praise you or scold you."


The opinions of the players are varied, and it is rare that they did not start blowing rainbow farts like before.

Obviously, players still have doubts about this "early experience mode".

Therefore, most players choose to reserve their opinions, and wait until tomorrow to actually play the game, and then evaluate it based on the performance of the game.

—and that's enough.

No matter Lin You, Qin Songyun, Fan Rui, or even every employee of the "Battlefield" development team, they all have strong confidence in this game.

In another 24 hours, you will know whether it is real gold or stubborn stone!

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