Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 694 Abducting the Dragon Girl? !

Violent and dense explosions exploded on the fire dragon, and the blazing dragon's blood sprinkled on the outer wall of the building, spontaneously igniting without fire.

The fire dragon was finally unable to support, no longer shaking the building, but flapping its wings to increase the height.

"It wants to escape!!"

The players were anxious: "You can't let it go!"

But the fire dragon only climbed more than ten meters and stopped pulling up. It raised its neck to brew for a while, and the fierce dragon flames broke out again, pouring into the building continuously along the opening in Aqiang's room.

The entire building began to erupt in flames from the inside out, and the high explosives on the players were killed one after another. Because the death squads were still rushing into the building, the explosions spread from the top floor to the bottom floor, endlessly.

Finally, with the dragon flames gushing out from the bottom of the building, the whole building came to an end and began to slowly collapse.

The player who had just landed quickly, dragged A Qiang who was ashamed, and ran away from the dragon flames overflowing from the building.

The scene was in chaos.


"Xiao Meng is a big villain! Quack quack!" Xiaomeng tried her best to imitate the big villain's speech, but her laughter was really not standard.

In fact, if any player notices, they will find that the fire dragon has wreaked havoc along the way, and not a single NPC has died.

All affected NPCs were wrapped in a "cocoon" woven by flames.

Dig up the wreckage of the building, under the ruins, there are flame cocoons one by one, and you can see the NPCs sleeping peacefully in them.

Metropolis has been in operation for so long, and many virtual characters that were originally randomly generated, because the time spent interacting with players has become longer, more or less entrusted some of the emotions of the players, even if it is only the most superficial emotion of "familiarity" , is also something Yunmeng needs to care about.

After all, casual players have already reported it many times.

Because it was in line with Metropolis' operating philosophy, it was adopted to a certain extent. In contrast, Night City was not like this at all, and it was not a big deal to kill people on the street every now and then.

Up to now, if it is not necessary, the operation team of the Metropolis will design activities, and there are very few random arrangements such as "players or NPCs kill and kill, and passer-by NPCs who die the next day will be resurrected as if nothing happened".

In other words, the NPCs in the metropolis received the lowest level of respect.

And these respects come entirely from the efforts of the players.

Players, as a group, are just that complicated.

Being evil can make Satan bow his head, and being kind can make the Buddha give up his seat.


Although it still looks very imposing, the fire dragon's blood bar has dropped by one-fifth, and if it keeps fighting like this, it probably won't win.

Looking at the slowly collapsing building, Xiaomeng suddenly had an idea. She patted the dragon's corner and said happily: "Dalong Dalong! Let's play [Push House]!"

The fire dragon understood, fluttered its wings and flew high, turned around in the air, and swooped down again.

This time, it folded its wings to block in front of it, and when it was about to hit another building, it suddenly drifted sideways, and slammed into a twelve-story building with the right side of its body.

Under the violent impact, the building couldn't resist at all, and it broke off at the middle, and smashed into the crowd!

A huge shadow was cast, the overturned building covered the sky, and the players fled in all directions.

After the loud bang, the earth trembled, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

The fire dragon didn't stop, and continued to crash into the second building.

Then came the third building...

Four buildings collapsed one after another, and the entire battlefield became fragmented. For a moment, an unknown number of players were smashed into small cakes in the smoke and disappeared.

Just as Huolong rushed towards the fifth building, the tank gun hit Huolong again, this time at the head!

Huge flames erupted from the fire dragon's head, and the extraordinary scales couldn't resist the huge impact. The fire dragon's blood volume dropped sharply, and its body was instantly stiffened.

The heavy-duty armed helicopter ventured closer, and the shipboard machine guns fired wildly.

Xiaomeng almost fell off again, hugging Longjiao tightly, and won't let go no matter what.

According to instinct, the fire dragon wanted to fly away from here immediately.

But as soon as it waved its wings, it felt a tingling pain from the base of the wings. It endured the pain and insisted on flying.

But just as it took off, a violent explosion suddenly occurred at the root of the wing, and the dragon's blood splashed down like money.

The fire dragon howled and fell again.

Everyone cast their gazes over, only to find that there are several players at the joint between the dragon's wings and its body!

Lin Shun and Wang Pan are among them!

At this moment, they are all wearing rock climbing equipment, and they use chrysanthemum ropes to fix themselves on the fire dragon's back—obviously, the pitons breaking through the scales were drilled by professional rock climber Wang Pan.

The dragon scale is quite thick, without breaking through the dragon scale to hurt the flesh and blood, the fire dragon will not feel pain at all.

And the dragon scales are not all indestructible, the closer to the intersection with the dragon skin, the more fragile the dragon scales are, and the weaker the ricochet effect similar to "tilted armor".

Thanks to this, Wang Pan was able to use a drill to drill a hole in the dragon's back and put a series of pitons on it.

Relying on the fixation of these pitons, they were not thrown away by the fierce movement of the fire dragon.

In the explosion just now, it was Lin Shun who saw off the dragon's skin with a chainsaw at the base of the incompletely scaled wings, and two "Death Squad" players stuffed high explosives into it and detonated it, causing such significant damage.

Now they are making persistent efforts to completely abolish one of the wings of the fire dragon and completely fix the battlefield on the ground.

Xiaomeng was a little distressed, and patted Huolong on the head, wanting to let Huolong use his moves.

But at this moment, there was a sudden "boom" from behind, as if something had hit the dragon's head.

Xiaomeng turned her head quickly, and then saw an acquaintance: Xu Chun.

Xu Chun carried two sabers on his back, grabbed the other dragon's horn, and landed on the dragon's head firmly.

Then he took out the downhill rope, quickly tied it on the dragon's horn, and then moved towards the longan without delay, pulling the rope.

"Hey!" Xiao Meng stretched out a hand to stop him, but Xu Chun couldn't see or hear Xiao Meng.

The appearance of Xu Chun made Xiao Meng hesitate for a moment - after all, this is not only an acquaintance, but also a "colleague" to a certain extent.

But hesitating for only a moment, Xiaomeng still commanded decisively: "Dragon flame baptism!"

The fire dragon raised its head and roared again, and dragon flames gushed out from the depths of its throat.

But this time, the dragon flames did not spray at the player, but spread down the dragon's head, covering the fire dragon's head, neck, back, wings, tail, and even the whole body.

After this wave, except for Xiaomeng, who was safe and sound, the rest of the players on the dragon were all unlucky!

Xu Chun only had time to slash the dragon's eyes before being burned to death in the air.

Lin Shun and the other players were taken away by the explosives.

The only good news is: the violent explosion of explosives seriously injured the root of the dragon's wings again.

Not only that, a more violent explosion followed.

This time it was not a dragon that was blown up, but another building with a height of 20 floors!

The player blasted on the side of the building and successfully smashed the building down towards the location of the fire dragon!

This time, the blunt blow directly slapped the fire dragon to the ground, and its blood volume dropped further, directly below 75%.

The players were greatly encouraged, and rushed forward, fired, and exploded selflessly... pouring damage on the fire dragon recklessly.

The blood volume of the fire dragon is dropping steadily, and the opportunity to slay the dragon seems to be at hand!

But what they don't know is that the battle has come to an end in stages.

Under the fixed mechanism, the fire dragon will not fight to the end as soon as it appears, but will leave the battlefield in two situations:

One is that the number of killed players exceeds 10,000.

The second is that your blood volume has fallen below 20%.

Then on the even-numbered hours, it makes a comeback.

Today it has to go to work 11 times, beating players violently, or being beaten violently by players.



The dragon's roar shook people's hearts, and a bright light emerged from the fire dragon's body, rose into the sky, and split into thousands of beams of light in an instant!

All the players participating in the battle, whether they are still alive or have been reborn, and those who are rushing here, are all embraced by a beam of light that pierces through the sky!

Even if it is hidden behind a solid bunker, this light can penetrate the bunker and hit the player's body.

Everyone was stunned by this unexpected "attack".

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the fire dragon waved some broken wings and took off with difficulty, flying higher and higher.

But before disappearing, Fire Dragon spoke again.

This time, what came out of its mouth was not a dragon's roar, but—human words!

"The despicable human who abducted the dragon girl!"

"Remember, this is not the end!"

"If you don't return my niece, the war will not end!"

After finishing this declaration, the fire dragon got into the clouds and disappeared.

The players were left standing in the ruins of the battlefield, looking at each other.

Then they stretched out their palms one after another, looking at the "light" that hit them just now.

That's not really "light", it's just that it is covered with a layer of light, and the speed is too fast, so it looks like a beam of light.

Now that the light has dissipated, everyone finally sees clearly:

This is a child's fist-sized, amber-like orange-yellow ball.

In the very center of the sphere, there is also a red five-pointed star wrapped around it.

Followed Lin Shun to the metropolis, but kept fishing among the crowd, and was lucky to survive to the last Splash, who read the name of this thing puzzledly:

"[Dragon Ball]? What is this for?"

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