Lin You didn't rush to make a decision, but first buried himself in a rough overview of the technical information, wanting to verify whether the second option was feasible.

If, as he imagined, the current chip industry can be revolutionized by branching technology, there is no doubt that the benefits will be huge, and the risks will be the most controllable.

If we want to further manufacture consciousness chips in the future, front-end technology is also essential.

But after spending a long time sorting it out, Lin You discovered——

My own ideas are too idealistic.

Technology is not blunt addition and subtraction, and the manufacture of consciousness chips is not a simple "artificial protein + graphene chip".

It's not modular.

——On the contrary, the consciousness chip is a whole with an extremely tight structure. Any change will affect the whole body. It is not that he can dismantle a part if he wants to.

It seems that only some basic technologies of graphene chips can be dismantled and used.

These technologies are still of great value today.

But this value lies in the follow-up research value, not the use value.

Because it is far from enough to make a set of graphene chips - if artificial proteins are abandoned, even the circuit design will have to be reinvented.

If you want to create a graphene chip and start a chip revolution, you must invest a lot of time and effort in learning related technologies, investing in laboratories, recruiting talents, and leading teams to tackle key problems.

Even if it is made, the first generation of graphene chips cannot surpass the performance of the current silicon-based chips that have been developed to the extreme.

One or two more generations have to be optimized before the current global chip industry can be completely reshuffled.

Compared with the amazing benefits, this investment is of course nothing.

However, for Lin You, such a huge technical team pooled their brains and efforts to tackle technical problems, it was too complicated and troublesome.

Not to mention that he has never known anything about chip development until now.

——If you want to fully understand the technical information of the consciousness chip in your hand, you still need a lot of time to study.

So researching branch technologies can be taken, but Lin You doesn't plan to go on his own.

Taking it out as a technology investment and earning patent fees lying down is the way that best suits his salty fish personality.


"Then we can only go the third way first." Lin You finally made a decision.

Anyway, it is impossible to completely seal it up.

Lin You always remembers a story about the "safety statement"——

If Trisolarans want to invade the earth, human beings need to slow down the speed of light, create a "black field" to show their harmlessness, and issue a [Security Statement].

But in the process of researching how to reduce the speed of light, human beings discovered the embryonic technology of [curvature-driven engine] to manufacture light-speed spacecraft.

However, because of the fear that the trajectory left by the curvature engine would be more likely to cause unknown shocks, and that someone who escaped in a light-speed spacecraft would have a blow to people's hearts and public opinion, this technology was stopped.

It was not until the final devastating blow that humans knew: [Curvature Engine] is the pre-technology of [Safety Statement].

It was precisely because the research on the [Curvature Engine] was stopped that the [Security Statement] failed to be successfully developed.

This story vividly tells the truth of "technology is a double-edged sword" at the cost of the destruction of earth civilization.

The story is false, but the truth is true.

Because there are already many similar examples in reality:

Nuclear fission technology has produced nuclear bombs and nuclear power plants.

Morphine advanced medicine and destroyed countless families.


There are countless similar examples.

Things have two sides, and this technology should be the same.

Lin You instinctively believed that: a technology with such prominent disadvantages——if digital life is really a disadvantage, then it should also have equally prominent [benefits].

So, be sure to do it!

Even if you put it there after making it and don't take out any of it for use, you must make it first.

At least at least, make a copy for Xiao Chun, just in case.

He has already talked with Qin Songyun and Xiaochun. Qin Songyun is busy setting up a new foundation in his spare time, which is dedicated to investing in the research and development of new drugs for ALS.

But it is difficult to say whether the specific medicine can be made and when it will be made.

If it's really unfortunate and fails in the end, then the consciousness chip will be Xiaochun's last retreat—if she is willing to accept it.

The transformation of life form may not be acceptable to everyone.

Thinking of this, Lin You frowned again: When the chip is actually manufactured, how to verify whether it is successful or not?

You can't be reckless without verification, right?

What if something goes wrong?

But if you want to do verification, this is a human experiment involving the brain, and it is impossible to find volunteers for this thing...

Lin You had a very headache.

But for now, we can only ignore this issue and build the chip first.

However, for the sake of absolute confidentiality of the technology, there will only be two participants, Lin You and Xiaomeng, in this research and development process.

Therefore, it is necessary to add a batch of new equipment to our own air defense laboratory.

"Xiaomeng, help me organize a set of basic books on chip manufacturing."

The information of the consciousness chip is very complete, and it can be manufactured step by step, but many "obvious" basic knowledge must be filled in by himself.

If you want to invest in technology, you must first fully understand the basic graphene chip technology handed over to Lu Wei.

It takes him a lot of time to learn.

But not now.

Studying at night is too much torment for myself.

"Leave Xiaomeng, let's go and watch the drag racing competition before resting."


In Night City, Tao Mengbai was driving his meticulously modified car on the track.

But after turning a corner, a water tank truck suddenly appeared ahead.

'Why are there water tankers on the track? '

Tao Mengbai was stunned for a moment.

But the next moment, an extremely terrifying idea was born in his head!

Just a thought made Tao Mengbai step on the brake without hesitation!

"Squeak - squeak -"

The tires rubbed violently on the road, making a screeching sound.

His response was quick, but it was still too late:

On the water tank truck in front, suddenly stood up a person wrapped in a chemical protective suit and connected to an oxygen backpack even for breathing. This person deftly raised a thick high-pressure nozzle and pointed it at Tao Mengbai looked desperate.

"Fuck!" Tao Mengbai let go of the brake, stepped on the accelerator hard again, and yanked the steering wheel to the left in an attempt to avoid it.

The next moment, terrible dung sprayed out along the high-pressure nozzle!

Tao Mengbai tried his best to dodge, but the buddy didn't make sense at all, and he didn't aim at it. He just held the pipe and came out with a set of "Golden Dragon Dance".

I even fell a lot on myself.

But his whole body was wrapped in the chemical protective suit, not a single bit of skin was exposed, and he had no discomfort at all.

But the riders following behind will be out of luck, they can't dodge at all!

Although Tao Mengbai reacted super fast, with player cars everywhere, there was really limited room to dodge.

Soon, the bulletproof windshield was covered with a thick layer of feces, only half a meter away from his face!

"Ouch~~~~" Tao Mengbai vomited instantly!

He couldn't resist such a strong mental attack.

Before he finished vomiting, another stream of dung was sprayed onto the windshield, and Tao Mengbai collapsed completely. In a frenzy, he stepped on the gas pedal to death, and slammed into the water tanker that everyone avoided!


There was a loud noise, and Tao Mengbai's car, which was about to blow up someone else's soil bomb, suddenly exploded.

Then, disaster struck.

The water tanker full of dung was blown to pieces!

As if the septic tank had been bombed, the dung water turned into a fountain, bursting and spraying in all directions!

This move of "the goddess scattered flowers" caused a large number of car accidents, and more than a dozen drivers were eliminated.

Tao Mengbai is no exception.

"Fuck! Don't let me know, who the hell organized this!"


"Good racing, you guys come to play shit?! Fuck you second uncle!"

"Can you play? Do you have a sense of public morality?!"

"Let me know who organized it, I'll fucking see you once, and kill you once!"

"Do you really think I can't hold a gun anymore?!"


Tao Mengbai was nauseated and retched, while cursing crazily, intending to show some color to the organizers of this matter.

He opened the panel, jumped to the game forum, intending to ask who the hell organized such a disgusting thing!

But what he never expected was that as soon as he clicked on the forum, an explosive hot post came into view——

[Hi everyone, we are Ma Bandits, and we declare that we are responsible for this dung terror attack. I wish you all a happy game! ]


Tao Mengbai was stunned.

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