"Dingling~" "Dingling~" "Dingling~"


The dense copper bells continued to ring, and the players eagerly shook the bells in their hands.

Players who have the time and mobility to come here at the first time will definitely not be short of copper bells.

After the pet battle game was discovered, they began to run around and bully all kinds of wild spirit beasts.

The drop rate of [Bronze Bell] is not high, probably between [Food] and [Wound Medicine].

After a pet battle, apart from guaranteed experience and [coins], most of them are fruits, meat, grass jelly, candy and other [food].

【Bronze Bell】About three or four games will be played.

——[Wound Medicine] Even less, it will only drop once in six or seven battles, completely unable to make ends meet.

[Spirit Beast Shop] did not appear again, and in the end, players could only raise two or three and take turns to fight.

For people who are busy on weekdays and don't have time to walk and fight with their pets, [Bronze Bell] is not a big deal.

But there is definitely no shortage of idlers.

Even if the conquest fails, it is acceptable to lose in vain. What if it succeeds?

As for the body length of this kun, which is only a little over a hundred meters long, compared to the legendary record of thousands of miles long, it is so small that it can even be said to be "short of development".

Players don't care.

After all, before this, all the magical creatures they saw became very small, about the size of a basketball, just right for holding in their arms.

The key is--

“Small is also cute!”

So nothing to say, just ring the bell!

Shake hard!

The crisp bells rang together.

This seemed to have some effect, the young Kun jumped out of the water again, and performed a super-large "water splash jump" for the players on the shore.

The viewing effect is full.

The players rang the bell even harder!

But at the same time, the two old men who were carrying fishing gear felt their scalps go numb!

In the field of vision of the players, they were completely overwhelmed by the huge movement of Kun jumping out of the water, and disappeared without a trace in the broken ice and waves.

But in their own perspective, this is not the case at all——

They packed up their fishing gear as usual, and walked to the shore with them.

But before they took a few steps, the noisy crowd on the bank suddenly fell silent at the same time, and after a few seconds, they shouted excitedly at the same time.

While yelling, he stretched out his right hand and swung it vigorously in the air, just like summoning souls.

Hitting ghosts in broad daylight is nothing more than that!

This weird scene made the two old men stop for an instant.

They looked back at the ice, but there was nothing.

But the crowd in front of them fell into an inexplicable collective frenzy.

The old man shivered slowly, deeply regretting that he didn't read the almanac when he went out today.

——Otherwise, how could he be stuck on the ice by this group of psychopaths!

Which mental hospital didn't keep an eye on the door, and let hundreds of mental patients run out together?

Instead of continuing to move forward, they made a detour, disembarked from a place as far away from these players as possible, and quickly left the park.

On the way out of the park, they noticed people running quickly on every road towards the shore.

And while running, he raised one hand and shook it vigorously in front of him as if there was no one else around.

An old man finally couldn't help it: "Are these people bewitched?"

The other old man stopped, looked at the young people running past him quickly, and couldn't help but said, "Why don't we call the police?"

The two looked at each other and made a decision.


"Hi, hello, this is Beihai Park Police Station, what's the matter?"

"There are a lot of mental patients in meetings in the park... maybe not crazy, but they are definitely not normal. They are gathered on the shore in large numbers. We are worried that there will be drowning."

"???" The police officer on the wire was stunned for a moment, "Isn't the North Sea frozen over now?"

"Who can understand the idea of ​​​​crazy? Hundreds of people suffer from hysteria at the same time, what if? You should send someone to take care of it."

Although the wiring police officer was a bit confused, but in line with the principle of "the police must be sent to the police", he replied: "Understood, we will send the police to the scene to understand the situation."

"Hurry up." The old man urged again before putting down the phone.


A van drove into Beihai Park, and the camera of Yunmeng's live broadcast room also shifted here.

But the first thing that caught the audience's eyes was not the young Kun underwater, but a police car and two police officers, a man and a woman.

"Is it possible that someone is drowning?"

"Is it possible that there are too many people and they will be sent home?"

"Menghui Yunmeng Experience Store was closed on the day it opened, right?"


The players talked a lot.

Shen Ping quickly got off the live broadcast car and ran to the police to explain the situation.

Of course, there was a report for this event, but it was a report at the district police station. She thought that there was a problem with poor communication in some link.

But just after running a few steps, she saw two police officers, a man and a woman, did not persuade the player to return, but also took out the [Bafang] headband from the bag and put it on his head.


Shen Ping's hurried steps slowed down immediately, and she realized that things might be different from what she imagined——

"These two are?"

The female police officer saw the sign on Shen Ping's chest, then looked at the van not far away, and realized that this was the person in charge of Yunmeng's event, so she replied: "The office received a report from the police, although I know it is you Organize player activities, but still send us to the scene to check the situation and provide some help if necessary."

"That's it..." Shen Ping looked at the Level 3 Chenghuang (fox) on the female police officer's shoulder, and the Level 2 Qiuxie (White Snake) on the male police officer's neck, a little unconvinced...

A level 3 beast, the level is not low!

Moreover, the way the two police officers kept scanning the ice surface from the corner of their eyes while talking to her was a bit obvious...

But Shen Ping didn't say much, but smiled and said: "Thank you very much, you have worked hard, would you like a cup of hot coffee to warm up?"

The event organized by Yunmeng this time is not to let everyone run so far to watch the young Kun play "water splash".

For the next whole week, this place will become a temporary [spiritual beast camp], allowing players to have a place to play games and make friends.

Although the experience store can achieve the same effect, the area is too small after all, and it is not convenient for a large number of magical creatures to move around.

"That kun—" the male policeman said hesitantly.

Although he didn't make it clear, Shen Ping understood what he meant, and said, "That, I can't catch it now."

It is true that ordinary spirit beasts have a very small probability of being successfully captured without fighting, but Kun is obviously not among them.

This is the world boss!

Besides, unless someone really wakes up every day from a bed several kilometers long, there is an ecological fish tank hundreds of meters long in the living room.

Otherwise, there is nowhere to raise them when you take them home.

So the correct way to capture it is to defeat it first, and then subdue it with the most advanced 【Purple Golden Bell】.

But now everyone doesn't even have [Silver Bell], so it's impossible to subdue it.

Players are also aware of this.

Because after shaking for a long time, I only heard the copper bell ring, but did not see the copper bell disappear.

Under normal circumstances, even if the conquest fails, the copper bell will be consumed, but now it can only show that the props have no effect at all.

So everyone woke up like a dream: "We must win it first!"

"How do you fight this? My fox can't even squeeze it between its teeth!"

A player hugged his [Jinhua Cat], pointed to the huge black shadow under the ice and asked, "Do you want to eat this fish?"

The Jinhua cat shrank into a ball immediately, trembling.

Xia Yi has also arrived here, but her situation is different from others.

She turned her head and asked the little girl behind her, "Kang Na, can you beat it?"

Kang Na was hugging a small white tiger, and a slender white snake was also wrapped around her neck. She stood on her tiptoes and looked at the black shadow under the ice with an expression of eagerness to try.

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