Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 813 The release date is here!

Although some unsavory twists and turns occurred in the middle, Ayi's goal was finally achieved.

For the first time since the start of the closed test, he sincerely thanked Yunmeng for the regulations that he could not broadcast live, record video, or take pictures.

This allowed him to avoid an entire network death.

Now he is denouncing Hongchen in the team channel: "Don't say what is accidental or not, anyway, you have to give us an explanation!"

"This medicine, you must bring me a few packs!"



Yelang's plan was much more troublesome than A Yi's. Although it was less difficult, it took much longer.

It was not until 11 o'clock at night that everyone stopped to die and entered the final demonstration stage.

The method of proof is also simple and crude: use the method of relay kite flying, holding the lives of more than 100,000 players in his hands, killing the captain who has blood-red eyes and explosive strength, but almost loses his mind, and leads him into the imperial city.

Everyone did a test with their lives: their backs were pressed against the wall, and they were stabbed while standing still.

As a result, the solid rammed earth wall of Pingkangfang was cut open by the captain's sword!

Although there are still no high-level martial elements such as "sword gang" and "sword energy" that everyone imagined, the thick rammed earth wall more than three meters high was cut in two, and the incision was nearly a palm wide. Sword Qi and Dao Gang are not too different!

——The player's physical condition is special. After all, there is system protection. As long as it is not for the special settings made by Yunmeng, no matter how miserable the death is, there will be no severed limbs. Therefore, the previous player sent him to death on the street and did not see this. kind of clue.

Since it is so strong, it shouldn't be too difficult to cut through the higher and thicker walls of the imperial city, right?

Afterwards, no matter whether it is rushing into the Taiji Temple, or being stopped by some hidden peerless master, it can greatly satisfy everyone's curiosity.

Thus, the action began.

Thousands of players lined up in a long line, constantly creating hatred, and dragged the captain to the imperial city.

And every time the captain swung his long knife, two or three players would die suddenly on the spot and be revived in the prison.

But anyway, there are enough players, so they don't care about this loss.

What is really precious is time.

Every time before, it was a person who provoked the captain alone, and then "subdued the law" instantly, which naturally did not cause a commotion in the law enforcement system of Chang'an City.

But now if they want to pull the NPC away, they have to do it together. If there is no accident, Jin Wuwei has already taken action, and as everyone approaches the imperial city, Zuo Xiaowei will also be dispatched.

So... it has to be fast!

Everyone raced against time and ran wildly. Soon, the tall vermilion city wall of the imperial city appeared in front of them, and even the guards on the city wall who had already been alerted were faintly visible.

Needless to say, the door must have been closed.

But it doesn't matter, a row of sixteen players quickly stood close to the city wall, becoming a standard target, waiting for the captain to slash over to see if they could cut through the city wall.

The eyes of the sixteen elder brothers were all closed, but they did not wait for the knife for a long time.

Everyone opened their eyes in bewilderment, only to find that the NPC who had been hacking for two days and one night, already like a madman, had stopped at this moment.

Looking at the tall imperial city wall, he seemed to recall his duty as a Jinwu guard, and suddenly calmed down.

Yelang looked at the captain of the Jinwu Guard, a little confused - what if the other party doesn't make a move?

As soon as this question came up, the opponent moved again, so fast that it almost left an afterimage, and the knife almost pulled out the light of the knife, and beyond the light of the knife was a bloody satin!

The sixteen elder brothers fell down and disappeared.

The imperial city wall was intact.

- Not even a scratch!

"It's over." This idea suddenly appeared in Yelang's mind.

The next moment, a knife flashed in front of his eyes.

His final thought was: "Fortunately, the test will end in one hour, and the file will be deleted by then... Wait! If the player deletes the file, the NPC will also delete the file, right?"


Yelang's desire to see the ultimate destructive power of NPCs was completely lost.

The NPC easily slaughtered all the players who raised their weapons at him. According to the player who stood the farthest, they only saw the flash of knives and flying blood in the crowd, but they couldn't capture the NPC in the crowd at all.

The elder brother in the group felt a little bit pained at first, and felt that such a long time wasted.

But soon became a little excited again: "Can we be so fierce in the future?"

Everyone is full of anticipation to go offline to rest and prepare for the official release the next day.


On the last day before the release of "Chang'an", the players who participated in the closed test were all making noise in the game.

And more players who failed to participate in the closed test mainly used the promotional materials released by Shen Ping to satisfy their hunger.

Other than that, it is to continue running outdoors and catch little monsters.

However, as the new year approaches, a large number of companies and schools are on holiday, students and migrant workers have begun to migrate to their hometowns, and "Pokemon" players have also begun a large migration.

Affected by this, the intensity of Xia Jing's battle for the tavern at night also began to decrease.

——In the first two days, when the players on the night shift teamed up with their colleagues at three o'clock in the morning and tried to attack the tavern, almost all of them ran into players from other camps.

A group of migrant workers in their 20s, 30s, or even 40s or 50s commanded small pets to fight outdoors in the early morning of the cold winter in full swing. The scene was really interesting.

On Wednesday, many netizens complained, saying that many people in the community did not sleep in the middle of the night, yelling and disturbing the people in the community.

Lin You urgently made a small update to remind players not to disturb the people.

And explain: If you receive a complaint from the residents, you will suspend the night play at the monster tavern in the community.

How effective this measure will be remains to be tested by time.

On the other hand, the price is gradually returning to rationality during the time-limited trading session at night.

Players gradually realized that the output of spirit beasts was far more than demanded.

Diligent players can catch 40, 50, or even more spirit beasts a day, and as the [Bafang] head ring continues to spread, there will be more and more "Pokemon" players, and the number of spirit beasts will also increase. more.

And with each passing day, the number of spirit beasts will increase, and it will continue to expand like this.

Therefore, the price of spirit beasts dropped very quickly.

Two days ago, the five-star spirit beast was ridiculously expensive, but now the price has dropped to one or two thousand yuan, which is about the same as the previous four-star price.

And now fewer people are willing to buy it.

On the one hand, it is because everyone believes that the price may continue to drop after a few more days.

On the other hand, it is because: there is a brand-new hot item-different-colored pets!

The name, skills, and attributes are all the same as the spirit beasts of the same race and star level, except that the appearance is more gorgeous and cute.

If there are any other characteristics, it is - very rare!

Very, very rare!

This caused them to easily obtain a worth far exceeding their original stars.

Of course, the star rating of heterochromatic pets will not be too low. The ones that have appeared in front of the players are all four-star and five-star.

This has led to the fact that almost all "Pokemon" players are looking forward to the appearance of the first six-star, different-colored, and full-skilled spirit beast. It is best to be the very beautiful and most popular Qingluan or Bai Ze ——Little White Tiger's popularity remains high.

In this way, you can see a big excitement!

In addition, in the past two days, a special trend of thought has also emerged among the players: rejecting the Star Ascension Ceremony gameplay.

Even after the star ascension ceremony, the original spirit beasts still live in the world in the painting, and they can even be taken for a walk in the real world. They look no different from ordinary spirit beasts, but many players are still reluctant, so they completely rejected this idea. kind of play.

Xia Yi's best friend, Xiao Mei, doesn't like this kind of play.

She likes "Pokemon" very much, and she will go out to catch and play with it every day, but she is very resigned to the star rating of pets. Any spirit beast.

Anyway, the star level of wild spirit beasts is random, and if you are lucky, you can directly catch a spirit beast with a high star level.

There have been more than a dozen seal players posting on the forum, telling about their experience of catching wild five-star spirit beasts.

Everyone has been guessing: there should be six stars, but the requirements for luck are too strict, so it has never appeared.

In Lin Shun and Xia Yi's live broadcast room, people mentioned Splash from time to time, hoping that the goddess of luck would appear again and give everyone some insight.

And Shuihua did start winter vacation tomorrow—from the beginning of childhood, rest until the seventh day of junior high school, and then start school early and continue to review.

But "believers" are doomed to be disappointed for a while.

Because Shuihua can't take care of "Pokemon" for the time being, after feeding Pixiu and Bai Ze with rations, she sets the alarm clock and goes to bed early, preparing to start the trip to "Chang'an" as soon as possible tomorrow.

In the eager anticipation of tens of millions of players, the last night before the release of "Chang'an" passed slowly like this.

The stars shifted, the night grew whiter, and the sun rose above the horizon again.

The release date of "Chang'an" has arrived.

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