Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 820 Isn't this a martial arts game? ?

Among other things, the internal environment of Jiaofang Division is undoubtedly first-class exquisite and luxurious.

After all, it is an official site, and all the receptions are high-class officials. Official prostitutes are not only beautiful, well-dressed, and of high quality, they are often proficient in rhythm, good at singing and dancing, and have a miserable life experience, which is a bit more irritating. Lovely temperament.

"No matter how you look at it, this doesn't look like a place to punish prisoners!" Ivan was full of incomprehension.

"Could it be that they don't get paid to work here?" He tried to understand, "In that case, it is indeed a cruel punishment."

"Of course not." The uncle immediately shook his head and denied his thoughts, "The Jiaofang Division is managed by the Jiaofang envoys sent by the palace, and the monthly regulations are uniformly issued by the imperial court, and there are very few deductions."

"Ah?" Ivan was surprised again, "Are they still civil servants?"

Ivan stroked the logic and came to a very outrageous conclusion——

In ancient China, as long as family members committed crimes, they could become civil servants?

Intuition told him that there must be something wrong with this conclusion!

But exactly which part of the reasoning went wrong, his head was itchy, but he still couldn't figure it out.


Here lies the value of higher education.

Unlike Ivan Ivanov, whose muscles are far more developed than his brain, Turner followed the NPC's introduction and Yunmeng's annotations, but he successfully understood the logic and figured out what Jiaofangsi is.

But precisely because of his relatively rich knowledge reserves, he received a stronger "cognitive shock" from another angle!

The shock is—

These exquisite buildings, moving dances, wonderful music, and even this whole city...

All born over 1300 years ago!

What was it like in North America at that time?

The aboriginal tribes fight back and forth with crude stones and bone weapons, can't the whole tribe find a few iron tools?

But wasn't that what he learned about in the [Battle for the Monster Tavern] a few days ago, what happened in this land 4,600 years ago?

A full 3300 years away? ? ?

This astonishing time span left Turner speechless in shock.

So much so that he followed the NPC into the Jiaofang Division for a walk, and didn't notice any clues to the case at all. It wasn't until "Uncle" handed him a temporary pass nameplate and asked him to find clues by himself that he came back to his senses and found himself behind him. In a women's boudoir.

This is where the missing person disappeared.

Although Turner felt that he had no way to start, he still rummaged patiently at the scene after everything came.

But this kind of place has undoubtedly been rummaged over and over again by the previous investigators. If there are any clues, they will not be left for the players to discover.

Turner searched and searched, even ripped open the brocade quilt on the bed, but found nothing.

He didn't give up, and squatted on the ground to check the ground little by little, trying to find if there were blood spots or something like that - he had watched some criminal investigation TV series.

Just searching and searching like this made him feel sore back and his eyes started to sore, but he didn't find any traces.

When he came to the southwest corner of the room, he suddenly felt a chill on his neck, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch it.

When I took it to my eyes again, I found that my fingers were stained blood red!

What dripped down just now turned out to be a drop of blood!

Turner suddenly looked up at the roof, and found that there was a black shadow hanging there, whose whole body was as black as ink, and the facial features could not be seen clearly, except for the bloody mouth.

And the moment Turner raised his head, the black shadow suddenly opened its ferocious bloody mouth and rushed towards him!


Turner was caught off guard, and suddenly fell backwards and fell to the ground, subconsciously raised his arms to block!

But the next moment, there was no expected pain in the arm.

Turner lowered his arm slowly with lingering fear, only to find that the unknown black figure had disappeared.

He suppressed his beating heart and looked around the room little by little, trying to find traces of that black figure, but he found nothing, not even the blood on his hands disappeared.

It seemed that the scene just now was just because he squatted for too long, and he was dizzy and had an illusion.

But just take a look at the live broadcast room, full of "fuck!", "wtf!", "wocao!", you can know that it is not an illusion.

"What is that?!" Turner was shocked and confused, "Isn't this a martial arts game with cold weapons?!"

It took him a lot of effort to basically understand the meaning of [wuxia].

In the end, Yunmeng did this with him in the blink of an eye? ?

Or when he was concentrating on finding clues without any other was frightening to death!

At this moment, the system prompt popped up again——

[The player triggers a special event, the talent skill is awakening...]

[Awakening is complete, you have obtained the talent skill - Spiritual Vision]

"Spirit Vision?" Turner opened the character panel, and sure enough, under the category of [Martial Arts], he saw this special skill——

[Spiritual vision]: Concentrate and enter a state of high concentration, and can see things that ordinary people cannot see.


Turner doubts the background of this game even more!

But this did not prevent him from immediately taking a deep breath to calm himself down, then concentrating, trying to enter the state of [spiritual vision].

It didn't go well at first, but after 5 minutes, he successfully entered this state, and immediately felt that everything in the room, the "pixels" were reduced.

It's a bit similar to... the dream at the beginning of the game!

And under this illusory perspective, where he was squatting just now, there is now a bloody lung lying there!


Turner took three steps back in shock.

He turned his head to look at the rest of the room, and immediately found a new scene on the other side of the window—a black figure pierced through the window, jumped into the room, and crouched on the floor.

Then, in the middle of the room, a third picture appeared again: the black shadow threw the man down, pulled off his clothes, cut open his chest, and tore out his bloody lungs, and then——

He held the lungs carefully, walked to the north of the room and put them down, and then returned to the dead man's body, lying on his chest and gnawing wildly!


"The missing person... was eaten?" Turner couldn't believe it.

Uncle NPC told him just now that they suspected that the missing man had eloped with an official prostitute of Jiaofang Division.

This made him think for a while: This is a romantic love story that happened to the fateful mandarin ducks in the Tang Dynasty, who broke free from the shackles of the family and the government, and pursued freedom together.

It turned into a horror movie in seconds!

Eaten by the shadow? ?

What about that woman?

Will it be eaten too? ?

Turner's scalp tingled.

The direction of this story was too outrageous, which made it difficult for him to accept it for a while.

And... how do I tell the NPC about this?

"Could it be..." He looked at the pair of lungs in the southwest corner of the house, and had a terrible thought.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he still walked over, controlled his arm with great willpower, and stretched out his right hand to try to touch the lung, trying to see if he could hold it up.

If so, maybe a job can be done?

But I don't know whether it's a pity or a blessing: his hand passed through the lung image without touching anything.

At this moment, [Spiritual Vision] finally reached its limit, and Turner felt the veins on his forehead twitching, his mind was bewildered, and he could no longer continue.

In the next second, this special sense disappeared, and the room regained its previous peace and tranquility.

Only Turner was left in a daze, his mind in a mess:

"What's the matter with this case?"

"A perverted murderer committing crimes? Datang ghouls? Then why don't they eat lungs?"

"Is it because it doesn't taste good?"

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