Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 824 I Need Some Stronger Tests!

"If a person hurts an NPC, he will be imprisoned for an hour."

"Ten people hurt the NPC and were detained for three hours."

"One thousand people robbed the prison and caused chaos, and were detained for twelve hours."

"If 10,000 people are fully armed and take Chang'an City, who will put us in prison?"

"This is called the thief who steals the hook, the prince who steals the country! Please be sure to add me!"

The group joining link and QR code left by Super Tomato will lead players into the player group that relies on the Yunmeng server.

This is because the group chats on other platforms have an upper limit on the number of users that can be accommodated at the same time. When [Freedom Day] held the player league before, they had to form a lot of large groups, and the management alone took a lot of effort.

The club is fortunate to say that they already have their own operation team.

An anchor like Super Tomato is very troublesome. In the end, he had to pay out of his own pocket and hired a community operation specialist to help manage it.

So this time, I chose Yunmeng's group chat function.

In the early days of Yunmeng APP, there was also an upper limit for group chats, and a group could accommodate up to 5,000 people—it was said to be in the early days, but in fact it was only three months ago.

But later, I don't know whether it was a technological breakthrough or too many servers were built, so the upper limit was suddenly lifted.

In this way, the advantages are very prominent.

Although most people would not be able to use a group chat of this scale, Yunmeng was the only choice for all that could be used.

But now, this group has a large number of players running in to join in the fun every minute.

——I can only join in the fun.

Super Tomato has already stated in the group announcement that the current stage is still in the stage of "organizing teams and communicating ideas", and it is still too early to fully form an army.

And to be honest, there aren't many players who have learned how to ride a horse--he himself doesn't know how to ride a horse.

Not to mention building weapons for yourself, learning weapons suitable for cavalry battles such as spears and horses.

Of course, there is the most important thing: to own a horse of one's own, and to build a suit of armor for oneself and one's own horse.

Without heavy armor, how can it be called the Iron Buddha?

And if a player can meet these requirements, he will automatically become a member of [Great Tang Iron Buddha] without any other review.

Because most players are enthusiastic for a few minutes, watching the excitement is very active, but if you really spend a lot of time and energy to make a piece of iron armor—no, two pieces of iron armor, you may not be willing.

So the process of preparing these things is also the process of screening members.

In the end, there is no need for 10,000 players to be able to equip all the players, and 3,000 players should be enough to win the Imperial City—of course, we must first find a way to open the gate of the Imperial City.


After more than forty minutes, something unexpected happened to Super Tomatoes.

A very popular post popped up out of nowhere——

[How can you use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken? To assassinate the king, a thousand knights are enough! 】

The person who posted the post was a player whose ID was [Never Reminisce]. This person said: It is too inefficient to organize an army if you want to rush into the court and kill all the treacherous officials.

The most important thing is that the cost is too high and it takes too long.

So it's better to organize a thousand knights, and everyone put their experience into cheats such as lightness kung fu. When the time comes, a thousand knights will fly over the imperial city—with at most some grappling hooks to assist them, and rush into the Tai Chi Hall, it will be as easy as pie!

I don't believe that ordinary soldiers can catch up to players with advanced light skills!

Even if you end up stuck in the Tai Chi Hall, it's enough to cut down all the treacherous officials, even overthrow the emperor, and you can just sit on the dragon chair and take pictures of tourists.

Up to two weeks, definitely won!

This buddy is not just talking about it, but really "doing what I do"-he also attached a link to the group at the end of the post.

"Ah? What is he trying to do?" Super Tomato, who was rushing to the Jiaofang Division to find his uncle, froze for a moment.

He engages in Iron Buddha Tu because it is fun in itself.

As for those reasons, the emperor was stupid and the treacherous ministers were in power. They were all random excuses - he wrote the whole post in three minutes, and he didn't pay much attention at all.

Because he is not a person who cares about the country and the people in the game, he just pulls out a target so that the "Tang Iron Buddha" army has a specific goal.

——If you want to organize thousands of players with explosive combat power to fight, there must be someone to fight against, right?

But never remember what this person is trying to do?

Three thousand light kung fu masters rushed into the palace to take pictures of tourists?

Before he could figure it out, two more posts popped up one after another:

[Win the first kill of Li Longji within 10 days, you will definitely get a diamond achievement, only 800 people, the quota is limited, hurry up! 】

[Within a week, win the first blood of the emperor! The limit is 500 people, hurry up! 】


Super Tomato finally realized what these people were up to—

This is to use the imperial city as a dungeon and the emperor as a boss to compete for the first kill? !

The previous games were all cleared than the first one, why are you all focusing on the emperor now? It can't be because of my post, can it?

Super Tomato shook his head vigorously, he couldn't bear this blame.

Just as I was about to explain it to the audience and get rid of the blame, I saw more and more recruitment posts popping up like mushrooms after rain.

Not only those who wanted to force their way into the imperial city, but also those who planned to rush into Daming Palace, Xingqing Palace, Harem and other important royal places to hunt for treasures and watch the excitement.

But later everyone discovered that it was really difficult to mobilize hundreds or thousands of people.

As a result, the recruitment post soon ushered in a major downgrade, and a bunch of posts about finding people to form a team and sneak into the palace of princes and nobles for "treasure hunting" popped up again.

——Instigated by the atmosphere of the forum and blessed with skills, this group of people suddenly forgot the price of being caught...



As soon as there are more posts like this, posts of opposition and questioning also pop up.

The first one to appear was a well-known explorer [Traveler's Cat]:

[You fight, kill, kill, kill, kill every day... can't you stop it? 】

Scholars of ancient architecture have wasted so much effort to build this magnificent ancient city. The staff of Yunmeng spent a lot of energy designing thousands of NPCs, designing their lives and destiny for them, and even giving them the ability to think and process information. This is how the living city was constructed.

It turned out that today is the first day of release, and you guys are going to destroy everything?

Can't you really feel that the NPCs in this city are completely different from those in the previous games?

In Metropolis and Night City, except for the most important NPCs, most of the rest of the NPCs have relatively simple behavior logic and limited dialogue content. You can just fight and kill every day.

But in Chang'an, NPCs have a considerable degree of freedom of movement and judgment——

Players can be pulled away at any time, leaving their original behavior path, and different feedback will be given due to the different language and behavior of the players.

Even some terms that the ancients could not have heard before, they can understand without barriers.

Even passers-by are no longer just background decorations.


I believe that as long as you pay more attention to it for a while, you will find that most NPCs are frighteningly smart.

Much smarter than the artificial mentally retarded in our mobile phones!

I bet that Yunmeng—more likely, Lin You himself—had made a breakthrough in technology again, and this was the only way to endow a large number of NPCs with "personality".

They can really remember you, remember what you said to TA, and also remember what you did together-not just what you did together because of the task, but everything you experienced together.

Faced with such a world with infinite possibilities, do you all want to destroy it?


The traveler's cat posted a post to oppose those players who form a team to destroy, and hope that everyone can calm down, explore the city and the characters in the city in a more peaceful way, and feel the wonderful charm.

But what she didn't expect was that the first reply was a question:

"You mean: NPCs can really understand what we mean? Not only those that are set in the game, but also those that are not set, can fully understand?"

The traveler's cat thought about the test he had done before, and replied decisively: "Yes, at least in my test, it is like this! But you must speak clearly in vernacular, and you can't use too many modern concepts. "

The man immediately replied: "That's enough! This is great! Thank you, the host, I'll go to the fox demon to ask if I can customize the illusion, I need some stronger tests!"


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