After clockwork guns of various shapes appeared in the world, players understood one thing: flintlock guns are not invincible.

Only things beyond the developer's design framework can be invincible.

The appearance of the wind-up gun proved that the firearm was originally designed by the developer, but it was only because it appeared too late that everyone mistakenly thought that the hot weapon developed by the player himself was a "cheating weapon" - of course, Yunmeng gave The achievements are also very misleading...

Since it is something that existed in the original game, it is of course impossible to be invincible.

The kick-off challenge behind Splash and Xia Yi also proved this point——

For the first six, the flintlock guns are amazingly effective, as long as they hit, they can severely injure the opponent and secure the victory.

In the middle six, the effect of the flintlock guns began to weaken, and the difficulty of hitting them increased a lot. Even if they hit, they couldn't solve the battle with one shot.

In the last six, flintlock guns are no better than concealed weapons. The moment the weapon is drawn out, the NPC will immediately become vigilant, and the NPC will often avoid or block it while aiming.

The battle is still very difficult.

Thanks to the information provided by the water friends, I received the mission from two NPCs named [Yue Han] and [Weike], and learned a martial arts secret book called [Bow Fighting], which made up for it to a certain extent. After overcoming the shortcomings of close combat, Splash finally completed the last six kicks.

That's why they were so slow to catch up with the peloton.

Lin Shun originally wanted to play with Splash, so he didn't care.

But Shui Hua was a little concerned, and wanted to catch up with some progress for Lin Shun.

So when Fang Qianzhi took the task here, she asked very carefully:

"What does the [Remains] you're talking about look like?"

"Won't these [relics] be corroded after so long?"

"Then these [relics], is it strong? Will it be smashed, broken, or soaked?"


Fang Qianzhi's answer was: "No! Items that can be called "relics" are invulnerable to water and fire, and will last forever. Even books will be made of the most precious materials, enough to be handed down for generations. "

"That's it..." Shuihua nodded and took over the task.

But she did not go to the underground passage leading to the organ city, but pulled Lin Shun and Xia Yi back to the ground, and expressed her thoughts:

"How about... let's flood the organ city!"

"Huh?" Both Xia Yi and Lin Shun were taken aback.

One of them was thinking about gambling luck, and the other was thinking about what preparations needed to be made, and they didn't keep up with Splash's thinking at all.

"Look..." Shuihua explained to the two dumb geese who can only "ah", "Starting from this underground tunnel, walk eastward for one kilometer to reach the bronze gate of the organ city. Calculate it on the map , The organ city should be located just below the Furong Garden!"

"You mean... Qujiang Pond?" Lin Shun realized, "Put all the water in Qujiang Pond into the organ city?"

This outrageous thought made his mouth open, and he couldn't help but imagine the scene of Wanjun Lake water falling from the sky.

Xia Yi is not as naive as Lin Shun. Shuihua believes everything she says. She rationally asked the question: "The question is, how to pour water into the ground? Even if the two places overlap, how many people are needed to dig it down?"

"We can't recruit a thousand players as coolies, can we?"

"And it's hard to say how big the organ city is. What if it's filled? We can't fish [Relics] underwater, right?"

Splash's eyes lit up, and he answered Xia Yi's question earnestly: "It shouldn't be too full. I watched a few live broadcasts, and someone heard the sound of an underground river below. It should lead to the outside, otherwise the air would not be like this." adequate."

"More importantly, it is impossible for such a large city to have only one entrance and exit as narrow as the secret passage, otherwise it would not be built at all. Yunmeng would not do such an illogical thing, but everyone has not found the entrance yet."

"As for how to get [Remains]... Let's go down with the water! Follow the water to find the exit, and then just pick up the trash at the exit. Even if you can't find [Relics], the monsters and mechanisms in the mechanism city will be destroyed Almost there, it must be much easier to find."

"Finally, how to pour the water down...remember how we descended from the surface to hell in Terraria?"

Xia Yi was dazzled by this series of thoughts, and didn't react immediately.

Lin Shun followed Shuihua's train of thought without hesitation and gave the answer: "A direct train from hell!"

[Hell Express]: The standard gameplay of "Terraria", blast a deep well with a detonator at the birth point, and go straight down all the way until you reach hell.

Xia Yi blinked: "Do we have so many explosives?"

It is now the fifth day of the game's release, gunpowder is no longer as rare as it was in the early days, and players can get some more or less. But it is far from enough to blow up a passage.

But this is not difficult at all, she introduced a new concept again: "We can crowdfund!"

"Crowdfunding?" Xia Yi was in a daze again.

"Yes, crowdfunding! As long as you donate a bucket of explosives, you can participate in the search of the Trick City! As long as it is not our mission item, they can get whatever they want!"

Xia Yi always felt that this was too messy, but after thinking about it, apart from being a bit outrageous, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

Lin Shun over there has already boasted: "Genius idea! The show is full of effects, let's get started!"

"Hey hey..." Xia Yi just wanted Lin Shun to calm down and think about it again, but found that the water friends in her live broadcast room had already started enthusiastically signing up:

"Count me count me one!"

"I donate 5 buckets! Get me one!"

"3 barrels, I don't need anything, I just want to see the scene!"

"I only have one barrel, but I can be a free laborer. I'm good at digging holes."

"The five-year-old civil engineer came here uninvited!"


So Xia Yi understood: there is no need to persuade her anymore.

Regardless of whether this plan works or not, it has successfully aroused the enthusiasm of so many players. Now each of them is enthusiastically bringing their own explosives and dry food, wanting to join in the excitement.

The big cake of "take any equipment and props as you like" in the water flower painting is actually not important. Her idea alone is enough to attract a large number of enthusiastic players.

"Okay..." Xia Yi resigned to her fate and began to pull people, "Remember to make gunpowder into explosive kegs before coming back!"

On the other side, Lin Shun also started pulling people, and Fang Qianzhi's backyard was packed to the brim after a while.

Everyone left Quchifang again and came to Furongyuan. While collecting information for the civil engineer to choose the best explosion site, they assigned 10 authority to pull people, and continued to pull people here.

Fifteen minutes later, the civil engineering brother chose the location, and the pulling of people came to an end for the time being.

More than 300 people gathered several times the number of explosive barrels, shovels and backpacks not far from the lake. Most of the NPCs on the side took the initiative to retreat, but there were also a few uncharacteristically gathered to watch the fun.

Everyone knows the public security early warning mechanism. In order to prevent accidental injuries and attract troops, not only these NPCs are driven away, but a team is also specially assigned to drive away the approaching NPCs.

Then without any delay, three barrels of explosives were thrown into the small hole dug by the civil engineer, and the fuse was ignited to explode directly——


The distance is too close, and everyone feels the ground shaking.

But the crater created by the explosive barrel was not very deep, but rather large in size—a big crater with a depth of two meters and a diameter of more than eight meters appeared on the spot.

The old man continued his efforts, dug a hole at the bottom of the pit, and threw a barrel of explosives to detonate it.


This time the effect was much better, the explosion power was relatively concentrated, and the soil was blown up by more than five meters.

The civil engineer checked the depth of the pit, looked at the blasted soil in the pit, and quickly came to a conclusion——

"There is no need to clear the soil."

"Most of the soil was 'lost' by the gunpowder."

——Obviously, in order to save computing power, Yunmeng did not model each grain of soil separately.

If you dig with a shovel, there must be a lot of soil in a shovel. But with explosives, Yunmeng will not calculate the whereabouts of each piece of soil, but directly destroy the soil within the explosion range, and then give you a special effect of soil splashing.

The soil on the scene is left after the special effects are satisfied, and the amount is actually very small.

So everyone threw away the tools used to dig the pit and clear the soil, and began to throw explosive barrels to the bottom of the pit one by one.

Dull explosions sounded again and again, the ground under his feet trembled endlessly, and there was no sign of the NPC finally running.

The hole got deeper and deeper.

There was no sound of landing until the explosive barrel was thrown down again, and it took a long time before there was a faint explosion.

Shui Hua and Xia Yi vigilantly ran to the edge of the hole and looked down.

Even though they could only see a blur of white light, they still thought that the passageway had reached the organ city!

Otherwise, where is the white light coming from the underground at a depth of more than 100 meters?

"I'll go and have a look!" An old man volunteered and quickly jumped into the deep hole about three or four meters in diameter.


Everyone gathered around the cave, watching my brother fall rapidly and disappear in the white light, leaving only the echo of my brother "Wuhu" in the cave.

After a while, my brother's report came from the team channel: "The location is okay, there is indeed a mechanism city below! I have been resurrected under a high tower."

After the confirmation, the next thing to do is simple: expand the hole and divert water!

There are still a lot of explosive barrels left on the scene, and the civil engineer commanded everyone to quickly bury the explosive barrels, starting from a depth of 30 meters, and blasting all the way to the bottom of Qujiang Lake.

In the past five minutes, with the last explosion, the channel successfully connected to the bottom of the lake, and a thick stream of water poured straight from the bottom of the lake into the big hole, and then fell vertically into the 100-meter-long deep well.

"Big success!"

There was cheering at the scene, and everyone surrounded the cave excitedly, watching the rushing water below getting faster and faster, and some people had already started to tie hollow gourds to their bodies, planning to jump down when the water flow stabilized.

But the water flow did not become stable, but became more and more urgent!

Even the channel for entering the water is getting bigger and bigger by the impact of the water pressure, the gushing water column is getting thicker and thicker, and the runoff is rising steadily.

Not only is the channel leading to the bottom of the lake being widened by the water flow, but the channel leading vertically to the organ city, because there is no reinforcement, quickly becomes soft under the rapid scouring of the water, and a large amount of soil is carried away by the water and rushes towards the organ city.

The result is: the passage begins to widen rapidly!

The wider the channel, the greater the flow! The bigger the flow, the wider the channel!

Like toppled dominoes, once the chain reaction starts to happen, it can no longer be controlled.

By the time Shuihua realized the problem, it was already too late!

The huge water flowed down, and there was a sound like waves, and even the ground under the feet became soft quickly, and then——

It collapsed!

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