Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 873 Open the annual meeting! Mecha project approved! (two in one)

Not to mention the program crew who were so panicked that they could only force their composure, the employees waiting for the meeting in Yunmeng's virtual office were also quite frightened.

Although it's not working time yet, but the boss is doing such a fierce thing, they definitely don't want to miss the live broadcast.

After discussing in the group, they went to work an hour earlier and watched the live broadcast together in the virtual office.

At first, the atmosphere was very harmonious. Everyone watched the boss leave the cabin and enter the boundless space, with both envy and admiration.

But who would have thought that there would be a huge crisis in the blink of an eye!

Their hearts were in their throats when the solar panels came loose!

At that moment, I almost thought that the boss was going to disappear!

Everyone is still waiting to watch the live broadcast meeting!

Fortunately, the boss is worthy of being the boss. Even in space, he showed his true qualities of being inappropriate. With a one-minute limit operation, he turned the tide and saved the day.

Seeing Lin You repairing the solar panels and the commander returning to the cabin smoothly, and the spacecraft successfully reorienting, everyone was overwhelmed with pride!

It's almost impossible not to worship!

This is different from the worship of technology, this is the worship of "courage" and "heroes".

But at this moment, the object of everyone's admiration suddenly popped up in the group:

"I'm a little flustered. I have to take it easy. The meeting is postponed until the afternoon. Find something to do in the morning and get used to the post-holiday syndrome."

After Lin You said this sentence, he disappeared at the speed of light and disappeared without a trace.

Qiao Nanyu then issued a formal announcement of the postponement of the meeting.

The employees looked at each other, then burst out laughing.

However, this does not prevent everyone from admiring the boss: it is normal to feel afraid, and it is precisely because of fear that it shows how brave the previous behavior without hesitation was.

Intern Xiaoxia also received a separate message from Lin You:

[I'm fine, don't worry. ]

[When you go back, I will take you to the universe to see the stars. ]


After the successful orbit change of the space capsule, the matter is not completely over, and it is necessary to go out to carry out fine repairs on the accident point.

——Before the time was too tight, Lin You only carried out simple repairs, which was definitely not enough.

However, commander Xin Linghua asked him to rest in the cabin, and then put on the tools and leave the cabin for the second round of repairs.

The live camera followed to shoot Xin Linghua.

The voice of Xia Jing's ground command center sounded next to Lin You's ear: "02 Hello, this is Xia Jing, thank you for your hard work."

"Is there anything else to do?" Hearing the call from the command center, Lin You thought that the space capsule should be fully inspected to avoid undiscovered impact points.

But the dispatcher said, "It's not a new mission, but I want to ask, who was [Xiaomeng] you called in the communication before?"

In front of Lin You, Xiao Meng raised her head, blinking at Lin You with her big watery eyes.

Lin You replied: "My fantasy friend."

"???" The dispatcher was stunned, "What?"

"Fantasy friends, every child has them in childhood, why don't you have them?"

"..." The dispatcher in the ground command center fell silent, with 'Do you think I'm a fool? '

She looked at the information on the phone, and continued to ask: "Is it the pink-haired genius girl you introduced to netizens? Why did you call her name in space?"

Lin You sighed and replied, "Sorry, I'm afraid I can't tell you."


"Confidential, your level of confidentiality is not enough."

"???" The dispatcher was confused again, 'Why are you talking about secrets again? '

But after Lin You said this, she really didn't dare to ask any more.

Not only was it difficult for her to ask questions, but her superiors did not dare to ask random questions after the report was made - they themselves are the secrecy unit and are clear about the secrecy system.

then what should we do?

Make a report and ask.

This question came to He Peng, and He Peng was taken aback when he heard the words relayed on the other side.

The main reason why he was stunned was: when did Lin You sign the non-disclosure agreement?

Surrounding Lin You, a lot of non-disclosure agreements have been produced, but he alone has never signed a single non-disclosure agreement.

Anything that you want him to keep secret is also a verbal agreement, and he has never been asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

But He Peng nodded decisively and said, "That's right, it's indeed a secret, the highest level."

Although he didn't quite understand it, since Lin You said it was a secret, it must be a secret.

And about the identity of "Xiaomeng", they did have some guesses, no matter which one of these guesses is correct-whether Xiaomeng is an artificial intelligence developed by Lin You, or the potential discovered by Lin You is no less than his genius Girls, it's all top secret without a doubt!

The ground command center had to give up the questioning.

But then, they began to quietly check the security of their network channels...


At 2:30 in the afternoon, the postponed meeting started on time.

The employees finally saw Lin You in the virtual world, greeted him happily, and eagerly asked him how he felt about going into space.

But Lin You waved his hand and said, "Let's talk about small talk when I go back. It's not convenient now, let's talk about business first."

——In fact, it was Xiaomeng who was waving his hands. The image of Lin You was conjured up by Xiaomeng, but he actually only sent back his voice.

Everyone quickly quiet down.

Lin You went straight to the topic:

"First thing, Shen Ping, set up a team to take over "Animal Party."

"Understood." This was expected, Shen Ping had thought of this as early as the day the "Animal Party" trailer first came out.

Lin You paused for two seconds, and continued to order: "I will provide you with a copy of the existing words and etymology of [Banana Language], and you can go to professional linguists to complete this language as much as possible."

Everyone is a little confused: why is it called [Banana Language]?

But before anyone could ask a question, Lin You continued: "Besides, I need you to improve the sounds of all animals. They don't need to be completely real, and they should be as cute, fun, and funny as possible.语] just fine."

"Remember to find a professional tuner, and if necessary, you can find some voice actors or ventriloquists to help."

"This set of animal sounds will become the second set of language blocking schemes that coexist with [banana language]."

"Finally, bring a few painters into the team to design more small animals and decorative appearances to add to the game. In this respect, just refer to the mature model of [Candy Track]."

"No problem." Shen Ping wrote down one by one.

Lin You turned his head and looked at Xiao Chun again.

"The first DLC of "Pokemon" can start production."

Xiao Chun nodded, but asked hesitantly: "Do you still want to make the theme of [Hundred Ghosts at Night] first according to the previous plan?"

After a few seconds of delay, Lin You asked, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Chun had already prepared: "According to the current data, Izumo players only account for a very small proportion of the users of "Pokemon".

"In Izumo's mythology, many monsters are... not too pleasing, and there are a lot of monsters in human form, or strange forms... Do you want to change the order?"

Lin You nodded with ease: "Okay, then let's make [Pokémon] first. After the Izumo Shinhwa is over, I will talk about it when I go back."

Xiaochun and the others have never seen the Izumo monsters transformed by demons, so I'm afraid they can't imagine for the time being that even the vicious monster king "Shuten Doji" who likes to eat women and children can be painted as a sexy and enchanting girl with scantily clad clothes. .

Where can I change it into a cartoon little monster?

They still have the mentality of "respecting cultural archetypes" to some extent, so they are a little bit reluctant to let go.

But it doesn't matter, when Lin You opens their eyes to them later, they will be able to open their minds.

In addition, at the same time when Lin You mentioned the Pokémon, Xiao Meng had already passed a folder to Xiao Chun. With these ready-made Pokémon images, they only need to slightly modify them to make the painting style consistent. Efficiency will be high.

"Next is Chang'an."

"Lin You" turned to look at Qin Songyun and Fan Rui.

"Chapter 2 first. The quest lines are all ready-made. You don't need to do too complicated content. You are familiar with the process. Let's start it directly. Try to finish it within a week, and catch up with the Lantern Festival."

"I just want to say one thing: at the end of the second chapter, make sure that An Lushan is slashed severely by the player, the wound must be very exaggerated, and then he cannot die, let the wound grow evil and ferocious tentacles, relying on the evil The force broke through the encirclement and escaped."

"This is the pavement for the third chapter of the story."

"Understood." Qin Songyun took over the task.

But then he said: "Now the development team of "Chang'an" is a bit large. It really doesn't take so many people to develop a task line. Why don't you talk about the third chapter in advance and let some people develop the third chapter in advance. Content?"

In the space capsule in space, Lin You floated in the air, he pulled the bulkhead to make himself float slowly, and sorted out his thoughts by the way.

"Okay, wait until the third chapter, the main battlefield of the game will be transferred from Chang'an to Luoyang, but it will be a completely different Luoyang from now."

"Very different?" Qin Songyun was a little confused, "What do you mean?"

"Continuing the end of the second chapter, An Luoshan rebelled after fleeing and captured Luoyang. In the city of Luoyang, he and his soldiers and generals must all be demonized!"

"At that time, Luoyang will no longer be [the city of gods], but—literally [the city of magic]!"

"The whole city is full of irrational monsters?" Fan Rui thought for a while, and then he had an association with the gameplay, "Is Wushuang mowing the grass?"

It was just his guess, but made Lin You silent.

But soon, Lin You nodded again and said, "Well... if the players are skilled enough, they can indeed mow grass."

"???" Fan Rui was a little puzzled, "Isn't the lawn mowing game just about pursuing pleasure? What skills do you need?"

Lin You smiled slightly: "In this chapter, our design concept is: if the player slashes mobs, he will die three times, and if a mob slashes the player, he will die three times!"

"What you play is the heartbeat."

"As long as you are skilled enough, you can definitely mow grass."

Fan Rui's eyes straightened when he heard that, "Then what if the skills are not enough?"

"Being mowed." Lin You said confidently, "Isn't this a very reasonable thing?"

Fan Rui opened his mouth wide, speechless.

"Then, what about martial arts cheats? With the passive special effects of martial arts cheats and the blessing of magical weapons, it is difficult for players to compete with mobs 50-50, right?" Qin Songyun asked a realistic question.

"It's easy to say." Lin You explained calmly, "Because Luoyang was transformed into the [Demon Realm], all the special effects of martial arts were suppressed, and the effects of magical weapons were also greatly reduced. Only the weapons in the [Demon Realm] could not be suppressed."

"..." Qin Songyun also fell silent.

Lin You continued in one breath, "The setting of [Magic Realm] is also the plot point of the third chapter."

"Let the player receive a letter from his sister at the beginning of the chapter—before that, remember to send a letter to the player in the second chapter, so that the player gets used to the "letter from my sister"."

"In the letter at the beginning of the third chapter, the younger sister told the player that she went to Luoyang to stop the demonized Anlu Mountain, lest he go out of Luoyang and destroy the world, so the player should help the younger sister to kill the immortal Anlu Mountain."

"After the player enters the city, they need to go to various areas of Luoyang to kill the demonized generals under An Lushan. Only by killing these bosses and clearing the polluted nodes can the infinite resilience of the final boss An Lushan be curbed, and then successfully beheaded. Kill the final boss."

"Overall, the main plot of Chapter 3 is as simple as that."

“It’s going to be an action-heavy, light-story combat-oriented game. Of course, don’t forget to write some background stories about [ancient demons], [the dark side of the world], [filthy forces], etc., and then tear these stories apart Instead of putting it in places such as weapons, props, and character introductions, it will add some fun to the players outside of fighting."



The employees of the Chang'an development team fell silent collectively.

"Will it...too difficult?" Fan Rui finally tried to fight for the players.

"Believe in the player's potential!" Lin You was full of confidence.

"Just talking..." He nodded unwillingly.

Lin You also nodded in satisfaction, "Finally, it's about the event. [The World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament·Sword Test World] can start, and the [Sword from Heaven] will also start at the same time, but I have a new idea about the reward weapons. .”

Hearing this, Fan Rui was a little uneasy.

Sure enough, Lin You said next: "Let's change the [Sky] series weapon that fell from the sky in [Sword from Heaven] to [Uranium Sword]."

"Blessing Sword? The Sword of Blessing?" Fan Rui guessed based on Lin You's pronunciation.

"Uranium! Enriched uranium! Uranium 235!" Lin You explained with an example.

"Ah?" Fan Rui opened his mouth in surprise.

"A magic sword that drains the life of its owner! Isn't it exciting? It even glows at night, how cool!"

"Such a weapon is also added to the [Try the Sword World] reward, and then an easter egg is added - when two uranium swords collide, they will release huge energy!"

——The original idea for this easter egg came from the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Saber. He even wanted to make these two weapons at first, but later thought that there is no such novel in this world, and it would be difficult for players to get this meme. , This was changed into the current nuclear explosion version.

After hearing Lin You's idea, all the employees were stunned.

Yu Gu, who has fully integrated into Yunmeng, fully demonstrated his personal ability, and feels that he is fully capable of being on his own, is also shocked, and his mind is full of one sentence:

"It's okay???"

Lin You didn't give them time to react, and quickly turned to the next development team——

""Battlefield" has matured enough to announce the end of [early testing] and restore the original price for official release."

"At the same time as the official release, there will be a linkage with "Chang'an" to open the [Cold Weapon Battlefield], and the [Army Box] will also return to the scene."

"The team is still the old rule, leaving the update and operation team, and the remaining employees are transferred to the new project."

"Which project to transfer to? "Chang'an"?" asked the current project director of "Battlefield".

"That's exactly what I'm going to say next." Lin You looked at the members of the digital mobile team, "Sci-fi game department, Qiu Lixin, you continue to develop and perfect space elevators, spaceships and space stations, but you need to allocate half of the people to start the formal work." Game project development."

"Yu Gu transferred to this project and joined the main strategy team. All the members who were diverted from "Battlefield" also joined this team. In addition, [Yunmeng Virtual City Construction Department] will also transfer more than half of the staff to join."

Listening to Lin You's words, Yu Gu's heart surged for a while——

This scale must be a masterpiece!

"So, what game are we going to do?" He couldn't help asking.

"Mecha!" Lin You's voice was firm.

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