Build Madness

Chapter 120 Boss, you are too wise!


The blizzard did not dampen the enthusiasm of tourists.

On the contrary, because of the influx of residents from the surrounding towns, the scene became more lively.

"Hurry up!"


"In the Xilu Mountain Col, you can see it from the hillside!"

"Run up, the crew is in place!"

hula la...

Under the command of the security guards, countless figures poured out of the ancient city and the cottage...

Standing on the gate of the city, Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette and looked at the shooting scene in the distance, feeling much more relaxed.

Xiaoqingshan Development Zone basically does not need him to worry about.

More than 30 fixed scenes can be operated independently as early as half a month ago.

for example:

Walking on the street of the ancient city, suddenly a strong man with tattoos jumped out, grabbed the collar of a certain butcher in front of the meat stall, and yelled angrily: "Sajia..."

for example:

After watching this scene, just as you were about to leave, there was a soft sound above your head. When you looked up, a beautiful woman smiled and slowly closed the wooden window. At this time, a man less than 1.2 meters was carrying a pole Trot over, "Cooking cakes, freshly baked cooking cakes..."

for example:

The tattooed brawny man who just killed someone had shaved his head at some point and was pulling weeping willows upside down...

for example……

Too much too much……

Of course, there are many easter eggs in the ancient city.

There is a red-faced strong man in the southwest corner, as long as he wins in arm wrestling, he can get three catties of mung beans for free.

In the southeast corner, there is a monk with a rough face and a thunderous mouth. As long as you beat him, you can get ten catties of Tang monk meat.

northeast corner...

And today is a random scene, the Temple of Fengxue Mountain.

It plays the story of the leopard head Lin Chong being dispatched to the grassland, overhearing the truth of the incident, fighting against Gao Qiu's younger brother, and going to Liangshan on a snowy night...


Because twenty random scenes have requirements for time, season, and weather.

After watching for a long time, Ge Xiaotian returned to the station.

Fat Xiu can't come for the time being, saying that the snowstorm is too heavy, and he is worried that the piglets he just bought will freeze to death.

Is it something?

Ge Xiaotian immediately arranged ten peasant women for her.

At this time, Xiao Huang called.

"Boss, the actors are all done!"

"Huh? It's all done? Impossible?" Ge Xiaotian was stunned.

This is the New Year's Eve party, with 40 or 50 famous actors, no other radio stations have invited them?

Nonsense, Huaxia Headquarters can take away more than half of it.

Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought of a possibility, this guy's strength is poaching!

Don't offend the whole radio station!

"Little Huang, how much did you spend?"

"It's cheap, it happens to be idle, the total is less than one million!"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian was a little confused.

Is it possible that all the actors are unemployed?

Or is Xiao Huang crazy? !

"Boss, you are so wise! They participated in the New Year's Eve party at various radio stations the night before, and after finishing their work the next day, they all wanted to rest. Coincidentally, our Xiaoqingshan is engaged in tourism, and the travel expenses are reimbursed, and board and lodging are free... In fact, there were a few who were hesitating at first, and heard that some colleagues were coming..."


Ge Xiaotian suddenly realized.

Xingyuewan District C and District D will be on sale on New Year's Day, and you can only get the money at night...

That's what he said, but he didn't think about it, and was going to compete with various radio stations for the resources of the New Year's Eve party...

By mistake, Xiao Huang misunderstood!

"Boss, no wonder you can be the boss, you think completely differently from us..."

"..." Ge Xiaotian blushed a little.

"However, boss, there are two actors who may not be able to make TV."

"Oh? I see, when the time comes, set up a spare stage, change the camera, and replace the show!"

"Understood, shall I send the list to Brother Hao?"


Putting down the phone, Professor Hu also brought good news.

Dongshan Radio Station came to observe the rehearsal on New Year's Day. If the effect is good, a column will be opened for live broadcast in the evening!

Ge Xiaotian immediately asked Xiao Huang to take a photo of the signed contract and send it to the leader over there.

There are so many people here, I guess no one will believe it!

Taking a photo, or sending a fax is more convincing.

What worries him is, is there enough rehearsal time in one day? !

And the program order.

Forget it, let Director Shang have a headache!


Early the next morning.

The snow was still falling, and there was a lot of it, without the previous rage.

The snow on the eaves is a foot high, and the ancient city of Qingshan is covered in silver, which is very interesting.

The resident has been cleaned up, and the outside has been swept out of the sidewalk by the strong men.

Dahan and Ah Huang chased each other in the vast wheat field, happily like a child.

Ge Xiaotian stretched his waist and sat in the big golden cup, heading for Xingyue Bay.

The notice is for the inspection on December 20th. In this weather, I don't know if the leader will come.

But in any case, you must be prepared with both hands.

The construction site, dormitory, office, and computer room... were all cleaned up in advance, and the advertising walls were repaired and replaced with new ones.

eight thirty.

County leaders arrived first.

After exchanging greetings, they took a quick look at the flowers and returned to the sales office.

"Xiaotian, there is something I have to tell you in advance!"

"Leader, tell me!"

"For the central area project, Datai Contractor replaced Shangpin Construction Engineering. You should have known about this for a long time!"


"But Dataai Construction applied to the higher authorities for the provincial road reconstruction project!" The big leader stopped and said no more.

Ge Xiaotian was slightly astonished, and instantly understood what it meant, and cut off my transportation line!

This time it was unavoidable!

"Leader, is it approved?"

"The quotation is very low, and the provincial road here is really in disrepair for a long time, the probability is very high! Moreover, it is very likely that toll booths will be set up. There are in the project, and other places are also implementing it!"

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, the provincial road in another time and space seems to have toll booths!

"Leader, if you take the bus, will it be okay?"

"It's not up to us to decide!"

Ge Xiaotian nodded.

After chatting for a while, the county leaders left a few pennants and left one after another.

Go back to the office and spread out the map.

"This is fun!" Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette.

Datai undertakes the construction, not to mention the construction of provincial roads, but also the construction of expressways are eligible!


What he is worried about is not the transportation line, but the bus system!

After all, the penetration of factories near Xiangxian County has almost been completed, and when the pre-sale funds are in hand, we can talk about cooperation.

But the bus...

Are you going to the countryside?

Frowning and writing and drawing on the map...

Not long after, the leaders of the inspection came!

There is also the city radio station, which will be broadcast at noon after recording.

After distributing the red safety helmets that had been prepared long ago, explaining some precautions, everyone stepped into the construction site...


For Ge Xiaotian, the sports center will definitely get it.

Therefore, it is enough to show Tian Cheng's strength as much as possible.

Corporate culture, corporate management, corporate future planning...

Total value of machinery, number of employees present, branch members...

The inspection is over.

Tiancheng won the honorary title of Top Ten Developers in Jizhou City, as well as Civilized Enterprise, Advanced Enterprise and so on.

Presenting awards, throwing flowers, applauding...

Wait for the leaders to leave.

Ge Xiaotian summoned Tiancheng's management team.

"There is good news, there is bad news, which one do you listen to?"

Da Mao scratched his head, "Listen to the bad ones first!"

"Your transportation line will soon be cut off by Datai Construction, it is unavoidable!"

"What?" Da Mao was stunned.

"So, you need to talk to the factories around the county. I have a list here, all of them are our employees!"


Regardless of everyone's surprise, Ge Xiaotian spread out the map, "The good news is that there is actually no solution. I plan to implement the project of digging through Daqingshan as soon as possible, open up new routes, and use ships instead of vehicles to transport building materials!"

"Boss, how much will it cost?"

"No, what I mean is that the two Xingyue Bay and the sports center are currently approved for projects, and you are fully responsible. I will carry out this project myself!"

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