Build Madness

Chapter 522 Great Senior


Helping Ge Xiaotian fly three times, the white-bearded old man who still hasn't retired, wrapped in a heavy military overcoat, stood in the airport hall like a bear, welcoming the first-term students of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School who were finally arranged.

"Oh, cute little ones, welcome to Ice Bear's largest resource center, shipbuilding center, aircraft manufacturing center, satellite launch center, and Far East military center!"

The class leader of the students was a little confused, subconsciously grasped the old man's outstretched palm, and replied through the dedicated translation player: "Hello, respected general."

The latter saw that the player was a little dazed, and quickly reacted. He raised his head and let out a sigh of relief, and said, "It's unbelievable. Your little hands are still so warm in such a cold weather. You remind me of my lover when I was young. I really want to touch it for a while..."


The squad leader quickly withdrew his arm.

"Don't be afraid, your boss and I are brothers in life and death. We fought together in the blue sky. It was a legendary story. If you don't mind, we can chat for half a month with a full box of vodka!"


"Haha, don't mind, I'm idle all day long, if I use Huaxia's description, it should be called... chatterbox?"

"General, you are really versatile."

"Thank you for the compliment, I am an inspirational man who is..."Bai Xiao Tong"!"

"Oh? You also play Shenlong Dalu? You actually know the NPC responsible for delivering the news."

"Like I said, I'm very idle, but when it comes to playing games, I'm the best of the best!"


"The first pass, the world's first pass! A copy of 'Mountain Village Memoirs' in the Ice Bear District, I am the team leader!"

"You are amazing!" The team leader praised sincerely.

"It's just a pity that the hands are black, and I touched a professional weapon that is not in the team, and there is no way to trade it."

"It can be used as a souvenir."

"Very good advice..."

Chatting along the way, a group of people drove from Komsomolsk Amur to the slightly deserted space center.

Visits, introductions, arranging accommodation, arranging study venues...

Noon break.

Twenty students gathered in the dormitory, looking at the vast launch site...

"Senior is awesome!"

"Yeah, it turned out to be a general who came to pick us up!"

"But, what is the friendship of life and death in the blue sky? Could it be...the senior participated in the war last year?"

"Shh, don't talk nonsense!"

"Ahem, by the way, the senior is really awesome, but he can find a launch center to arrange for us to study on the spot."

"You can't be lazy these few months, and you can't lose face of our Tiancheng Technical School!"

"Understand the monitor!"


As the saying goes, it is easy to do things with money, and Maozi has done a good job in training.

live teaching.

The old man stood in the main control room, "Children, let me assess the progress of everyone's studies. However, I know that you have just entered school and don't know much about aerospace knowledge, so don't worry, it's just some simple questions."

The twenty students below nodded in unison.

"Then let's ask questions according to the seat number, No. 1, do you know the synchronous orbit of the parent star?"

"The height of the parent star's synchronous orbit is 35,800 meters. As the name suggests, it takes the same time as the earth to rotate for one week in its orbit, and remains relatively stationary with the ground. The synchronous orbit has many uses, mainly for communication And positioning, in theory, only three satellites are needed to complete global communication. In addition to the synchronous orbit, there is also a polar orbit with an orbital inclination of 90 degrees. Most survey and positioning satellites use polar orbits, because this can achieve global scanning .The GLONASS signal enhancement system uses the latter."

"Beautiful answer!"

The old man with the white beard was a little surprised, "No. 2, do you know anything about launch vehicle fuel?"

"Launch rockets mainly use two fuels, liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen kerosene. Most of the booster rockets, 1st and 2nd stage rockets use liquid oxygen kerosene, because the energy released by hydrogen combustion is higher than that of kerosene, but the production of hydrogen requires a lot of energy , and liquid hydrogen is a low-temperature liquid, which is not easy to store and transport..."

"Number Three, do you understand the difference between the Ice Bear Rocket and the North American Space Shuttle?"

"North America made the wrong choice from the very beginning to launch and maintain the space shuttle, which cost much more than the launch vehicle. Of course, there is also the accident rate. Two of the five space shuttles were completely damaged. At present, North America has no ability to send to the International Space Station. To transport astronauts, we can only rely on your country..."

The students try to answer according to the answers given by the instructor when they came. As for the real difference between the two...

The purpose of manufacturing space shuttles is to reuse and save costs, to meet the requirements of being able to go back and forth between the parent star and space at will, and to develop to a certain stage, which is the basis of spacecraft.

However, currently limited by technology and materials, maintenance once is more expensive than building a new one.

And the launch vehicle is to invest less and gain more, shoot one and lose one, just like what Qian Lao said to the generals when he returned to China, the big monkey jumps into the sky...

Therefore, it is almost impossible to recover, even if the manned spacecraft that can be recovered is far inferior to the former in terms of transportation volume and comfort.

The launch vehicle is equivalent to a transitional product suitable for the past ten years. When Huaxia completes the innovation of aerospace engines, aerospace technology, and aerospace materials, it will definitely face the same choice as North America.

Moreover, the takeoff and landing of the space shuttle is similar to that of an airplane, and it can accurately land at a designated location. However, a recyclable launch vehicle needs to make a lot of estimates to determine where it will land according to its orbit and environmental variables, which cannot be controlled.

"I am extremely satisfied with your answer, then student No. 3, please tell me about the principle of the launch vehicle..."

"The launch vehicle..."

"Student No. 4, solve this formula..."

Tiancheng's remote control courses are not for building rockets, playing with satellites, nor for building space shuttles or spaceships, but for developing super-large new energy transport aircraft.

Being able to transport building materials cheaply to remote inland cities is an important means of transportation for the development of the Northwest.

After all, there are either mountains or deserts, or no-man's land. Before the railway is fully opened, there is really no way to do it except to find a way.

In addition, the establishment of this course can also cultivate aerospace researchers for the nine institutes, so as to facilitate the promotion of their own solar power and new energy power in the future.

The knowledge about launch vehicles is only the first classified course. Twenty students have already passed the training of the system university and completed the examination of the organ tower during the military training.

Of course, learning is learning, operation is operation, manufacturing is manufacturing, and the three cannot be confused.

"It's unbelievable to me. Did you learn this theory from childhood?"

The more the old man with the white beard asked, the more frightened he became.

Replacement of cheap houses with Ice Bear's aerospace technology is something a fool would agree to. It is impossible for him to give his core technology to Tian Cheng according to the group of politicians who only look at immediate interests.

I planned to drag it out for a few months, talk casually, and fool the past, but I never expected...

That's not all.

At the end of the question, the twenty students picked up their suitcases in unison, fingerprint verification, pupil verification, face verification...

? ? ?


20 blue SG characters light up from behind the lid of the laptop, and a simulation program jumps out on the screen.

The squad leader suggested: "General, you can direct the launch. If there are mistakes, please correct me."


Entering the state so soon?

Also, why are you playing so high-end?

The white-bearded old man was silent for a moment, then took out the satellite phone, "Help me contact Ge Xiaotian, the training will cost more! Especially, this time, I must have my house, otherwise... the general does not agree to this training, and no one comes use!"

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