Build Madness

Chapter 549 Final System Upgrade

The periphery of the Arctic, at the junction of the sub-region and North America.

In the ice and snow, Seng Er, who can fight more than a dozen Tianwei alone, came to a cliff near the beach surrounded by black bears and wolves.

Ah Huang Teng shifted, jumped halfway up the mountain, stood in front of a huge crack, and motioned for Seng Er to follow.

The latter is agile, just stood firm, saw the thing in the crack, his eyes widened suddenly, his hands trembling slightly, "My Ge Xiaotian, where are there so many yellow and white..."

Said, Seng Er subconsciously took two steps forward, but the precipitous rock was blown by wind and rain, and was corroded by sea water for a long time, making it very fragile. With a click, the defenseless Seng Er fell headlong, "Damn it, Ah Huang, Huang Daxian, save the Buddha quickly..."


The system map can see the explored area, but it cannot use the vision of the system personnel, nor can it see the surrounding creatures. It only shows blue dots, red dot marks, and surrounding terrain.

Ge Xiaotian observed for a long time, but he didn't know what Seng Er was doing, and he had to work on the treasure ship to replace the land, so he could only ask Dao San to contact Ice Bear Haibu to help find it.

Since there are many leaders who purchase treasure ships, the types of treasure ships purchased are also different. How to change, how to change, where to change, when to change, and when to change the land have all become problems.

In particular, in the millennium, for all parts of China, four million red notes and a wooden sailboat are really too expensive.

At first hearing the price, no one wants to make a deal.

Details can be read...

The leaders who stayed in the local area felt that the ships were too cheap, saying that they were lowering the value of the local land, and they all demanded that the price increase not increase, and the price of sailboats should be increased. To subsidize Tiancheng's losses...

The order has been changed several times, resulting in a slow progress of the project.

It was not until two weeks later that the superiors sent a special document that the matter was finalized. A package of six million red notes was regarded as a supplement to Zheng He's voyages to the West, and all localities were required to strictly implement the regulations in the document.

For example, ships cannot enter the high seas.

For example, tourist ports cannot overlap with cargo functions.

For example, fishermen cannot install hot weapons or crossbows.

For example, in a conflict with an overseas fisherman, the own fisherman won't be able to do anything...


Huaxia Trust stepped in.

Ge Xiaotian didn't care much about this, he believed in participating, not to join Tiancheng's foreign trade, but to insure these wooden ships.

In other words, all places have to pay.

Tian Cheng definitely won't pay, I've already lost money in business, how can I still have money to pay?

Besides, nearly 1,000 sailboats were sold to Holden for 100, 100 for later replenishment, 50 for the leaders of Fuda University, 50 for Nanyang Development Bank...they are all sold out.

Because of this, Ge Xiaotian is extremely entangled in the next system upgrade.

The real treasure ship is declassified, what will the leaders who bought the old model think of him?

This is not the electronics industry. It is not popular to buy new ones instead of old ones, but to buy fake ones and launch real ones...

No matter how you look at it, it looks like you are cheating.

No wonder the young white-headed leader not only walks around every time we meet, but also looks at him strangely, and plays a song of Dongshan Big Bangzi from time to time...

Two weeks later, it was originally estimated that it would take half a month to charge 20% of the electricity, but due to the progress of solar laying, it was completed two days ahead of schedule.

After sending away many leaders, Ge Xiaotian came to Dongjiagang, where Tiancheng, Sino-Ocean, and Port Affairs cooperated.

The project is still under discussion, and the surrounding area is temporarily uninhabited.

The Tianwei scattered around and inspected closely, and the strong man built a dust-proof net around it.

Not long after, the Zheng He slowly docked at the beach without a berth, unloaded the No. 2 town center, and transported it to a shed made of dust-proof nets.

In this way, it can not only avoid being seen, but also avoid satellite monitoring.

The first to upgrade must be the No. 1 base hidden in the depths of Daqingshan.

Click OK...


In the shocking music composed of bursts of heavy metal collisions, the system page changed dramatically.

The button, which was originally inclined towards the mechanical style, changed rapidly...

The window becomes a car window, the map becomes a navigation, all kinds of buttons form a driving computer, and a rearview mirror, an air-conditioning port...

What's even more ridiculous is...

"I'm a 'person', why do I need a joystick similar to an excavator? Self-steering, self-accelerating, self-overtaking?"

'Congratulations, you have entered the mechanical and electrical era! '

'For all functions, please explore alone. '

'The next level requires to complete all the functional buildings of the era, complement all the technology trees of the era, and have a hundred wonders to prove its own strength and have its own communication system. '

The last requirement is a bit more difficult.

Ever since he knew that the system uses a castrated version of the communication method, Ge Xiaotian had an in-depth exchange with Daoyi on this aspect.

At present, the communication technology of the mother star has matured, and normally speaking, it is impossible to break the pattern.

Unless radio and electromagnetic waves are not used, but free space optical communication is used to establish an atmospheric channel...

This is another time and space, the interstellar technology that has been developed before traveling, such as the optoelectronic components developed by ourselves are the foundation.

However, there is still a long, long way to go to build a network...

"Forget it, just upgraded, let's talk about it later."

After Ge Xiaotian upgraded the No. 1 base, he went on to upgrade the No. 2 base.

Amidst the roar, the huge town center was shrouded in a hazy virtual frame that outsiders could not see.

The wooden material faded away, quickly transformed into dark black metal, and as the upgrade progressed, the body expanded again...

'You already have a mountain town center, please assign types 2, 3, 4, 5. '

Deep sea, polar regions, plains, deserts...

"More humane!"

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the two newly added town center card slots, and the other five gray town centers that did not meet the unlocking conditions, feeling a little puzzled.

The first five occupy the entire terrain of the home planet. According to the system prompts, the types cannot overlap. What are the last five?

space? interstellar?

Impossible, the mechatronic era will enter space?

Ge Xiaotian shook his head in denial, and looked at the No. 2 base whose appearance changed again after the type was determined.

It has a 500x500 square outline, with a row of huge crawlers scattered at ten-meter intervals on the left and right sides.

Looking at the style, it should be similar to the pontoon of the amphibious water excavator.

This also reminds Ge Xiaotian of the enlarged version of the Apocalypse tank...

Of course, there is no fort on it, but six gantry cranes, four robotic arms, four clamp-type operation towers, two 100-ton tower cranes...

The function is a bit like an engineering ship, but the appearance is rougher and bigger, just like entering the world of steampunk.

After unfolding, the system will pop up a prompt.

'Is it connected: gantry crane operation room, mechanical arm operation room, clamp-type operation tower operation room, tower crane operation room...'

So it is!

Seeing the 'car window' that popped up in his field of vision, Ge Xiaotian finally understood its function, and then chose the mechanical arm he was more familiar with.

Scene switch...

Consciously operate the rocker...

The mechanical arm on the left side of the fourth-level town center rotates, digging up sand in the beach that can fill two rear eight wheels...

Ge Xiaotian suddenly noticed something was wrong, "Spicy chicken system, how good am I at manipulating the mechanical arm with my mind, do I need to waste it?"

'Friendly reminder, before the promotion to the seventh-level town center, with the system technology tree, you can't get rid of the joystick, button, or sensory physical operation. '


Ge Xiaotian exited the car window state, tried other operations one by one, the difference was almost the same, and finally connected to the No. 2 town center console.


The boat-like car ran away, but he stayed where he was...

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