Build Madness

Chapter 560: The Arrival of the Nine Schools, Boss Ge Starts Class

When eating a big meal in a coastal city, you must consider seafood.

However, most of the seafood in Yancheng and Qinggang comes from Zhaocheng in the south of Jiaozhou Peninsula and Lianyun City in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Although Ge Xiaotian went to Yancheng Guyue Hotel, he would definitely be able to enjoy fresh seafood, but it coincided with New Year's Day and was full of guests. In order to avoid occupying the hotel's resources, he decided to go to Weicheng Xingyue Bay.

The distance is very short, 20 miles away, there is an asphalt road, and it takes only ten minutes by car.

Weicheng is located on the easternmost side of Higashiyama, surrounded by the sea on three sides, rich in deep-sea fish, and some even come from the Okhotsk Shipyard.

As the community ranked No. 1 in the comprehensive strength of the Tiancheng Xingyue Bay system, Weicheng Xingyue Bay not only has a horse racing arena connected to Yancheng Xingyue Bay, a small sports center, but also an "ancient corridor" built around the coastline.

The corridor has many functions. In summer, you can see the sea from a distance, and in winter, you can put down the glass to form a warm passage.

Inside the corridor is Xingyuewan Square.

Because it is very close to Xingyue Bay in Yancheng, in order to prevent business overlap, there is no small commodity market or high-rise commercial buildings here, but a large "food city" composed of various styles of buildings at home and abroad.

According to the category, it is divided into:









'Special' and so on, dozens of dining areas with seafood as the staple food.

The name is beautiful: Oriental Hawker!

In the middle of this year, Tiancheng will hold the Huaxia Cooking Competition, the Seafood Handling Skills Competition, and the public assessment for the first semester of Jinxiuchuan Technical Secondary School's catering major...

Ge Xiaotian stood at the gate and looked into the distance for a long time, without notifying Chairman Weicheng Tiancheng, he led Seng San, Dao Si, and Seng Si into this foodie world.

The storefronts in the food city are basically villa-style buildings, with the highest three floors and most of them two floors, which belong to the living room of the employees and the boss.

The courtyard in front is the dining area.

Various types of seats are placed, an open restaurant is set up on the side, and projection equipment for broadcasting SG TV signals is hung. Customers can eat, watch, and appreciate the unique skills of the chefs.

Behind the chef, a variety of seasonal vegetables and live seafood are lined up, and customers can choose as they please, and the price is the lowest in the coastal areas of Asia.

Since it is winter, the sky above the courtyard has been covered by the solar cover supported by the building today.

This thing absorbs the heat of the sun during the day and releases it at night. It does not need electricity, and it works great with heating equipment.

And outside the Food City, there are Tiancheng Xingyue Bay Phase 2 holiday sea view rooms, and Xingyue Bay Phase 1 community adjacent to the Jiaodong Peninsula Ring Road.

The community occupies a total area of ​​2,000 mu, and the whole is like a crescent moon, and the land is basically free.

Moreover, since the food city covering an area of ​​5,000 mu is in the initial stage of operation, it loses 2 million a day. In order to prevent Weicheng Tiancheng from going bankrupt, the local leaders subsidize half of it, and the rest is given to Tiancheng with the land.

It's not stupid, and it's not making money at a loss.

Because with the help of Tiancheng, Weicheng has introduced more than 500 high-tech talents, more than 20,000 on-the-job technicians from other places, more than 300 enterprise shops, and provided more than 60,000 jobs in less than a quarter.

If it lasts for one or two years, relying on its own geographical location, referring to Ge Xiaotian's other time and space memory, coupled with Tiancheng's overseas layout, Weicheng is expected to be awarded the "Huaxia-Nanbangzi Free Trade Zone Demonstration City" by the highest authority in China next year '.

Moreover, Weicheng is not big, with a population of only two million. In terms of GDP, not to mention Qinggang and Yancheng, I am afraid that even Jishi in Southwest Shandong cannot compare. Per capita income is expected to rank among the top 30 in China.

You know, the North, Shanghai, Guangzhou and southern coastal cities are so rich, but Serena Williams can squeeze in, which shows how important the free trade zone is.

What is a free trade zone?

It is a bit similar to the Magadan Free Port at the northern end of the Okhotsk Sea, but it belongs to Ice Bear itself, but this one needs to join the WTO, also known as a free trade zone.

However, in China, it needs to conform to China's characteristics, and become a regionally targeted free trade city.

Therefore, Weicheng corresponds to Nanbangzi across the sea, after all, they are quite close.

After signing a free trade agreement, members will completely cancel tariffs and quantitative restrictions in commodity trade, so that commodities can flow freely.

This is Ge Xiaotian's wish to the leaders of Weicheng.

Huaxia has not yet joined the WTO, and it was not convincing to talk about it before, but as the process of applying for the WTO accelerated, the success rate became higher and higher. In addition, Tiancheng won the Nanbangzi cross-sea project, and made a big fanfare to apply for the world heritage, and proposed kimchi Export ideas...

Due to various reasons, Ge Dapao has never let go of empty guns. The leaders of Weicheng gritted their teeth, stamped their feet, and tightened their belts.

Therefore, Weicheng Xingyue Bay is equivalent to consuming the financial and material resources of a prefecture-level city.

There are communities, squares, schools, food courts, seaside corridors, new bus stations, new train stations, expressways leading directly to the airport, and municipal and elevated highways that are still under planning...

Ranking first in the comprehensive strength of the Xingyue Bay system, it is not just talking nonsense.

He was so kind, Ge Xiaotian also reciprocated, planning to finish the Jishi project and arrange a subway here.

It doesn’t need to go outside the city, and it doesn’t need to be too long. It only needs to make a circle around Serena Williams City, and then intersperse with two BRT bus routes in an X shape in the middle.

Ten or twenty years later, the surrounding areas of the subway, the community will come together, and the city will not be left behind, but will become more dynamic.

Of course, the land must be hoarded in advance. After all, the leaders of Weicheng used the land to offset the loss of the food city. In two years, Tian Cheng could accumulate a lot of seemingly useless suburban wasteland...

At that time, once the subway is connected, the value will soar...

Ge Xiaotian wandered around the food city and found that the first batch of 200 restaurants that were the first to settle in might be affected by New Year's Day and Marseille.

Time to bring in the second batch of F\u0026B outlets.

In a few days, the Tiancheng Overseas Construction Logistics Office will be established here, and the food and lodging of thousands of employees in the logistics can be completely outsourced to them.

Then, build a sea food delivery ship for the food city to support the construction area in Incheon...

Why not eat at Nanbangzi?

What if the employees are not acclimatized?

For tens of billions of projects, if the strong men collectively have diarrhea, even if it is delayed by one day, they will lose forty to fifty million.

Therefore, in terms of food and accommodation, we cannot save money.

Thinking about it, Ge Xiaotian stepped into the area with the word 'special' and walked into a 'Weicheng specialty seafood shop'.

Two-thirds of the hundred and ten dining tables have been occupied by customers.

For a food city in the early stages of operation, it is considered a good situation.

Pick up the menu and have a look...

Spicy prawns, freshly fried oysters, boiled conch, fried scallions and ginger, seafood soup, and seafood egg fried rice per person...

Just after clicking, the satellite phone in the monk's three bag rang.

"Boss, it's the Nine Institutes."


Ge Xiaotian glanced left and right, then answered the phone.

Generally speaking, when the Nine Institutes contacted him, they would not easily use satellite communication.



"Weicheng Xingyue Bay Oriental Hawker Food City."

"Go to a quiet place near the airport first, and I'll be there soon."


Before Ge Xiaotian could ask, the phone had already been hung up.

"Hey, is this master impatient?"

It seems that Lao Wang's troubles are not limited to overseas.

Maybe it's a special team from the capital, eyeing the 'no background' Pharaoh.

Long Tian is not like Tian Cheng, he has a few grandparents to take care of him, Lao Wang started from scratch, was once bankrupted by the Science and Technology Alliance, and now he is facing a crisis again, although the overseas troubles have been resolved, but there is no guarantee that anyone wants to buy shares, or according to for oneself.

A certain level of power, even Yu Zong must avoid it.

Of course, Long Tianming was not made by nature on the surface, nor was he born in the dark.

One-third of the shares are in the hands of him, Ge Xiaotian, one-third of the shares are in the hands of the son of Wanshi Boss Montblanc, and the rest are in the hands of the institution where the Nine Institutes belong.

If you want to fight Long Tian, ​​Ge Xiaotian might have a headache before Long Tian reorganized, but now...

If you want to die, go for it!

"Boss, where are you going?" Seng San was a little puzzled when he saw his boss got up and picked up the document bag.

"Go and see the fun!"


"Dao Si, Seng Si, you two stay for dinner, and Seng San will follow me to Weicheng International Airport."


Airplanes should be the most advanced means of transportation in human history.

In just one and a half hours, before Ge Xiaotian arrived at the agreed place by car, the Nine Institutes parachuted from Beijing to Weicheng International Airport.

Half an hour later, at three o'clock in the afternoon on New Year's Day, the two met in a wilderness.

"Leader, why is this posture the same as that of a secret agent? No one will catch us?"

The Ninth Institute did not answer the question, with a serious face, "The 60% shares of Longtian Technology Group held by you and Montblanc need to be replaced."

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian didn't believe that Jiusuo wanted to take Longtian away.

"The encryption level was too low before, and now the legal person and shareholders need to be replaced. You can just find someone you can trust. After finishing the process, only Wang Laoliu will appear in Longtian. Other information can be read by anyone on the surface, but the real information will be in the future. Only two or three leaders can inquire."

Ge Xiaotian suddenly realized, "This is not easy."

"You must be trustworthy, and it's best not to say anything in your life."


"Someone will contact you later, so I will leave first. In order to avoid the same thing from happening, Weihua and Xinwanshi Technology will also operate."

"Go slowly!"

Ge Xiaotian watched the five plainclothes guards go away, and looked up at the sky...

"The storm is coming!"

Immediately, he took the SG notebook from Seng San, connected it to the satellite network, and called up the Longtian technology monitoring.

"Go, buy a watermelon!"

"It's winter, in the wilderness, where can I buy watermelon?" After finishing speaking, Seng San suggested, "Boss, if we rush back now, maybe we can still have some hot seafood soup."

"You can pull it down, do you think Tao Si and Seng Si will leave you with a bite?"


"Look at the fun first, and I'll take you to a big meal tonight!"

"You also said in the morning that you would take me to a big meal..."


January 2nd.

Huaxia Morning News reported that Longtian Technology Group was not involved in any pollution during the graphene manufacturing process, and another special team investigation video was broadcast.

Afterwards, the noon news reported that the graphene chip produced by Longtian Technology Group had been certified by the health organization of the parent star as one of the preferred chips for high-end medical equipment and high-end medical electronic equipment, and the stand-alone chip developed by it had also been certified It is certified as the best special equipment in the industrial field by relevant departments of Huaxia.

And in the evening, the news network reported that Longtian Technology Group was selected as the first batch of high-tech talent incubators in China. The highest department gave technical support of one billion red notes and three billion technology support funds. The vice chairman gave important instructions. At the end, it is full of expectations for Huaxia Core...

On the same day, there was a big change in the shareholders of Longtian Technology Group, which was revealed to the outside world as a joint venture between dozens of Chinese-level enterprises...

And in the evening, Old King Longtian, who was half in official uniform, held a press conference.

At the meeting, Longtian announced that the new generation of SG equipment will be launched in March. The single chip microcomputer adopts the LT-AI level Soc chip layout of "one master and twelve pairs" and has twelve functions. Compared with the previous generation, the number of functions has increased. Fifty percent, the four additional functions are: front camera, graphic design, film production, and health monitoring.

And announced the launch of a new generation of smart card, also added four functions: front camera, video playback, pocket wallet, health monitoring.

At the same time, Weihua also held a press conference, announcing the official opening of a 960-kilometer terrestrial optical cable from Huaxia Black Dragon Ice City to Ice Bear Vladivostok, and will soon connect Amur and Neobras...

Immediately afterwards, Weihua also launched a new generation of SG and a new generation of smart one-card, which also added four functions: front camera, 2.5G video conferencing, office platform (similar to office, which can synchronize data with SG through Shenlong account), 'boss Eye' (connected company or storefront monitoring).

When Microsoft and Internet were caught in the "privacy door" incident, Pingguo launched a new generation of Mac, MacBook, iPod touch, and updated iTunes functions, and announced that it will cooperate with a company that has just developed 3G technology in the Netherlands. A brand-new personal communication device that can change the world and can effectively protect the privacy of every customer is called: iPhone 3gs.


the other side.

January 3rd.

At the end of the four-day vacation, the students of Jinxiuchuan returned to the familiar yet unfamiliar campus again.

It is familiar because the architectural shape is still so neat and dignified, and it is unfamiliar because there is a five-story stepped wooden bar chair on both sides of the road.

"Strange, didn't it mean that the Huaxia Education Bureau rejected Tian Cheng's application to hold the F1 Formula Competition here?"

"Yeah, why did you set up the stands again?"

"Actually, I like racing cars very much, and I also support Tian Cheng. It's a pity."

"I heard that some parents are worried about safety and pollution, especially the waste tires piled up for protection. The smell is pungent, so they reported it."

"Although my mother is nosy, she definitely didn't report it. She represents a Li Brothers sports brand store in the business district, and she is eager to hold a competition."

"Although my dad likes to criticize, he certainly didn't report it. He opened a restaurant in the East District and hoped to hold a racing competition."

"Maybe it's just like what is said on the Internet, it's Shen Zhipeng playing tricks and reporting indiscriminately!"

"It's really possible. After all, many merchants in Jinxiuchuan come from the Jifu Chamber of Commerce. If the race is held, more members of the Jifu Chamber of Commerce will secretly move here."

"Fortunately, Boss Ge is not here, otherwise there will be another fight."

"Huh? Look at the parking lot."

"A lot of four laps... Strange, the leader came to inspect?"

"But why are they all running towards the library?"

"It's not a library, it seems to be a public multimedia teaching library..."

"Hey, classmate, what happened over there?"

"Senior Ge is starting class!"

"What class?"

"Submarine construction, cross-sea engineering...a class is worth five million yuan. It is said that leaders of many construction companies and professors from construction universities came to attend the class."

"true and false?"

"Live teaching is about to start, Jinxiuchuan students can listen to it for free!"

"Damn, let's go, let's go and have a look..."

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