Build Madness

Chapter 569 New Year's Eve 2001

"The whole thing hasn't changed much, the hair is smoother, the eyes are a bit hollow, and the forehead still has holes..."

Before boarding the plane, Ge Xiaotian found a hotel and gave Ahuang a bath. During the research for a long time, he didn't find anything magical, and finally handed Ahuang to his logistics staff.

Well, regardless of civil aviation, private jets, or business jets, large pets are not allowed these days.

Of course, Mi-26 is a transport plane...

Take off in the morning, arrive at Jifu in the afternoon, and return to Sancha Township in the evening.

When he came to the entrance of the village, Dahan was sitting in his exclusive house, watching TV with the old village head.

One of them is Tianyu's super voice actor, and the other is Daqingshan's supervisor, and they are not short of money now.

The furnishings in the house keep pace with the times. Last year, the small seven-inch TV was replaced with an SG series projector. Tables, chairs and beds are also the standard kit for Tiancheng employees.

And the heating that has been repaired for a year has now been connected to Gejia Village. When you open the door, you can feel the heat blowing towards your face.

"Hey, you kid really came back?"

When the old village head saw his second grandson, he quickly got up and helped him take off the constant temperature clothing.

Dahan chuckled, called out to his second brother, looked around with his eyes dripping, but held his rubber hammer tightly in his hand, "Where's Ah Huang?"

Ge Xiaotian still didn't know that Dahan and Ahuang hid the treasure of the second master Liu Hui privately. One person and one dog ended up falling out and became 'enemies'. "Why? I want dog meat and want to go crazy. Are you eyeing my dog?"

"No, I missed it!"

"Your way of greeting is quite unique. It takes a transport plane and will arrive tomorrow morning... By the way, you will pick it up tomorrow."

"Okay!" Dahan gripped the rubber hammer even tighter.

Ge Xiaotian took off his constant temperature suit and let out a long sigh of relief, "This thing is good, but it's as if it's been through a plastic sheet, it's stuffy!"

"Wouldn't it be good to have a ventilation device?" The old village chief seemed to understand this.

"The technology is not up to the mark, the vent valve, the air supply port, and the heat isolation... are too troublesome."

As Ge Xiaotian said, he motioned to Dao Si to take out the special product of Nanyun Province—tobacco leaves that Chen Donghai and Li Wei gave when they visited, and then Seng Si took out the good wine that his boss took out from the richest man's car...

"I said that you have some good things, so you can't be delivered in advance? You have to wait until the end of the year!"

"Busy, I've been floating on the sea for two months, and I've been flying in the sky for four or five days, and I just landed."

"I've heard about Tiancheng's contracting of the Nanbangzi Bridge, what a face!"

"Hey, make a small profit of 80 billion!"


"Unfortunately, the money needs to be used for other purposes, otherwise I can build a super back garden for my grandfather in Daqingshan!"

"You can really talk, I am an old guy who is almost buried, and return the back garden, why don't you talk about repairing the mausoleum for me?"

"Bah, bah, bad luck for Chinese New Year!"

Ge Xiaotian took out nine red notes, "Grandpa, Happy Chinese New Year, I wish you good food, good teeth, good stomach and good health this year!"

"Hey, red envelopes? That's all?"

"What do you think..."

"Second brother, mine, mine!"

Ge Xiaotian took out the big red envelope that was discarded by the five little pink pigs, and specially arranged for someone to send it over, "I love my brother Dahan the most!"


Dahan laughed halfway, his face collapsed, "Do you really think I'm stupid?"



"Second brother!"

"Second Uncle is back!"

"Second nephew!"

"Sun thief!"

Among the various greetings, Ge Xiaotian was wearing a woolen coat, smoking while walking, and soon came to the entrance of his own alley.

The little hero who claimed to have eaten shit was standing on the roof and throwing the cannon down.

Seeing him coming, he threw down the plastic bag in his hand...

Dao Si stretched out his hand to grasp falsely, and Ge Xiaotian took it.

When you touch something made of mud, similar to a hawthorn tube, you can shake your hands and it will be three...

clap clap...

The little hero suddenly cried...

"Mom, Gouzi Ge Er hit me!"

"Ha ha……"

Ge Xiaotian laughed and came to his small foreign building.

There were three cars parked at the gate.

A Changan Ford produced in Nandu, it seems that the auto dealer war has also affected the Chinese auto market and spawned a series of joint ventures.

A Sancha Wuling, judging from the plate number, it should belong to Da Mao Daddy, that is, Third Uncle. He sold the old broken bread and replaced it with a new 'small truck'.

The last one was a dilapidated bus...

The second uncle is back!

I just don't know if I brought back my daughter-in-law...

Uh, the old man is watching TV at the entrance of the village, it seems that the second uncle is still single in all likelihood...

Ge Xiaotian greeted Tian Wei, who was guarding the old house, and pushed open the door.

The hall was filled with smoke and was very lively.

The father is in the middle, the second uncle is on the left, the third uncle is on the right, and the fourth uncle is at the bottom. From the left, the second grandfather (the one who chopped off his own leg), the second grandfather's eldest son, the second uncle Ge Shunfeng, Lei brother, Lei brother Brother, Ermao, Da Mao, Ge Wangwang...

"Hey, big dinner, won't you wait for me?"

"Huh? I called you kid yesterday, and you said you didn't shit in the bird, so why did you come back today?" The second uncle said, stepping forward with a bear hug.


Ge Xiaotian lowered his head consciously...

In front of the chest, the wooden Taibai sword given by my mother was actually split into several pieces, and since I took off the thermostatic suit, it slipped from the untied shirt...

Comrade Ge Feng knew where this thing came from, his expression changed, and when he was about to get up, Ge Xiaotian quickly shot his eyes and patted his second uncle on the shoulder, "Small things, I bought them from a street stall."

"Is that so?" The second uncle, who is well-informed, picked up the hilt with the Taibai mark, "This is..."

"Superstitious, don't take it seriously. It's made of wood. It's soaked in water in the bath. It's hot and cold. It's a matter of time."

Ge Xiaotian laughed, but remembered that he was safe and sound when he parachuted into Amur, a layer of goose bumps appeared on his back suddenly, but he still changed the subject, "Hey, why didn't you bring the old man with you for dinner today?"

"Hey, it's not your second uncle. It's fine if you don't bring your daughter-in-law back, and you pissed off the old man." Like Da Mao, the third uncle often delivers goods at night. Unstable', chased Ermao, who was young and full of food and watched TV, and patted beside him, "Come, come, sit with third uncle, ghosts and gods will avoid!"

"Haha, there is a master by my side. Believe it or not!"

Comrade Ge Feng seemed to remember being fooled by the master, with a smile on his face, but when he saw the pierced ears of Ge Wangwang, he picked up the belt on the table, "You bastard, look at your brother, you have been doing this all year What happened?"

"Hey hey, big brother, it's the Chinese New Year, in front of so many juniors, save some face for my eldest nephew." The fourth uncle shot to stop him.

Seeing this scene, Ge Xiaotian was immediately happy. It seems that Ge Wangwang has already been beaten, "Dad, times have changed. My elder brother is very promising now, okay? I have 20 million fans in Nanyue, and 50 million in Huaxia, little brother, you Look, this is money!"

"Is that what I said?"


"If you get her pregnant, don't even bring her back. At least the parents of both parties should talk to each other and settle the marriage as soon as possible. Even if your younger brother is not allowed to come forward, your father and I still have some spare money now. Can we still be good enough for him? Or, you are not a man, can't bear it?"

Ge Wangwang was full of grievances, "Dad, I didn't get her pregnant!"

"Isn't the baby in your stomach yours?"

"be mine."

"Could it be that someone messed you up?"

"Roughly the same……"

Ge Xiaotian: "..."

Elders in the room: "..."

This sister-in-law is still a sister-in-law from another time and space!

It is indeed the eighth dan of judo...

Ge Xiaotian raised his cup, "Brother, I respect you!"

Ge Wangwang: "..."

"Brother, I respect you!" Da Mao is now following the footsteps of the second brother, seeing Ge Wangwang's mouthful, and hurriedly helping him fill it up.

Next, brother Lei will appear...

The second uncle didn't know what bad idea he was holding back, so he also raised his glass...

After a lap, Ge Wangwang uttered the truth after drinking, and cried, "I am miserable!"

Second Uncle: "Son, Uncle warned you a long time ago, women, it's too bad!"

"What are you talking about?" The old mother who was cooking with her aunts in the kitchen, wearing gold and silver, ran out with a kitchen knife...

"Sister-in-law, I mean, man, you must marry a daughter-in-law, otherwise there will be no one to greet you."

"Then why don't you hurry up... hey? When did the second child come back?"

"Mom, I just arrived. By the way, I made you a natural dog's head gold pendant. It's so domineering, it weighs three catties!"

"Get out!" Comrade Ge Feng suddenly became unhappy.


The next day, January 23, the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, New Year's Eve.

The whole family had a dinner together last night, except for Ge Wangwang being poured, nothing happened.

Early in the morning, Ge Sanni, who hadn't seen each other yesterday, rushed into Ge Xiaotian's room chattering with Fat Xiu.

"Second brother, second brother, look at your sister-in-law!"


Ge Xiaotian rubbed his sleepy eyes, caught a glimpse of the little person in Pangxiu's arms, his heart warmed up, this feeling...

I really want a daughter!

"No, it's so small and so cold, why did you hug it here?"

"Your father-in-law and your new mother-in-law are here to visit!" Li Xiuxiu kicked the head of the bed angrily, as if thinking about Ge Laoer being a matchmaker again.

"Huh? New mother-in-law, is Lao Li married?"

"Fuck you big-headed ghost!" Li Xiuxiu hummed and walked away...

Ge Xiaotian smiled happily, and looked at Sanni, "Your brother is absolutely unstoppable?"

"Unfortunately, it's a girl!"

"still have a chance!"

"come on!"

"It's not me who cheers, it's Lao Li who cheers!"

"Are you stupid? Sister Xiu can still run away by cooking raw rice into plain rice?"

"It makes sense!"

"Second brother, hurry up and get up, everyone is posting Spring Festival couplets and hanging lanterns, my dad is chatting with Lao Li, my mother is making dumplings, and my eldest brother vomited all night and still sleeps, so our family didn't post it."

"We must leave something for the neighbors to think beyond ours."

"Do you think it's still an old tradition, who posted it early, and who got rich early?"

"Sanni, you've changed, you've never hated your second brother before!"

"I found out that you are being hated on the Internet, and I tried it, and it feels amazing!"


What a hobby!

Ge Xiaotian puts on the experimental cashmere thermal underwear sent by the Li brothers. Apart from his image resembling Li Xiaolong, the overall feeling is not bad.

I went to the living room and chatted with Lao Li, Aunt Li, and my father, and went to the kitchen to see that my mother was not sticky, and then found the Spring Festival couplets I bought, and asked someone to bring double-sided tape...

Sanni looks after the children, Fat Xiu cuts Spring Festival couplets, Ge Xiaotian goes to old ones to post new ones, and suddenly finds the feeling of posting Spring Festival couplets with his father when he was a child...

grown up!

However, as soon as it was posted outside the courtyard, there was a sudden burst of noise from the direction of the village entrance, and the fourth uncle's voice could be vaguely heard...

"What is a dog climbing a tree? Have any of you seen my second nephew's old sow climbing a tree?"

"I've seen, I've seen, if the sow is not pregnant, she can even climb branches!"

"It really is!"

Hearing this, Ge Xiaotian was full of ghosts, and looked at Li Xiuxiu and Sanni, who was looking after the children, "Why didn't I know our sows can climb trees?"

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