Build Madness

Chapter 581: Ge Baiyi's Influence

"This kid is really ruthless. Each family asks for 500 million. If it were me, I would have to consider whether I would be beaten."

The news about Zaoshi Xincheng soon spread to the Jifu compound.

After understanding what happened, Mr. Yu couldn't help but sweat for someone, "Help me pick up the Dongshan military headquarters, and send a special regiment to protect him with weapons."

"Leader, can't you?"

"Cutting off a person's fortune is like killing one's parents. Those people worked so hard to get a real estate project, but before they made any money, they were blackmailed by someone for 500 million. I'm afraid that the night will have long dreams, and they will be killed first and then played."

The secretary nodded, ran to the outer hall to make several phone calls, and soon came back with a strange face, "Leader, Mr. Ge went to the capital overnight."


Mr. Yu was startled for a moment, and then laughed out loud, "Yes, this kid is notoriously afraid of death, causing big troubles, so he has to find a backer to hide for a few days."

"Where is the military department?"

"If you can escape to the monk, but you can't escape to the temple, the arrangement should still be arranged. I'm afraid that group of people will go crazy and rumble Xingyue Bay, the new city of Zaoshi."

"Good leadership"

"By the way, let me take a look at the Dongshan Limin water conservancy construction plan that Tiancheng took the lead in investing in, and then arrange a visit to the countryside as soon as possible, in Zaoshi, Tengzhou, and Weixian..."



As Arbor Day passed, the temperature quickly warmed up.

On the land of Dongshan, many men who are farming at home have already taken off their heavy cotton-padded jackets and trousers, and put on lighter linen and linen trousers...

Jiaodong Peninsula, Liujiatun.

Early in the morning, more than a dozen men gathered at the entrance of the village to discuss.

"Village chief, are you reliable or not?"

"Yes, village chief, our village is more than ten miles away from the Yaozi River, and there are no other villages along the way. If we just dig ditches, when will we be able to pass the boat?"

Surrounded by men, the well-dressed middle-aged man waved his hand, "What? Is it because Tian Cheng doesn't pay wages, or does your family want to continue using the well for watering the land? Or you don't want to do it?"

"No, twenty a day, food and housing, and new clothes, coincidentally idle, whoever doesn't do it is an idiot."

"Then talk less and do more! The banners in the village, am I talking about it for nothing? I paid for it myself!"

"Understood, brother, we listen to you!"

"Let me tell you, Tiancheng Water Conservancy was indeed begged by me. I stood in line at Tiancheng headquarters for three days! However, I participated, but I didn't ask for wages. I'm not short of this money, but our village is poor, just like you Liu Gouzi, your mother usually smokes cigarettes, when did you ever smoke Dajinding?"

"Hey, thanks to God, I paid a week's salary in advance. I just bought it yesterday. The village chief has a try?"

"Go, go, as long as you don't give me the same way as in the village, run away from the construction team to steal chickens and dogs, be lazy and play tricks, ask for this and that like a mangy dog, and leave us in the village, I will be thankful!"

"No, no, I don't dare. Ever since Liu Dadiao was arrested by them, I have been honest! The day before yesterday I was helping Widow Gu carry water."

"You can pick out a bird for carrying water for a widow! I tell you, be honest, or... I will personally send you to the bird!"

"Don't, don't, village chief, brother, we are cousins."

"Heh, I'm going to be sent to be a bird, not to mention my cousins, my own brother will be taken with me!"


"Okay, cripple, you take the lead and line up! I remember the notice said that work will start today, and it will be eight or nine o'clock, and the hook machine will be in place."

"Village chief, here we come!"

Hang Chi Hang Chi...

With the sound of a train running, a giant steel beast spewing thick smoke came quickly from the foot of the mountain in the distance.

"My mother is here, is this a hook?"

"Why is it different from what I saw in other construction sites?"

"Isn't this body too big?"

"Speak less, do more!" The village head snorted coldly, and ran to greet him.


After entering the mechanical age, steam-powered vehicles are still the main machinery of the system.

It's just that Tiancheng's research on steam turbines is very advanced, the pollution is relatively low, and the water conservancy project was built with donations, and the fuel problem that can't be solved for the time being, President Yu specially approved the use of steam series engineering vehicles.

This is an impossible solution. If you want to get rich and cannot build roads on a large scale in a short period of time, you can only rely on waterways to make up for the lack of land roads, and by the way, it can also promote agricultural development.

Therefore, this project has been included in the East Route Project of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project.

And the first batch of steam engineering vehicles that were stormed were still stuck in the Tiancheng reality technology tree.

That is, the 200-ton excavator technology obtained from Wajima.

However, the steam series machines burn the heavy oil purchased from Vladivostok and Amur entrusted by Sino-Ocean Group, as well as the heavy oil extracted from waste engine oil, which belongs to the fuel resources that have not been fully promoted on the mother planet. The storage capacity is enough to support the entire project.

Two 100-ton steam tractors, two large bulldozers, and three rough heavy trucks arrived at the entrance of Liujiatun Village, and without turning off their engines, they jumped off dozens of strong men.

Well, a strong man.

Just like a full-experienced strong man transfers to a sailor, and a full-experienced sailor transfers to a floating crane mechanic. After upgrading the four-level system, a full-experienced strong man can also transfer to a land mechanic.

However, there are still restrictions. Since the system is not in the electrical age, system personnel cannot play heavy trucks in the real world, and can only operate steam series with the same technology as the system.

"Who is Liu Jianmin, village head Liu?"

"I am I am!"

The men in the village were shocked by the giant steel beast, and they were a little nervous when they heard the question, but the well-dressed man quickly raised his hand, "I am!"

"According to the list of advance wages, distribute tooling, two sets per person, add shoes and helmets, half an hour later, get on the car dressed neatly, unqualified, rest today, no wages, then we go to the construction site, today's goal, One hundred meters!"

The village chief was influenced by the powerful and rhythmic speech of the strong man, and he put his legs together, "Yes! Sir!"

"Sir, you can call me Kong Gong or Lao Kong!"


Following the exchange between the two, the men in the village have recovered from the shock of seeing the giant steel beast. They saw the coarse linen clothes and the overalls with reflective strips, and then looked at the military-like uniforms on the strong man...

Liu Gouzi, who loves to make trouble, muttered immediately: "This is too partial, isn't it, giving us such ugly work clothes?"

"What did you say?" Without waiting for the strong man to explain, the village chief raised his foot and kicked, "I have said 800 times to talk less and do more, are you ignoring it?"

"Don't fight!"

The strong man, Old Kong, stepped forward to stop him, "According to our boss Ge Baiyi's regulations, the outsiders are indeed wearing this kind of work clothes, because everyone is not familiar with Tiancheng's construction standards, and they must wear eye-catching clothes to prevent you from running around and suffering from mechanical injuries. But , our boss also said, as long as we persevere until the end, persist until victory, persist until general aviation, Tiancheng will rank according to work points, recruit non-staff personnel to join Tiancheng, become bronze-level Tiancheng interns, and issue standard tooling. But he was not admitted As long as you stick to the end, you will also get commemorative tooling for the water conservancy project, which is very beautiful, and it will be distributed on a household basis, which means that your children and wives will have it!"


Seeing the simple smiles of the men in the village, the village head quickly took the lead in applauding.

"Okay, ten minutes of delay, now only twenty minutes to change clothes..."

Before Lao Kong finished speaking, he saw the men in the village pick up the coarse linen clothes, find a corner and start changing them.

"Be careful of catching a cold..."

"Kong Gong, don't worry, get used to it, this group of people dare to bathe in the yard in winter."

"Bathing in the yard in winter? How difficult is life?" Old Kong came with a mission, and looked at Liujiatun after hearing the words, "It seems that there is only one village of yours in a radius of thirty miles."

"That's right, there is no village in the front, no shop in the back, only I, a bricklayer in Tiancheng, know some outside changes, the men in the village have hardly traveled far except for sending their dolls to study in the county, and the women have nothing to do experience……"

When the village chief saw a group of old folks who were attracted by the steam machinery, his voice trembled, "As the employee handbook says, if we don't take the initiative to connect with the outside world, I'm afraid the whole world will forget us."

"It turned out to be a Tiancheng employee!" Old Kong raised his right hand, clenched it into a fist, and performed a Tiancheng standard corporate salute.

The village head was even more excited, and he also saluted, "I gave up my overseas assignment this time and applied for a long vacation. I intend to win water conservancy projects for the village."

"This is no problem. I will submit an application to the planning department and arrange planting industry according to the village's situation. In addition, I will also submit an explanation to the personnel department. Your long vacation is over here, welcome back to the team!"

"Tian Cheng Tian Cheng, walk with you!"


"Tian Cheng Tian Cheng, walk with you!"

On the land of Dongshan, in the wilderness, in the fields, beside the dykes, and outside countless villages, there are clear and loud chants for the start of work.

In the blue sky, hundreds of aerial photography drones clearly recorded all this.

At the same time, China's first epic costume movie about water conservancy started shooting!

The name is: the Grand Canal!

"It's really a super project that can be recorded in history."

Mr. Yu stepped on the mud and walked on the bank of the branch of the Panlong River in Tengzhou. He saw tens of thousands of men and women working hard to carry gravel and dirt, clean the river, and huge monsters running back and forth. It felt a little weird, He sighed deeply again.

Ge Xiaotian underestimated his influence in Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce.

One year later, the first enterprises to follow Tiancheng to forge ahead are all the top 50 large groups in Jishi City. Even the donkey meat restaurants that were not on the table in the past have become chain restaurants now.

Under this premise, the president spent 8 billion for water conservancy, and the follow-up will also involve waterways, freight, planting, breeding... How can the members of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce still sit still?

Tiancheng members have already spread all over Dongshan. There are thousands of companies, large and small.

In addition, Ge Xiaotian also underestimated Ge Baiyi's appeal in Dongshan.

Countless companies that have not been able to join the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce for the time being, or have not planned to join the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce before, all have new ideas when they see that the Tiancheng industrial chain is about to follow the water conservancy project to undergo a rebirth.

What's more, Ge Xiaotian underestimated the determination of his superiors to "seize opportunities and meet development".

Originally, the South-to-North Water Diversion project, in order to develop water conservancy, now some entrepreneurs take the lead in donating money, there is no shortage of funds, manpower and material resources, so it can't be done at once?

Therefore, Construction No. 3 and No. 6, which failed to win overseas projects, and No. 7 Construction located in Nanhe joined the project one after another.

A vigorous super water conservancy battle!

For this reason, Dongshan Radio Station, Huaxia Radio Station, and radio stations in Dongshan's neighboring provinces collected and reported on the scene in many places.

And the major newspapers, especially Huaxia Daily and Min Bao, also gave affirmation and encouragement in all aspects, as well as praise for a certain person and Dongshan entrepreneurs.

Only then did Mr. Yu heave a sigh of relief, "I see who dares to touch him!"


And that he...

At the moment, he is eating melons at the old residence of Xiyuan, the richest man in the capital.

"Not to mention, the ones without children are sweet!"

The richest man Li was a little worried, "Genetically modified, are you okay?"

"The ones I bred at home are not those extinct genes overseas, no problem."

The richest man Li took a sip, "It's really sweet."

"I said, brother, you are too cautious in your life, aren't you?"

"No way, I'm getting old, who doesn't want to live longer."

"Tsk tsk..."

"Brother, I see that your overseas project is doing well, how about it, what we talked about before, think about it?"

"What's up?"

"Is it that serious?"

"Isn't it!" Richest Li shook his head.

Ge Xiaotian thought about it seriously, "Nanyang is too far away. My project in Jianfu has not yet been launched, so I can't use it as a logistics and springboard. If I take it from you, it may be better to stay in your hands. After all, I am there. There are no connections."

"Then I will resist for a while."

"Brother, may I ask, how much money do you need to take over the offer?"

The richest man thought about it carefully, "I'll tell you the truth, I did encounter difficulties over there, and my assets shrank. If I remove the shares owned by other people and subtract the shrunk part, it will cost Franklin 20 billion to transfer to the outside world. , I'll give you one hundred and fifty."


It is worthy of being mixed international!

After shrinking, go to other people's shares, and there are still 120 billion red notes left...

Ge Xiaotian shook his head and sighed, "I'm afraid I can't eat it."

"It's okay, you can pay in installments, five years, ten years, twenty years, if I unfortunately leave, help me take care of my son."

"So that's your plan."

"As I get older, I think a lot. Some time ago, the Queen of England invited me to be a guest. What do you think I don't understand? It's nothing more than investing some money in them. You really think I'm stupid."

"The Xiangjiang man with the same surname as you, has he gone?"

"Huh? You know about such a secret thing?"

Everyone in the future knows!

Ge Xiaotian muttered in his heart, and explained: "I have someone in Xiangjiang."

"Don't go into the muddy water."

"Yes, I donate when I have money, either to build subways, water conservancy, or new energy sources. Everyone knows that I, Lao Ge, are single. At worst, I will stop playing. I will buy a deserted island, go fishing, and live my life with my wife and children. "


Li's richest man obviously didn't believe it, "It's easy to say that Shen Zhipeng is five hundred million yuan. No matter how hard you beat him, with the sign of Ginza, he can rely on the subway to earn back, but Li Wei can't. He has no foundation in Dongshan, and he was targeted by you and Shen Zhipeng. Take out 500 million yuan, and it would be pretty good to sell the real estate and recover the cost."

"What can they do? Hit me? It's like I'm afraid of them!"


"Can you stop laughing like that?"

"Then why did you come to the capital?!"

"Our brothers have a good relationship, old man!"


"Brother, let me tell you something, since you plan to live in the capital for a long time, why don't you do me a favor."

"It will definitely help."

"Help me operate the new energy supply station."

"This issue?"

The richest man Li is planning to retire, and he obviously doesn't want to get involved in such an important project, so he is hesitant when he hears this.

"Don't worry, I promise to take over your project in Nanyang within two years. As long as there are no major changes, it will not be less than 15 billion Franklin."

"You're really embarrassing me!"

The richest man Li didn't rush to nod, but got up and walked around in the courtyard full of peach blossoms, "This is different from when you played against Huaxia Petrochemical in Dongshan."

"I understand, ten percent bonus shares."

"I thought it would give me ten percent of the shares."

"This is a project related to new energy in the future, and it must all be in my hands."

"Understood, just kidding."

The richest man thought for a moment, "Tell me about the plan?"

"I plan to take the CNOOC route."

"I'll go, or my brother Lu Ziye! Okay, as long as you can get the support of CNOOC, I promise to help you resist the pressure from Huaxia Petroleum and Huaxia Petrochemical. Of course, only Beihe!"

"My brother is more energetic. I thought it was just the capital city, but I didn't expect it to be Beihe!"

"It's fine with the 10% bonus shares. I'm not short of this money. How about you give me tua's lifetime free maintenance service?"

"Then I'll give you bonus shares, twenty percent!"

"Free maintenance!"

"Thirty percent!"

"In the early stage of laying the energy supply station, this project will definitely lose money. No matter how many bonus shares you give me, it is just a contract. Is there a egg? Free maintenance, or I will quit."

"Okay, okay, what's the matter, you are so rich, do you need maintenance fees?"

"Heh, I asked specifically, I give tua a maintenance, which is more expensive than a civil aviation airliner overhaul!"

"Normally, there are only a few engines in civil aviation, and my tua has three big ones and two small ones, with a stabilization system and a new energy model! Besides, are civil aviation engines waterproof and shockproof? Mine are explosion-proof, aerospace grade!"

"Isn't it all a car, and I don't drive it to space!"

"Sooner or later, really, believe me, remember our conversation today!"

"I believe in your ghost!"

The richest man Li said, looking at the time, it was five o'clock in the afternoon, "What do you want for dinner tonight?"

"No, I'm going to see my grandpa!"



Grandpa doesn't see him whenever he wants, he needs to wait until half past six.

Leaving Li's richest man's mansion in Xiyuan, Ge Xiaotian recruited Shuai Bo and Baoqiang who studied with him.

The former is okay, he has been the chairman for more than half a year, and he has raised the boss Fan. Except for the strange behavior of the handsome hair, everything else is normal.

But the latter grinned and added: "Boss!"

Ge Xiaotian instantly had the illusion of incarnating the role of 'Li Chenggong', "You, can you be quiet!"

Baoqiang frowned, "Boss, I only said a few words!"

"All right!"

Ge Xiaotian pulled the SG on Tua's back, inserted the CD handed over by Shuai Bo, and checked the Wangjing plan.

"37 buildings!"

"Boss, is there a problem?"

"It's a big problem! Let me ask you, what is our industrial positioning in Wangjing?"

"Apartments, white-collar workers, businesses, and the later stage is to take care of office workers and start a leasing model."

"Yes, you have made the buildings so dense that they look like affordable housing. What's the grade?"

"Boss, the whole industry is planned by you. Let me come this time. I have no experience."

"Turn it down, start again, I only need three to five buildings, not buildings! Three to five landmark buildings, if the weather is good, no matter the capital airport or the capital, you can see me from a high place." Several buildings."

"Super high-rise?"

"We are super qualified now, what are we afraid of? It's not the capital city, Wangjing has no height limit, and our construction technology... To put it bluntly, as long as the drawings made by the Architectural Design and Research Institute are reasonable, we can handle them! "


"Am I short of money?"

"Then I'll go back and communicate with the Design Institute."

"If you want to be different, don't be afraid to spend money. You can earn it back sooner or later. Besides, you are Tiancheng's first new brand that focuses on a full set of smart home. Just like Xingyue Bay, when I was in Xiangxian County, I dared to spend money even if I didn't have money." , not to mention that we are not short of money now?"

"En!" Shuai Bo nodded heavily.

Ge Xiaotian looked at Baoqiang who was grinning innocently, "How are you doing?"

"I still have to practice."

"Let's make a movie, Crazy Dog, go to Neobras, Shuai Bo's script."

"I protest!"

As soon as Ge Xiaotian's words fell, Shuai Bo suddenly became unhappy, "Boss, I must make this movie. I will produce it, star in it, and I can even invest in it myself."



Ge Xiaotian thought carefully, looking at the progress of the Wangjing project, "It's okay, the little star Tong Ying who happened to be on a long vacation returns and can take over from you, can it be done in three months?"

"Okay, okay, I changed the script, it's not the childish plot before, but a very deep, connotative, and pure story that makes people laugh. It's filmed with the help of a flying saucer stadium... But, the dog is hard to find."

"It's easy to find. There is a demon who leads a group of little demons to help you take pictures. I'm afraid it will scare you."


Ge Xiaotian didn't explain much, but picked up the new script and flipped through it, "It just so happens that Dahan is also in Neobras, it's very suitable for your kind of movie with few characters and mainly animals, whether it's dubbing or role-playing, it's very suitable for you." capable."

"I think so too!"

"Actually, we can add a few bears to be the enemies of dogs!"

"good idea!"

At this time, Tua stopped in front of the Huaxia Hall.

Several plainclothes and green clothes came forward to check...

"Then I'm going to see my grandpa!"



During this meeting, there were Zhu Lao, Wan Lao, and three strange old men.

In fact, it should be regarded as a summons. Ge Xiaotian received the notice as early as when he took over the cross-sea project, but there was no date.

It happened to be here this time, so let's take a swagger...

Dare to mess with me?

Look where I am!

Ge Xiaotian immediately took out a new generation of smart card with a shooting function, put one on, and another...

The green clothes didn't stop him, so it should be fine.

Upload Baixiaotong platform...

Ge Xiaotian ignored the reactions of netizens and quickly walked up to a few elderly people.

"Hello grandpa, hello grandpa, hello grandpa..."

"What a good boy!" the tough old man praised.

The other two old strangers nodded.

But Zhu Lao and Wan Lao didn't take it seriously...

That's because you didn't encounter anything!

Wan Lao pointed to the seat, "Why? Compare my height?"

"Don't dare!" Ge Xiaotian sat down hastily.

"I asked you to come here to consult the construction standards, but now it is issued as a temporary regulation, and there is nothing wrong with it. However, there is something we want to ask you."

"You say."

"The iron lump, can you help extradite it?"

Ge Xiaotian knew which ship it was, the one that was detained by Tuji Country for two years and handed over one billion Franklin.

Like the one I remodeled, it's meaningless at all, and it's considered scrap iron if it's handed over to Huaxia, and which one is detained has real technology, but I don't know how many were demolished by the Tuji Kingdom.

"I heard that North America has tightened up again recently."

"Yeah, it's not convenient for us to come forward, we can only rely on private enterprises." After Wan Lao finished speaking, he looked at the three strange old men, "Actually, these are the leaders of the Ministry of Ocean Affairs."

"Hello Hello!"

"You're welcome, sit down and talk."

Ge Xiaotian dragged the chair and took the opportunity to think.

He didn't dare to expose Nong Qijiu who had gone to the east of the European region and had already played Rumble and Galala and entered the campaign mode.

So, with the help of...

But besides the French Hilton Group, we have no acquaintances there.

Hilton certainly doesn't want to get involved in this matter, and won't get involved...

Most importantly, behind the native chicken is North America.

"I'll try, but there's no guarantee of success."

"What's the problem?"

"No problem!"

"What a good boy!" The old man who spoke first, sighed again, and took out a document, "I heard about Zheng He's voyages to the West, and there should be a set of permits."

"Thank you leader!"


It was already late at night when we left Huaxia Hall.

Talking so late, you must have dinner, and you must drink some wine when you have dinner with the old man...

Besides, Ge Xiaotian is not a child, but the richest man in China who repairs water conservancy, which is enough to attract attention.

Afterwards, Tua drove into the Siheyuan on the west side of the Grand Theater next to the synagogue.

Since my family has a business in the capital, we must set up an office.

Choose a relatively large courtyard, which can also be used for office and residence.

As there is no business for the time being, the office has only three employees, one champion swordsman, and two dispatched managers from the headquarters.

Ge Xiaotian washed his face and signaled the two managers to send up the sorted CNOOC materials.

But he knew that no matter how well prepared he was, he would have to adapt accordingly.

CNOOC's entry into the market is not a trivial matter, but two barrels become three barrels.

"Boss, I suggest you look online first."

"What? Are the netizens shocked by my photos?"

"No, it is... you can talk about it after you have a look."


Ge Xiaotian recalled carefully, and felt that he hadn't done anything outrageous recently.

Simply open the SG notebook and enter the Baixiaotong forum.

The first thing that catches the eye is the old news some time ago, that is, the chairman of the KS Group is behind bars.

Then came...

The chairman of the KS Group helped Tiancheng win the shady case of the cross-sea bridge...

The England contractor made it clear that they saw the secret meeting between the chairman of KS Group and the chairman of Tiancheng.

Several overseas investment groups expressed their protest and duty Tiancheng did not obey the rules!

Nanyun News: Tiancheng, shame on the construction industry!

"Fuck, God is so shameful, first arrange this newspaper for me!"

Ge Xiaotian was furious, and patted the table, "It's still a shady scene, but the master can get the project with his mouth!"

"Boss, I suspect that the new chairman of Nanbangzi couldn't bear the pressure of the people opposing us to undertake the cross-sea project, so he intentionally made this kind of news."

"This is still our Huaxia forum, I'm afraid Nanbangzi's side has already turned upside down..."

"Then we?"

"Where is my 800,000 sailors? Connect the translator and go on an expedition to Nanbangzi!"

I would like to say a few words about the April event. In fact, the theme is spoofs. Malicious speculation about Ge Xiaotian, such as why Brother Hao is loyal, was he scared by Nong Qijiu at the beginning, or was he moved by the 200,000 yuan to buy clothes, or because the boss is really black ...For example, Xiao Huang likes to poach people, is it because of Ge Xiaotian's secret instructions, or is it because of his nature...For example, the impression of Ge Xiaotian from Zhiye Lao Pang first came from the black book, and later because of soap...For example, the boss who went in and squatted behind bars... ...For another example, when Ge Xiaotian crossed, there was a big foreshadowing. He led a group of people to eat and drink in the village in the name of attracting business. Where did those people go...It could also be a side story, such as the story of Ah Huang and Dahan , Ge Xiaotian in the heart of one person and one dog... In short, malicious speculation is enough.

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