Build Madness

Chapter 586 Anti-virus software, this muscle is a bit deflated...

In the depths of Daqing Mountain.

The Cyber ​​Security Center of the Underground Research Institute of Tiancheng Aerospace Department.

In the general hall, 500 computer elites are fan-shaped distributed in various areas, each with a stone light machine, with their eyes fixed on the screen, and their hands quickly rubbing the keys.

Scalloped top, podium.

Daoyi is wearing a white coat and eye-catching anti-glare glasses, and he is communicating with the Jiu Institute who is also in the same attire.

"Leader, we really didn't do this. Panda Guardian said it was artificial intelligence, but it's just a product of a combination of physical UI and virtual UI, which is used for human-computer interaction, operation logic, and beautiful interface. It is a gimmick to say that it is artificial intelligence, just like the queen mother selling melons, selling melons and boasting.”

"Researcher Zhang, as far as the current situation is concerned, the number of people and companies that can develop AI-level applications on the Shenlong platform can be counted, right?"

"Leader, you may focus on aerospace research and have not paid attention to the company dynamics of Longtian and Weihua for a long time. As of today, Shenlong platform has 60,000 software service individuals and enterprises, and Longtian and Weihua have 200,000 employees who are engaged in learning of Shenlong system , and successfully obtained the practitioner certificate, store manager certificate, Tiancheng technical title, and another 3 million users who are learning at different levels. What's more, SG learning machines and simulators have become compulsory subjects for the cultivation of interest in extracurricular activities in Dongshan primary and secondary schools. Next year we will promote it to high schools, and within the next five years, to universities..."

"I'm talking about advanced AI applications, not ordinary apps, Researcher Zhang, you seem to be changing the subject!"

"No, I'm telling the truth. There are real data to prove that there are currently 30,000 Chinese citizens who have successfully obtained Tiancheng's silver-level SG technical expert certificate, and obtained corresponding mid-to-high-level jobs, and another 50,000 Chinese citizens..."

"Stop! You are a researcher, why are you so talkative like your boss?"

"No, it's not bullshit, it's called active brain cells and quick thinking. According to the Tiancheng Biotechnology Research Center, the achievements of people like me in scientific research are ten times, or even a hundred times that of ordinary people..."

"Beep beep..."

Daoyi looked at the satellite phone, deleted the communication records, and picked up the microphone on the podium: "Received the order from the superior, stop the operation, all have it, delete the panda clones in an orderly manner, and keep the panda burning incense shell that can be killed. "

"A group received..."

"The second group received..."

"The three groups received..."

"Four groups……"

As the reports were delivered one after another, the dense red dots began to disappear on the map divided into the eastern and western hemispheres on the two super-large curtains directly in front of them...

After all the red dots were replaced by yellow dots representing panda burning incense, the network security personnel in the hall stood up one after another.


get off work!

However, the moment the last stone light machine was turned off, on the screen, the yellow dots on the maps of the eastern and western hemispheres suddenly flickered several times, and were instantly covered by the same number of scarlet dots.

The network security officers were a little puzzled. They turned on their portable devices and checked the real-time monitoring, but found nothing abnormal.

Several team leaders looked at each other and quickly started the Shi Guang Machine.


In the quiet hall, the sound of rubbing the keys became one...

"Report, a group of panda clones are out of control!"

"Report, the second set of panda clones are out of control!"


Dao Yi, who was leaning against the screen, was checking the assessment results of the technical secondary school students who went to Ice Bear to study at home, as well as the launch projects of the second and third phases of the GLONASS navigation system. Hearing the report, he looked up and looked around the hall, and then turned his head look at the screen.

"Don't panic!"

As Daoyi said, he turned on the Shi Guangji matrix that was in standby, and entered the symbols that only he could understand, like strokes.

ten minutes later...

Sweaty forehead.

Twenty minutes later...

His face was a little stiff.

Thirty minutes later...

Take out Fuxi's gossip and quickly calculate...

After one hour.

'What the hell, why can't I find the administrator password? '

'Did I make it up? '

Daoyi coughed, facing the eyes of the hall, feeling a little uncomfortable, twisted his body, and pretended to be calm: "Everyone knows that the panda burning incense has mutated, and it has been out of the control of the panda guards, so it was not created by us. It’s not our business, it’s getting late, everyone has been busy for several days, so hurry up and go back to rest.”


After all the network security personnel left the general hall with a confused face, Dao Yi quickly picked up the satellite phone to contact Ge Xiaotian.

"Boss, it's not good, I..."

"What's wrong?!"

Dao Yi suddenly thought of his juniors, and changed his voice, "I... we made the panda burning incense mutate!"

"I know, they've all planted flags in the North American Chairman's White House, so just accept it."

"No, we lost control of it."

"What nonsense? The three laws of artificial intelligence you told me back then, one of which is that artificial intelligence must be controlled by humans. Just this small program, it can't be controlled? Then what real artificial intelligence and robots will be played in the future?"

"No, boss, it has mutated!"

"Stop fooling me!"


Daoyi felt that the matter could not be concealed, "I forgot!"


"When I made this thing, I was having a meal. After setting the password, I handed it over to the researcher. I was busy afterwards and forgot..."

"So you've lost administrator privileges?"


"Daoyi, the weather is good today..."

"Yes, boss, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, and the weather is beautiful."

"Huh? You called today, didn't you?"

"Oh, boss, I dreamed about you last night, and I'll bring you some tea!"

"Haha, loyalty is commendable, work hard!"

"Okay, boss!"

'The boss is planning to ignore it, so I'll take care of it! '

Holding the satellite phone, Dao Yi let out a heavy breath, and was about to log in to the backstage of Panda Guardian to completely separate the function of the panda avatar, when the satellite phone rang again.

Still own boss.


"Daoyi, let's just leave it alone. I'm worried and thinking about it. I want to ask you, since it's a virus created by us, can you use anti-virus software to isolate it?"

"Yes, for sure, that is to transplant Panda Guardian to the Win system, and update the virus database frequently according to the mutation speed of Panda Burning Incense. Of course, the SG series Shenlong system is immune to viruses, and our products do not need it."



Hearing the gasp from the opposite side, how could Dao Yi not understand what it meant after being with his boss for so long, he gasped in the same way, and said in a trembling voice: "Boss, we are going to send again! Version of anti-virus software, one piece of Franklin per person, we can earn more than one billion in an instant!"

"Phew... Old Daoist, when the computer industry is facing a major disaster, as a conscientious entrepreneur, I can't do this!"

"Yes, yes, the boss is righteous! We want to launch free anti-software, so that users around the world can survive the crisis safely. Moreover, we also prepare free browser kits, even UI desktops, including tools for reinstalling the system, etc., for users. And give some delicious, fun, delicious, easy-to-use, personalized recommendations!"

"Won my heart, old man, you have successfully crossed the tribulation!"

"It's all good education by the boss!"

"Get this done as soon as possible."

"Boss, the Panda Burning Incense was released by Longtian. If Longtian releases antivirus software...some of them don't have three hundred taels of silver here, why don't we set up an overseas network service company."

"That's right... then find Nong Qijiu, the European Science and Technology Alliance has been established, and ask him to find a way to invest in a network service company, and it is best to join the Galileo project."


Daoyi patted his chest, heaved a sigh of relief again, knowing that there was nothing wrong, "By the way, boss, what's the name of the antivirus software?"

"Since it's in Europe...then it's called: Odyssey!"


Not only did Tian Cheng think of antivirus services, the reason why the various alliances participating in the hacker war disappeared was also related to the network security company.

Most overseas hackers either join Ice Bear Kabbah Crash, or join the technology alliance Mcafee (McAfee, McCafe), or join North American Symantec (Norton Antivirus), or join Bitdefender in Europe, or join Hull in Finland pungent……

The Huaxia hackers poured into Jiangmin, Rising, and Jinshan, and even accepted the sponsorship of a mysterious investment group to form a new antisoft company.

The situation has changed, and it has only been the past two days.

April 19th.

When the hackers were still negotiating chips with their employers, Eastern European Southern Union Montenegro Seventy-Nine Network Service Group launched a free antivirus, Odyssey!

Comes with a beautiful desktop, file organization, boot optimization, system garbage cleaning, cloud Trojan killing, super fast browser...

Most importantly, it can resist panda burning incense!

As soon as the news came out, the entire mother planet was detonated, and the company's website was directly overwhelmed by huge traffic.

24 hours later, Odyssey has broken one billion downloads...

As for doubts...

As long as it is not launched by Huaxia, it will hardly be questioned!

"That's the way the world is."

In another time and space, Ge Xiaotian must have heard about the hacker wars, and also knew that the white house of the chairman of North America was flagged, but why did the hackers disappear...

It wasn't until now that he realized that they all went to start antivirus companies.

It feels a bit like the robbers in the rivers and lakes change their careers to collect protection fees, and then the ones who collect protection fees turn to work as a city...

"You coolies, look at other people who play with brain power. Smart people have changed their careers, but you still fight and kill all day long!"

In the Yamen of Qingshan Ancient City.

Sitting high in the lobby, Ge Xiaotian hated the dozen or so brawny men who were tied up.

All around, fifty heavy cavalry prepared for the new XBA season, surrounded by shirtless, formed a human wall higher than the wall of the yamen courtyard.

The heavy riders all had expressionless faces and cold eyes, like angry red wood gorillas in the hands of a slam dunk...

further out...

There is no smoke.

There are still ten days to usher in the May Day holiday. The ancient city of Qingshan is closed for construction and economic maintenance, and it will be put into operation again in three days.

So, there are only our own people here.

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the more than 30 prisoners who were silent, "Who is the leader?"


"No one talks, right? Well, in fact, I am a kind person. I know that it is not easy for everyone to make a living, and they also have wives, children, and mothers. In the spirit of humanitarianism, I will prepare two choices for everyone."

"One, did you see this group of strong men? Both of you are about the same size, although your muscles are a bit deflated, but they are all puffy, useless, and purely embroidered pillows. As long as anyone dares to stand up, defeat or force Anti-five fists... I will give him a way to survive, go to the brick kiln to stack bricks, and after ten years of work, he will definitely be sent back to his hometown. Of course, during this period, the salary will be paid as usual, and the money can also be sent home.”


"No one to choose? It seems that there is only the second way to go."

Ge Xiaotian turned on the projector and played the scene outside the Xuanwu Pass in Neobras, "I need a group of breeders to help me raise wolves and bears... Eh? Damn it, go out and pee!"


at the same time.

Zaoshi Xincheng Dongshan Jianlian construction site.

The wind and clouds were raging outside, like an all-out war on the mother planet, but Shen Zhipeng didn't care about it.

At this moment, he was sitting in a rough room on the 12th floor of District A of Ginza, looking at the Tiancheng construction site with a telescope.

There were many white wine bottles, red wine bottles, beer bottles, and countless cigarette butts piled up in front of him.

Zhong Xiaoxiao cared about her man, and came from Jifu, but she didn't know how to comfort her.

Without it, when Tiancheng reached the 16th floor from the 22nd floor ten days ago, the construction speed would have skyrocketed!

Two floors a day, capped in three days!

Subsequent installation of toilets and exhaust pipes, masonry and secondary construction, plastering of interior and exterior walls...

Today, April 19th, ceramic tiles, balcony guardrails, aluminum alloy doors and windows, anti-theft doors... are all delivered!

"I thought it was June 1st, but I never expected it to be May 1st. In fact, I should have thought a long time ago that Tiancheng real estate is always in time for major holidays, New Year's Day, October 1st, May 1st..."

"Old Shen, it's okay, we still have a month to catch up."

"It's late, it's not like you haven't seen Tiancheng's publicity model before, buses, shopping malls, radio stations, newspapers, smart all-in-one card elves... especially the last one, until now, the elves in the city are already low-level, if Tian Cheng set up a wilderness elf, plus the runway around the mountain, the corridor on the top of the mountain, the spring scenery of the Panlong River, the twin bridges with shining lights, and this ghost thing called the gate by Ge Laoer, who is clearly a bridge, do you think that someone Will you come to our construction site to see the house? Besides, the masses are not allowed to enter the unfinished construction site!"

"Old Shen, we can't always stare at Tian Cheng, look at Li Wei, it's worse than us."

"Is it more than the top and the bottom is more than the bottom? This attitude is too negative..."

"Your current state is even more negative than this attitude. It's not that the real estate property is yellow. What are you afraid of? Tiancheng can publicize it, so can we. It's a big deal selling the Garden District of Ji City..."

"Hey? That's right! The Jishi Garden area is about to be completed, right?"


"Rush ahead of Tian Cheng and make a strong publicity wave!"

Shen Zhipeng found a hope of profit, and instantly revived with full blood. He was about to put down the binoculars he had been wearing all the time, when he suddenly saw the two viaducts being built by Datai Road Bridge.

From west to east, the viaduct is the West Shuangzi Bridge, Yuanpan Road, the east-west Dongshan South Gate, Yuanpan Road, and East Shuangzi Bridge.

The first Yuanpan Road belongs to Ginza Community of Jifu Business League, and the second Yuanpan Road belongs to Xinglin International Community of Overseas Investment Group.

Under the bridge at the south gate of Dongshan, there should have been eight major roads, but now they have become rivers.

The river will pass between Dongshan Jianlian Ginza Community and Overseas Investment Group Xinglin Community.

However, what Shen Zhipeng is concerned about is not the river course, nor the twin bridges over the Panlong River, but the two viaducts.

"Xiaoxiao, take a closer look, why do I always feel that these two circles are so weird?"

Zhong Xiaoxiao picked up another pair of binoculars and looked at it carefully for a long time, "It's really weird, but I said no... Wait, it seems to be a @type!"


(The bottom of the outermost circle is equal to entering the upper crossing. Huaxia vehicles drive on the left, go to the far left and circle a twice, and then exit from the lower crossing next to the upper crossing.)

Seeing the principle of circling Dao clearly, Shen Zhipeng's nose was twisted with anger, "Gou Ri's Ge Er Er, I want to sue him! This is my five hundred million!!!"

"Old Shen, I feel... more than that, there are two @, there is a --shaped Dongshan South Gate in the middle, and there are 丨-shaped twin bridges on both sides.


Moreover, there is a -type Beaulieu River on the top, and an upside-down Crescent Lake, this is...the hats are all on! "



the other side.

Li Wei also discovered the weirdness of the viaduct, and when she figured it out, she was amused at first, and then cried in anger...

"How could he do this?!"

"Five billion!"

"500 million made this thing for me!"

"I'm going to sue him!"

The investor sitting next to him, with the help of Nan Yun's index finger, flipped through the construction contract, "Mr. Li, there is nothing wrong with it."

"It's all caused like this, is there nothing wrong?"

"No, Mr. Li, the contracts are very formal. Plan A is indeed a @-shaped viaduct. It can be accessed from our community, and it can also be dismounted. The design is in place. However, the problem lies in the second contract, Plan B. The description of the plan is very poor. It is clear, but it is very cumbersome. A dozen paragraphs sum it up in one sentence: If plan A is feasible, an elevated bridge across @ will be built to connect the east-west south gate of Dongshan Mountain. Tian Cheng didn't play with words, so he said it very clearly. Crossing @Circling Road, without mentioning the a connected to @中心, it means that the traffic flow in our community cannot converge to the real viaduct, and can only run around and then go down..."

"Can you win this lawsuit?"

"Tiancheng's legal team...Mr. Li, Nan Yun still has something to do, so I'll go back first."


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