Build Madness

Chapter 591 Tianpeng Treaty Viaduct Project

A red note of 500,000 yuan per mu of land was inflated in 1999, but in the middle of 2001, it can only be said to be a bit expensive.

In an unreasonable but easy-to-understand way, let Lao Shen calculate:

One mu ≈ 666.67 square meters.

The floor area ratio of high-rise buildings is 2.6, and each mu can build:

666.67x2.6 ≈ 1733 square meters of construction area.

500,000 to buy an acre, and the cost is shared equally for a single square building area: 500,000 ÷ 1733 ≈ 290 red notes.

The price of Dongshan cement began to decline due to the commissioning of Tiancheng Cement Plant and Shen Zhipeng's cement plant.

Huaxia adjusted its economic strategy in March this year, and steel production has soared, while prices have fallen.

Under the influence of many aspects, the cost of a single square meter of external contractors in Xucheng is about 350 red notes.

290 flat land + 350 construction cost + average taxes, management fees, etc. per square meter, the cost of commercial housing is 700 red notes per square meter.

The lowest price of Xingyue Bay in Xucheng is 1360 red notes per square meter. If the film and television city, wharf, and buses are included, the overall price will rise in the second half of the year.

Therefore, the selling price of 1360 red notes per square meter, minus the cost price of 700 red notes per square meter, old Shen Dan can earn at least 660 red notes per square meter.

1,000 mu x 666.67 square meters x 2.6 plot ratio ≈ 1.73 million square meters.

1.73 million x 660 red notes, even if he does not engage in business, Lao Shen can still get a profit of 1.2 billion.

In the garden area of ​​Jishi, he can do it for a single square meter of one hundred yuan, let alone a business with a profit of more than one billion yuan?

As for why Tiancheng wanted to sell the profitable land?

Let Lao Shen attract the firepower of the Magic City Chamber of Commerce in the north, while Tian Cheng detoured to the southern Jianfu Province and launched a general attack from behind the Magic City Chamber of Commerce.

What's more, earning 400,000 yuan per mu, and 400 million yuan for a thousand mu, the family didn't do anything, just earning money.

Overall, this is a win-win deal.

Lao Shen relies on Xingyue Bay in Xucheng to increase housing prices to make money, and Tiancheng uses Lao Shen to attract the Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai to achieve a strategic transfer and open up a larger market...

"Why is my heart moved when I know you're fooling me?" Shen Zhipeng was confused.

"What do you mean by flickering? This is called cooperation between the two sides to defend against foreign enemies!" Ge Xiaotian didn't say that he was fighting against the Magic City Chamber of Commerce, but moved Li Wei out in front of Xue Da's leader, "You and I go together, that mother Can they bear it?"

"Sorry, I'm a responsible man."

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the smiling Zhong Xiaoxiao, opened his mouth, and resisted the urge to curse, "Is that what I mean?"

"Really go together?"


"I was worried that your slogan was too bright, but in the end, I found that I was the only one who rushed forward."

"I just shout slogans? Then do you know about CNOOC's seizure of the petrochemical refinery?"


"We are short of fuel in Tiancheng. It's not a day or two. Recently, various construction sites have been revived with blood. You should understand what that means?"

"You reached a cooperation with CNOOC?" Shen Zhipeng was startled, "Fuck, your way is really wild!"

Not to mention him, even Leader Xue Da, Zhong Xiaoxiao, and Shen Wen, who had been afraid to speak, showed expressions of disbelief.

"In a month, we'll have a super press conference."


Shen Zhipeng was a little disappointed. The Tiancheng Limin Activity Center took a firm stand against the Ginza industry, and others also cut off logistics for Tiancheng.

Now that Tiancheng is out of the predicament, if Ginza Industry doesn't find a solution, I'm afraid it will really lose.

However, Shen Zhipeng didn't believe that Ge Laoer would let him go at this critical moment.

Hesitantly said:

"Actually, it's easy to reach this cooperation. I know that you and Chen Feng have a very strong relationship. Let go of the blockade on Jiangnan Changfeng Industrial. I will sign a contract with you for 500,000 acres."

Ge Xiaotian looked at Wei Changfeng who came over, "Unexpectedly, Boss Shen is quite loyal! I can let Chen Feng lift the blockade, but I want to open a special counter in Ginza Industrial for the clothing, shoes and hats of the Li Brothers Group, and connect the smart All-in-one card system, rent-free!"


"I allow you to invest in Modern Film and Television City!"

"Say it early!"

"However, I need to develop furniture modules in the Ginza industry, connect to the smart card system, and rent-free."

"What the hell!" Old Shen almost choked.

"I can ask Tianyu to lift the blockade on Ginza Cinemas."

"You can consider it, Lao Jia Furniture, right?"


Ge Xiaotian nodded, then changed his voice, "I need to be in Ginza..."

"Second Ge, can you make a list of what's going on?"


Ge Xiaotian immediately took out the cooperation agreement that had been prepared long before the construction of @大桥.

For the Ginza industry, it is all a clause that loses power and humiliates the country, but has to be signed...


Shen Zhipeng's face turned green and pale for a while, "Have you already done it?"

"I'm ready when Tiancheng settles in Zaoshi New City."

"I don't want to play anymore. The shares of Jifu Business League, Dongshan Jianlian, Yiyitong Finance, and Xiaoxiao Internet services are all packaged and sold to you for 20 billion. Let's trade now." Shen Zhipeng collapsed.

"Come on, I'm having fun!"

"I'm so unhappy! Also, what are you doing? I can't play!" Shen Zhipeng looked at the startled and speechless Zhong Xiaoxiao, "Honey, do you agree?"

"I agree!"

Even leader Xue raised his hand...

"Don't make trouble!"

"I'm not kidding!"

Wei Changfeng next to him was stunned for a long time, "Well, Boss Ge, look at me, Changfeng Industry, is it okay? I don't want much. The equipment is depreciated, the goods are cleared, and the factory and channels are packaged together. It only costs 3 billion. There are employees! If you take over, you can produce!"


Ge Xiaotian knew it was a joke, and Lao Shen would definitely not sell his foundation, which was the basis of his survival, otherwise, he only had money in his card, and Chen Donghai would bankrupt him in the next step.

As for Wei Changfeng, without Jiangnan Industry, Chen Feng dared to come directly to the door with a knife, and then took his sister and went overseas...

Don't think that Old Chen is in ocean trade, Ge Xiaotian doesn't know what his plan is.

The old hatred of wife and children, the new hatred of relatives and sisters, cannot be solved in this life.

Including what Lao Chen is doing now, he would rather spend billions in Jiangnan than block Wei Changfeng's way of life.

Of course, it is not so easy to persuade Lao Chen to bypass Wei Changfeng for the time being. We need to have a good chat, such as sending him a few iron-clad ships for transportation.

"Old Shen, in fact, Tiancheng Silver VIP members can bring you many high-quality customers by staying in the Ginza property."

"Heh, don't think I don't know what you're up to. After the Spring Festival Gala advertisements, these brands have all gone to the high-end series. Tiancheng Industry doesn't have many high-end consumer groups in the suburbs, towns, and small counties. My Ginza is all in In the bustling area of ​​the metropolis, let them come to my place to do business, and when the time is right, all the shops will be transferred to the Phase II project of Xingyue Bay, how many customers will I have left?"

"Comparing my heart to my heart, I will also give you plenty of benefits. The film and television city, film and television resources, bus stops, logistics and express delivery system, and even Tiancheng's unique task-based resident subsidy system are all my Tiancheng's characteristics!"

Ge Xiaotian handed cigarettes to the leader Xue Da who was listening, Wei Changfeng who stole the information, and Lao Shen respectively, "The future business model tends to be shared. I put my products on sale with you, and I can earn more by adding a channel. What you don't have, I will help you make up for it, and you can earn more by adding a market..."

"Don't fool me. I'll move my products to the Limin Activity Center to open a special counter. Would you like to?"

"You are definitely welcome! The premise is, can your supply keep up?"


"Want to cooperate, step by step."

As Ge Xiaotian said, he spread out three contracts, including: elevated connection, land transaction, and property settlement in Ginza, "Let's sign it."

Shen Zhipeng took a deep breath, "This scene reminds me of a certain movie I watched two days ago. This is a complete inequality... Wait, why are these contract names called Tianpeng Treaty?"

"My name is Ge Xiaotian, your name is Shen Zhipeng, isn't it the Tianpeng Treaty?"

Old Shen fell in love with the scene, his eyes were red, he called the lawyer team, after reviewing the contract, he wailed and signed his name, "It's a loss of power and humiliation!"

"Don't say that, it's like I'm the big villain."

"Then how does the viaduct connect to the main road?"

"Actually... the @式羽罗道 only cost 300 million yuan to change the two-way four-lane road into a one-way crossing, and then add a straight down crossing on the upper part of @, and it will work."

"This is... @_@, you have eyebrows?!"

"I really didn't mean to."

"see a visitor out!"

"Come on, leader Xue is here, let's have a meal together and celebrate!"

"How do I feel, you want to celebrate my turning into this bird?"

"You think too much."


That night.

Great Northwest, Ulu City.

"Sweet you smile sweetly……"

Mr. Du was awakened by hoarse duck calls in his sleep.

open your eyes.

The lights are dim, and the bedroom is filled with a pink atmosphere, and it seems to have a halo of light...

And at the end of the bed, an extremely strong rural lady with heavy make-up is dancing...

Such a weird scene made President Du's hairs stand tall and he couldn't help rubbing his eyes...

when opened again.

Everything before is back to darkness.

Mr. Du swallowed his saliva, let out a long breath, and was about to turn on the desk lamp...

The pink light struck again, and suddenly six or seven rural aunts with heavy makeup popped up around the bed...

"Sweet honey, you smile..."


It wasn't until this moment that Mr. Du realized that there was something in his mouth, so he spit it out and see, Agabes?


President Du fainted.

When he woke up again, the house was no different from yesterday, there was no red light, and no aunt, except for his aching neck and cheeks with ulcers, it seemed that everything he encountered last night had never happened...


Building viaducts and repairing roads are completely two engineering subjects. The professional knowledge involved in the design, except for the laying of asphalt roads, has almost no overlap in the entire process.

In fact, Datai Road Bridge does not have the qualifications to build elevated roads, nor does it even have the technology.

Fortunately, Ge Xiaotian went overseas to form a super construction group. With the relationship between Nanyang Development Bank and Huaxia Trust, he obtained the corresponding qualifications. After that, he quickly studied, simulated, and conducted actual combat in Incheon, creating a natural standard.

This standard does not apply to preliminary field exploration, investigation and research, determination of bridge scale and direction of road sections, nor does it apply to bridge pier construction, but prefabricated box girder erection technology.

Prefabricated box girder: The interior is hollow, with flanges on both sides of the upper part, similar to a box, divided into single box and multi-box, in simple terms, it is the elevated road surface.

Don't be surprised, it is indeed hollow inside.

As for why it is hollow, it is more complicated to explain in detail. Simply speaking, according to engineering, hollow is more convenient to detect than solid, and has better compression and load-bearing capabilities. In addition, the hollow prefabricated box girder, 20 meters x 30 meters, weighs at least 30 tons. If Solid...the bridge erecting machine can't hold it.

In addition, bridge piers over 30 meters may also be hollow, called: thin-walled hollow piers...

(Are you scared?)

When it comes to bridge erecting machines, we have to talk about this super monster comparable to an aircraft.

According to the purpose of the viaduct, there are many types of bridge erecting machines, such as erecting highway bridges, erecting conventional railway bridges, erecting passenger rail bridges, and erecting high-speed rail bridges...

According to the type, it is divided into single-girder bridge erecting machine, double-cantilever bridge erection machine, and double-girder bridge erection machine.

In the Incheon Bridge project, Tiancheng adopted the double cantilever bridge erecting machine specially for the improved railway bridge.

This type has been used as early as the early days of Maoxiong and in the 1940s. There are three types of hoisting weights: 65t, 80t and 130t. It is used for erecting prestressed concrete beams within 32 meters in pieces.

After system optimization and improvement, the double-cantilever bridge erecting machine named NT-101 has a hoisting weight of more than 320t, and the length of the segmented erection is as high as 85 meters, and it has the ability to self-propelled.

Of course, according to the manufacturing process of the box girder, the dosage for 20 meters (1.2 meters high and 2.4 meters wide) is:

HRB335 rebar: 20924KG,

HPB300 primary steel bar: 4417KG,

15.2 steel strand: 3225KG,

Concrete: 102.4 cubic meters.

If it is extended to 80 meters, it is necessary to recalculate the normal stress of the cross section, the shear stress, and the transverse bending normal stress of the longitudinal section, and adjust the steel wire, cement type and corresponding dosage. This tonnage is not as simple as 20 meters X4.

Therefore, the Incheon Bridge is only for experiments, and the 20-meter box girder standard is still used in Huaxia for safety reasons.

Double-cantilever bridge erecting machine, similar in appearance...a super-large flat-shaped "Ji" character.

The left side is called an outrigger, just like a person walking, it first crosses to the front pier and has a driving mechanism.

The upper horizontal beam is called the main girder, which adopts a double-track steel frame structure, which is twice as long as the maximum span that can be erected by the bridge erecting machine during construction.

The vertical hook on the right is called the rear outrigger. It has double rows and double wheels, with a total of sixteen pairs of running wheels. It is one of the electrical equipment for the bridge erecting machine to move forward as a whole.

The whole is roughly like this, and the rest is in the top "one" of the word "ji". Move back and forth in the 'one' at the top of the word.

And on its body, there is also a longitudinal drive pillar responsible for consigning the box girder, with or without wheels.

The appearance is similar to two upside-down 'U' characters, or headphones, and it is mainly composed of lifting columns, folding mechanisms, running mechanisms, hydraulic suspension equalization devices, steering mechanisms, etc. The bridge erecting machine moves longitudinally.

If the above components are combined together, the operation will be continuous, and the front legs will step forward and step on the front pier.

The hind legs step on the box girder that has been laid, and the gap in the middle, the unpaved elevated, is connected by the main beam.

The two earphones hung on the main girder, dragged by the lower beam, hung a 20-meter box girder and moved forward slowly, and placed it between the two bridge piers.

It seems simple, but the process is actually very complicated.

Starting from the front legs of the bridge erecting machine, the staff must do their best to measure and calculate to prevent mechanical displacement. Afterwards, the splicing of the box girder requires a large number of personnel to carry out collaborative construction, followed by welding, pouring, and installation of monitoring equipment...

However, the complexity is complicated. Except for the time-consuming piling and pier construction in the early stage, the speed of bridge construction is actually very fast.

In just a dozen days, Datai Road Bridge has completed the construction of both prefabricated box girders and cast-in-place box girders, and is currently building an overpass.

That is, plan B that spans the two @ and connects the upper road of the oversized Dongshan South Gate.

He signed the contract with Lao Shen yesterday, and Ge Xiaotian must fulfill it. Therefore, after admiring the operation scene of the double cantilever bridge erecting machine he designed and modified, he handed over the C plan to Teddy.

The @-type design scheme is very advanced. First of all, it is only on the crossing. After entering the inner circle, the left side goes west, the right side goes east, and the top of the innermost circle is removed.

As for the lower crossing, in fact, there is no need to design or build it, but it is on Li Wei's side!

Lao Shen’s @上, Li Wei’s @下, the latter’s principle is similar to Lao Shen’s @, except that the cars coming from the west side and the cars coming from the east side merge into the main road of the community under the elevated road.

The @-shaped spiral road seems to be very winding, but it can act as a speed bump to prevent high-speed cars on the viaduct from rushing into the community.

Ge Xiaotian communicated with Teddy for a long time with the blueprint, and before he knew it, it was evening.

After a few small dishes, the two brothers had a drink and slept until dawn.

Early the next morning.

Ge Xiaotian reappeared at Lao Shen's @式罗轮道 construction site, and after a short while, he really waited for Li Wei.

"Mr. Li seems to be very leisurely today, is he coming to my place for dinner again?"

"Yes, is Mr. Ge welcome?"

"Naturally, please!"

As Ge Xiaotian said, he turned and walked towards the Xingyuewan sales office in Zaoshi Xincheng.

Originally, Ge Xiaotian thought that this woman was just a tool of interest groups, but he didn't change his view until yesterday when he wanted to understand the essence of the matter.

It's right to think about it, even Mr. Du was frightened into a "cunning rabbit's three holes", but this one seemed to be okay, running in front of him from time to time, jumping up and down, either because he was big-hearted, or because he had real skills.

And today, he wants to test this strong woman!

Before reaching the sales office, the three South Vietnamese strong men who were arrested the day before yesterday were grabbed by the ankles by heavy riders and walked towards the mixing station like a dead dog.

The ground was sparse, leaving a lot of dark red liquid...

Li Wei's face changed slightly, "Mr. Ge, I wonder if this is it?"

"Oh, the elevated road is being built over there, and pilings are needed, and pilings are needed, and pilings are needed... They are all engaged in engineering, you know!"


Li Wei didn't understand, but saw the heavy cavalry general Nanyue's strong man walk up to the delivery port...

Straight to the ground.

"Huh? Mr. Li, what's the matter with you?"

"Ge...Ge...Mr. Ge, I...I suddenly remembered that the company still has urgent matters."

"It's okay, don't worry, I just want to talk to you about the fact that Mr. Du sent someone to attack me! To be honest, I am very afraid of death, so if someone endangers my life, I may do something extreme." thing!"

As Ge Xiaotian said, he looked at the mixing station. The strong Nanyue man had been secretly replaced by a dummy made of lime. In order to avoid revealing his stuff, the heavy cavalry directly pushed the dummy into the feeding port.

The body of the dummy was also filled with red liquid, the mixing station was running, and it directly shot the heavy rider in the face...

The remaining two South Vietnamese strong men saw this scene, and then heard the sound of rattling, crying and crying to the distance...

Li Wei rolled her eyes as if struck by lightning...


"Call Chen Donghai and say, I want to see him!"

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