Build Madness

Chapter 597 3D Structured Light Investing in a Steel Plant

After negotiating a general investment plan in the car, Hu Wen happily returned to the steelmaking plant in the tua he just got.

Boss Ge is a good man!

Not only did he not claim any compensation, he even gave himself a limited edition super luxury car!

It's a pity that he was busy preparing related materials such as equity financing, shareholding changes, and equipment procurement, so he didn't have time to thank him.

Otherwise, I will definitely drink tonight!

And Ge Xiaotian, who has not yet sold another "uncle" easily, is investigating the route of the subway viaduct at the west foot of Dongyue with the leaders of Tai City, and the 30,000 mu area temporarily named "Dongshan Industrial Park" at the north foot of Dongyue Land.

It is said to be a survey, but in fact it is to take the Mierliu transferred from Jinxiuchuan University City, hovering in the air and looking down.

It is really too desolate below, not to mention the green water and green pines, there is not even any grass and shrubs.

inside the cabin.

The leaders of Taishi City were a little cautious, for fear of damaging any part.

Fortunately, halfway through the flight, Mr. Yu heard that his little friend was cheated, so he hurried over.

After boarding Mi 26, Lao Yu was obviously relieved when he saw the leader of Tai City stretching out three fingers. After all, the amount of money was small and the trap was light.

But seeing the former make another ok gesture, he almost didn't bring it up...



Ge Xiaotian always feels that these three words plus the tune of Lao Yu seem a little familiar.

However, he is not worried about projects that have already been negotiated.

If Taishi doesn't do it, then he will find a Jifu that also has land and a steel factory. If that doesn't work, then go to Laicheng Steel Factory...

If Lao Yu dared to intervene, then he would stop playing. In the end, it was the leaders of Tai City who were anxious.

And, this is a 'triple win investment'.

Tiancheng exchanged the equipment for 3 billion, and the funds did not flow out. He reserved sufficient ammunition for the upcoming expansion of the industrial chain.

Hu Wen transferred the burden, and he was able to put on half-length official uniforms like the old Pang of the paper industry and the old king of Longtian.

Taishi won a high-tech industrial park and a controlling stake in a steelmaking plant. Although the latter is a burden, it is a big killer of GDP.

And the reason why Lao Yu guarded Lao Ge strictly was not to hinder Tian Cheng's development, but to sell desolate land at low prices in Dongshan in exchange for various investments. The total amount of idle land in Tian Cheng's hands has exceeded 120,000 square meters, about With 200,000 mu, it ranks first in China, but the amount of land investment does not even make it into the top 100...

The reason for this is that the parties involved understand that investment is for land, but they are afraid that some parties will pretend to be confused when they move their positions and turn their faces and deny people.

He, Lao Ge, is not a good stubble!

Look at President Du!

'Well, I didn't do it! '

"As the saying goes, scaring people to death doesn't pay for their lives, let alone scaring people crazy..."

Ge Xiaotian poured tea and water for Lao Yu, and lit a cigarette, "Master Bao, why are you here?"

"Stop giving me this set!"

Mr. Yu scolded with a smile, and picked up the rough investment plan of Tai City, "Why don't you get land in Jifu, which is closer to Jinxiuchuan?"

"Even the leaders of the Ji Mansion are involved. If I come to talk about the land, will someone pay attention to me? Besides, I'm afraid of death... By the way, Mr. Bao, aren't you handling the case in the Ji Mansion?"

"Let me ask you, how about the confidentiality of the big database?"

Ge Xiaotian didn't care about the presence of the big leaders of Yitai City. Since Mr. Yu dared to ask, he naturally had his plan, "Longtian Technology Group is the top."

"So, there is another senior in your aerospace department?"

"The large database uses the Shi Guangji + Shenlong system, which is double-encrypted by software and hardware. It has three keys. You, the security compound, and the old king Longtian each hold one. Only when the three get together can the large database be opened."

As Ge Xiaotian said, he found a piece of information from the SG notebook and put it on the background wall of the airborne home theater, "However, we are researching 3D structured light, that is, millions of projected lights pop up from the camera to identify objects to form a three-dimensional Image can identify objects more accurately. To explain it in more in-depth terms: scan and collect object information according to the projected periscope structured light, and use a special point-to-face algorithm to form a three-dimensional image for comparison and recognition. At present, we can only do five Thousands of facial feature points are facing each other, and when it breaks through 100,000, plus graphene high photosensitive sensors, its safety will become the world's number one!"

"how long it takes?"

"At least five years."

"Very good. If you can submit a set of formal academic arguments, I can help you apply for a high amount of scientific research support funds."

"Then there's no need, I'm worried about leaking the secret."

"That's right!" Mr. Yu understands technology and stared at the screen for a long time, "The superior heard that the big database has made great achievements, and wants to introduce it to the railway, aviation, capital security and other systems, and even promote it to the whole country."

"What do you think?"

"Without the monitoring network in Tiancheng's industrial chain, all-in-one cards and all-in-one consumption records, information exchange between various data platforms, etc., this thing is just a decoration. If it fails to achieve the effect, it will probably be degraded as a waste of money, so I strongly recommend it." Refused under pressure."

"You still understand righteousness!"

Mr. Yu flicked the desktop with his finger, "But after refusing, I am worried that some relevant departments will crack it privately and cause you trouble."

"Then don't worry. Shi Guangji was able to resist the siege of the Science and Technology Alliance in the hacker war, even including the counterattack of the Huaxia hackers who turned against Longtian because he didn't make a move. Do you think it can be cracked by humans?"

"Be careful and make no big mistakes!"

"Understood, I have ordered the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space, and if there is another hacker attack, the super mutant version of the panda crying grave will be released."


"It's not our fault. When Pharaoh released the Shenlong system, he said that it is currently the only intelligent system that can rely on external forces to continuously improve itself and evolve itself. The more hackers attack it, the more it will be born. With a lot of hacker knowledge, we are worried that it will become an existence like the 'Red Queen' and 'White Queen'..."

"The red queen? The white queen?"

"The artificial intelligence in the game was kind at first, then evil, and even wanted to destroy the world. Therefore, in order to protect all human beings, we had to stop hackers from attacking with Panda Crying Grave..."

"Stop talking nonsense to me!"

"Ah... sorry, shut up!"

Ge Xiaotian gritted his teeth and continued to explain: "After all, 3D structured light will replace all 'keys' in the future, including door locks, combination locks, car locks, bank passwords, etc. Before the development of 'biological keys', It is Tiancheng's core technology and an essential system for Tiancheng's smart home, so we have to treat it strictly."

"That said, it's more reliable!"

Mr. Yu pinched out his cigarette butt, and took out a document from the document bag, "I have approved the application for importing 1.25 million tons of soybean meal from Neobras this year, but in terms of inspection, please don't mess with me. !"

"Don't worry, leader. They are all regular crops. After being processed into soybean products or semi-finished products, they will be transported to various benefiting activity centers and sold to the masses and farmers at a low price that does not disturb the market price."

"What I am most worried about now is to order all parts of Dongshan to replant cotton this year, so as not to cause trouble."

"What are you afraid of? I have money. If I can't sell it, I will buy it myself. My family also has an industrial chain corresponding to cotton products...By the way, the leader, please release Boss Wanshi. Ruyi Textile has already finished preparations, and he should be exposed. showed up."

"It is impossible for him to be a shareholder again if he shows up."

"There is his son Montblanc."

"Then squat in there for another half a year. The matter of Wanshi Technology Co., Ltd. has not subsided until now, and it can be regarded as a kind of protection."

"All right."


After having a meal at noon, a special team from the Tiancheng Planning Department arrived in Thailand.

Ge Xiaotian, Yu Zong, many leaders of Tai City, and factory technicians visited this antique steelmaking production line built in the 1960s. It should have been the Laicheng County Iron Works and was later moved to Tai City.

In fact, as early as the end of the 1980s, the Taishi Steel Mill was facing bankruptcy due to serious losses. It was just that Hu Wen was ambitious and felt that he had found a way out, so he rolled up his sleeves and rushed in.

In the past 20 years, apart from supporting more than 3,000 people, old and young, there was no big gain or big loss, so I stumbled over here.

It can only be said that in terms of steel, private companies have too many advantages compared to government-owned companies.

Ge Xiaotian invested here not to entrust Taishi Steel Factory to produce rails, but to develop special steel.

In the near future, ordinary steel can no longer meet all kinds of construction and manufacturing needs, so special steel has become the darling of the times.

for example:

Tungsten steel and manganese steel for manufacturing tracks,

Molybdenum steel for crankshafts for aircraft,

Manganese-silicon steel for making spring sheets and spring coils,

Tungsten chromium steel for making machine tools and molds,

Manufacture acid-resistant towers for chemical production, nickel-chromium steel for medical equipment...

Tiancheng Machinery Factory can't make too advanced cars. They are either low-end, cheap Sancha Wuling, or take the high-end route, blown into the sky, and use crude giants with aero engines.

Even the currently seemingly gorgeous Tianba Dongba, its chassis, bearings, and wheels are all covered by the shell to cover up the roughness.

This is mainly because Tiancheng does not have a heavy industry foundation.

It is different when entering the era of mechanical and electric vehicles.

It is completely possible to use the power of the system as an industrial foundation, exchange a batch, develop a batch, activate the technology tree, exchange a batch, research and develop a batch, activate the technology tree... Gradually, gradually catch up with overseas heavy industries, and then try to overtake in a corner , into the field of super industry.

Therefore, the Taishi Steelmaking Plant is only the first batch of industrial basic industries to invest in. When it mass-produces special steel and produces industrial basic equipment needed by many industrial chains, its accumulation will drive the whole of China...

Moreover, this is the basis for building an aircraft.

As for the help to Tiancheng's construction industry...

Steel-structured commercial housing, large-scale steel-structured venues, steel-structured structures, and many construction machines that Ge Xiaotian wanted but could not build now.

Such as field pipe buried machine, natural gas loader, spider excavator, walking bulldozer, excavator, full hydraulic bucket wheel excavator...

In the field of infrastructure construction, without corresponding machinery, there is no way to lead without technology.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian was so concerned about investing in steel mills that he stayed in Thailand for three days. It wasn't until April 30th, the May Day holiday, that he remembered that his new city, Xingyue Bay, was about to open.

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