Build Madness

Chapter 907 Let's go to the desert!

Netizens failed to trap Ge Lao Er, who was about to drive without a license. Disappointed, they diverted their attention to heavy transport vehicles.

Although this model has already been used on the Dongshan section of the Westward Expressway, it only stops at Tiancheng Industrial Park or a closed port because it is on a dedicated road. Except for the appearance of the vehicle reported by Tianyu News, the public does not know the specific specifications and driving. Way.

Now that it is made public, it immediately caused an uproar.

"I thought it was huge, but now that I see the parameters, I feel... how big it is!"

"How much does it take?"

"Damn, five wires, ten axles, fifty wheels?"

"Properly fuel the tiger!"

"Strange, why do I always feel like I've seen this car somewhere before?"

"Put the Apocalypse tank in the Red Police into the concept drawing, remove the turret, keep the chassis, remove the track, replace the wheel belt, and then arrange two cars side by side at the rear, and two cars side by side in the middle, laying steel plates on the top as the carriage, and using a super tractor at the front , do you look like it?"

"I rely on it!"

"You're a fucking genius!"

"Can you still play here?"

"Is it fake? How heavy is the tank?"

"Tiancheng Electric Industry can even transform an aircraft into a racetrack, so what's a tank?"

"It makes sense. In fact, the tank is no different from a crawler tractor without the combat system. If you remove the track and replace it with rubber wheels, the overall weight will be lighter. Besides, a heavy transport vehicle only uses one engine. To put it bluntly, the apocalypse tan The gram is just used as a load wheel."


Immediately, various professional questions and expert questions came overwhelmingly.

"This is definitely a severe overload!"

"Can the roadbed withstand it?"

"I'm concerned about the lifespan of asphalt pavements..."

However, Tiancheng International Holdings did not give any answer, but urged Taiwan Plastics to deliver the order as soon as possible.

It is said that under the urging of Boss Ge Da, the Taihang Tunnel Project and the Loess High Slope Project will complete the main construction half a month ahead of schedule.

In other words, by the end of April, all the way to the west of the expressway will be put into trial operation.


the other side.

Taiwan Plastics.

The "Desert Special Glue Series" developed by Tiancheng 101 Laboratory is not liquid, but powder, which looks like cement.

If you want to use it, you need to use Tiancheng's self-produced 'colorless solvent', then stir it evenly, and then apply it on the surface of the block of fine sand through processing equipment, and then bake it at high temperature to shape it, just like producing red bricks, and solidify into 'Sand Bricks'.

In general, only Tiancheng can use the powdery plastic products produced by this technology. Even if the products are sold to other enterprises and users, the other parties have to purchase 'colorless solvent', sand brick production equipment and sand brick processing technology from Tiancheng .

King Xiaomi must understand Tiancheng's purpose in doing this, which is to gradually unify the plastic industry in Taiwan Province through large orders, and then through orders, restrict Plastic Plastic in Taiwan Province, and even further evade it.

Generally speaking, this is the 'financial wolf'.

However, the plastic market of Tiancheng Industrial Chain is too attractive for Taiwan Plastics.

The same is true.

Winning the supply of plastics from Tiancheng's industrial chain, Taiwan's annual sales of plastics have doubled for two consecutive years.

And so far, the output of Tiancheng's plastic products has become the number one on the parent planet. (Large amount of plastic sand bricks)

In order to avoid being ostracized, the king of Xiaomi cracked many plastic technologies authorized by Tiancheng 101 Laboratory, while building a diversified industrial chain.

Two years have passed, and Taiwan Province Plastics has become the largest plastic manufacturer in Mother Star. It is also the company with the most types of plastics in Mother Star, and it has monopolized 80% of Mother Star's plastic market.

At this point, the dependence of Taiwan Plastics on Tiancheng has become dispensable.

In other words, if Tiancheng lost Taiwan Plastics, who else could it turn to to produce plastic raw materials?

Therefore, fine sand coagulation glue worth 20 billion, and weatherproof glue worth 10 billion...

Why do you do a business that doesn't make money?

"Chairman, there's another reminder over there."

"Procrastinate if you can. If you can't shirk it, just say that the unit price is too low. We must double the unit price before we can accept it."

"If we do this, won't we make trouble with Tian Cheng very unpleasant?"

"So what? May I ask, besides us, who else in the mother planet can help Tiancheng produce nearly 30 billion orders?"

"I understand. Just like Tiancheng wants to control us through orders, now we can do the opposite, restrict Tiancheng through orders, and take the opportunity to expand profits."


After a while.

"Chairman, Tiancheng International Holdings filed a lawsuit with Huaxia Taiwan Province, claiming that we violated the agreement and dispatched a team of 500 lawyers."

"In Taiwan Province, is there any use for doing this?"

half an hour later.

"Chairman, Mr. Ge said personally and on the web that we broke our promises."

"Help me post the web."

"What are you going to say?"

"Capitalists have always liked to squeeze labor and reduce labor costs in order to make huge profits, but Taiwan Plastics is different, we pay attention to the interests of employees..."

With that said, the Xiaomi king stood up, "Invite the mainstream news media, and let them interview me on how to care for the lives of employees."

"Good director."


The trial opening of the northern section of the Westward Expressway has attracted countless attention from the mother star, but Tiancheng International Holdings sued Taiwan Plastics, which is even more eye-catching.

Because since Tian Cheng was born, others have always sued Tian Cheng.

For example, Nanbangzi Actoz Soft Weimeide sued Tianyu for Legend of Shenlong.

For example, Wajima Sanryo Heavy Industry used to be Tiancheng Machinery because of the Sancha Wuling engine, which is now Tiancheng Electric Industry.

For example, Nanbangzi Daewoo Motors sued Daliu Machinery, Jiefang Bus, and Dongshan Heavy Truck, which were backed by Tiancheng, for their buses.

Although in the end Tiancheng won and the suing party either went bankrupt or reorganized, it was the first time that Tiancheng sued someone else.


Does Tiancheng need to sue?

Drive the oil protection brigade, which has been expanded to five, with the addition of super panda fighters and mechanical legs that crush individual soldiers. Not to mention small countries and regions, even Montenegro and North America dare not relax their vigilance.

You know, last year's conflict in the Japanese Sea, but the prestige of the Tiancheng Oil Protection Brigade, the Wa Island Maritime Self-Defense Force, which is not weak in itself, now sees the oil protection brigade and retreats directly, for fear of being robbed...

In response to this matter, some enthusiastic netizens made speculations:

"Obviously, Ge Lao Er is playing tricks. He wants to buy Taisheng Plastics."

There are also netizens who disagree with this statement: "At present, only Taishang Plastics can mass-produce special glue for deserts. If Taisho Plastics refuses the order, Tiancheng will never find another company to do the job. Taissu Plastics refuses Tiancheng's order. There are other customer support, which will not be affected by the lawsuit. Therefore, Ge Lao Er is in a hurry."

A senior netizen: "Nonsense, North America is in the predicament of Iraq recently, and a large number of troops are being restrained by the West Asia theater, plus Montenegro Odyssey betrayed NATO... If Ge Heizi is in a hurry, believe it or not, dare to let Tianwei come to him?"

Other senior netizens:

"I believe!"

"I believe!"

"I believe!"

While netizens were discussing, the news media in Jianfu suddenly revealed that the third, fourth, and fifth oil protection brigades hired by Huaxia CNOOC from Tianwei International had completed the mission of southern sea fish and were divided into troops yesterday. Three roads went north overnight, and they will carry out the new mission of guarding the deep-sea oil production platforms in the eastern sea and the Pacific Ocean.

Although the news was short, not to mention professional armament commentators, even the masses knew what someone was going to do.

For a time, the situation on the home planet changed rapidly again.


If you want to build AR islands in the desert, you must enter geographic information, and if you want to collect geographic information, you must use detection chickens, early warning chickens, special satellites, and photoelectric technology environment simulation systems...

Most of the information collection needs to be completed around the target.


Although the oil protection brigade started, it was obvious that someone was preparing:

"Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is aimed at Pei Gong."

When the shark airship arrived at the Taihang Tunnel construction site, Ge Xiaotian sat in the office, shaking his head and uttering an old saying, "How much will the output of the rubber plantation this year account for the total amount of rubber raw materials in the parent planet?"

"Including Nanyue and Thai sisters, it can account for two-fifths."

Dao Shiyi flipped through the materials, "In addition, Chen Feng's investment in rubber projects in Sange can account for two-fifths, non-regions have just started, so we don't make statistics, and the remaining one-fifth is in Singapore, Indonesia, Brazil and other places. .”

"Notify the oil protection brigade, and when they arrive in the eastern waters of Jianfu and the Pacific Ocean, they will declare that the ship has been in disrepair for a long time and has broken down. If they want to repair it, they need to wait for the engineering island docked in Dubai to arrive."

"Isn't it too obvious for us to do this?"

"It's just that the ship is broken, what a big deal."

Ge Xiaotian was talking, clockwork, and synchronized with the web: "Master spends tens of billions every year to serve you like a master, and lose the chain for him at critical moments?!"

Dao Eleven: "Boss, you sent it early, the oil protection brigade hasn't announced the breakdown yet."

Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback, "Then why don't you let Montenegro Odyssey kill me quickly and cancel me?"

"Your fans have forwarded tens of thousands of times..."

"Notify the oil protection brigade to immediately announce the breakdown."

"They still need eight hours to reach the designated area."

"That is to say?"

"After last year's Mother Star Cup football match, you are once again a prophet."



Panda Guardian.

Netizens who were paying attention to Tiancheng International Holdings suing Taiwan Provincial Plastics suddenly saw Ge's new talk, and they were all a little confused.

Some guessed that this was referring to plastics in Taiwan Province, after all, Tiancheng does purchase tens of billions of Franklin's plastic semi-finished products every year.

Some guessed that maybe Boss Ge had a bad year and encountered new troubles, such as a certain holding group messing up an important project.

There are also speculations that Ge may be embarrassed by some super leaders...

Until the next morning, when the three Tiancheng oil protection brigades were on their way, they suddenly announced that the boilers of many ships were in disrepair and exploded.

Senior netizens who knew a little about Ge were all stunned by this wave of operations.

Ge Laoer's talk was eight hours earlier than the fleet's release of the news!

If the boiler had been damaged eight hours ago, the oil protection brigade must have been stranded in the southern waters.

If the boiler was damaged this morning, it could indeed reach the eastern waters of Jianfu and the Pacific Ocean, but here comes the question, how did Ge Laoer know eight hours in advance?


What a joke!

You know, all the bankers of last year's Mother Star Cup football match were sent to the rubber plantation by Tianwei.

And Lenovo's latest plastic thing...

"I have never seen such a brazen person!"

"Isn't this too shameless?"

"I suddenly remembered losing a soldier..."

"Damn it, it's like 'There is no silver three hundred taels here'!"

"To be honest, I like Lao Er more and more."

"Mine is bigger than yours!"


"Speaking of the second child, I have a difficult question to ask, that is... are you usually wrapped around your thighs or around your waist?"


"What caused this man to be as thick as ink? What caused such a man to be so black? What caused this man to be so shameless? Please pay attention to the famous film critic and the only surviving senior Ge Hei——Old Z, tonight at eight o'clock To clear up your doubts, we will see you in the 1024 live broadcast room."

One month has passed, Longtian new SG is selling well, and Weihua's new mate is also a big seller.

The unique network information has opened the eyes of new network users, and they have also seen another side of Ge.


The biggest problem facing Taiwan's plastics is not the weapons that Ge has shown to the outside world.

But the supply of rubber raw materials has been cut off!

King Xiaomi also thought that Tiancheng would use rubber plantations to restrict plastics in Taiwan Province, so as early as the year before last, he began to deploy rubber plantations in Singapore, Indonesia and other regions.

In this way, even if the supply from Tiancheng Rubber Plantation is cut off, the company can rely on rubber raw materials from Singapore, Indonesia, and Sange to ensure production and complete large plastic orders from other companies.

What I never expected was...

The supply of Tiancheng Rubber Plantation was not interrupted as expected, and the supply of rubber raw materials in Nanyue and Taimei areas was not interrupted either.

On the contrary, Tiancheng International Holdings actually agreed to twice its own quotation, still insisted on the original purchase volume, and fully paid the total purchase price worth 60 billion today.

Taking the quotation that was sent to Tiancheng before, and signing an agreement with the twice the quotation that was sent back by default, King Xiaomi's eyelids twitched.


The Tiancheng oil protection brigade collectively broke down...

Immediately afterwards, they detained Singaporean and Indonesian rubber raw material transport ships for "peeking at the core technology of Tiancheng Electric Industry", or "just passing by".

And then……

Tiancheng Rubber Plantation gave five times the price of rubber raw materials, and Taimei, Nanyue, Sange and other places gave seven times the price.

The procurement department contacted Fei District, and they even offered 20 times the price because there was a war there...

King Xiaomi was shocked.

Can you still do this?

"Chairman, Tiancheng's team of 500 lawyers withdrew the previous lawsuit due to insufficient evidence, and then submitted a new lawsuit against our violation of the 60 billion red note order. This time... they have enough evidence."


"In addition, Tiancheng International Holdings claimed that it did not violate the principle of fairness and justice in parent planet trade on the grounds that the supply of rubber raw materials was normal, and invited the chairman and general manager of the supplier's region to help testify."



The flamboyant operation of Tiancheng International Holdings could not be hidden from the sharp eyes of the mother planet's business leaders.

Even because someone made it too obvious, even the masses can understand what's going on.

But the problem is, Tian Cheng is very reasonable...

Moreover, Tiancheng's legal team also recruited old customers with large plastic orders from Taiwan Province who also could not get the goods.

After all, their old customers have already paid for the goods, and now that the price of rubber raw materials has risen, Taiwan Plastics can't just stop shipping because of losing money, right?

Sorry, I was busy last night for most of the night, and I was also busy during the day. Today I owe an update, and I will find time to make up for it as soon as possible.

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