Build Madness

Chapter 919 Golden June

The roaring combine harvester rushes out of Dongshan, across the Nanhe River, across the Beihe River, and goes straight to the three eastern provinces...

The college entrance examination, high school entrance examination, and vocational examination also come to an end.

The happy young people and the idle farmers, led by the blue-collar workers who had been on vacation for a long time, joined the already huge tourist army.

In Daqingshan, there are thousands of figures in Chinese ancient costumes, with their sleeves turned into yin.

On the Golden Beach, countless ground-effect boats are circling, piecing together a Chinese knot.

In the modern film and television city, countless flowers of the motherland lined up to pay homage to the anti-Japanese martyrs.

At Beihe Great Wall Motors, crowds of customers flocked to buy new cars...

In Fengdu, the southern capital, children crowded shoulder to shoulder, screaming like ghosts and wolves.

In Xishan Yulin...

In Dunhuang Yangguan...

In Western Shacheng...


According to official statistics:

Dongshan receives 80 million tourists and spends 272 billion on tourism.

Nanhe has received 70 million tourists, with a tourism consumption of 219.5 billion.

Beihe receives 50 million tourists and spends 177 billion on tourism.

The desert has received 170 million tourists, and tourism consumption is 793.9 billion...

Exaggerated data, exaggerated consumption, exaggerated Tiancheng industrial chain, exaggerated high-speed transportation all the way west...

Overseas media:

"It's hard to believe that a certain man's birthday can create such terrible economic benefits."

"The total tourism consumption of Tiancheng's industrial chain has exceeded two trillion yuan. If it is not scientifically converted, many economists believe that the westward expressway has already paid back. The magical NT continues its miracle and its legend!"

"The Chief of England publicly stated that he is very envious of the enthusiasm of Chinese tourists and welcomes Chinese tourists to England."

Ge Xiaotian: "Really?"

England chief: "Yes!"

Ge Xiaotian: "Ok, get ready to receive tourists!"

Chief England: "???"

The general manager of Yidali responded the fastest, "Mr. Ge, we also welcome Chinese tourists!"

Ge Xiaotian: "Ok, I feel the enthusiasm of Italian noodles. My employees must want to eat pure Italian noodles."

Spain is not far behind, "It's all here, how about experiencing bullfighting?"

Ge Xiaotian: "Very good!"

Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Czech Republic...

Ge Xiaotian: "Ok, Ok! But to travel to so many countries and regions, the procedures are cumbersome and visas are troublesome, and our 31-day holiday, minus the three-week tour in Mayflower, now only has a little more than one week left, and there is no time to turn around ah."

The executive of the European Union, which is held by the French Accor Group: "I have a proposal. Our European Union has been established for ten years, and all work is on track. Why not launch a joint visa-free agreement?"

Montenegro Odyssey: "I agree!"

Seeing the idiot who suddenly appeared, the European Union was a little dazed, and the group sank for a long time before remembering that although this guy betrayed NATO, he still stayed in the European Union and became the most powerful member of the Haibu. Ice Bear, even the killer weapon against North America.

Yi Dali opened his mouth, thinking of the countless deep-sea guide eggs deployed by the other party in the two Linhai, he did not dare to speak.

Fade thought for a moment and readily agreed.

In this way, Tianle International (Tourism) has obtained the visa-free qualification for tourist groups authorized by the European Union.

And North America, which is deeply mired in the quagmire of the war between West Asia and Iraq, can't stand it any longer. It notifies the mother planet overnight that the war has escalated, "West Asia air ban", "Ma Liuhai ban", and "Iraq comprehensive ban".

Half an hour after the announcement, the fighting did escalate.

In just one hour, the Iraqi militia destroyed dozens of logistics support bases in North America, so that the frontline North American soldiers had to wear cold clothes to run around in increasingly hot weather...

What? don't wear it?

In the ruins of the city that was almost razed to the ground, if you don’t wear camouflage, you will be instantly aimed at the center of your eyebrows, chug...


June 15th.

The second day after the European Union visa-free agreement was signed.

Blue-collar workers who have just been traveling in the country for three weeks...the old mothers, old mother-in-laws, seven aunts and eight aunts, suddenly received N pieces of 'winning information'.

'Hello, I am the boss of your child xxx, Ge Xiaotian, don't doubt the authenticity of the information, there is no cheating in our smart card.

First of all, congratulations to you, you have won the Tiancheng Excellent Family Award: half-price overseas travel for your "May Blossoms" tourism consumption of more than 2,000 yuan.

The half-price overseas tour is a private condolence activity organized by my humble Ge Xiaotian for the family members of Tiancheng employees.

In this activity, you can choose more than five destinations from the tourist countries or regions recommended by Tianle International to you as the tourist destination, and Tianle will reimburse you half of the travel expenses (excluding food, lodging and other consumption) .

Secondly, congratulations, you have activated the top-secret mission of the Tiancheng mission system.

Task requirements:

1. During overseas travel, please buy gold products as much as possible. If the purchase volume is close to the limit of entry and exit, you can transfer to the second EU visa-free country through Tianle International. During the period, Tianle will pay a slightly higher price than you Buy gold at the price and recycle all gold products in your hands to facilitate subsequent purchases.

2. Please pay attention to the validity period of overseas travel, there are currently ten days left.

3. Article 6 of the Tiancheng Confidentiality Agreement shall be adopted for this task, and if there is any violation, it will be deemed as giving up Tiancheng's treatment.

"My god, I finally received the legendary top-secret mission!"

"Shh, old sister, don't say anything, if you leak it, you won't be able to take the free bus in the future!"

"Oh, I'll keep my voice down, keep my voice down...but, isn't this mission too demanding?"

"Top-secret missions have the highest returns, and the requirements must be harsh. Just like this time, as long as the purchase of gold does not exceed the entry-exit limit, Tianle will purchase it at a slightly higher price... Isn't this just buying more and earning more!"

"It makes sense..."

"Will you go? A long time ago, I wanted to go to Notre Dame Cathedral to dance a square dance, and this opportunity finally came!"

"They can let us dance in the square?"

"Why not? Look, my speakers are ready!"

"Hey, this stereo looks really simple, like a suitcase."

"Isn't it? It can be dragged, lifted, and pulled away."

"where did you buy it?"

"Xiaoqingshan sporting goods store, you can shop online, and the fastest logistics, you can get it on the same day."

"That's a good thing, wait for me to be whole, let's go to Notre Dame de Paris to dance square dance!"

hula la...

All the aunts who received top-secret missions abandoned their children and daughters one after another, and flew overseas together under the gaze of countless puzzled eyes...


three days later.

Square in Paris, Place de la Concorde, Place de Gaulle...

'the vast horizon is my love……'

Germany Alexanderplatz, Potsdamer Platz, Frankfurt Roman Forum...

'You are my little apple...'

England Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, in front of Buckingham Palace...

'Who is singing, warming the loneliness...'

Ronda Bullring, Las Ventas Bullring, Madrid Bullring...

While the matador was throwing the bull, a high-spirited and rhythmic unfamiliar music suddenly sounded:

"You are mighty and majestic, the man with the horse pole..."

European News Radio: "Mr. Mario, what made you break the historical record and win six oxtails in a row?"

A famous bullfighter: "I am very excited when I hear this music!"

(The honor of the bullfight is selected by the audience, from low to high, the ears and tail of the bull are reserved respectively, and they are carried out from the main entrance.)

at the same time.

In the final of the European Football Champions Cup, AC Milan beat Juventus in the "can't afford to hurt" DJ and won the sixth Champions Cup.

European Panda Guardian Forum.

"They're crazy!"

"No, I'm going crazy, even when I'm sleeping, I'm always humming that strange melody!"

"God, my mom joined them!"

"Damn it, my father's in there!"

European Union's top network meeting.

"We can't go on like this. They have seriously disrupted our normal life order and even work."

"John, you have to know that they spent billions of euros here! Billions, not hundreds of thousands, not millions!"

"My God, it's only three days, billions?"

"Yes, you have to believe in their purchasing desire and purchasing power, even surpassing China in Europe!"

"What did they buy?"

"Luxury accessories, cosmetics, beautiful accessories!"

"It's all profiteering products... Chief, your decision is very correct!"

"Yes, I think so too!"

"But we can't ignore the reports from the masses, right?"

"What a big deal, call on the members of the European League, promote the spirit of sports, let us collectively move!"


Energetic atmosphere...

More violent Chinese style DJ dance music sounded in countless streets and alleys.

Affected by the curvaceous figure of the aunt, even a normal guy from Europe has to twist a few times when he walks, not to mention the trendy young girls who like rock and roll.

And in this cheerful atmosphere, when all the European Union media were attracted by the square dance, many gold stores gradually sold out...


"Hey, buddy, we have been friends for decades, you can't just take the opportunity to increase the shipping price just because my business is booming recently."

"Brother, I'm sorry, it's not that I deliberately raised the price, but I don't have gold on hand. I have to borrow gold bars from some banks to ensure normal supply."

"Tell me, how much Franklin is the lowest per ounce?"

"560 Franklin."

"Damn it, three days ago, you only asked me for 420!"

"Yes, but now the futures market has risen to 580... No, it has just risen again, 610 per ounce!" (Approximately equal to 172/gram.)


"Hello? Brother, do you want to buy? It just went up again, and now it's 630 per ounce!"

"fuck, send it to me quickly!"

France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Spain... the same scene is also happening.

The aunts who travel abroad seem to think of an old lady who often endorsed insurance and diapers in the past two years.

After purchasing gold, before reselling the product to Tianle, they all wore gold and silver, and many aunts even imitated the golden dragon head...

For this reason, the European Union has strengthened the level of security management and arranged numerous security officers to be stationed in the streets and alleys to prevent overseas guests from being robbed.


Time passed quietly.

With the first batch of aunts returning to China, the 'Golden June' is gradually coming to an end.

Due to the huge momentum and the cover of tourism and square dancing, the "Golden Project" that has been in preparation for half a year has not been noticed by overseas until now.


Ge Xiaotian stood at the foot of Helan Mountain, holding a smart card in his hand that constantly reminded him of business statistics for May and June, and looked into the distance.

It's almost completely changed since the last time I visited.

The grasslands are endless, the wind power towers are arranged horizontally and vertically, the land is wider, the sky is bluer, and the smiles of the herdsmen are brighter.

The father of little Batur, who was rescued from the mouth of a wolf in the grassland last time, old Batur, is no longer "reticent". He speaks half-baked Mandarin and introduces the team's development in the past year.

Well, the old Batur took over as Gachada (village head), and the original Gachada was transferred to Zuo Banner as a 'sumu'.

"After many discussions with everyone, we decided to introduce a photovoltaic power generation system and lay photovoltaic panels along the northern foot of Helan Mountain, which is barren of grass, to solve the problem of electricity shortage in forage factories."

"I support the idea."

Ge Xiaotian nodded, "Don't look at the wind power towers all over the grasslands, but they supply ground effect transportation transfer stations and electricity for residents within a radius of 500 kilometers. In terms of business, we still need to lay more solar energy. The best, fastest, and cheapest energy solution, of course, there will be high-altitude solar sails to improve light pollution, but there is no need to consider this issue at present.”

Chatted for a long time about pasture construction.

After the old Batur took the people away, Ge Xiaotian returned to the extended tua and opened Shi Guangji's notebook:

"All the aunts who were sent out are back?"

"A lot."

"How much gold did you buy?"

"It is impossible to count, because most of them are gold accessories, such as gold necklaces, chains are silver, pendants are gold, and some pendants are even gemstones. Or diamond rings... At first, we forgot to remind the aunts not to use diamonds. At that time, thousands of people snapped up the 'Golden Diamond'."

"So, I lost it?"

"How is it possible? With gold futures in your left hand, even a pig can make a steady profit. What's more, we still have the 200 billion Franklin who lent to gold futures players half a year ago and have now recovered and repaid the loan."

"You repeat it to me."


"Repeat what you just said."

"I said: How is it possible? With gold futures in your left hand, even a pig can make a steady profit... Boss, I definitely didn't mean to say that you are a pig."

"Eleven, you are floating."

"No, how is it possible, I'm talking about Tianrong."

"But all of this is done by me."

"Boss, I say myself, I am a pig."


Ge Xiaotian rolled his eyes and gave a false kick, "Notice, don't care about any gold jewelry, as long as there is gold, it will all be mines."

"Good boss."

Dao Shishi was just about to leave, "By the way, boss, there is something I need to tell you."


"Although there may not be gold in the yellow sand, there are gold mines in most deserts. When our exploration department collected fine sand samples in Taklamakan, we analyzed trace amounts of gold, and later found that there are more than one such places, or that Taklimakan is everywhere. It is gold, but its content is scarce, and the mining cost is far greater than the value of gold itself.

But we have a mastermind, you think, pull a cart of sand into the mine, the mastermind recovers trace gold, spits out the sand, and so on, and so on, after filtering the Taklimakan and Fei to the Sahara, do we still lack gold units? "

"Damn, Eleven, I suddenly found that your brain is so good!"


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