Build Madness

Chapter 943 No wonder it gets stuck on a bug

On the evening of September 28th.

Thousands of students of Western United Vocational University who just finished their "homework" walked out of the "practice area" and saw a scene that they will never forget.

under the setting sun.

The super-industrial tycoon with the most potential on the mother planet ran like a dog to the central area of ​​the school.

In the rear, the supreme principal of the school is chasing after him.

Almost at the same time.

All the monks and mentors in the school rushed up.

"what happened?"

"What happened in 1999, I can't hide it!"



Main town center.

Ge Xiaotian was running out of breath. After finding the parent star, the system suddenly popped up to confirm that the countdown was over, and followed the system prompts to return to the core building of the system.

next moment.

A dark blue light beam shot straight into the sky...

And the star map in the field of view also changes accordingly.

A 'butterfly' consisting of dots of light, white on the left and red on the right, appears first.

The field of vision locks on to the white area and keeps pulling in until it is near the end of the white area, which is less than one billionth of the 'butterfly'.

"Drip, successfully locked on the supercluster xxx."

The picture changed, and a 'vortex' appeared in front of my eyes, which was raised around and sunken inside.

Different from the system prompt, Ge Xiaotian is very familiar with this 'vortex'.

Because it is the background picture of the 101 laboratory, also known as the "Virgo supergroup of galaxies", the Virgo galaxy cluster is in the middle of the whirlpool, and the local galaxy cluster where the Milky Way is located is located at the edge of the whirlpool.


The system's field of vision zooms in again...

"Drip, successfully locked..." (this galaxy cluster)

"Drip, successfully locked..." (Galaxy)

"Drip, successfully locked..." (solar system)

Following the system prompt, the field of vision continued to pull in the universe, and soon came to the home star that Ge Xiaotian had found before.

"Drip, matching failed."

"Hey, today's chances are exhausted, reset after 24 hours, you have 19 promotions left."

The moment the reminder ended, the dark blue light beam shot from the center of the town suddenly disappeared.

Before Ge Xiaotian could speak, Daoyi said thoughtfully, "Boss, I understand!"


"It's like... a certain primitive tribe in the African chieftain suddenly obtained the 'technological blessing'. Through exploration, they advanced from the iron age to the feudal age, then entered the industrial age, and finally developed a 'computer'. This tribe, formed internally 'Internet', but I don't know, in fact, Asia, Europe, America, etc. are developing very fast, and I don't even know that there are Asia, Europe...

On this day, the 'technology blessing' they obtained a long time ago suddenly reminded them that if they want to upgrade, they need to do something...

In fact, this 'technological blessing' was thrown to them by the parent star joint meeting, expecting them to develop independently. Now that they have reached the 'information age', they should link to the 'parent star network'. "

"You mean, advancing to the first level of cosmic civilization is actually linking to the cosmic network?"

"Just a guess."

Daoyi turned on his own stone light machine, "There is another very ominous guess, if you believe our 'Nuwa origin theory', then you should understand that there is a civilization chasing and killing the 'Nuwa clan', and just now' The process of locking on to the parent star is also similar to tracking."

"So, our so-called 'mastermind' was actually given by the enemy?"

"No, without this incident, I can't be sure, but now that it happened, I can be sure that our main brain should actually be the most important 'technological crystallization' of the Nuwa clan."

"When the Nuwa tribe is leaving, can they not take the most important 'technological crystallization'?"

"Yeah, before leaving, what if the word 'before leaving' means 'death'?"


Ge Xiaotian pondered for a moment, "No, if the main brain is a product of the Nuwa tribe, how could the enemy 'lock' and 'track'?"

"Can we lock the North American fighter?"


"If North America is more technologically advanced than ours, can it lock our fighters?"

"It's definitely possible."

"That's it. For the same reason, before the fourth level of civilization, no matter which technology tree you choose, you can't do without the word 'technology', and the enemy and you can lock it.

Although the main brain is ours, it is a 'dead thing' after all, without self-awareness, and will only operate according to the settings.

That's why, whenever you're ready to upgrade, it gives the upgrade conditions.

From another perspective, it is actually equivalent to an assessment. If our grades pass, it will unlock some advanced technologies to assist our development. If our grades fail, it will not hit us, nor punish us, but will continue in another way. Help us develop. "

"It sounds reasonable, but here comes the question... Does this mean that the civilization of the Nuwa tribe will be destroyed and they will soon reach the mother planet?"

"No, look at the star map in your field of vision, this parent star should be the parent star 160 million years ago."


"When the Nuwa clan was dying, they decided to find a "descendant of the same race" from the future of the alien plane through the five-level civilization threshold they had explored, and hoped that the "descendant of the same race" could use future technology to activate the "technological crystallization" ', update the technology tree, and then help the Nuwa tribe continue their civilization on their home planet 160 million years ago. But the threshold is the threshold after all, not the promotion to the fifth-level civilization, and ultimately failed."

"In other words, I was supposed to take you to the home planet 160 million years ago to develop, and then start a duel with the civilization that chased and killed the Nuwa clan?"

"You think too much, the original descendant is not you, you are just a lucky audience."


"No, boss, I didn't mean that. Think about it, the civilization that opposes the Nuwa tribe is stronger than the Nuwa tribe, and no matter whether we are in this time and space or the original time and space you were in before, the level of civilization has not broken through. Level one, if I choose you to go there, is there an egg for me?"


"Well, you are the lucky audience. After all, the universe is too big. Counting intelligent creatures, the chance is infinitely close to zero."

"Don't explain, let's talk about the main point, will the civilization of the Nuwa tribe come to the mother planet?"

"Different planes, different time and space, otherwise you wouldn't have been stuck with bugs before."

"I see."

"Besides, 160 million years have passed, who knows if that civilization has died out."

"That's good."

Ge Xiaotian felt that it was too dangerous to advance to the first level of cosmic civilization, so he might as well continue to develop, so he immediately waved his hand, "It's gone, what should I do?"

"No, boss, just like you lucky viewer, if that civilization advances to level five, there will be a chance to capture the signal sent by the main brain, and then follow the route you just searched for the parent star on the star field map to find us .”


"Of course, there is no solution."


"The law of the jungle still applies to the universe, just like weak creatures will camouflage themselves in order to avoid being discovered by powerful creatures, and low civilizations will also pack themselves during development, such as building some buildings that exceed the current productivity. This makes other civilizations mistakenly think that they have a strong civilization as their backing."

"Pyramids? Colossi? Building wonders?"

"Yes, this is the reason why the 'Master Brain' regards wonders as a condition for upgrading, or in other words, the Nuwa tribe expects the 'descendants of the same race' to build a series of wonders on their home planet 160 million years ago, so as to avoid being attacked by other passers-by. The destruction of civilization. Although we cannot be sure whether there is an alien civilization passing by during the 160 million years, but it has developed to a certain level, and it is impossible to avoid the search of advanced civilizations, so this idea is correct, at least it can delay the time when this civilization is wiped out. With time, there will be a turning point, not to mention the 'descendants of the same race' who traveled from a different plane in the future."

"That is to say, we must build a spectacle to frighten alien civilizations that may come to search?"

"Yes, the most important thing is that when our spacecraft rushes out of the Milky Way, it will definitely contact extra-system civilizations and create more wonders... At that time, it can also be used as a template and sold at a good price."


"I guess, there can't be advanced civilizations around the Milky Way, at most similar to the parent star, and we have masterminds, and the development speed is faster. When the time comes, you tell all I said to the same civilization, and the other party is worried. We have to build wonders most of the time, can't we earn resources with wonders? With resources, we can advance to the middle civilization, and then we can fool the middle civilization to build wonders..."


"Boss, don't be cowardly. As long as the main brain is not destroyed, even if we become a wandering civilization, sooner or later we will become the supreme existence."

After Dao finished speaking, he raised his left hand, "Ollie!"



That night.

Ge Xiaotian tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

Close your eyes to call up the star field map of the system, and observe every planet in every possible way.

When he saw his mother star again, Ge Xiaotian had a flash of inspiration.

Undoubtedly, this is the map of the star field 160 million years ago.

But if there is a civilization outside the system, it will definitely be reflected in it.

After all, the Nuwa tribe at that time was already a fourth-level civilization, and they searched the entire 'butterfly'.


This is a good opportunity to discover extraterrestrial civilizations!

Ge Xiaotian immediately walked out of the second floor of the town center and found Daoyi who was discussing with other monks on how to advance to the first level of cosmic civilization on the first floor.

Say what's on your mind.

"Boss, this is a star field map of a different plane, not our star field map. It spans countless time and space where N will be born every second. Unless we advance to the fifth-level civilization and can control the timeline, otherwise This star field map is worthless to us, and when we advance to the fifth-level civilization, our own technology has already surpassed the Nuwa clan, and the star field map they left behind is meaningless to us, so you should go back to sleep."

"Can't sleep."

"Then listen to the final result of our discussion on advancing to the first level of cosmic civilization."

"An answer so soon?"

"Well, we plan to intercept the 'signal wave' sent by the mastermind to outer space, that is, the blue beam, and then decipher this message, which means that we have lost another chance to advance.

In addition, it takes 15 days to crack, which means that 15 promotion opportunities will be missed in vain.

During the cracking of the signal wave, we will build the illusion of advanced civilization in the VR world and create a signal feedback device in the server.

When the cracking is successful, you enter the world in VR and consume the remaining three promotion opportunities. We will respond according to the information sent by the master brain. If it matches, you can advance to the first level of cosmic civilization.

Of course, the world in VR is a virtual world, and the level of civilization is also imagined based on current technological cognition. We cannot be sure whether the main brain will agree with it, and the success rate of doing so is very low. "

"Is there any other way?"

"Not for now."

"That's it!"


The Western United Vocational University is the main base of the system, gathering two-thirds of the monks, and also has complete industrial facilities.

Daoyi implemented the misleading system plan, and there was no shortage of manpower and resources. At noon the next day, he erected a huge inverted 'pot lid' in the central area.

Moreover, in order to avoid 'signal escape', a pulsed laser array radar supported by three photoelectric cores is added around.

The "light beam soaring to the sky" that happened yesterday evening has already alarmed the netizens who ran into the world in VR to observe the "alien race".

It is a pity that the ground-effect flight to the west is currently only used for cargo transportation, and the western industrial park is temporarily closed.

But this piques people's curiosity even more.

Therefore, the students of the vocational college gathered in the central area of ​​the university city to play live webcasting during the break time after class, with the help of the student version of the smart card.

Ge Xiaotian suffered from insomnia and slept until noon. When he walked out of the center of the town, he saw the surrounding area full of people, and shouted loudly:

"Go back to class, stay here again, double the homework after class tonight!"

hula la...

He ran away in an instant.

Come to Daoyi's side.

"How are you preparing?"

"We are confident in intercepting the signal wave of the main brain, but how to crack it can only wait for the interception."

"All right."

Ge Xiaotian sat by the side and waited all afternoon, finally ushered in a second chance to advance.

According to Daoyi's instructions, wait for the other party to activate the interception device, and select the parent star 160 million years ago in the system star field map again.

next moment.

The same blue beam shoots from the top of the town center...

But it was immediately reflected by the 'big pot cover' to the surrounding pulsed laser array.

almost instantly.

The surrounding white light beams are intertwined into a network, constantly ejecting blue light beams.

Daoyi and the monks operated the photonic computer that was copied from the Nine Institutes as early as last year, and had undergone system repair and optimization to decipher the signal wave.

Three hours later.

Since all of this uses no system power, the photonic computer eventually drains the university town's power storage.

The students didn't need to finish the homework after class, so they were naturally happy and returned to the dormitory to rest early.

The monks who carried out the plan to crack the system signal used the power system from Shacheng to use the stone light machine to sort out the content analyzed by the photonic computer within three hours.

Dao Yi took a break from his busy schedule and communicated with Ge Xiaotian:

"Theoretically speaking, it would take us trillions of billions of years to analyze these signals using conventional supercomputers, but with photonic computers, we only need fifteen days."

"What about quantum computers?"

"It's about the same, but that one consumes more power and has a shorter lifespan. It can only last for three days, while the photonic computer can last for three months."

"Can it be commercialized?"

"Do you have so many optical cores?"


the next day.

The electricity saved for one day was once again exhausted by the photonic computer in just three hours.

And the VR world also ushered in the 11th Golden Week Carnival prepared by Tiancheng.

Affected by the "invasion of foreign civilizations", the surge of VR users almost crushed the Shi Guangji matrix that supports the entire virtual world.

It was also on this day that people came into contact with the virtual industry.

For example, if you buy a ticket to the moon in the VR world, you can enjoy a space journey exactly like reality. If you have a VR simulation cabin, you can also experience the complete process.

For example, if you buy an underwater commercial house in the VR world, and wear VR glasses when you sleep in the future, whether you open your eyes or close your eyes, everything you see is exactly the same as the real underwater commercial house.

For example, if you buy a tua in the VR world, you can experience the life of Boss Ge through the perspective.

And if you want to do the above, you have to work in the VR world to make money, or... to recharge.

Of course, virtual industries can also be exchanged for real necessities according to the rules formulated by the world's financial institutions in V.

By the time Ge Xiaotian finished his 11th Golden Week, two weeks had passed before he knew it.

this day.

October 13th.

Daoyi took the cracked system signal and walked into the center of the town thoughtfully.

"Boss, the cracking was successful."

"What content?"

"You may not believe it when you say it."


"It's a request to connect to the server..."

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