Build Madness

Chapter 952: Tiancheng Countermeasure System

October 20th.

At ten o'clock in the morning Beijing time, the western sun has just risen.

Union Career University Central Area.

The reporters who came here because of the big event spread Ge Xiaotian's polite but domineering speech to all parts of the mother planet.

'I believe it was an accident, but I also believe that the people who made it happen will pay for it for me. '

But people really couldn't think of what method Tian Cheng would use to make the Atlantic Fleet pay the bill for the ocean-going fleet.

Some people speculated that it was the Tianwei Group's oil protection brigade, because three super-large-scale engineering ships had arrived in the Bering Sea.

However, this idea was quickly overturned by more netizens.

As the saying goes, once the cannon is fired, the gold is ten thousand taels. As a multinational company, Tiancheng absolutely cannot do it first for the sake of image and market stability.

Some people speculate that it is Tianrong International, because Tianrong has been booming in overseas stock markets and futures markets in the past few years, and it is fully capable of launching a short sale of a certain regional currency, short a certain regional futures, or short a certain leading stock. action.

Similarly, this idea was quickly overturned by more netizens.

Since Tianrong International won the gold pricing power, overseas capital forces have regarded it as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh, and are always ready to regain their positions. Under strict defense, Tianrong will not only find it difficult to make a difference, but will also be locked up.

Some people also speculate that it is the 'Nuwa family technology', because Tiancheng Optoelectronics is the world's leading armament, and has a full set of real guys called future concept armaments.

This idea won the support of a large number of netizens, and was soon overthrown by more netizens.

As with the first idea, the bigger picture matters.

So here comes the question, how should Tian Cheng or Ge Xiaotian break the situation?

Just when countless people were talking about it.

12:00 noon Beijing time, 5:00 am Morro country time.

A huge meteorite that penetrated the stratosphere of the atmosphere until it was only 35km away from the surface, and was captured by the NASA space agency of North America, plunged into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean at a speed of 17.9km per second.

Huge meteorite?

Well, with a diameter of twenty meters, it definitely belongs to a huge meteorite.

Just like the impact that killed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, the diameter of the meteorite is only 10km.

In other words, a meteorite with a diameter of 10,000 meters is enough to destroy the entire parent star, a meteorite with a diameter of 1,000 meters is enough to sink a continent, and a meteorite with a diameter of 100 meters can completely "turn the world upside down" with a radius of thousands of kilometers.

And a meteorite with a diameter of 20 meters hit the ocean again...

1.6 seconds later.

The depths of the Atlantic Ocean suddenly sank, setting off huge waves in all directions, but before the waves escaped, a giant water column erupted from the depression instantly into the sky, sucking the waves that were about to flee into it.

The giant water column lasted for half an hour, until the surrounding sea area was pumped out of the 'giant pit' before it collapsed.

this moment.

The sea level in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean is more than 500 meters higher than the surrounding sea area.

And the terrifying water lost the adsorption force generated by the water column, collapsed instantly, and rushed in all directions...

A small uninhabited island on the north side disappeared in the blink of an eye.

A large reef island on the east side was directly shattered...

half an hour later.

A thousand kilometers away, on a beach somewhere on the southernmost side of the Florida Peninsula in North America.

Many tourists who came here for vacation due to the winter in the north were stunned and looked at the suddenly receding tide inexplicably.

"what happened?"

"Is the ocean dry?"

"My God, I've never seen such a strange sight!"

"Look, that cruise ship has run aground, it was still in the deep sea just now!"

At this moment, a piercing siren suddenly sounded from the beach management office.

Dozens of security guards in Florida, North America, ran desperately to the car, while screaming heartbreakingly: "Run, the waves are coming!"


The tourists who heard the warning were all at a loss in the face of the security guards who drove further and further away.




"what is that?"

huh huh...

A huge torrent of three meters high rushes in, destroying all tourist facilities...

Fortunately, the waves were not too big, and no casualties were caused, but this place is a full 1,600 kilometers away from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean!

at the same time.

NA Space Agency of North America.

"It is reported that the meteorite has been analyzed. It is 72 feet in diameter and weighs about 5.6 tons. The whole is wrapped in special metal, and the internal composition is unknown."

"It is reported that the trajectory of the meteorite has been identified. It comes from the high orbit of the parent star 3000km away. This is the picture taken by the space satellite."

In the first photo:

A gigantic space shuttle opens the belly hatch, protrudes two mechanical arms, and applies glue to a giant ball.

If you look closely, you can vaguely see that the ball is made of steel bars, concrete and gravel.

in the second photo.

The robotic arm is covered with a metal skin for a giant sphere, and is equipped with three jet acceleration devices.

In the third photo:

Directly in front of the belly of the space shuttle, a huge...semi-open track, barrel?

In the fourth photo:

A robotic arm pushes a giant sphere into a semi-open railgun barrel...

In the fifth photo:

At the end of the semi-open rail gun barrel, a hammer appeared, hitting the giant ball, and the latter shot out for a moment, starting the thruster to spray...

Even if the outer space is a vacuum, the researchers of the NASA space agency seem to hear the sound of artillery from ancient times.

In the sixth photo:

Giant spheres drilled into the ionosphere of the atmosphere.

In the seventh photo from NASA's surface monitoring facility:

Giant sphere crashes deep in the Atlantic Ocean...

Eighth photo:

A pillar of support...

Ninth photo:

Huge waves surged...

"It's incredible!"

"God, what did they do?"

"No, no, no!"

Suddenly, the supervisor took the tenth photo and rushed out of the laboratory like crazy.


The other scientific researchers looked at each other in blank dismay, and then looked at the display of the equipment that printed the photos.

On screen:

The gigantic space shuttle protruded two mechanical arms again.

Placing steel bars, supporting shells, pouring glue and concrete, softening gravel...

A giant sphere with a diameter of 100 meters gradually took shape...




The lab was in turmoil.


at the same time.

Chairman of Tiancheng International Holdings and Chairman of Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce, Ge Xiaotian, held an official press conference in the auditorium of Western United Vocational University.

Thousands of reporters attended the meeting, including official reporters from more than 70 countries and regions, business reporters from Europe, business reporters from Asia, Tianyu interns, entertainment reporters from Asia, representatives from American embassies...

half an hour later.

Ge Xiaotian wore sunglasses on his face, Tiancheng Construction Company's 04 winter digital camouflage tooling, industrial winter multi-functional rubber boots on his feet, bright diamonds on his shoulders, and a Tiancheng professional badge on his arm. tower.

The huge aura silenced the entire auditorium.

"First of all, let us pray for the people on the southwest coast of the Atlantic Ocean, because just now, I heard that a meteorite caused a tsunami there, and the 102 laboratory research found that a larger meteorite is on its way..."

"This is an accident, an accident that we human beings cannot prevent and cannot do anything about, because so far, we have been unable to intercept meteorites with speeds exceeding 9km/s, not even Tiancheng."

"Fortunately, there are not many ships passing through the area where the disaster occurred, but we also have to pray for the accident that is about to happen."


When the words settled down, the audience gasped.

Mother planet has so many accidents?

Before the reporters could react, Ge Xiaotian flicked his finger on the desktop:

"Tiancheng has always adhered to the corporate philosophy of 'coexist peacefully, promote each other, seek development together, and move forward hand in hand'."

"Therefore, as of today, Tiancheng has reached a series of foreign trade agreements, construction aid agreements, and numerous space aid projects with 38 countries and regions."

"Tiancheng is selfless. We share our advanced technology, open vocational colleges, and provide high-end technical talents for many partners."

"Tiancheng is kind. We never take the initiative to engage in foreign trade frictions with any country or region."

"But Tian Cheng also has backbone."

"Last year, North America ignored the parent star's commercial regulations, sanctioned Sino-Ocean International, and suppressed Tianmao Group, which caused us heavy losses."

"This year, North America ignored the foreign trade agreement and smashed Tianchuang Shopping Center and Tianchuang flagship store invested by Tiancheng in North America, causing us heavy losses."

"Now, North America is blocking the ocean-going fleet, causing our side to suffer another heavy loss."

"As the chairman of Tiancheng International Holdings, I need to give my employees an explanation.

And as the president of Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce, I need to discuss with my partners. "

"Here, Tiancheng demands compensation from North America for 500 billion Franklin."


When the words settled down, the audience gasped again.

This is no longer a lion's big mouth, but...excessive asking prices.

Of course, no one believes that North America will compensate.

But Ge's next words made most reporters deny this idea.

"In order to urge North America to make compensation as soon as possible, we will activate the 'Tiancheng Countermeasure System'."

"The system mainly targets hegemonic sanctions, unfair trade exchanges, and unwarranted trade frictions."

"After the system is launched, the Tiancheng industrial chain will expel all commercial things owned by the 'sanctioned areas' in the Tiancheng industrial chain, not limited to products, but also personnel. That is to say, after the system is activated, the Tiancheng industrial chain will In the industrial chain, it is no longer allowed to sell the goods of the 'opponent', and the merchants of the other party are no longer allowed to engage in business, production and other activities in the Tiancheng industrial chain."

"In addition, Tiancheng will order all partners to implement the same regulations."

Suddenly, an overseas reporter raised his hand.

Tianwei watched Ge Xiaotian nod and handed over the microphone:

"Mr. Ge, for example, Pratt \u0026 Whitney invested and built a factory in Huaxia, created 5,000 jobs, and paid tens of millions of taxes. Doesn’t Hui Computer mean that your country’s employment rate and industrial index will be lowered?”

"My friends from the press, since I am making an analogy, let me also make an analogy. Pratt \u0026 Whitney Computer monopolizes our computer field with low prices, strangles the development of our computer technology, and prevents our computer technology from advancing. Does the domestic production mean that we have lost our dominance in the computer field? Does it mean that we will no longer be able to produce computer companies like Qixi and Great Wall?

The number of enterprises has decreased, and the number of jobs has decreased... This shows that Pratt \u0026 Whitney has clearly used 5,000 jobs to cut off our 50,000 jobs!

Moreover, SG products were suppressed, Weihua did not manufacture computers, Qixi and Great Wall were forced to adjust their business directions, and now the Huaxia computer market is all made overseas. Even if Longtian starts a price war, in the Huaxia computer market, the prices of overseas brand computers also doubled.

They use low configuration, low performance, and low price to seize the SG notebook market, and then use medium configuration, low performance, and high price to make a lot of money.

If we drive them out, we only need to endure the pain of not having computers for a year or two, devote ourselves to research, and concentrate our efforts on major tasks. I believe that in two years, we will have countless computer companies and provide countless jobs.

Of course, computers are useless, now that we are in the era of personal micro-ends, we will soon have no use of computers, and there is no need to build computers.

But in the beverage market, in the snack food market, in the luxury market, in industry, agriculture and other fields, we also face the same problems as computer technology.

If Tiancheng's countermeasure system expels the enemy's goods and prohibits its residents from buying the enemy's goods, not only will our side not suffer losses, but our potential will explode! "

Another overseas reporter raised his hand:

"Mr. Ge, you just said that the residents under your banner are prohibited from buying goods from the enemy. Doesn't that mean that you have violated the rights of consumers and the wishes of the masses?"

"No, when I said that the residents under the banner are prohibited from buying the goods of the enemy, I don't mean that I ordered it directly, but that this regulation was included in the 'reputation system'. Whenever you buy the goods of the enemy, the credit will be directly negative."


All the reporters were dumbfounded.

This is obviously stricter than direct orders, okay?

"Here, I will list the first batch of technology companies and technology products that have been expelled from Tiancheng's industrial chain, including nine computer brands, agents, sellers, and service providers, including three computers that use overseas accessories Assemblers, and corresponding sellers and service providers, they are...

Tiancheng International Holdings hereby informs the above companies that please evacuate Tiancheng Shopping Mall, Tiancheng Plaza, Tiancheng Science and Technology City, Tiancheng Xingyuewan Community, Tiancheng Commercial Office Area before November...

After the specified time, our Tianwei Security Group has the right to carry out "forced expulsion" and "temporary seizure" of resisting companies.

In order to make up for these blank areas in these industries, Tianrong Angel Investment will help entrepreneurs who are willing to invest in these industries free of charge, allowing them to accelerate growth, become bigger and stronger, and then create more job opportunities and provide more jobs.

In addition, in the countermeasure list, there are also 6 beverage brands, 5 snack brands, 133 small commodity imported brands, 231 daily chemical brands...

The Tiancheng industry chain will stop its mineral export and rare metal export business with the other party.

The Tiancheng industry chain will stop importing high-end chips, high-end displays, and high-end semiconductors with the counterparty. "

The reporters in the hall were stunned.

"However, if North America is willing to pay one trillion Franklin compensation, Tiancheng will definitely not activate the countermeasure system."

"Mr. Ge, you said earlier that the compensation would be 500 billion."

"Really? I definitely didn't say it. I kept talking about 1.5 trillion Franklin."


Are you afraid you are crazy?


North America will definitely not compensate, let alone believe that Tian Cheng has the ability to counter it.

What North America cares about now is... the meteorite in outer space.

The NA space agency urgently provides a set of feasible methods.

There is an old saying in China: To capture a thief, first capture the king.

If you want to prevent the meteorite from falling on North America, you need to destroy the Tiancheng Space Shuttle.

The plan is easy to say, launch a space shuttle, send a set of kinetic energy weapons to the space station, and then shoot down Tiancheng's space shuttle.

But it is not easy to say.

Who can guarantee whether Tiancheng's space shuttle is armed?

Who can guarantee whether Tiancheng Optoelectronics Technology will crack its own weapons?

Who can guarantee that the opponent will drop a second meteorite before killing the opponent?

After receiving the urging call from the North American White House, the NA Space Agency had to temporarily abandon the research on the above issues and directly execute the launch plan...

Five minutes later, a space shuttle quickly lifted off with the help of a Boeing 747 carrier plane...

Fifteen minutes later, the space shuttle successfully entered low-Earth orbit.

But at this moment.

Tiancheng space shuttle appeared.

The abdomen was opened, revealing the extremely long and open orbital cannon barrel, like a billiard ball, shrunk back, and slammed into the chin of the NA space shuttle...

Three seconds later.

A piece of good news spread throughout the home planet: the Tiancheng space shuttle successfully captured a pile of space junk in low-Earth orbit.

NA Space Agency: "???"

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