Build Madness

Chapter 954


As November approaches, the temperature in the north drops sharply, especially in the Yulin area, where frost and snow have already fallen.

And Yulin Expressway Industrial Park.

Heavy-duty transport vehicles, loaded with locally produced goods, slowly drove into the toll booth.

Look at the words sprayed on both sides of the carriages, some are going to 'Stan's Five Kingdoms', some are going to Ice Bear, some are going to West Asia, and some are going to Europe...

Next to Xiadaokou Logistics Distribution Center.

A heavy-duty transport vehicle from Qinggang was driven onto the operating platform, the hydraulic device at the bottom lifted the vehicle body, the maintenance workers quickly inspected and replaced the tires, and the gantry crane above delivered a new compartment full of goods.

The three drivers jumped out of the cab and exchanged information with the three drivers who came to change shifts through smart cards. The former went to the 'black hotel chain' to rest, and the latter climbed into the cab one after another.

Not long after, the heavy-duty transport vehicle, which had galloped for eight hours in the cold weather, drove on the high speed again and headed straight to the west...

The maintenance workers watched the car leave, put down their tools one after another, and took a sip of hot tea in their busy schedule.

"Which car is it?"


"My dear, can we each get 143 yuan today?"

"It's only four o'clock in the afternoon, and there are still two hours to get off work. Maybe we can break through 200 yuan!"

"Wonderful, if this continues, if I work for another year, I will be able to make up the down payment for the house, and then find a partner... Alas, it's a pity, this kind of situation doesn't happen once in ten days and a half months."

"Did you not read the notification from the headquarters?"


"The big boss decided to open up the European market and asked the major groups to invest. This shows that this situation will not only happen every day in the future, but may even be busier!"


"Why lie to you? By the way, Xiao Sun, you haven't found a date yet?"

"Yeah, now that the standard of living is improving, the threshold for blind dates is also rising. If you don't have a car or a house and only have such a small deposit, who can look up to us?"

"Hey, I happen to have a cousin, look, this is a photo, isn't it pretty?"

"Hmm, what does my cousin do?"

"After graduating from high school, I haven't looked for a job yet, but if the two of you get married and settle in the industrial park, won't you have a job?"

"So you're thinking about it."

"I can't get a word out of it. If possible, I'll let her come over, and then we'll have a meal together and get to know each other well."


The young maintenance worker nodded sharply, "However, I won't give you a matchmaker fee."

"Fuck off, what are you talking about, this is my cousin, if it weren't for the two of us being co-workers and knowing everything, the devil would introduce you."


Next to the door of the 'Black Hotel Chain' store.

Several heavy-duty truck drivers who were taking a break from shifts were gathering to smoke and chat.

"This cigarette is really hard to smoke."

"Tea cigarettes, they all have the same taste, just get used to it, it's better than being addicted to smoking and being punished for smoking 'no smoking'."

"I said you two, it's better to quit early, it's good for your health."

"Standing and talking doesn't hurt your back, do you think it's good to quit?"

"However, then again, since the company implemented the 'No Smoking Order' and allowed tea and cigarettes to be substituted, I changed from two packs a day to two sticks a day, which saved me a lot of money."

"How much have you saved this year?"

"I entered this line late, not as good as you, only ten thousand less."

"Hey, it's quite a lot. I transferred from the public transport group, worked for a year, and officially joined the job, and it was only 30,000."

"What do you mean it's only 30,000? You have a real deposit! So, this year's income is more than 50,000?"

"Hey, it's almost the same. The company provides food and housing, and spends less. The expenses of more than 20,000 yuan are either mortgages or car loans."

"By the way, where did you keep your 30,000 yuan?"

"To save money, I must go to the bank, but Tianrong has a partner to invest, so I will give the 30,000 yuan to a hardware store. I will keep the capital and pay dividends every month. It will be about two hundred yuan. I will pay the tuition fees for the two and a half children. I have some pocket money left."

"Your income is high. I gave my 10,000 yuan to the fruit shop, and the monthly dividend is only 60 yuan."

"You cast less and score less, brother, work hard, and you will be able to catch up with the 'big team' next year."

"Well, there's a lot going on these days."

After chatting for a while, several people sighed.

"Two years ago, I was still working in the fields, and I didn't know how to live the whole year. Who would have thought that two years later, I would not only become a regular worker, but also have a house, a car and savings."

"Yeah, these days are getting more and more comfortable."

"Thank you country! Thank you Tiancheng!"

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Sleep, eight hours later, I will go to West Asia with the convoy... Hey, I never thought that I would go abroad one day."

In the industrial park across the street.

Many residents in blue overalls either clocked out of get off work or clocked in to work.

The machines in the factory roared, handling goods.

Packaging boxes are packed outside the factory for regular transportation.

West side education area.

Children babble, half-children list formulas, and young people practice industrial equipment operation...

Outside the east side community.

Residents come and go after get off work, or go to the cafeteria to eat, or go to the store to consume, or buy vegetables and go home to cook...

Yulin Industrial Park Management Center.

On Nuoda's display, various values ​​kept beating.

Including production value, income value, consumption value, per capita income value, per capita deposit value, medical assistance value...


Western Union Vocational University.

Ge Xiaotian held the gossip displacement key, looked at the data of various industrial parks displayed on the screen in front of him, and calculated for a long time...

"If taken separately, each one is almost equivalent to a provincial-level development zone. If integrated together, the various data can crush Dongshan, but these industrial parks are projects built by various regional groups with two years of revenue. Don't look at it. It’s a beautiful business right now, and we’re actually in the red.”

Dao Eleven: "Yes, boss, if the funds invested in the industrial park are used to develop real estate, our real estate sales this year will be seventy or eighty times that of the second real estate developer, directly dominating the Huaxia real estate field, and then , Tiancheng will be subject to 'anti-monopoly investigation', and you will be invited to drink 'real tea'.

It is different now. On average, each industrial park can provide 100,000 jobs, create the output value of a provincial development zone, directly promote the development of a region, indirectly drive the development speed of the whole province, and then radiate countless economic circles.

And behind this magnificence, about five million people who were once in the poor class no longer have to worry about food and drink, and take the salary deposits we issued to become loyal customers of Tiancheng Real Estate, spend as much as they want, buy houses with loans, and buy cars with loans. Continuously expand the Tiancheng industrial chain.

Moreover, fifty industrial parks have fifty specially appointed leaders from the board of directors, all of whom have excellent achievements and have a bright future..."


"Boss, you are such a genius!"

"Overrated, overrated!"

Ge Xiaotian clasped his fists contentedly, and then changed his voice, "It is estimated that North America has already understood our intention."

"Well, they're not stupid. In the past, our business in the Asian region, the commercial in the European region, and the commercial in North America were three pillars, and we had exchanges with each other, and the situation was fairly stable. Now we use a series of conflicts to create a forced and passive alliance with the European region. , the illusion of cheap European business, let European business accept us, and when the bulk commodity transaction is completed, North American business will soon find themselves isolated. At that time, I am afraid ZZ factors will affect our cooperative relationship with European business, and even , North American businesses will use force to force European businesses to compromise, and then unite to suppress us."

"This is for sure. After all, European business is the western world. Now we have reached a cooperative relationship with us, just wanting to get more benefits. Just like some time ago, the Galileo Space Center planned to introduce a technology from North America, and North America offered Franklin 1.2 billion , Galileo Space Center thought it was too expensive, so I contacted China Aerospace Department, the nine institutes quoted 800 million Franklin, Galileo Space Center pretended to be excited, and sent people to sign the contract, but in the end it cost 1 billion Franklin to import from North America. To put it bluntly, contact The Huaxia Aerospace Department is just trying to keep prices down with North America."

"So, boss, I don't think business in Europe is reliable, not even the Accor Group."


Ge Xiaotian nodded, "Is there any news from the intelligence department today?"

"Let me see."

Dao 11 did not call the accompanying secretary, but connected to the intelligence database through a smart card, "The chief of North American affairs is going to visit France and plans to show the French general manager the 'active denial system'. According to the analysis of our intelligence chief, this is likely to affect Our partnership with European businesses."

"It's pretty fast."

Ge Xiaotian pondered for a moment, "Don't worry, it is estimated that France, including Germany, Poland, Bullfighting Country, etc., will move closer to us while coveting the 'active rejection system', expecting to get a quotation for the 'light curtain system', and then we will have the best of both worlds. Get what you want at the lowest price."

"What do we do next?"

"If they really play like this, then we will unite with North America and give them a hard time."

"It's just... the moment a conflict occurs, it's impossible to join forces, isn't it?"

"There are no permanent enemies in the world, only permanent interests. If North America thinks it can make money, it will definitely choose to cooperate with us. You must know that the euro is Franklin's biggest competitor, and North America does not want to see the rise of China. , also do not want to see the revival of the European zone."

"It's complicated."

"It's just a regional game. But, to be honest, now is not a good time to open up the European market. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is frozen, and the supply of resources in Siberia is interrupted. It is difficult to switch from European business to North American business only by relying on previously stored materials." Before, I made a lot of money from the European zone."

"How about we take local products, sell them domestically and re-export them, and dump them to the European region?"


Ge Xiaotian smiled and shook his head, "I said before that if North America thinks that it can get more benefits from the European region by joining forces with us, it will definitely affect the European region. Why don't we first make a good impression on the European region, and then turn against North America and take the opportunity Consolidate the 'Eurasian Co-prosperity' plan."

"It's more complicated."

"To put it bluntly, I want to be a good person."



November 2nd.

When the first batch of cargo ships transporting coal in the European region sailed out of the Mediterranean Sea and headed for the land port of Pakistan, Tiancheng's trailers transporting melons, fruits and vegetables also safely passed the Eurasian Bridge that was about to be completed.

On this day, the North American Secretary of State Affairs visited the European region and demonstrated the "Active Denial System" and the newly developed enhanced version of the "Aegis Defense System" to many countries and regions.

With the photoelectric technology led by Tiancheng shining brilliantly on the home planet, many traditional weapons have gradually withdrawn from the stage of history.

For example, the trigger egg guide series, this thing is a waste product in front of the light curtain.

For example, the radar remote detonation series, this thing is easily cut off by the photoelectric radar.

Even the laser or infrared guidance series that were very advanced before have become very unreliable now.

What's more, the newly developed millimeter-wave and laser composite, microwave and infrared composite, etc., which are called "information fusion technology" fuzes, and the new concept fuze of GIF, have also been eliminated.

Now the mainstream guidance, anti-missile, air-to-air, ground-to-air and other armaments are basically all adopted: increase the power of semiconductor gallium arsenide laser, and then add ballistic correction fuze, software radio fuze, virtual fuze and simulation, GPS fuze, baseband Radar fuzes and MEMS fuzes, it becomes... a hodgepodge.

Which one works and which one to use.

Originally, the changes would not be so fast, but Tian Cheng spent a lot of money, integrated these technologies into industrial equipment, and gave them to all areas that were willing to accept Tian Cheng to settle in.

Just like Cambodia, who would have thought that this region that doesn't even have guide eggs can prevent 99% of guide eggs from the mother planet.

This makes European countries extremely envious of North America's 'active denial system' and 'Aegis defense system'.

But even so, the countries in the European region also exercised restraint, and rejected the North American affairs chief's request to 'terminate cooperation with Tiancheng' in front of countless reporters.

They even sent out the second batch of freighters transporting coal overnight to show that the cooperation with Tiancheng is very solid.

Faced with this matter, Ge Xiaotian could not remain indifferent.

But 'airborne' Europe.


The new generation of AR two-way projection equipment is more simplified.

The recording instrument becomes translucent, and the launch laser is also hidden in the carrying device and signal receiver.

The whole is no longer an eggshell, and the carrying device is no longer a wheelchair, but a sci-fi car.

The virtual image is more solid, and special effects of 'wind' and 'light' are added to match the surrounding environment.

For example, when a gust of wind blows, the clothes of the virtual image will swing accordingly.

For example, when sunlight shines on a virtual image, shadows cast by other lasers will appear on the ground.

For example, when the light shines on the myopia glasses worn by the virtual image, the virtual myopia glasses will produce refraction, reflection and other phenomena.

In short, the new generation of AR two-way delivery equipment already has 80% authenticity.

Of course, if there is no 'energy control device', even if the authenticity reaches 99%, the AR phantom will be fake after all and cannot be attacked.

But even so, the 'Boss Ge' who appeared in Paris, France still attracted crowds from the whole city.

on the square.

'Boss Ge' drove the electric car with a smile on his face, holding the steering wheel with one hand and gesturing to the crowd with the other. He was escorted by the two Tianweian teams to the place where the project was discussed.

The crowd along the way screamed, especially some people who thought that Boss Ge was a "real person" and were later told that it was a projection, all frantically rushed forward, wanting to find out the authenticity.

And the gold futures players who were rescued by Boss Ge in the past seemed to see "God" at this moment, waving wildly or saluting wildly.

In the nearby Accor Group branch building.

The general manager of France, who was sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the meeting room, was in disbelief when he saw this scene: "Why is he so popular?"

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