081 Set sail, target East Blue!

“Vegapunk and his party were the first members to join MADS, and the person I investigated was the best of the second batch.

“He became a newcomer to the team as a student. Although he is a student, he has advanced wisdom.”

“For Vegapunk’s lineage factor theory, he has put forward a number of different arguments and argued, and finally overturned some unreasonable theories.”

“Based on these new theories, he has a different direction of research than Vegapunk et al.

“Vegapunk and others focus on the evolutionary theory of lineage, and believe that humans can transform in a specific direction through specific methods and technologies, and acquire some powerful abilities that transcend racial constraints.”

“Such as the human body gigantic experiment, the artificial Devil Fruit theory, the technology of transforming people, etc.

“And what this person is looking for is the theory of the origin of life.”

Cavendish took a deep breath.

Hearing this, Rosen was shocked.

“Origin theory?!

“Yes, based on these theories, he created a technology gene cloning technology that even Garpunk and others were amazed at!”

Rosen’s eyes widened!

Cloning technology!

In his impression, this kind of technology existed in the previous world, and this technology has tended to be perfected.

Unexpectedly, in this pirate world, some people actually realized the gene cloning technology.

You must know that the technology in this world is relatively backward, but even in such an environment, it is unbelievable that someone can still develop cloning technology.

The wisdom of this man is definitely not lower than Vegapunk!

“So…who is the individual?”

Rosen became more and more curious.

“This man, named Rockwell, was the youngest scientist ever on the MADS team.”

“After the MADS scientific research team was arrested by the World government, this person disdain to be a lackey of the World government, so he escaped and disappeared!”

It wasn’t until “Three years ago, a tragic monster attack occurred in a small town in East Blue, and after some investigation, the World government learned that the matter was related to the scientist who once made Vegapunk pay special attention.”

“Afterwards, Rockwell, who had been hiding for decades, was officially arrested, arrested by Marine, and now held in East Blue Prison!”

This is the information that Cavendish got.

Actually, it’s not a secret anymore.

At that time, this incident also caused a lot of uproar and caused quite a stir.

It wasn’t until Marine’s arrest that the matter came to an end.

“The giant beast attack, what exactly is going on!”

Rosen seemed to have heard some incredible information.

“It is said that after leaving MADS, this person fled to a small town in East Blue, where he began his secret research for decades.

“Through gene cloning technology, he cloned an extremely terrifying ancient creature, but due to his negligence, the cloned ancient creature escaped control and attacked the human town.”

“Eventually, it was brought to the attention of the World Government, which led to his arrest.

Using cloning technology to revive long-extinct ancient creatures is indeed like a fantasy for ordinary people.

But for Rosen, it’s not incomprehensible.

In the world he lived in before, there was such a theory, but because of various difficulties, it was difficult to extract the complete paleontological genes.

Moreover, even if the clone is successful and these terrifying ancient creatures are brought back into the world, it is difficult to control these behemoths with human power.

Therefore, this technology can only be stranded in that world.

(ps: Cloning in reality refers to the asexual reproduction of an organism through somatic cells, and the offspring individuals with identical genotypes formed by asexual reproduction, usually using biotechnology to produce asexual reproduction with the same genes as the original individual individuals or species.)

If expected, this Rockwell, Master’s gene cloning technology, and the cloning technology in that world, should be similar.

Based on the lineage factor theory researched by Vegapunk, the exclusive genes in living organisms are discovered, and some ancient genes are extracted by specific methods to clone and transfer genes.

In the end, it is possible to clone those super ancient creatures that should have disappeared from the world and once dominated the world, and make them reappear in the world.

This is indeed a bold idea.

It’s just that with his own strength, it is really difficult to really perfect this technology.

Only the world government will never allow such people to exist.

So, this Rockwell was arrested and is now being held in East Blue Grand Prison.

“Wait, genetically clone ancient creatures

Rosen seems to have thought of something!

He remembered that on Punk Hazard, the research base where the World government science class used to be, there was a super creature that shouldn’t exist in the world!


This was by Vegapunk, but it was a failure.

Could this be the legendary creature that Vegapunk borrowed from Rockwell’s gene cloning technology?

In addition, some members of Kaido’s team ride on dinosaurs.

He hadn’t paid much attention to it before.

But now that I think about it, it seems like everything can be connected.

These dinosaur mounts were purchased by Kaido from Caesar.

And Caesar, presumably learned from Rockwell’s cloning technology, and then created this batch of artificial dinosaurs.

It’s just that Caesar Master’s cloning technology is not proficient.

Therefore, the artificial dinosaurs he made were just failures.

If Rockwell’s technology is perfected and succeeded in creating real artificial super dinosaurs, these dinosaurs will surely gain the terrifying strength of real dinosaurs in ancient times.

And it is definitely not a creature that can only be reduced to a mount like those created by Caesar.

…for flowers…0

“Bloodlines, genes…

“If it is an ancient creature, it is understandable, but the fire-breathing dragon created by Vegapunk is obviously not a creature that once existed.”

“Is it…

Rosen suddenly had a bold idea.

If it’s genetics…

Zoan Devil Fruit, also has specific genes.

And the creature that originally only existed in mythology, the fire-breathing dragon. The only one that can extract genes is Devil Fruit.

Maybe, that creature was cloned by relying on the genes existing in the phantom beast, the fire-breathing dragon fruit.

With Vegapunk’s ability, it is not difficult to get an Eudemons Fruit.

It’s just that this technology has not been really perfected, so even he has not been able to experiment successfully.

But Rockwell is different.

After leaving the MADS scientific research team, he has worked hard for half a lifetime, and he must have gained a lot.

Thinking about it this way, Rosen seemed to have discovered a new world.


“This Rockwell, I’m bound to get it!”

Rosenxun got up quickly!

“Brothers, set sail, out to sea!”

After waiting for so long, I finally found a scientist I liked.

This scientist, who even Vegapunk attaches great importance to, has extraordinary thinking ability, once he is won by him…

For him, it will definitely be a powerful booster.

Gene cloning, ancient creatures. Even mythical creatures…

Rosen is looking forward to the future more and more.

“Are you going to sea?”


“Where are you going to venture this time?”

The people on the boat cheered up.

Rosen walked to the bow, her eyes sparkling, reflecting a dazzling light.

“Target, East Blue!

East Blue in the Four Seas!

Although it was hailed as the weakest sea area, in fact, Rosen knew better than anyone that East Blue was absolutely impossible to be weak.

East Blue is weak because of the existence of that legend.

Every time that person goes home for vacation, he will catch a large number of pirates by the way.

Over time, this formed the weakest situation for the East Blue pirates.

And that person is the legendary Marine hero, Garp the Fist, a man who has driven Roger, the pirate king, into a corner several times.

Greenbite East Blue Shore!

Xuanwu’s huge body entered the sea, and the surrounding sea beasts and fighting fish fled in all directions.

After finding the direction, the Xuanwu issued a roar and moved towards that direction at a high speed.

“East Blue… there seems to be some incredible characters too!”

For this trip to East Blue, Rosen has begun to look forward to it.


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