084 Gorgeous Beauty, Mrs Shyarly!

“What a beautiful island!

“Is this where the legendary murlocs live?”

As Xuanwu slowly dived, soon, they could see an island wrapped in bubbles.

Without a doubt, that’s where murlocs and mermen live, The fish men island.

“I’ve been to this place, and I once knew two beautiful mermaid ladies!”

Cavendish, who was on the side, held a rose and fell into a good memory.

He completed the first half of the Grand Line, and then entered the New World through The fish men island, so he naturally came to The fish men island.

Really? “What does a mermaid look like?”

“It must be beautiful!

Eze’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Most of them have only heard of the legendary mermaid.

“How can I say it, it’s half fish, half human creature, if it’s beautiful… it’s really beautiful!”

“Captain brother, let’s go up and see, I’ve never seen a mermaid before!”

Eze was a little impatient.

But Rosen shook his head slowly!

“The fish people…

Forget it “, come back next time, find our scientists first!”

“As for The fish men island, soon, after a while, when this place becomes a borderless land, I will come to subdue it!”

Rosen has a plan for the future.

The fish men island, which currently belongs to Whitebeard’s territory, is sheltered by Whitebeard, and few people dare to touch this place.

Rosen doesn’t really want to fight against this “world’s strongest man” now.

What’s more, Summit War is only a few months away.

After a while, the boy in the straw hat from East Blue should set sail, and the timeline in the original book is about to unfold.

The ambitious guy on the Whitebeard ship was probably about to lose his temper.

When everything happens naturally, Summit War will come after all.

Although he is not sure whether Summit War will be shot, but the Whitebeard Pirates will definitely undergo a huge change after this incident.

When that time comes, it’s Rosen’s turn…it’s time to start his own era.

Sooner or later, he will take over The fish men island from Whitebeard’s hands. After all, this race is not easy.

His Marine Corps is to be formed after all.

All this, Rosen had a plan in mind.

“I heard that there is a piece of historical text on The fish men island!” Cavendish thought for a while, then said.

Hearing the name of the historical text, Kozuki Hiyori immediately cheered up.

But Rosen shook his head.

“I just need the red text of the road sign, the other stones are useless to me!”

The red stone points to the ultimate land, and finding all the stones means that he can become the Pirate King and get a bounty at the Pirate King level.

But ordinary stones record only the secrets of history.

It is said that finding all the historical texts and linking the information recorded above can form an article that can unlock the secret of the “Blank Hundred Years One”.

However, Rosen is not interested in the truth of history.

He will only look forward and create an era of his own, instead of entangled in the truth of the hundred years.

He probably already had a simple understanding of the so-called truth.

It is nothing more than that, eight hundred years ago, there was an extremely powerful country with advanced technology, abundant resources, and a powerful Ancient Weapon Master.

However, another twenty countries joined forces at that time to destroy the kingdom and set up the World government.

Subsequently, the royal families of these twenty countries, except for the royal family of Alabasta, the other nineteen all moved to the Holy Land Mariejois and began to call themselves Celestial Dragons.

In order to eradicate its own sinful behavior, the world government began to eradicate the 100-year history and does not allow anyone to interpret it.

The Kozuki family, who are masons, created a historical “text” of the stone tablet that cannot be destroyed in order to leave the truth behind.

They engraved the articles that recorded the truth on the historical text, and placed them all over the world, leaving them for future generations to interpret.

Hence the historical text.

And on The fish men island, the piece of “Joey Boy”‘s letter of remorse that exists in the forest of the sea is not attractive to Rosen at all.

He is not a D family, and he does not need to inherit the mission of the D family, interpreting history or something, it has nothing to do with him.

He will use his own means to create an era of his own.

Rather than relying on those so-called truths to achieve certain goals.

“That’s it, that’s fine.

Cavendish didn’t ask.

“It just so happens that I’m also very interested in East Blue, East Blue Prison.. I want to know how Marine will react when we walk away from the captured scientist, hahahaha!”

Prison robbery is a serious crime, and the world government will definitely not forgive it.

It’s sure to make a splash by then.

The only thing to note is that no one of them currently knows where the so-called East Blue Prison is, and they have to find out.

Let’s go”, it’s starting to float!”

Rosen glanced at The fish men island below, and said nothing.

After Summit War, someone will take over, and Rosen is the right person.

Xuanwu raised his head and slowly floated up, following the roots of the sun tree Eve, all the way up, he could reach the Sabaody bottom archipelago and enter the boundary of the first half of the Grand Line.

But not long after they just surfaced!

Suddenly, there was a graceful figure in the back, chasing after him.


It was Izawa who noticed it first.

With a slight movement of his ears, even underwater, he could hear any movement around him!

“Captain brother, it seems that someone is chasing us!”

Eze looked at Rosen.

Hearing his words, Rosen was stunned.

Is someone chasing?

Could it be those Murloc gangsters who hate humans?

Those gangsters in Fishman Street like to fight against humans the most. Once they find a passing ship, they will destroy it and let the humans on board die in the sea.

If it’s them, then they can’t sit idly by!

He came to the back of the cabin and looked behind Xuan Wu.


Rosen’s eyes sank!

Not the murlocs.

But a mermaid!

The opponent’s speed was extremely fast, and it didn’t take long before that graceful figure was about to catch up with the Xuanwu.

It is worthy of being the fastest swimming mermaid in the world, even a murloc, in terms of swimming speed, it is far behind the mermaid.

“Your Excellency, please stay!”

Yize and the others were all ready for battle, but when they heard the voice of a woman, they relaxed a little.

“Wow…is that the legendary mermaid?”

Eze’s eyes suddenly lit up.

As the other party approaches, they can already roughly see the other party’s appearance.

Blue hooded top, graceful figure, and the most prominent fish tail

It looked like a mermaid.

However, she is different from ordinary mermaids.

Her lower body is similar to the tail of a shark, full of unique flavor.

Look at the other person’s face again.

Leng Yan, is the first feeling.

Even if she swims at high speed in the water, her posture still gives people a noble atmosphere.

“,”wrong, this, this… shark merman?”

Kozuki Hiyori shrank back, she could see the type of the other party at a glance, it was a shark mermaid.

“She… this can’t eat people!”

There are also sharks in Wanokuni’s waters, so she’s still a little scared of sharks.

“Please stay, I don’t mean anything.”

At this time, the shark merman who had caught up had already arrived outside the Xuanwu barrier.

Her body is much larger than the average mermaid.

Even, it was several times higher than everyone on the Rosen ship. According to preliminary estimates, it must be four or five meters high.

If you count the long shark tail fin, it is estimated to be seven or eight meters long.

Those blue eyes and cold and glamorous features made people wonder about her identity.

But for Rosen, this person is no stranger!

“Is something wrong?”

Rosen was a little surprised that this person actually took the initiative to find him.

With a faint smile on his face, he looked at the sharp-nose shark merman.

“Yes, I have business with you!” said the shark merman.

“Oh, I seem to have seen you somewhere!”

At this time, Cavendish seemed to think of something.

He rubbed his temples and fell into memory, as if trying to remember the identity of the other party.

“Cough, yes, I remembered, you are…

“The beautiful lady proprietress of the Mermaid Cafe!”

Cavendish suddenly remembered.

The proprietress of the Mermaid Cafe, Mrs. Shyarly, is also a well-known figure in The fish men island.

She is the most famous fortune-teller on Fishman Street (Ma Li’s), and at the age of four, she predicted “the coming of the age of the great pirates.

In addition, she has predicted many things, although she cannot know the exact time of the event, but the accuracy rate is as high as 100%!

100% accurate, what a concept

It means that as long as it is something she can predict, almost everything happens.

However, because she often predicted misfortune, she gradually began to hate divination.

Even so, she can occasionally sense the occurrence of certain special events.

No one knows why she has this ability, not even herself.

Every divination will make her feel deeply disturbed.

Shyarly’s appearance made Rosen frown.

“Do you… have anything to say? Luo seems to have a guess.

Mrs. Shyarly nodded heavily!

“I’m a fortune teller and can predict some big things that are about to happen. Although I don’t know the specific events of the events, almost all the things I have predicted have happened.

“This time

Mrs Shyarly took a deep breath!

“I… got some incredible footage!


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