Building B

: Hongjun Creation

   Chaos hasn't opened at the beginning of the universe

The world is in a dark and dying world, endless years have passed, and finally there is a slight change in the chaos, countless tiny particles appear in this chaos and annihilation, they are in this eternal darkness The first batch of beings were born, but they had life but no intelligence. They were like walking corpses in this chaotic universe, swallowing other creatures around by instinct.

These creatures are derived from the chaos, nourished by the chaos vitality, life will never end in the darkness and rebirth, constantly killing other creatures, or becoming the target of other creatures, falling into an endless cycle of cycles .

Until hundreds of millions of years passed, the powerful among these creatures became stronger and stronger, and began to evolve different appearances, but although these creatures were powerful, they still preyed on instinct until a ray of light flashed. After the darkness, among these powerful creatures, an alien was finally born. It began to no longer hunt by instinct, and even began to chase prey with purpose.

It’s just that creatures that are stronger than it abound, and it will also re-enter the cycle because of its opponent’s too powerful and too large in number. It has gone through 33,33 million reincarnation catastrophes, and its intelligence has begun to continuously change. After nine thousand nine hundred kalpas, he finally condensed a body that it thought was most suitable for him. This body has eyes, ears, nose, nose, seven orifices, heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, and other internal organs. After 11,111 The catastrophe reaches the state of perfection and perfection, and the center of the beginning of the universe becomes an intelligent creature in the true sense.

Its body exudes the power of chaos and primitive power, and its body is surging with the strange power that destroys the sky and the earth, and its eyes slowly open, as if the sun, moon and stars are bred in it, exuding dazzling light. This is its true meaning. I used my eyes to see the world, but my eyes only saw endless darkness and endless killing.

  Looking at the world that gave birth to its own, it felt very disappointed and sad. This was different from the world it imagined. Its mouth trembled slightly and made the first note of the universe’s pioneering world... Jun!

If the shock of the sound spread quickly throughout the chaotic universe, it alarmed all the creatures in this world, but they had no intelligence. The consequence of this shocking sound was that it caused all the chaotic creatures to gather towards Jun’s location. Come.

Jun watched the endless dark creatures rushing towards him, they swallowed everything along the way, like a black hole, swallowing everything that passed by, Jun silently looked at all of this, with great compassion in his heart, seeing the black holes constantly emerging around him, and The dying creature, it felt inexplicable despair, its chest rose and fell slightly, as if taking a deep breath, with complex emotions, extending its palms forward, the surging energy in the body found catharsis at this moment The exit rushed out.

An extremely bright brilliance gushes out from both palms, advancing at an astonishing speed, and all the creatures that touch it are all annihilated in the brilliance, and the darkness of the universe seems to be a huge In the rain of dust, all the dark creatures turned into flying ash and fell into the eternal black abyss in an instant.

   I don't know if there are too many flying ash, or these creatures are too dark. A huge black whirlpool has formed under the universe, which is constantly eroding and devouring the fallen biological remains.

The universe became silent again. Except for the ripples caused by the amazing energy released by Jun, it was still traveling through the vast chaotic universe, and the endless dark abyss below, a drop of liquid glowing with colorful brilliance. The eyes slipped, followed by the second drop...the third drop...

Tears kept dripping, floating in the dark universe, and slowly separated into seven liquids of different colors. As the tears continued to converge, they slowly turned into seven torrents, spreading around and slowly disappearing into the universe. In the darkness.

A stream of black and white air flow accompanied by a sigh, exhaled from the corner of Jun's mouth, as if it contained its happiness, anger and sadness, life and destruction, slowly separated from the entanglement, white gas drifted upward, while black gas fell. Like an abyss, Jun frowned slightly, looking at the chaotic world that disappointed him, and fell into contemplation.

Its thoughts turned into a strange energy, which derives the power of dreams. The power of white dreams represents calmness, the power of yellow dreams represents power and desire, the power of purple dreams represents mysterious exploration, and the power of cyan dreams represents flying freedom. The power of red dreams represents violence and blood, the power of orange dreams represents stability and solidity, the power of green dreams represents natural moisturization, and the power of blue dreams represents quiet and strange.

The power of the dream turned into a seven-color rainbow that surrounds Jun. It is gorgeous and colorful, but Jun sometimes frowns, revealing a distressed color, and slivers of black light emerge, contaminating the surrounding seven rainbow lights, turning it into pitch black and sparkling. The appearance of weird gloss, accompanied by inexplicable horror fluctuations.

Jun was unaware of this and was still trapped in his own thoughts. With the changes over the years, everything seemed to start to change differently. The air currents spreading out between Jun’s breath turned into yin and yang two qi, constantly flowing up and down. Gradually opening up this chaotic world, Jun's body gradually filled the world as it grew. He had no choice but to curl up like a baby.

The chaotic universe was constantly shocked by the energy it produced, and it began to become unsteady, with a deafening roar. Jun also had to wake up from contemplation because of the pressure around him. He unconsciously stretched his body, but brought it A devastating disaster, the chaotic universe broke out with a more terrifying explosion than the last time, which also caused the first intelligent creature born in the universe to be destroyed in the torrent of the universe.

Its flesh and blood are mixed with the debris of the universe, transforming into three thousand huge and incomparable plane worlds, and the dander on its body evolves into an endless world of particles, the seven-color rainbow stream that originally disappeared in the universe, is gasified There are seven different attributes, namely gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder.

They permeate into every corner of the broken universe. At the same time, the black and white air currents evolve into yin and yang poles. The white air current is yang representing time, and the black air current is yin representing space. Time and space continue to glue the painting map to derive time and space occasions. Shuttles through the center of the broken universe, connecting all the worlds together, while the branches of the river are interspersed with countless particle worlds around.

The universe is full of light. It is the fragments of Jun’s pupils. They were not destroyed after the explosion, but together with the dust after the explosion, they turned into countless stars. The larger stars contained Jun’s power. , Turned into Yang and Moon, spread around countless worlds.

The power of dreams that originally floated around Jun is at the center of the explosion of the universe, crushed by energy into tiny dust in the void. Whenever these tiny dusts enter a world, they turn into the power of dreams to envelop the earth. Actually formed a strange energy going back and forth endlessly.

The bones of Jun's body were exploded into powder, and the energy in his body was mixed with bone debris and scattered all the newly formed worlds, turning into various strange ores and mountains and rivers. The blood in his body was filled with energy, and it solidified into strips. The crystal clear spiritual veins, its sweat turns into mountains, rivers and seas, its dying roar turns into wind and thunder, stirring the whole world, forming torrential hurricanes and waves, turning into rainstorms and dust, and filling the universe with variables and turbulence. .

   Its scattered hairs change into trees, flowers, and grasses in various worlds, and evolve into forests and grasslands. Some spiritual hairs contain the energy of Jun remaining in them, turning them into more unique existences, spreading throughout each world.

At the beginning, Jun sighed and formed a white air current and turned into a cloud to infiltrate into the big and small worlds, while the black air current that was originally engulfed in the abyss turned into a gloomy silence in the depths of the that carried countless darkness. The abyss of biological remains was also destroyed in this huge explosion. Its fragments turned into six small vortices that were countless times smaller than the original ones, which continuously revolved around the broken universe, swallowing everything that could be swallowed. energy.

With the change of time, the universe began to slowly settle down. The originally turbulent worlds also tended to balance under the washing of various energies. The only difference is that the power of dreams at the beginning retains Jun's joy and anger. Sad and Le, these thoughts have slowly spawned many strange creatures over time, and they have slowly emerged in these three thousand worlds.

   Some biological bodies are full of energy, they can fly to the sky and escape, they have supreme power, they call themselves gods.

  Some creatures come from mountains, rivers, and trees. They can blend into nature. They have endless lifespan. They call themselves fine.

   Some creatures have no physical bodies, they can escape into the void, they have infinite spirits, and they call themselves spirits.

  Some creatures have strange appearances, they can continue to grow, they have supreme physique, they call themselves monsters.

And there is a kind of creatures. They have no innate power, infinite lifespan, infinite spirit, and infinite physique. They are called human beings, a race of nothing, at least in gods, spirits, spirits, and monsters. It seems to be the case, but they have overlooked one point. This group of creatures that seem to have nothing but possess wisdom that surpasses other creatures.

They have used this to survive in this cruel world. With their faith and persistence, they can make themselves a place in these three thousand worlds, even if they are mocked as ants, as long as the heart If you have the ambition of a great hungry bird, you can also be an upright ant!

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