Building B

Chapter 1351: Disadvantage is a blessing

While Lou Yi was thinking about his plan, the short-legged pine bear was also looking around, because it found that it had lost the perception of Lou Yi's divine consciousness, and the anger slowly calmed down, but doubts followed. The color.

You must know that the Ceremony of Baishan is a tradition handed down when the palace was created. The monks of the palace have no longer held it, but the Yaozu still firmly remembers this matter, because this is the master of the palace and the founder of the palace. The covenant of their ancestors.

   It’s just that it hasn’t appeared for thousands of years. Short-legged Pine Bear and the others, at this time, suddenly discovered that the long-lost covenant ritual, ghosts and gods appeared in their generation of monsters, they were naturally very excited.

After all, in the eyes of the monsters over the years, the animal control palace is no longer worthy to be the master of the barren mountains. This sentiment has spread among the monsters, but the monsters have been concealed and silently accumulated themselves. the power of.

Although they don’t understand proverbs, they also know that once a war starts, they must fight quickly, so they are always quiet before the storm, and they also need to solve the human formation that is shrouded in the barren mountains. This is the main constraint to them. the power of.

The appearance of Lou Yi happened to become a tribe of Barren Monster Race. When testing the combat power of Human Race, maybe even Lou Yi didn't know about it. His move will affect for a long time. He lives in the animal control palace and all the monster races living in the barren mountains.

   Just as the short-legged pine bear was looking for nothing, suddenly something fell from the sky. When the short-legged pine bear looked up, he saw countless silk threads shining with strange light, covering his head and covering his face.

   Short-legged Matsukuma instinctively wanted to leave, but suddenly its body shook suddenly, and it unexpectedly stood still, as if it had been casted on a body curse, and let these shining silk threads envelop it.

   Then it made a very strange move, with an intoxicated expression on its face, wiped away the contaminated silk thread with its huge palm, and then greedily stuffed it into its mouth, after which the expression on its face became extremely excited and intoxicated.

But the short-legged pine bear suddenly realized something, and with his paws soaked with ling honey, he randomly wiped the honey sticking to his face, and looked up at the huge honeycomb on the red cedar tree. This ling honey could not be innocent for nothing. The child fell from the sky, I am afraid that the kid took advantage of his trap and sneaked up to get honey.

The short-legged pine bear let out a deafening roar, two bear paws spread out, embraced the huge body of the old redwood tree, and began to climb upwards. Its eyes were full of anger. For it, Lou Yi repeatedly treated it twice. The food was shot, which has completely angered it.

However, when it climbed the ancient redwood tree and approached the huge beehive more than ten feet long, it strangely found that there was no trace of Building B at all. What made it even more difficult to understand is that the poisonous bees as sentinels, Didn't realize that someone had stolen the spiritual honey in the hive.

In fact, Lou B didn’t really get honey, he just drew some spiritual honey from it, just turned them into honey silk, and smeared it on the short-legged pine bear. You must know that this guy’s hair is unusually thick. Honey is difficult to clean up, so it will replace Building B and become the culprit in stealing spiritual honey.

The appearance of the short-legged pine bear immediately aroused the vigilance of the sentry bees. They hurriedly sent out an enemy invasion message and launched a charge towards it. The short-legged pine bears roared with dissatisfaction, seeming to be protesting, telling the sentry bees that it is Come catch the honey thief.

   However, it has forgotten that it is the biggest honey thief, especially when the sentry bee saw it staring at the honey that overflowed from the hive, and issued a warning sound more urgently.

After that, the entire hive shook, and the overwhelming five-ringed-bellied bees rolled toward the short-legged pine bear's body. You must know that the strategy adopted by the short-legged pine bears in the past was always the same. When the time comes, use sharp claws to tear open the hive, take out the inner ling honey, wipe it on the body and quickly escape.

But this time it really didn’t come to steal honey, but it didn’t happen that it was because Lou Yi suffered a big loss. The short-legged pine bear roared and jumped from the old redwood tree, and fled back to the original place in three steps. , The black bee swarm rushed to chase it, and it seemed that it was finally able to sting to the paws and mouth of the short-legged pine bear.

After    waited for the swarm to disperse, Lou Yi appeared to cut open the hive with the Narcissus Sword, carefully put the nectar and beeswax into the container and sealed it, and then threw it into the universe bag for storage.

In line with the idea that he can't kill chickens and get eggs, he only took 30% of the honey and beeswax in the hive, and cut off a hive at the same time, selected hundreds of the strongest bee eggs, placed them in them, and threw them into the breeding bag. .

It is a pity that there is no individual bee egg that can become a queen bee in this hive. According to the individual that can become a drone in the bone book, there are four rings on the bee egg, and the bee egg has a faint golden luster. The bee is followed by three rings in red.

The second-level rearing bee has two rings, and the eggs are brownish red. As for the last level, the worker bees, also called slave bees, are responsible for collecting honey everywhere. Their eggs have only a poor ring. , Bee eggs are earthy brown.

As for the bee eggs that can become queen bees, they will be individually placed on the best position in the hive. The bee eggs are golden yellow and shining with a five-color halo. When Lou B read these experiences and experiences, he once sighed. , It’s not just the human origin that affects the future, even these spirit bees.

He found only one drone egg in the hive. It was placed on the top center of the hive, and the honey consumed in the hive was called royal jelly. The best among them.

   They are the secretions that nurture the head glands of the bee pharynx. They are the products of the fusion of the essence after they have swallowed the honey. They are food for future queen bees and their lifelong food.

This kind of spiritual honey is extremely precious and often has no market. Because this thing is related to the birth and survival of the queen bee, so Lou B put it in the pot. After all, there is only one drone egg. After he took it away, the royal jelly was also It is useless.

After that, he jumped down the old redwood tree unharmed, and looked into the distance with a smile, because there was the angry roar of the short-legged pine bear, the five-ringed belly bee army returned to the nest one after another, while Lou Yi looked up at this moment To the ancient redwood trees farther away.

There is a bigger honeycomb there, and this honeycomb occupies the upper end of the entire sequoia tree, hanging below the canopy, with a diameter of hundreds of meters. Lou Yi guessed that only a honeycomb of this size can really give birth to bees. After the eggs, so he was going to do a big vote.

He deliberately released his breath so that the short-legged pine bear could lock his position, and then he pretended to move towards the largest hive, and soon a breath rushed over at an alarming speed, Lou Yi's mouth rose slightly. The speed suddenly increased and rushed forward.

   At this moment, the short-legged Satsukuma had already locked his position. Although he hadn't seen the opponent with the naked eye, it was impossible to make it escape. It roared angrily, and its voice rang far away.

   I can imagine how angry it is at this moment, but after a roar, he heard a whimper in the air. Lou Yi could roughly guess why the sound came from, and the smile on his mouth became thicker.

   At this moment, a black light mingled with terrible fishy air, whistling towards him, seeing that it was about to pierce his body, Lou Yi's body twisted strangely, and then shattered like a bubble.

The short-legged pine bear was in anger. Before figuring out what was going on, he slammed into the body of the unusually huge old sequoia tree in front. It only heard a loud bang. Its terrifying power made the entire old sequoia tree all Trembling.

The short-legged pine bear shook his dizzy head and looked around blankly. At this moment, a terrible buzzing sound suddenly appeared above. The short-legged pine bear looked up blankly, and then instantly trembled all over his body, like crazy. Fleeing away.

Behind its buttocks, Chi Xuchang was full of five-colored venomous bees, rushing towards it like a tsunami, and even at the front of these five-ringed belly bees, there were five unusually beautiful queen bees with their body shapes. About three times as large as the soldier bee, the poisonous needle on the tail shone with five colors of light.

If the short-legged pine bear does not care about this tsunami-like swarm of bees, but the queen bee of the five-ring-bellied bee can only escape from the wind, because the queen bee's poisonous needle can pierce its thick fur, although it is not afraid The toxicity contained in it the perennial consumption of the nectar and beeswax produced by them has already caused it to produce toxin antibodies.

But the poison of the queen bee can make it itchy and difficult to sleep. This is the reason why it is afraid, and the toxin will make it fall off its thick fur and become a smooth appearance. Once it loses its protective layer, then It will become very fragile.

   Building B repeated the old tricks, and easily came to the huge beehive, cut a hole through the Zhishuixianjian, and slipped in quietly. At this time, there was the wailing of short-legged pine bear and ghost crying wolf.

The short-legged pine bear hid everywhere without tears, but the queen bee was faster than it, and soon caught up with it, followed by a burst of poisonous needles, that desperate feeling made the short-legged pine bear painful. It knows that it will become naked again in the near future.

   This shameful appearance last appeared a thousand years ago. At that time, it had just been promoted to Demon Venerable by itself, so it challenged the biggest hive. As a result, it had a psychological shadow after that battle.

  Who thinks that today’s history is repeating itself again, but it’s wrong, it’s really not its fault, not only did it fail to eat honey, but it also suffered a lot, which is too bullying.

   Lou Yi smiled secretly from the bottom of his heart, and slowly touched the inside of the hive. The hive was filled with a rich honey fragrance, and it was refreshing and sweet to smell. ...


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