Building B

Chapter 1371: Draw a salary

The Sifan formation was forced, and the power of the ban began to loosen. At the same time, the other three elders also became precarious at this moment. However, because Lou Yi performed the Kong Ming sword dance that he had just enlightened, his right arm was seriously overloaded and short. The right arm can no longer be used within this time.

This feeling even made him feel that if he performed the Kongming Sword Dance again, his right arm would be useless, but for this new sword technique, it is commonplace to use it for the first time without being able to measure properly, so He quickly calculated the power he needed to use from the previous attacks.

After all, the turtle spirit banner was broken, and the three of them were exposed to him, but the right arm could not be used. He was not sure whether using the left arm could achieve the same effect.

He held the Narcissus Sword, swung his arm up and down subconsciously, and then sighed silently. He came to the conclusion that his left arm might not be able to make such a delicate attack, but it should be enough to deal with the three of them.

Unsullied Eyes swept over the three people, and one spot after another suddenly fell on various parts of their bodies, but this time the spots were mostly concentrated on the vital parts of the human body, not covering their whole bodies as densely as before.

Countless bright lines shuttle between these points of light, and then connect the bodies of the other three people together, just like what he felt when he performed the air slaying, but now he relies on the unsullied For the purpose, this feeling is more intuitive.

Jianguang Ruxi was shining in the air, and Qingluan Hanyan and Bi Fangzhi continued to clash in the air, creating a large white fog barrier. Lou Yi's figure shuttled through it, like a crescent moon in the fog barrier. Disappear and reappear.

Suddenly he appeared in front of the beast spirit flag, and a dazzling stream of light flashed in front of the old man who presided over the beast spirit flag. It subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but this light was only the beginning, and countless streams of light were accurate. Unmistakably stabbed all the vitals around him.

At this moment, he seemed to feel a brilliant chrysanthemum blooming on his body, until it slowly withered and dissipated, his eyes reflected the scene, but his people had already died.

The only thing he left in his eyes was the brilliant brilliance, which bloomed, disappeared, disappeared into the depths of his eyes, there was a loud bang, and the beast spirit streamer fell down, just like The tortoise spirit banner was just like before.

The air was filled with the last wailing sound of the demon tiger roar, and they seemed to say, "Hate, hate..."

Four flags went to the second one, and the ban on Building B was in vain, but he did not leave. Instead, the Kui Ling flags facing the east direction killed them, as fast as a meteor sweeping the sky.

But at this moment, an unexpected scene appeared. The old man who originally guarded the south appeared strangely and blocked him, and he looked very strange at the moment, his eyes reflected flames, and his pupils became The pupil of flame like Bi Fang.

It seems that this old man was robbed of his mind by the spirit of the bird spirit flag, Lou Yi suddenly felt a chill. This bifang bird was called a divine bird, but it was so domineering and cruel, I was afraid that this old man would be even at this moment. It is useless to be rescued.

His mental power has been completely occupied by Fan Ling. After Fan Ling is expelled, the old man will only be a soulless shell. Lou Yi shook his head and stared at the old man occupied by Bi Fang.

The old man was crouching. When Lou Yi looked at him, his body slowly stood up, and at the same time the corners of his mouth split upwards, revealing a weird smile. With a flash of red light in his eyes, Lou Yi was surrounded by the flames of Bi Fang. Up.

They turned into ropes entangled from all directions, trying to tie him, but the shadow of Qingluan behind Lou Yi suddenly became irritable at this moment, and the crystal blue wings it turned into, flapping outward in an instant.

The Feathers of Cold Flame broke away from the wings and fired towards the surroundings, instantly cutting off the chains that were transformed by the flames of Bi Fang, but at the same time as these chains broke, they twisted and turned into flying snakes in the air, continuing to move towards Lou Yi pounced.

The shadow of Qingluan looked extremely angry. At the same time as these flame snakes flew, the cold flame erupted from Lou Yi's body, and instantly turned into a crystal blue sea of ​​swords and flames, engulfing these flame snakes.

The two started fighting face-to-face like this. Bi Fangzhiyan continued to transform into various shapes, weapons, ropes, and flame beasts were omnipotent, while the shadow of Qingluan more often just took a defensive position to resolve these attacks. .

However, Lou Yi could still feel its unwillingness from its consciousness. Seeing that the opponent couldn't attack it for a long time, he controlled the old man to rush towards him directly, and the old man's hands turned into flame claws and grabbed his chest.

At this time, Lou Yi felt that the shadow of Qingluan injected its own power into the Immortal Sword of Still Water. It did not occupy the body of the old man like Fanling, so the power bonus it could give Lou Yi was limited. This may be it. The best way I can think of.

The Shishui Immortal Sword erupted with a piercing sound of sword sound due to the infusion of Qingluan's chills. A shadow of Qingluan was looming on the body of the sword. Lou Yi swung his sword to meet, and a shadow of Qingluan flew out from above the sword. , Took the initiative to meet the elders who were burning with Bi Fangzhiyan.

The old man’s attack is extremely fierce, and under the blessing of Bi Fangzhiyan, not only the speed and strength have been improved in an all-round way. Lou Yi uses the Luohe nine-shaped figure and the figure appears in the air like a ghost phantom, avoiding Attack from the old man.

Two completely different flame powers, cyan and red, appear alternately in the air. The old man’s attacks are like gusts of wind and showers, and are full of various changes in form. Sometimes even a little spark from the collision may be possible. It turned into a fire needle and shot it at Building B extremely tricky.

And Lou Yi’s body is also protected by the shadow of Qingluan. The cold flame is extremely sensitive to Bi Fang’s inflammation, so even these subtle changes can’t escape its aura lock, so it’s clear that Lou Yi and the old man are interacting with each other. The attack was actually a contest between Qingluan and Bi Fangzhi.

The old Kui Ling banner who was hanging on the side, his face was extremely embarrassed at this moment. He looked at the two figures that crossed back and forth in the air. The red and blue crossed constantly, it felt like two peerless beasts clashing in front of him. And he himself is their prey on the winning side.

Although this feeling made him feel a little absurd, after all, one of them was their own, but when he saw the old man's current appearance and the pair of monster eyes, he instinctively wanted to escape here.

However, once the Four Spirits Sealing Formation is formed, it is impossible to untie it alone. This is also an adjustment to prevent someone from retreating. Now the elders of the turtle spirit flags guarding the north and the elders of the beast spirit flag guarding the west are already died.

If under normal circumstances, he only needs to discuss with the elders of the spirit flags guarding the south, then he can withdraw the formation, but now...

A sense of powerlessness and despair shrouded him. He even thought of letting the formation unravel on its own, but when he was planning to do so, the old man possessed by the spirit suddenly turned his head. Looking at him, this look immediately made him feel like he was in the fiery sea of ​​purgatory.

A huge flame figure suddenly occupied his Sea of ​​Consciousness. The one foot that was burning with raging flames slammed down. For a time, the water of the Sea of ​​Consciousness churned violently, and the old man outside held it with both hands. The head made a miserable wailing sound.

After a while, his eyes seemed hollow, and he mechanically injected his own true essence into the spirit flag array behind him to keep it running, but the thunderstorm in the sky and the frozen eddy current below had dissipated.

Lou Yi also noticed this scene, but he doesn't seem to care too much about all of this. For him, he still needs to kill the opponent if he wants to break the formation. He is foolish, but it is more convenient for him to do it. Besides, the thunderstorm that made his scalp numb dissipated, and it was even more powerful for him.

The red and blue fire in the sky now complements each other, and Bi Fangzhiyan drives crazily in the old man's body. Lou Yi can feel that the old man's body is about to collapse. After all, although he can host the bird spirit flag, it does not mean that he can bear it. Zhu Fanling's unscrupulous behavior.

The skin on the face and body of the old man now showed a terrible blood red, and even cracked patterns like crocodile skin appeared. The flames spewed out along these cracked locations, and gradually the old man’s body disappeared completely in the flames. .

Instead, it is the shadow of Bi Fang who has been shrunk countless At the same time, the Xuanpao fairy fetus in Lou Yi has continuously strengthened the release of Qingluan cold, but it takes into account The strength of Lou Yi's body was not as unscrupulous as Bi Fang Fanling did.

This also caused Lou Yi's side to be slowly suppressed by the other party, and this situation is becoming more and more serious. Lou Yi seemed to have noticed this, and he quickly communicated with Xuan Po Xian Ti and told it to let go Just do it.

The sword power in Lou Yi's hand changed suddenly, and the world was suddenly frozen. Numerous Xuan Ming ice souls appeared around Lou Yi's body, and as his body became more and more terrifying, it gradually became Terrible black and blue ice crystals.

The air was torn in an instant, and countless ice crystal-like fragments appeared strangely around Building B, and they continued to shatter and reorganize, spreading rapidly toward the surrounding space.

At this time, Bi Fangzhiyan seemed to have no scruples. After completely igniting the old man, he turned into a huge and terrifying flame figure. The power between the two collided together in an instant. The four spirits shook violently and groaned overwhelmedly.

The shadow of Bi Fang controlled the flame body and pushed forward roughly. Everything that Lou Yi had condensed into it evaporated and dissipated at this moment, but just as Bi Fang Zhiyan thought that the victory was in his hands, suddenly surrounded them. The Lingfeng Array disappeared.

Bi Fangzhiyan seemed to realize something. It turned its head and looked to the east, but it happened to see Lou Yi standing up with a sword. His eyes were unwilling, and he wanted to turn back and fight back, but found that his strength began to quickly. The lapse of time, and just after Frost, a cyan figure suddenly appeared. It raised a paw and squeezed Bi Fang Zhiyan's head.

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