Building B

Chapter 22: Small blast

   The changes brought about by his body made Lou Yi feel ecstatic, and his spirit was also lifted. He looked around, took the classic book with the small wind technique, held it in his hand and took a closer look.

   The reason for doing this is because the book naturally exudes a very comfortable breath, like a breeze blowing across his cheeks, soft and soothing, making Lou Yi's uncontrollable breathing deep.

  He opened his lecture slowly, and what caught his eyes were these few words, "Unleashing three autumn leaves, you can bloom February flowers. Crossing the river for thousands of feet, entering the bamboo and ten thousand poles."

   This seems to be a poem written by a predecessor named Li Qiao. It is said that this person is capable of comprehending the true meaning of wind. These poems are his perception of the four seasons of the wind, and his interpretation of the wind.

  The wind is misty, soft...

   The wind is high, fierce...

   The wind is blazing, a hundred turns...

   The wind is arrogant, biting...

Although the wind has no fixed form, it is everywhere and pervasive like air. It is as small as a breeze that makes people unconscious, and as large as a squally wind, it is decayed. If you want to understand the wind, you must first perceive the rhythm of the wind, and integrate your body and mind into the wind. Rhythm, people are like the wind, and the wind is like a person, without a trace but nowhere is its trace.

  Lou B carefully savored the meaning of these words, but immediately scratched his head, this sentence made him feel a little confused, what is omnipresent, what is no trace.

   sighed, slowly got up from the futon, and walked out of the house with a stomach full of doubts. Bored, he opened the door and walked out and appeared in the yard.

Slowly raised his head and looked to the sky. At this time, the sky was covered with white clouds. The sky looked very high. The clouds like terraces were all over it. He could feel the wind passing by his ear, but he could not feel the wind on his face. exist.

However, when he felt the surroundings with his heart, he finally noticed the existence of wind. It is not that there is no, but the sense of existence is low. Because of the low intensity of the wind, it seems that it does not exist, and Lou Yi's eyes are glowing. A trace of enlightenment.

   At this time, he raised his head and looked towards the sky. At this time, the cloud group suddenly began to accelerate and galloped toward the southeast in the sky. The terraced clouds in the sky were also torn apart by the wind. This scene also made Lou Yi feel.

Just at this moment, a gust of wind swept across his body, his clothes were swept by the violent wind, and a rapid whistling sound came from his ears. The biting wind with a biting cold air blew on his face like a knife, Lou Yi Involuntarily murmured: "People are like the wind, and the wind is like a person..."

   He felt that he had grasped something very important, so he ran back to the house and back to the practice room, sat down on the futon, and held up the little gust of wind again, and looked at it intently.

Time passed in a hurry. Lou Yi stayed in the practice room for a whole day. He closed his eyes and felt the surroundings while keeping everything in the book in mind. Although the Little Wind Surgery is an initial explanation of the power of wind, The system covers many levels, such as integrating the power of wind into the body technique, or integrating the power of wind into the magic technique.

   Wind Spirit Vessel itself is a kind of auxiliary spirit root, its function is to comprehensively improve the various states of the monk himself, regardless of the purity of his wind spirit root is 30%, if he uses it properly, it can also enhance a very considerable strength.

   At this time, there was a faint cyan light around Lou Yi, like a small whirlwind close to his body, as Lou Yi's chest rose and fell, it turned quickly and slowly.

It only took Lou Yi a day to feel the rhythm of the wind. Although it is still impossible to get it out of the body, it is already a great thing for most people. Comprehension is illusory and invisible. It can't be touched, and Lou Yi has been smart since he was a child, and his eyes seem to be able to perceive the soul. When he concentrates on doing one thing, he can often achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort.

After about another tea time, the cyan light on his body slowly disappeared. Lou Yi exhaled and opened his eyes slowly. He sighed and said, "It's so difficult. You can only hold on for about five breaths. I don’t know how other people are doing. Is it really my limited qualifications?"

   There was a trace of loss in his eyes, but soon he was replaced by a determined look. He cheered himself up: "Diligence can make up for clumsiness! Stupid birds fly first..."


   Just as he was about to puff up again, a voice of protest came from his stomach. Only then did he realize that he hadn't eaten anything for a day and night. He touched his hungry belly and got up and walked towards the utility room.

In a short while, a pot of enticing ling rice porridge was ready. He swallowed hard and filled himself with a large bowl. Regardless of the ling rice porridge was still boiling hot, he took a spoonful of it and stuffed it. Into the mouth.


The little guy screamed hot, but his face was full of happiness. You must know that the rice porridge he ate before was mixed with other things, and now he is eager to improve his realm as soon as possible, but he does not The extra spirit crystals can be used for cultivation, and the porridge made by this spirit rice has become the only way he can improve himself.

Feeling the warm current of Lingmi entering the body, the exhaustion and hunger of the day disappeared immediately. He guided this warm current into his meridian and followed the movement route of the nine turns of cold breath. The spiritual energy transformed from these spiritual rice was injected into the body.

The limbs and hundreds of skeletons all made joyful sounds, feeling the surging of spiritual energy in the body, and feeling the continuous improvement of cultivation level. He felt that all of this was worthwhile. I believe that within a few days, he will be able to break through the normal phase. On the second floor, when the time comes to practice the small wind technique, I am afraid that I can hold on for a bit longer.

In a short while, a pot of rice porridge was all eaten, and the body roared more than ever. This time he was really extravagant. He used three or two spiritual rice, which was dozens of times more than when he was a servant. Compared with ordinary rice, each grain is about five centimeters in size, crystal clear and white, and looks like a beautiful jade pendant.

However, the spiritual rice is divided into several levels. The spiritual rice issued by Lou Yi and the others are all low-grade spiritual rice, and then there are middle-grade spiritual rice, high-grade spiritual rice and top-grade spiritual rice, but he has not seen it yet. It is said that one catty of middle-grade spiritual rice can be sold for one hundred talisman coins, ten times the price of lower-grade spiritual rice.

Although Lou Yi wanted to taste something, he suffered from being shy in his pocket, and every penny should be spent on the blade. After putting away the pot, he returned to the practice room, but it didn't take long for him to come out. .

Because he found that although he was not tired physically, he couldn't concentrate. Every time he tried to force his exercises, his head would make a buzzing noise, and he couldn't concentrate. He felt that this might be his limit. The reason, Lou Yi still understands.

   left the practice room and returned to the bed. After a while, the sound of his snoring came from the room. Even in his sleep, the spiritual energy transformed by the spiritual rice still improved his body all the time.

   In the early morning of the next day, Lou Yi was awakened by a strange smell. When he got up, he felt sour all over his body, with a smell of stinky salted fish.

Not only that, but he also felt extremely uncomfortable with his whole body wet and sticky. He turned over and got off the bed, and hurriedly went straight to the courtyard. The temperature in the morning was still very low, but he didn't feel cold at all, and he took off his clothes in a long, long-winded manner. After hearing a bang, Lou Yi stood naked in the yard and washed up.

After the unpleasant smell on his body was washed away, the sticky feeling disappeared. The whole person felt refreshed, and he felt soothing while breathing. He unconsciously used the small wind technique on the surface of the body. A faint cyan light appeared, and only a sigh was heard, and the person had moved horizontally by more than two feet, which made him happy.

   tried a few more times in the yard, until he was out of breath, he returned to the house with enthusiasm, boiled a pot of ling rice porridge, put it on the table, and ate a bowl in a hurry.

   But after eating, he smashed his mouth and said to himself: "Although the porridge is good, it's a pity that the food is tasteless."

Lingmi porridge is very fragrant and sweet, but other than that, it has no In the past, Lou Yi was mixed with wild vegetables, mountain mushrooms, and sometimes hare meat. The meat was fragrant. Mountain mushrooms are delicious, and when paired with ling rice porridge, it is naturally delicious and delicious.

   Thinking of this, he decided to take the time to go hunting, and just to practice the Little Wind Technique. After all, it is better to practice behind closed doors. Only by tempering in confrontation can you earn actual combat experience.

After tidying up the pots and bowls, I hurried to the exercise room. This refreshed my energy and energy. The effect of running the Ninth Rank of Cold Breath is much better, but it still does not reach a week, but I insist on the time. But at least doubled, which already made him overjoyed.

When Cold Breath Ninth Revolution could not hold on, he focused all his energy on perceiving the rhythm of the wind, and at the same time thinking about how to integrate the perception of the wind into himself. He now only has a hatchet, and he considers taking the time to remove it. Ge look.

After three days passed by, Lou Yi had a very fulfilling life. Finally, when the evening came, he felt the meridians all over his body suddenly tremble, like a blocked river, suddenly dredged open, and the aura's operation suddenly doubled. Xu.

   Lou Yi couldn't help but open his mouth to drink, a wisp of cold air spit out from his mouth, and then his whole body revolved, his complexion turned from the previous blue-purple, and his face became rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I stood up and moved my joints. The crackling sound was endless. My original thin body looked a little fuller. I took a deep breath, with a surprised expression on his face, muttering to myself: "Finally stepped into the fading period. The second floor."

At this time, he tried to use the small wind technique, he heard a swish, his body instantly rushed into the sky, and then hit the roof with a bang, and then fell again like a sack. He grinned and rubbed his mouth in pain. He touched his head and butt, but after a while, there was a pleasant laugh from the practice room.

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