Building B

Chapter 2974: Real fairy brew

These liquors are just the first brews, and it takes time to truly become immortal liquors. In this knife mark space, the only advantage is that there is no lack of time, which is why Lou Yi brought them here.

He stepped to the metal valve of the second wine tank, and also got a black and clear liquid mass after unsealing. Lou Yi saw that the substances in the liquid mass were still swallowing each other, as if there was life.

He slowly sent the liquid ball into his mouth, and for an instant the liquid ball burst open in his mouth, and a very comfortable feeling went straight to the sky. He couldn't help but shake a Ji Ling and exclaimed, "Huh~ So cool!"

He felt his whole body warm, and power was constantly pouring out from his abdomen, spreading to all parts of his body, Lou Yi's mouth raised slightly, "Yes, the only flaw is the year... "

He stepped again to the third wine tank. He looked at this wine tank and slowly brushed his palm over the tank body. His eyes looked a little complicated. Finally, he sighed and wiped off the metal like the previous two times. The seal on the valve.

The pure liquor slowly flowed out, just like the water in the cold pool that was poured into it at the beginning, even if it was floating in the air, there was a faint cold air radiating to the surroundings.

Lou Yi slowly inhaled it into his mouth. In an instant, Lou Yi's body trembled and his face was slightly twisted. I don't know if the wine is too cold or because it is too bitter. In short, Lou Yi's expression is extremely abnormal now.

But when the liquor was swallowed into his throat, his face slowly became normal again, but his eyes seemed to be reminiscing about something. He stood there for a long time, seeming to be reminiscing about the liquor. The impact of his taste.

Time seemed to have passed for a long time, and Lou Yi slowly recovered from this state. His whole person's spirit looked different, and there was a pure aura from all over his body, as if his soul was washed. Up general.

Lou Yi exhaled slowly, which was very cold, condensing the air outside into frost, Lou Yi's eyes became clear, and he walked towards the last wine jar.

After coming here, his heart trembled slightly, he laughed mockingly, and said to himself, "I have begun to doubt myself. It seems that I still have a lot of room for improvement."

He shook his head helplessly and pressed his palm on the wine jar, as if he was doing alchemy, quietly feeling the energy fluctuations from the wine jar wall. After a long time, he shook his head. Said, "It seems that the fire is still lacking, so wait a little longer..."

Lou Yi didn't turn on the fourth wine tank. For him, what he carried in this wine tank was the fairy brew that he carefully prepared for shaking, which could also be called the real fairy brew.

After Lou Yi calculated the approximate days, he left the Secret Realm of Knife Marks. Although he can enter and exit here at will, if he stays here for a long time, his realm will be unstable. After all, it is just an incomplete world. The world of the world today is slightly different.

Lou Yi regards it as a new world that is gradually taking shape. Even he himself didn’t know that the Kongwu Secret Realm, which was originally a secret realm, became what it is today. Maybe all this is related to the Fengshen Slash General, maybe it Fighting from the beginning is not as simple as a secret realm.

In short, no matter what it is, it is now in his own body and has become his body's world. Maybe one day it will come to light.

After returning to the real world, Lou Yi tidied himself up a bit. After all, he had spent a full seven to forty-nine days in the knife mark space, but less than an hour passed in the real world.

He walked out of his room and went straight to Shaoguang's residence. It was twilight, but the artificial secrets had been changed to night, and the sky was dotted with stars, especially the Big Dipper, the most dazzling one in this world. The most central.

This must be the artificial secret environment that Yaoguang deliberately changed. He told Lou Yi that he liked the night very much. When he was young, he liked to go to the top of the mountain to see the stars at night. He said that he missed the innocence at that time.

Later, he was placed high hopes by the family and sent to Wenjian Pavilion. Since then, everything has been changed. He abandoned all his original interests and used everything for cultivation and cultivation! Practice again!

This is a distressing thing, but at a young age, he still has several peers of his age. They are all geniuses selected by Wen Jiange from all over the human world. Gifted.

Since they came to Wenjian Pavilion, they rarely have the opportunity to go out, let alone go to the top of the mountain to see the stars. Every day, various elders impart various knowledge to them. They compete and help each other. , Slowly grow up.

And he eventually became a Yaoguang. He laughed at himself and said that he was too heavy-minded and had limited cultivation talents. Otherwise, other seniors would not have crossed the shackles of cultivation base, only he was still staying in the seventh level of True Wonderland.

Hearing his words made Lou Yi feel a little bit embarrassed, because he and Tieshan worked desperately to cultivate to the fifth level of the true fairyland, and it was a new breakthrough recently. Yao Guang has now surpassed both of them, and he thinks he is too Slow, aren't he and Tieshan people with extremely poor cultivation talents?

Although Wenjian Pavilion knows that Wenjian Pavilion is vast and abundant, there are countless treasures in the world, but this naked gap still makes Lou Yi a little helpless. Yao Guang seems to have realized something, and hastened to apologize to Lou Yi, Lou Yi smiled.

The two talked all night, and Lou Yi told Yao Guang that he wanted him to wait with peace of mind, and that he would surely bring good news within three days. Shao Guang couldn't help feeling overjoyed when he heard this.

After that, he stayed in his room for two consecutive days. He used this time to adjust his own state. On the third day two days later, he returned to the space of the knife mark again, and he had more hands when he left. Four gourds.

Judging from the expression on his face, he thought that his brewing was a success. Lou Yi took his masterpiece and walked to Shaoguang’s residence here. Tieshan happened to appear outside his door. B joked, "You guys have a good nose!"

Tieshan froze for a moment, but then he smelled the special aroma of wine on Lou Yi's body, and he smiled, "Forget it!"

"Go, find someone to drink!" Lou Yi said to him.

"Go!" Tieshan replied.

The two smiled and walked side by side to the place where Yao Guang was sitting. It has been very hard for Yao Guang to wait for a few days. When he thinks of the three-day period mentioned by the other party, he can't calm down.

Shaking together again was very excited, and immediately arranged it so that people would not come to disturb them. The three of them sat at the wine table, and Lou Yi placed four identical gourds in front of them.

Shao Guang and Tieshan looked at each I don’t know what medicine is sold in Lou Yi’s gourd. The latter didn’t say anything but smiled mysteriously, and then made four wines like magic Bowl, and then pour the wine in the gourd into these four bowls in turn.

The wine in the first bowl is bright red, which is eye-catching. The wine is sweet and has a peach blossom aroma. The wine in the second bowl is purple and black, with an indescribable feeling. It is as if there is an aura pool in the liquor, and the strong aroma of the wine is refreshing.

The wine in the third bowl is crystal clear, the golden and white cold air meets above the wine, just sniffing the breath of the wine, there is a feeling of washing the soul, making Tieshan and shaking light Tsk amazed.

And the liquor in the last bowl can be regarded as a complete shock to both of them. The liquor in the bowl is like melted gold, and the golden glow on it is filled with auspicious clouds. The breath that exudes during the period, Tieshan and Yaoguang had a strong possessive desire, and they were unwilling to remove their eyes from it, for fear that it would disappear out of thin air after removing them.

"This...this is the real fairy brew~!!!" Yao Guang exclaimed from the heart.

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