Building B

Chapter 737: Chaos 1 group

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One day after seven days, the three of them finally came to the land of Pingzhou where the Duanmu family was located. Although Pingzhou is also called a state, it is actually only equivalent to a domain in Beizhou.

The reason is that Beizhou is actually very vast, but its main area is the Shiwanda Mountains, which is the Helian Mountains.

The Helian Mountains are countless times larger than the four regions of the North State combined, and looking at the three regions of the east, west, and north, it is really huge, so Beizhou replaced its own place with a domain.

However, Dongzhou does not have such a special area. Dongzhou is divided into 13 state domains. Usually, they are replaced by states. They are not called domains. Perhaps it is to be different from Beizhou. The overlord is the Canglong clan.

But the Canglong clan has been away from the world for a long time, and they have never participated in state warfare. As long as they don’t involve the Wushan area, most of them will not intervene in human affairs. However, according to rumors, the original Qi family was probably to challenge the dominance of the Canglong clan. Only secretly went to the depths of the mountain.

I just don’t know what the result will be. The Qi family is also the only human who dared to challenge the Canglong clan. Although they succeeded in becoming the nominal overlord of Dongzhou, since then, no one in this Qi family dared to set foot in Xingshan. It is indeed intriguing.

There are many rumors in the market, but no one has been able to confirm it. In the end, it ended up with people talking after dinner...

The moment Lou Yi set foot on this land of Pingzhou, he noticed an unusual place. There were too many people here, and there were people from all states. Everyone was separated from each other, but they were in peace.

The number of these monks is quite large, and the area where each force is located is enough to occupy thousands of people, and they are only three, which immediately attracted the attention of many monks, among which there are many existences whose cultivation base exceeds the cultivation period.

A burst of divine consciousness swept over them unscrupulously, making Dian Wei quite annoyed, but because Lou Yi was indifferent, he kept suppressing his anger. There is no way he is not even the cultivation base of the refining period, in so many powerful monks Among the group, he is too insignificant.

Funeral has been silently following Lou Yi, and the peeping around is meaningless to him, but as long as someone shows a little hostility towards Lou Yi, he will rush on it desperately, even if he knows he is invincible. .

After carefully identifying their cultivation base, those monks gradually lost interest, but Lou Yi noticed that there is a strong mentality in every force, and all of them are old men with white beard and hair. Both men and women exude an unusual breath.

It was as if their breathing merged with the surrounding environment, this feeling gave him a strange resonance, and these people were also watching him, even if others lost interest, they still looked at Building B.

"The little guy's mental power is so strong, it seems that there is another opponent..." someone muttered to himself.

However, some people dismissively said, "It's just a yellow-mouthed child, the mental power is really good, but at this age, I am afraid that it is too tender to come to this muddy water."

"Whether it's fish or shrimp, dragon or phoenix, it's better to know." Someone said.

The farther you go, Lou Yi finds that the more people gather. They are surrounded by a huge building complex without exception. The front is already blocked. Lou Yi is forced to say, "Please let me, thank you!"

It’s just the monk in front of him, who would give him face, and even some people turned their heads and threatened viciously, "Why are you squeezing? Are you tired?!!!"

Dianwei quietly took out the evil double halberd, and only waited for Lou Yi to give an order, he killed the **** in front of him, but Lou Yi did not do that, but took out a sign and shook it in front of this person. . Suddenly someone pointed at the sign in Lou Yi's hand and said, "Look, it's Duanmu Ling!!"

"Is it really Duanmu Ling?"

"Where is it? Let me see!"

"Get out, get out! Who has Duanmu Ling?"

There was a commotion in the crowd, and the people inside began to spread out. An old man walked out from the middle of the road and came in front of Building B. Lou B saw this person in a green robe, and a faint medicine gas filled his whole body.

This person can't see through the cultivation of Building B, but he is definitely not a monk in the Mahayana period, so I am afraid that he should be a monk in the late stage of the fit. He smiled at Building B and pointed to the waist card in his hand and asked, "This thing Where did it come from?"

"Master gave it to me!" Lou Yi answered truthfully.

"Then I don't know who the little friend Master is from the Duanmu family?" the old man asked tepidly.

"My teacher Duan Muqing!" Lou Yi replied.

The old man nodded and said, "Follow me..."

Lou Yi put the token away and followed behind the old man. Dian Wei and Funeral followed closely behind. At this moment, someone shouted, "Senior Dao, our Nanku family came here with sincerity this time. Give me a chance at the Nanku family!"

"There is also our Yanagyu family. Senior Dao hopes to report it to our family. This time our ancestors from the Yanagi family have come here personally, which shows that we are sincere!"

Someone successively reported their homes, most of them begging the old man to help introduce him, so Lou Yi was not clear, so it was difficult to ask questions, and silently followed behind him until he entered the huge building complex.

There are guards on both sides, and the cultivation level is not lower than the fit period. This shows how powerful the energy of the Duanmu family is. After all, they are the five great alchemy families. Even if they are the top sect families, they are unwilling to engage in evil.

But today's chaotic situation is obviously too unusual. Is this what Qi Rui wants to tell him, something happened to the Duanmu family...

The Li family in Beizhou is extremely mysterious. It retreats from the world and in the Helian Mountains in the Western Regions of Beizhou. He often associates with monsters and seldom participates in the battles of the major sects, but the major sects rely heavily on the Li family.

Xizhou Huajia has no fixed homes, and often travels around Xizhou. The ancestors only have a single pass, but no one dares to underestimate the energy of the Huajia. The Huajia only needs a call, and the forces of the whole Xizhou will go through fire and water for it. In no way hesitated.

The Bian family in Nanzhou is in a peaceful corner, and now living in and out of the mysterious southern Xinjiang is as mysterious and difficult to see.

As for the Sun family in Zhongzhou, it is the only family, almost in control of all the resources in Zhongzhou. The disciples are all over the states, and there is a faint tendency to annex the other four, but the other four have secret techniques to suppress the bottom of the box. Since I have been fighting secretly, no one has been able to really defeat the heroes.

Therefore, every millennium, each family will send a descendant to the Zhongzhou Tianyao Temple to fight the male and female. Now it is the twenty-seventh meeting, but this twenty-eighth gathering, the Duanmu family has The big problem.

The secret techniques of the Duanmu family have always been in the same line, and only the descendants of the direct line can inherit it, but the direct descendant of the Duanmu family, Duanmu Siming, has no talent for medicine, and has embarked on a completely different martial arts.

His mother arranged for Duanmuqing to take him away secretly so that this precious son would not be coveted by other families, but did not expect the incident to be revealed, causing the Duanmu family to shake, so Duanmuqing had to take Duanmusi back to Dongzhou under pressure. .

Duanmuqing has been detained in the family's dungeon since he returned to the family. Now nearly two hundred years have passed, and Duanmu Siming has also been punished to step into the Duanmu Family Forbidden Land God of Agriculture Forest. There has been no news so far.

The arrival of Lou Yi was just like he was in the trap. He claimed to be Duanmuqing’s apprentice with Duanmu Ling. If this matter is true, Duanmuqing might be killed because of the alchemy of the Duanmu family. It can't be passed on to outsiders, and Duan Muqing didn't tell him this.

Lou Yi entered the residence of his house in such a daze, he was walking into danger step by step, but he didn't know it, until the moment he followed the old man into the hall, the other party suddenly shot and stopped him. Up.

Lou Yi was a little surprised at the sudden scene. He didn't act rashly, letting the other party control himself, and then asked, "What do you mean, Senior?"

The old man did not answer him. At this time, there was the sound of footsteps in the hall. An old man with white beard and hair came over with an unkind expression. He looked up and down at Building B and asked, "You said you are the disciple of the traitor. ?!!!"

"Traitor? Who?... Is it the master?" Lou Yi wondered in his heart.

He raised his head to look at each other and asked, "I don't understand what you are talking about, senior?!!!"

"Presumptuous! Do you still want to hide for the traitor?!!!" When the old man heard this, he was furious, an astonishing breath radiated from his body, and Lou Yi could barely breathe, Mahayana period! It turned out to be the Mahayana period! ! !

Lou Yi felt sad for his trip to Dongzhou. On this journey, he first encountered the old celestial immortal. He accepted himself as a disciple, but caused a lot of trouble for himself. Then he encountered a Mahayana period of the Sang family. Chase.

After that, Yishan encountered two blue dragons, one of which was over the ninth rank, and the other was a terrifying existence that at least passed the catastrophe period. When the panic was still indefinite, how could he inexplicably provoke an old monster of the Mahayana period.

He suddenly remembered the instructions of the predecessor of Heaven and At this time, he really regretted leaving Beizhou and the Northern Territory.

But trouble has already happened. At least it is clear why Duanmuqing has become a traitor to the Duanmu family. Lou Yi raised his head and looked at the other party, staring at the huge pressure of the other party like a mountain, and asked, "Senior still Hope to make it clear, otherwise the younger generation really doesn't know what you are talking about!"

Faced with such a huge pressure, Lou Yi chose to ask the truth. To be honest, after being frightened by the two dragons, he seemed to have a certain immunity to this level of intimidation. At least in his opinion, the old man in front of him , Far less terrible than those two giant dragons.

The old man snorted coldly, "Didn't the traitor tell you that our Duanmu family's alchemy is never passed on?!!!"

When Lou Yi heard this, he remembered that when Duanmuqing taught his alchemy technique, his expression was quite complicated, and he later warned him not to use this alchemy technique in front of others, saying that he was afraid of being killed by the Duanmu family. Found clues.

It’s just that he didn’t think so far at the time. He didn’t expect this to be a mystery from the Duanmu family. No wonder the other side treats himself like this. Lou Yi is in a mess at the moment, feeling like crying without tears. But it's really okay to look for trouble, I'm looking for death...

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