Building B

Chapter 739: Maolin Adventure

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Lou Yi always has a feeling that he seems to be in an illusion. There is a special flow of spiritual energy here, thick and muddy, but thick and uncomfortable.

But for some reason, his heart was jumping for joy, as if he saw his long-lost friends. He walked through the big trees covered with green moss. The strange thing was that there were no large monsters in the sky. That huge shadow, I don't know what it is.

The surroundings are full of life, but they are the same, as if there is no end, which makes him feel a little bit wrong. He stopped to observe the surroundings carefully, and then found that the surroundings were indeed exactly the same.

The same trees, the same flowers and plants, the same vegetation, as if everything had been carefully designed, he had a doubt in his heart, could it be that a certain formation failed.

But the natural energy flowing around, there is no sign of man-made, then what is going on?

He was lost in thought, and a wisp of mist drifted in front of him. Lou Yi's eyes slowly became sober from contemplation. He suddenly thought of the valley of wind in Haoxuezong, and thought of what he had learned from it. Clouds hang big array.

Looking up at the surroundings, the woods Yinyin is nowhere near the edge, and there is no sign that he can detect it. At this time, he really missed the gossip plate, so when he left, he gave it to Gan Youdao so that he is now. So embarrassed.

Seeing no signs from below, he turned to seek to judge from above, climbing up the rock and leaping upwards at a very fast speed. However, what he didn't expect was that the tree was taller than he thought, and The wind becomes stronger as you go up.

The wind is so clear that the surrounding environment is not clear at all, and he found that the situation above is more chaotic, even making him unable to extend his spiritual consciousness, he has a feeling of being tied up.

This is like a rope that binds you tightly. The more you struggle, the more uncomfortable it will be. Lou Yi thought of a creature. This creature is a snake. When a snake catches its prey, it will first hold the prey firmly. Tied up, and then waited for the prey to suffocate before swallowing into the stomach.

And he is in such a situation now, the more eager he is, the deeper he is, unable to extricate himself...

He took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes. Since he could not judge everything around him with his naked eyes, it is very likely that the vegetation here would deceive his eyes, and he chose to follow his heart.

Of course, he didn’t walk blindly, but walked according to the Five Elements of Qimen, just like what he did on the beach of refining souls. Originally, he just wanted to give it a try, but what he didn’t expect was that he Every step of his footing, he cleverly avoided obstacles.

What’s even more amazing is that others closed their eyes, but did not hit any tree when they walked forward. The touch under his feet began to change as he walked. He felt that he should have walked out of what was just now. Area, so he opened his eyes.

However, the moment he opened his eyes, he jumped in shock. There were bugs all around him, and the bugs that made him feel uncomfortable. His dark red body looked a bit like a centipede, but it was too large for his body. .

The moment they saw Lou Yi, they shook their huge body and rushed over. Lou Yi looked down. No wonder the touch under his feet was different. He accidentally smashed the eggs of these big insects, yellow-green. The egg sticks to the back of the foot, and it is unspeakable nausea.

What else could happen in this situation? Naturally, he turned around and left. The strange bug behind him was chasing after him, waving his sickle-like bug feet, and constantly trying to attack himself. He was really annoyed by being persecuted and had to use it. The feeding ring.

After the retreat was over, Lou Yi found that apart from the black armor, the Jing Brahma spider and the unknown monster that lodged in Sha Kun's body slowly awakened, and the Jing Brahma spider also transformed from Tier 3 to Tier 5. The body shape has undergone earth-shaking changes, the most obvious being the white marble-like body and the unique eyes of different colors.

Each of them now reminds about how tall a person is, and the webs woven out are very strong and durable. More importantly, they are no longer opportunists, but aggressive predators.

The rearing ring gleamed, and two pure Brahma spiders appeared. They spewed out a cobweb shining with golden light against the surging strange insects. The cobweb opened like a palm to cover these giants.

Just listening to the chick sound, the spider venom contained in the spider web began to crazily corroded the armor of these insects, while the Jing Brahma spider wandered around flexibly, waiting for the opportunity to make a knife.

Their movements are now very flexible, and their movements are like white phantoms walking through the trees.

With little effort, there were hundreds of tent-sized spider tennis **** around, and these two net Brahma spiders were carefully handling their prey, and it seemed that they planned to enjoy it beautifully.

Speaking of them, Lou Yi hasn't fed these guys much since they woke up. Seeing the Jing Brahma Spider looked at him, he felt hairy.

The surroundings were temporarily stopped, but the surrounding atmosphere made him feel very bad, because it was too quiet. Just now, the Jing Brahma spider was dealing with these huge insects. He hadn't paid too much attention to it, but now this situation is a bit unpleasant. That's right.

"Huh? What's that?" Lou Yi looked at a certain place in confusion, where there was an inexplicable additional mask, which looked colorful. Lou Yi wanted to take a closer look, but soon this mask, a piece Then a piece appeared before his eyes.

"No, there is a problem!" As he spoke, his body flashed back quickly, and at the same time he returned to the Jing Brahma spider. Regardless of their dissatisfaction, he retracted them into the breeding ring, threw the prey they had hunted hard, and turned aside. Just go.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden violent tremor in the surroundings. Not only the ground, but all the trees were trembling at this moment. A sound came from the depths of the ground, and there was a loud bang. There were dozens of them. The pillar with a thickness of ten feet rises into the sky, and it is full of colors and magic.

This guy has countless huge fangs. At first glance, it looks like an earthworm. But it happened that there are colorful tentacles all around his body. If Lou Yi dares to look back, he will find these tentacles. The front end is the colorful mask he wanted to find out before. .

Seeing the prey fled, it was naturally unwilling to leave, so it chased Lou Yi amidst the rumble of the ground. This is really no way to the sky and no way to the ground. This guy's body stretched out to be thousands of feet, and he was in it. In my eyes, it is too small.

This thing is very similar to the rumored fat remains. However, the fat remains are ancient creatures. It is said that they only live in the desert area, with four legs and six wings, and the world can be seen by drought.

But this thing seems to be different from the rumors, so what kind of species is this, it can grow such a huge, circular body, because this guy is so huge that he has not dared to look back until now.

As a result, he ran, and unknowingly returned to the forest before, Lou Yi once again fell into the feeling of being bound by someone.

It’s simply that the house leaks in the rain at night, and the boat meets the wind again late. When I look back, the monster is like a colorful mountain, bumping in, but after somehow it rushed in, it stopped chasing itself, but seemed Very frightened, he started rushing everywhere.

Lou Yi found that it seemed to want to dive into the ground, but no matter how hard it struggles, it couldn’t shake the ground half of it. This was something he hadn’t expected. He just wanted to leave here before, but it didn’t look good. Across this land.

The unchanging scenery is so hard that even this monster can shake the earth that doesn’t make a difference. The heavy vitality of the heaven and the earth makes people breathe so heavy. This is only the outermost part of the land. It is really strange what kind of place it is. Up.

What's more, Lou Yi saw that monster's huge body, because of its random struggle, was gradually entangled by the surrounding trees and vines. The more desperately it struggles, the more terrifying the binding force, and finally it is in Lou B's. In front of him, he was bound.

As time went by, the frequency of this big guy's struggle slowly dropped. He just kept looking at each other, knowing that this behemoth had become lifeless, and a sound like cracking porcelain sounded.

Lou Yi found that the tree vines actually squeezed the body of this strange insect, and rooted the cane into its body. After a while, this area was covered by green moss, and everything seemed to have become the same as before.

Only then did Lou Yi realize that everything here is far from being as simple as it seems. He raised his head and looked up, through the thick leaves, he realized that it was already late at night, with starlight. Light fell from the sky.

"There is the light of stars? I have a way..." He looked a little excited, because there was no gossip board before, he really didn't understand everything here, but now the situation has changed.

He tried to climb the rock upwards. It was a very dangerous thing to stay under the tree in the dark, and the surrounding heaven and earth were so muddy and unsuitable for magical use. Although the vitality was strong, it was not so easy to absorb.

He shuttled between the branches, and the wind came from all directions. The vines wafted randomly among the branches, testing his reaction power. The more he wanted to move up, the stronger his sense of restraint, like something, Don't want him to get out of trouble.

But Building B must go up, because only when he sees the stars in the sky, he can use the coordinates of the stars to speculate on the trend of this natural array and how to solve it. The more upward, the stronger the wind, and others have not yet reached it. At the top of the tree, the violent wind almost made him unable to grasp the trunk on which he was based.

The tree vines are like the hair of a woman hanging down, messy in the wind. Their texture is very hard and extremely threatening. Lou Yi can't avoid being drawn by the tree vines several times. The pain is no less than being cruel. Slashed fiercely.

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