Building B

Chapter 987: Two-pronged approach

Asked all the cultivators of Xianlou, with lightning speed, the soldiers split into the Snow Wolf Valley and the Cold Jade Sect. These two sects are uniquely located. In addition, Snow Wolf Valley was originally the most powerful sect in the Northern Territory. The door, the range it occupies can be imagined.

   Lou Yi made a rough count of his own combat power, and the results were mixed...

   Tianfu Guards was not complete because of Li Dou's absence, so Lou Yi temporarily cancelled them and dispersed all the elites among the teams.

   The interception guard was temporarily taken over by the three brothers of the Xu family, but the three of them joined the team too early, and they have not yet fully adapted to the team.

   Feng Yangwei's situation is similar. Since Bai Ye was killed and Qi Hua left, Feng Yangwei has lost his roots, and Lou Yi has been looking for a long time, but he has not found a suitable successor.

  The only one who is more at ease is Feng Yawei. The two people Zhao Tong and his daughter have been involved in these years, making Feng Yawei the most powerful team in Wenxianlou.

   Next is Yun Chuwei. As one of the first two teams to be formed, this place has always been where the backbone of Wenxianlou is. The Northern Territory has many monks with water and soil spiritual veins, so they have the largest number of teams.

   At present, Xue Shuanghua, Yang Jian, and Wang Zhen are all practicing in Yun Chuwei, but the team leader is not these three, but the more experienced Li Ting and Li Gang two fathers and sons.

The situation of Snake Panwei and Tianfuwei is different. Although the number of people is very small, Tianfuwei collects all the elites who asked Xianlou, while Snake Panwei is specially tailored for the Hua family. of.

However, although the Hua family has made progress in Wenxianlou in recent years, after all, the foundation is too low. Even if the younger generations are interested, they have not achieved enough strength to be independent, so Lou Yi also integrated them into Yun Chuwei. Exercise their courage.

   And what makes Lou B worry the most at the moment is that Huo Yan's ingenious organist army and the Baitu family's Hu Ben and Kunshan Guards.

   After that, the monks of Lin Wuzong brought by his brother Hua Yihai and the disciples and elders of Hao Xuezong who fought in concert this time.

The reason why Haoxuezong agreed to help this time was because Lou Yi made a promise. Han Yuzong was originally an ally of Haoxuezong, and the two were mutually dependent. However, after the turmoil in the Northern Territory, Snow Wolf Valley took the opportunity to annex Han Yuzong. , And Haoxuezong also suffered misfortune, was occupied by the Song family or even completely destroyed.

   Now that Haoxuezong's vitality is restored, it is natural to do something for his former allies, and Lou Yi also promised to hand over the jurisdiction of Hanyuzong to Wang Kai, which is actually equivalent to adding territory to Haoxuezong in disguise.

  Lou B’s original promise has not changed, to make Haoxuezong become the largest sect in the Northern Territory, even the sect that can represent Beizhou, and Wenxianlou will become the largest force in Beizhou, and use this as a starting point to advance toward Zhongzhou.

In this way, the monks of Haoxuezong, the monks of Lin Wuzong, and the clever organs of Qianhuizong, these three directions headed towards Hanyuzong, while Lou Yi led the elites of Wenxianlou towards Snow Wolf Valley. go with.

   He didn't make any demonstrations this time. Since he wants to dominate the Northern Territory, he must let all external forces see his determination and ability. Therefore, since this battle is to be fought, it must be fought beautifully.

They parted ways with the foot of Qi Mountain. Haoxuezong and his group went east, while Lou Yi took the people who asked about Xianlou and went west. The Qishan mountain range stretched for hundreds of miles and separated the two places, so Han Yuzong It occupies the mountains and glaciers on the east side, while the Snow Wolf Valley occupies the low valleys and plains on the west side.

A large number of tree foxes shuttle between the treetops. They are Lou B’s eyes and ears. They are responsible for detecting the various situations that may occur around them. The tiger and the guard are placed on both sides, and the Kunshan guard is at the forefront, with the ground guard in the middle. With Yun Chuiwei, guarding the Chinese army.

   Suddenly a shadowy figure appeared in the sky ahead, and then slowly became more and more obvious. Obviously the other party already knew their intentions, but they actually rushed over. It seemed that they were very confident in their own strength.

   "Tell me the order, the whole army is on alert, ready to go into battle at any time, Feng Yawei is ready, and when they enter the range, they will strike directly!" Lou Yi calmly gave the order.

   The moment the order was passed on, Feng Yangwei rose into the sky. The sky was their battlefield, and he was on his shoulders to ask the brothers in Xianlou for their safety.

   Yun Chuiwei quietly spread to the surroundings, quickly occupying the surrounding woodland and hills, but this place is completely different from the terrain where the Beiwuzong is located. There are many plains and few hills, which greatly restricts their concealment.

   But as long as there is Lin Youshan, these problems can be solved. The flags of the formation are inserted into the designated positions in an orderly manner, and the clouds gradually diffuse and cover the entire army.

Baitu Kuiwei and Baitu Jili were standing behind Kunshan Guards, and everyone looked forward in unison. At this moment, Kunshan Guards' armor had undergone tremendous changes. Most of the materials that Lou Yi brought back this time were used. Come to refine the equipment, especially to improve the shield in Kunshan Wei's hand.

   Their existence is related to the portal of the army. They are the iron and bronze walls of the Immortal Building. Their ability to stop the opponent's attack depends entirely on the will and determination of these people.

   Baitu Kuixiong and Baituqian prisoners were separated from each other, guarding the safety of the two wings. Hu Benwei was in charge of the killing, and he was fighting head-to-head battles. The winner depends on courage and perseverance.

   The three Xu family brothers participated in such a battle for the first time, watching tens of thousands of monks gather here. The nervous atmosphere made their blood boil. At this moment, Xu Gui was wearing a pair of metal gloves.

This was tailor-made by Huo Yan. The name of the glove is [Destroying Heart], which is the same as the palm of the heart he used. It is not Huo Yan intended to do so, but this guy’s EQ is too low. At least this name is not bad. Decently, it's better than the broken copper and rotten iron he gave to Lou Yi's two short blades.

  The gloves above the ancient sea palace are made of materials from the ancient sea palace and the yin marrow ore. Most of the materials are the bones and claws of the sea clan. The gloves are pale in color, and there are faint ripples on the top.

When Xu Gui used his true essence to destroy his heart, this glove would increase its power, and even release special energy fluctuations through the palm to interfere with the flow of the enemy’s true essence, so this made him love it. .

As for Xu Shen nowadays with a red string wrapped around his wrist, if you look closely, it looks like a rumored red snake with fine scales wrapped around the string, and this is Huo Yanwei The name of the weapon he built is called 【Chi Lian】.

   It is made from countless marine fish scales with demon tendons. It can not only stretch freely, but also turn the whip into a bone scraping blade, which is swept or entangled by it, like being cut by countless blades.

Moreover, this red refining whip can absorb and plunder the true essence of those who are bound or touched by it. What is even more terrifying is that as long as today's people use true essence to urge this red refining whip, it will turn into ten thousand. Qian Chong Red Snake Shadow, in addition to being extremely deceptive, also greatly increased the safety of many people.

Only the eldest brother of the two of them, Xu Shen is holding a dark iron rod in his hand at this moment. This rod is made of the spirit spirit iron soul. There are more than 100 protrusions on it. Each protrusion is a ghost face. Their faces Distorted and terrifying, this stick is called "Hundred Ghosts".

   It can be said that Huo Yan fully complied with Xu Shen's request. Xu Shen attacked with a wide range of attacks. There was no way to speak of the stick method. This also caused him to have power but his moves were crude and often unable to achieve the effect of attacking the enemy.

   So more often, he can only act by chance, can't lead the battle like Xu ghost, nor can he manage the whole situation like Xu Ren.

   And now with these Hundred Ghosts, he can use the real crying stick technique. The Hundred Ghosts will make a harsh howling sound like a ghost crying, which makes people fearful, affecting their mind and courage.

   And not only that, after the stick technique is cast, every ghost head will turn into a phantom, like a night of a hundred ghosts. This not only enhances the power of the stick technique, but also makes the enemy unable to start, increasing its success rate.

  The weapons are missing, but the equipment is still lacking, so they can only wear standard equipment like the guards, but it seems that only Xu Shen is neatly dressed, and Xu Ren and Xu Ghost cannot reduce their clothes to a degree.

   Xu Gui thinks it is troublesome to wear these things, it is better to go into battle shirtlessly, Xu people think that these equipment are too heavy and affect their flexibility.

   The three of them had their own weapons, and their eyes were clearly eager to try. They clenched their fists and waited for the enemy to appear. Suddenly, a large number of people appeared on the left and right sides, and the number was very large.

   Lou Yi didn't know why they didn't stick to the sect, instead they chose to take the initiative to attack, but something went wrong, there must be demons, I'm afraid that at the moment, Wang Kai and the others should have encountered the same problem.

   As expected, the ice-toothed demon wolf assumed the role of a scout. In the mountains and glaciers, they came and went like the wind, but at this moment, they screamed, because there were figures in all directions, faintly forming an encirclement.

   Wang Kai summoned the elders and disciples of Haoxuezong. The outer side was mainly sword repair, and the inner side was mainly Fudao. The Ice Tooth Demon Wolf cooperated with them to expand the formation here.

Hua Yihai on the other side raised his head and looked into the distance. The air trembled around his body. He looked back at Wang Kai and said, "My fighting style will hurt the innocent, so we will take a step first. We can!"

  Wang Kai nodded, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you!"

Hua Yihai nodded, and then led the monks of Lin Wuzong to kill forward. At this moment, the leader of Qianhuizong, Qiangong Cao, ordered the monks of Qianhuizong to start controlling the clever organs, the huge D-shaped organs. It spreads out in a fan shape, protecting the monks of the Hao Xue Sect.

At the same time, the Type B and Type C agencies stood on their huge shoulders. These D-shaped agencies were thirty feet high, forming a circle like a thick black city wall in front of them. They are Type A organs, and their role is like Kunshan Guards.

   Hao Xuezong’s sword repairman stood in the air, his eyes swept towards the sky, at this moment the enemy is getting closer, and the war begins without warning...


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