Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 147: how to stand still

"You don't need to worry about Asgard's affairs. After all, Saul has to take care of you during this time."


Odin did not pursue this matter. Asgard was never a country that relied on outsiders.


Asgard's army has not experienced formal combat power for a long time since the Battle of Heimdun, and this time the life form of different latitudes is also a good opportunity.


The earth is the real trouble spot. Gu Yi has to repair the enchantment and can't spare his hands to deal with these otherworldly visitors.


Moreover, these different latitude lifeforms are very cunning. Once they find that something is wrong, they will kill the current host to find new ones.


"Mr. Kyle, these different-latitude beings attached to people, unless they show anomalies themselves, they are basically the same as ordinary people, and it is difficult to find them."


Gu Yi can prevent those powerful beings from entering, but this is also a kind of restraint for him.


Therefore, the removal of these different latitude lives on the earth can only be done by Kyle, not to mention that Kyle's secular power is the largest among the three.


"It's hard to do, can't even you tell them apart?"


After listening to Gu Yi's words, Kyle's brows furrowed.


If this is the case, those beings of different latitudes directly find someone to hang out with, wouldn't they never be discovered.


"It's not a big problem, Kama Taj's magic weapon can perceive things around it that don't belong to the main world, whether it's people, objects, or energy."


Since ancient times, Kama Taj has existed to protect the real world, and special investigation methods have long been used for these different latitudes.


Although the number of magical instruments is not large, they have saved a lot over the years. If they are borrowed for the purpose of clearing the life of different latitudes, it is not a violation of the ancestor's teaching.


"I can take care of these living bodies on my behalf, but leave their bodies to me, or leave them to those in the military, and it is estimated that another accident will happen."


According to Gu Yi, these life forms have already spread, and it must be a particularly laborious thing to find out.


Although this happened because of him, Kyle would not let himself pay so much unconditionally.


The benefits are fought for by oneself. These different latitude lifeforms, even corpses, are of great value.


They are all rare and high-quality materials. By studying the body after death, there may be many unexpected new discoveries.


"This is naturally no problem, but for these different latitude lifeforms, they must be completely killed, and there must be no omission."


"Otherwise, with the survival of these different latitude lifeforms, the resistance of the main world to this latitude will become low, and then a real war will be ushered in."


Gu Yi described these hazards to Kyle. As the Supreme Mage who protects the real world, she will never allow this kind of thing to happen.


What's more, now that she is getting closer and closer to her retirement plan, she can't do anything wrong at this time.


"Well, I'll leave the Midgard affairs to you. We are here in Asgard."


After Odin finished speaking, the conscious body left directly. He didn't have any other purpose for coming this time.


After all, since his son is still with Kyle, it is normal for a father to worry about it.


"Then, please take me to get the magic weapon, Master Gu Yi."


These magical instruments can find lifeforms of different latitudes, and Kyle must take this thing with him to go back.


At the same time, he also has to call back the team of superpowers who are training, otherwise the current manpower is somewhat insufficient.


"Please come with me, Mr. Kyle."


After Gu Yi finished speaking, he got up from the chair and walked out. These things are also eating ashes. Now is the time to take them out and use them.


After a while, the two came to Kama Taj's storage room.


The next Supreme Mage, Strange, practiced the use of magic tools with Mordo here, and then was beaten up.


"Supreme Mage."


The two disciples at the gate saw Gu Yi, folded their hands together as a greeting, and then continued to stand guard honestly.


Gu Yi smiled and nodded in response.


Then he raised his hand and squeezed a seal in front of his chest, and a huge magic circle also lit up on the door in front.


After a burst of gorgeous special effects, the door opened from the inside out.


"Come in, Mr. Kyle."


After doing all this, Gu Yi walked in first.


Looking at the two disciples guarding the gate, they were much stronger than those who practiced martial arts outside. It seemed that Kama Taj's real strength was not bad.


Walking into this storage room, the interior is a very large space, and various weapons are hung on the walls.


Looking at it like this, there are at least twenty kinds of weapons, such as knives, guns, sticks, sticks, whips, mace, meteor hammers, etc., they are all available.


"Since ancient times, mirrors have been said to exorcise evil spirits and make evil spirits appear, so Kama Taj is naturally prepared."


Ignoring these weapons, Gu Yi went straight to the bronze mirror that was about the size of a slap hanging on the wall.


The function of this instrument is to detect it. If the breath of life of different latitudes appears within a radius of one kilometer, it will be sensed by the bronze mirror.


"Master, a bronze mirror is too few words, and ordinary people can't use Kama Taj's magic weapon."


Kyle felt it carefully. There is indeed an inexplicable power on this bronze mirror, and the effect should be similar to what Gu Yi said.


But this number is too small. His idea is to be able to equip each of his subordinates with one, and to clear the interior of New York first.


"The bronze mirror has its own magic power, enough to last for three months, and who said there is only one side."


Gu Yi put his finger on the bronze mirror and gently pulled it. The next second, the identical bronze mirror appeared in her other hand.


As a big player who plays with space, he will not pile these things in the room like garbage.


Instead, another space was opened up to store these instruments, and only Mordo knew how to activate the spell.


"As expected of you!"


Kyle also opened up his inner and began to accept the bronze mirror passed down by Gu Yi, ready to take it back later.


After five minutes, the transfer ends.


Kyle simply counted, about 1,200 bronze mirrors were stuffed into his inner space.


"Mr. Kyle, remember to close the channel you opened in time when you use the space to move next time."


After handing over all the instruments to Kyle, Gu Yi ordered again.


She was busy next time. The passage that ran through several universes was enough for her to repair.


Not to mention the hundreds of time-space passages in New York, all of which require her, the time-space mage, to do repair work.



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