Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 292: space station operations

Steve, Lillian and Herb formed a search and rescue team, looking for traces of living people according to the traces left along the way.

Sol and Longton form an exploration team. Both of them have strong defenses and are very guaranteed to explore dangerous areas that they don't know.

The last team is Tony and Daisy, their goal is to go to the main control room of the space station and restart the space station.

The current space station only maintains the basic operation, and all other functions are turned off.


Search and rescue team direction.

Lillian has a very strong perception ability, the instinct brought by these vampire blood, Steve is simply trained in behavioral trace analysis.

Herb hid himself in the outer layer of the space and kept moving around, but there were corpses in the surrounding rooms other than corpses.

"I don't know what these creatures are."

Lilian squatted on the ground, holding a monster's head that looked to be chopped off in her hands, a little shocked.

The head of this monster is somewhat similar to that of a lion, but the whole is more slender, and there are seven or eight very sharp fangs in the front section.

Through the knife wound, Lillian could see that it was injured by the weapon of the Walter Company, because the cold weapon produced by the company has special grooves on it, which can tear the opponent to the maximum extent.

Such irregular scars can be scratched out by the grooves on the knife body, so it is very easy to recognize.

"It's kind of like the Chitauri we saw at the Battle of New York, but they walked upright."

Steve kicked the body of the monster next to him and said, this is somewhat similar to the Chitarians, maybe close relatives or something.

But the Chitauri walk upright, and these monsters run on all fours.

"Everyone, I found it."

During the conversation, Herb's figure came in from outside and stopped in front of the two of them.

He entered an empty room just now and found several such monsters in it, and they were still alive.

If it weren't for the fact that he had been hidden outside the space, he would have been torn apart by these guys long ago.

"Let's go, take us to see, it's better to catch a few alive!"

Steve's face was overjoyed. With a living body, they could get the specific information of this monster through analysis.

Soon, the three people came to this room, and several monsters covered with a layer of golden iron armor were eating the black tentacles on the ground.


Seeing Steve and the others, the four monsters in front of them roared and rushed over.

Lillian's transformation is not limited by the nano-suit, Tony has taken this into account when making it.

When the user's shape changes, the nano-protective suit will also expand outwards accordingly.


Lillian squeezed lightly with both hands, and several strips of red tentacles suddenly rose up on the ground in front of her, tying them directly.

The four-headed monsters were easily controlled by Lillian, unable to resist at all.

"Okay, let's let Miss Red Queen go out."

Controlling these monsters, Lilian intends to contact Hong Hou for her to analyze.

At the speed of super artificial intelligence, these monsters can be thoroughly analyzed in less than an hour.

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Steve stayed here with Lilian to watch the progress of the analysis, while Herb continued to go out looking for traces of survivors.


the other end of the space station.

Tony and Daisy walked here, the road was very clean, and even some bloodstains could not be seen.

"It's interesting, it seems that there is a secret here that we don't know."

Tony turned on his infrared scanning device, checked the passage in front of him, and found a number of hidden traps.

In addition, there are no traces of fighting outside, this should be the only remaining pure land, and those who are still alive may hide in this main control room.

"Let me come."

Daisy stretched out her hand, and the cold air rushed out instantly, freezing all the traps in the passage in front of her, making them unusable.

Out of compassion, after the two walked through this passage, Daisy thawed all the frozen traps.

"Well, it doesn't look like it has any flavor, let me open this door."

After walking through the passage, there was a huge alloy steel sealed door in front of him. Tony, the builder, knew how strong he was.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if a salvo is fired by a bazooka, it is estimated that there will be some paint on the outside.

However, Tony, as the builder, also has special authority, and he only needs to enter the emergency code to unlock the gate.

Soon, under Tony's operation, the door was successfully opened, and the control room inside was also displayed in front of the two of them.

Several researchers in white coats are also here, and their task is to capture satellites passing by the space station for research.

In addition to this, there were a dozen staff members and several Vought Company security personnel in black jackets.

"Hello, it seems that you have encountered some trouble, and Mr. Tony has come to rescue you!"

Feeling the depressing atmosphere in the main control room, Tony stepped forward to invigorate the atmosphere.

But obviously, his reputation in this space didn't work too well, it just ended with a light glance.

"Cough, what's the situation now, can anyone come and give us an explanation?"

Tony's face was a little unnatural, and then he coughed twice to find a new topic.

A security guard who looked to be in his 30s got up and walked straight to Tony.

"I'm Pete, the security captain of the space station. Just ask me if you have any questions."

This person is nearly 1.9 meters tall, two heads taller than Tony, and with a burly figure, he is very oppressive.

"The situation is like this, two months ago we captured a small meteorite that passed by and found a special genetic sample on it."

"So the scientists who seemed to be hurting started the repair work on this gene, and the missing passages were supplemented with octopus genes."

"As a result, the new creatures that were created slaughtered more than a dozen lives in the entire room in just five minutes, and it was too late when we got the news."

"These reborn monsters can replicate themselves by absorbing biological energy. At present, the entire seventh floor of the space station has been occupied."

"These scientists were rescued from the group of monsters at a great price, and they are the only remaining personnel who participated in the experiment."

Pete told Tony the specifics of what happened. In short, it was curiosity, and he resurrected alien creatures that he couldn't control.

As a result, these alien creatures directly used the space station as a copy for a single brush.

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