Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 45: behind the scenes

Kyle's car has been specially modified, and its defense is higher than Nick Fury's, but it is not equipped with weapons.

After all, they are only businessmen on the surface, and they are not arms dealers like Tony Stark.

Fortunately, the interior was not greatly affected, but the left door was all deformed and distorted inward, and it was knocked out with serious dents.

"Red Queen, tell me the information around the car."

The situation was urgent, and Kyle immediately took off his suit, which might hinder him when he fought back.

Picking up two guns and loading them with bullets, the Red Queen also projected the situation outside the car onto his mobile phone.

Four pure black unlicensed handlebars surround Kyle's car, and there are people who are destroying the car body.

But it seems that the cutter can only break through the first layer of defense, and these people are expected to react soon and start attacking the windows.

"Don't let me know who you are, a bunch of cubs!"

The clay figurine still has three points of anger, not to mention Kyle who hastily went home to rest after get off work. This group of people has already touched his bottom line.

Judging from the picture displayed on the mobile phone screen, the entire left outer side is now surrounded, and it is impossible to escape.

But the right half of the two of them is against the wall, so they can only choose the left side to forcibly break through.

"Master, I will use smoke bombs to confuse my eyes for a while, and the red queen has already called someone."

Gasco had stored a lot of weapons in this car, just for such a day, and now he is a little excited.

Open another storage compartment, which contains two grenades, three smoke bombs, and two flash bombs.

"Okay, I'll listen to your command."

Kyle nodded and said, in terms of fighting a hundred battles, he is not as good as the veteran Gasco, and now it is the best choice to listen to him in this situation.

Picking up a grenade and putting it on himself, Kyle has quietly put the car renovation on the agenda.

At the very least, some means of counterattack must be installed, which is like hiding in a turtle shell now.

"Accept the punishment of the veteran!"

Gasco let out a low growl, pressed the lock button again to open the car window, and threw out all the flash bombs and smoke bombs, but what was ushered in was a wave of strafing.

Fortunately, Gasco is not an ordinary person. After turning on the bullet time, he easily escaped.

With the sound of the flash bomb exploding, Kyle and Gasco immediately opened the door and rushed in.

They were all injected with bio-enhanced serums. The smoke bombs didn't interfere too much. Instead, these people were caught off guard by the flash bombs.

"I didn't expect that I would also go into battle in person."

Kyle sighed with emotion, walked out with a pistol, and killed the two instantly with the cover of the smoke bomb.

Immediately, he rolled back and hid behind the stone pillar, where he was standing before a wave of bullets was baptized.

Obviously, this group of people has undergone special training, and can determine the direction at the first time when they hear the sound of gunfire, and then launch a counterattack.

Seriously, if Kyle hadn't been injected with serum, he wouldn't have dared to get out of the car, and his reaction power couldn't keep up.

Gasco's side has been completely mad, and the continuous gunfire resounded through the sky, and it couldn't stop for a long time.

Compared with the heat over there, Kyle can only rely on his agility to make sneak attacks, sneaking a gun in the back.

"Master, are you all right?"

Gasco jumped through the smoke and touched it. He kept counting the time in his heart, and the smoke bomb was about to dissipate.

Losing cover, even he has to avoid the edge for a while, these people are no better than the gangsters that night, who have experienced serious military training.

When Gasco didn't experience awakening, he estimated that he would be able to fight two or three at the same time, but no more.

"Don't worry, it's very stable."

Kyle was not feeling well at this time, his left arm was scratched by a bullet, and now he was wrapping a strip of clothing to stop the bleeding, and his face was covered with dust.

Now his heart is filled with anger, the identity of this group of people is very likely to be Hydra, and it is estimated that they are kidnapping him for the Sumerian slate.

The other forces, Kyle, haven't even contacted him, let alone revenge.

"There are still nine enemies. I will activate my ability to attract attention in a while, and then it will be up to you, Master."

Gasco took off his butler uniform and said that it would take five minutes for the support to arrive, and they had to buy enough time.

It just so happened that Natasha wasn't here this time. Otherwise, how could this group of people succeed in the sneak attack.

"Okay, I believe you."

Kyle nodded and said, refilling the bullets in the gun, which meant that he had to shoot the black gun in the back.

With the ability activated, a heavy pressure came from Gasco.

At this moment, in his eyes, the world has entered a slow state, and the speed of the surrounding things is particularly slow.

Gasco could easily dodge the bullets shot here, like bullets shot by a toy gun.

"Hmph, weakling."

Gasco exerted force on his feet, and the powerful force contained in his body burst out instantly, jumping directly over ten meters.

Now he doesn't carry a short knife on his body, he can only rely on his own hands to fight a way out.

"Attack, attack quickly!"

The leading squad leader shouted loudly It's not like they haven't seen the strengthener, the one with the metal arm in the organization is the one.

But the one in front of them has completely surpassed their imagination, jumping more than ten meters in one step, what is the Winter Soldier?

The rifle in his hand fires quickly—

In the face of such surging firepower, Gasco couldn't dodge all of them even if he had the bullet time.

He ripped off two doors directly from the car next to him and blocked them in front of him, although it was not as rigid as Kyle's car.

But these doors can also be used as a shield, which is enough for a short time.

"It's over? It's my turn."

The fire lasted for more than ten seconds. All of these people's magazines were empty, and they were scrambling to change the magazines.

Seeing this scene, Gasco naturally wouldn't miss this great opportunity, and threw the car door in his hand as a dart.


This car door directly smashed two people to death, and then chopped it into the wall unabated. The second car door only killed two people.

bang- bang-

Two gunshots rang out, and the two fell again.

There are only three people standing on the field now.

"Leave them alive, I want to interrogate them well."

Kyle came out from behind the wall. He shot the black gun just now, killing two people directly.

Now he wants to interrogate carefully, where did this group of people come from? Why assassinate him?

"Long live the Hydra!"

The rest of the people looked at each other, expressed their loyalty with extremely small voices, and then bit the poison sac in their mouths.

Under the effect of the poison, in just two or three seconds, he fell to the ground covered in purple and lost his breath.

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