"It's time to declare war on him."

Wiping the corners of his mouth where there was no trace, Obadiah's heart swelled infinitely.

He didn't even want to rely on the power of the sheepskin scroll to defeat Tony Stark, and he relied on the Iron Overlord battle armor he built.

Borrowing the power of others to defeat an opponent is very different from defeating an opponent yourself.

As for the prototype of Iron King, Tony built it, which has been selectively forgotten by Obadiah.

It happened that the engineer under him had already installed the metal rod made of gold teeth on the left arm of the Iron Overlord's armor.

At the same time, this armor is also equipped with high-power destructive weapons, all produced by Stark Industries.

As for the functional reactor missing from his chest, Obadiah intends to use himself as an energy supply medium.

This is also why he has to **** the life energy of so many people, and is prepared for this moment.

Judging by the number, a person's life energy is enough to drive the Iron Overlord's armor to fight at high intensity for half an hour.

At present, he has sucked a total of sixteen people, which means that he can maintain eight hours of fighting time, which is completely enough!

"This dynasty is mine after all!"

Feeling the incomparable power in his body, Obadiah made his announcement excitedly.


Tony's office.

When Obadiah was sucking life energy, Tony did not idle but went to find some of those people.

But unfortunately, he went a little late. Those people have not come to work for two days and disappeared.

After searching around to no avail, Tony returned to his office again and began to ponder.

"Sir, I need you to watch a video."

Jarvis' projection screen suddenly appeared in front of him, which shocked Tony.

But soon, he was attracted by the picture presented on the video, and he finished watching the ten-minute-long video quickly.

"It seems that my uncle hides some unknown power."

Tony swallowed his saliva and said, super power... This is the emergence of super power again, why is it always difficult for him.

The heart that was beaten by a superpower last time was broken, but this time Obadiah actually obtained superpower too.

And looking at his best speech, it seems that he wants to kill himself and then take over the Stark Group.

"No, I need to find him!"

After walking back and forth in the office for a long time, Tony found a solution.

He is very confident in his steel armor, but what if it is like the last time? His own flesh was as crisp as paper.

Only superpowers can deal with superpowers, and it happens that Tony knows a person who specializes in making superpowers.

"Jarvis, send a message to Obadiah for me, saying that I am going to prepare for the New Century Ball, and I have already arrived at the scene."

Tony knew that the news wouldn't lie to him for long, but the time was enough.

He's going to find that guy, Kyle Walter. Although he doesn't like to ask for help, it's really urgent.

After the last kidnapping incident, Tony also understood that he could no longer be willful, because his willfulness directly led to the death of that car.

At that time, if he had listened to the advice of the soldiers to change the course of action, such a tragedy would not have happened. It really taught Tony a good lesson.

He saw with his own eyes that the young soldier who was talking to him about his life the next second decided to die under the gun of the Ten Rings Gang because of his own mistake.


Water Company.

"What did you say? Stark is on his way here!?"

Kyle was a little surprised, what did the guy come here for when he had nothing to do.

But this is a message from Alice, and everyone's greetings have already been sent to her.

According to the original plot line, the big genius should not be preparing for the dance party, after all, he is announcing new energy tonight.

Stark Industries has been insulted by the whole New York and even the United States as a joke for so long, and it is time to fight back.

About half an hour later, Kyle met Tony in the reception room, who was very serious at the moment.

"Kyle, I need to show you something here."

Without any nonsense, Tony knew that every minute of his time was extremely precious, and immediately took out the projection device.

When he came, he had already asked Jarvis to copy the video and take it with him.

"It's interesting, this is Obadiah? How did it change?"

After watching the video, Kyle's mouth curled into a faint smile, and the plot really began to change, the butterfly effect is forever God!

For the normal route, it is impossible for this guy to have this ability, and it would be good to be able to drive an Iron Overlord.

"What type of superpower is this? Can I beat it? This guy should try to attack me. I don't know how it became like this."

Tony also said with a puzzled expression, he wanted to inquire about this guy's abilities, and when it came time to fight, it wouldn't be a matter of inquiries.

In this way, you can prescribe the right medicine according to Obadiah's ability, which can greatly improve your odds of winning.

"No~www.NovelMTL.com~ He is not a superpower, but magic!"

Kyle shook his head and denied Tony's words, this thing is not a superpower, it should be a kind of magic.

If it was him before, he wouldn't see any difference between the two, but now Kyle is different.

"Wang Defa? Magic, there is still magic in this world???"

Tony was shocked when he heard this answer. It was both super power and magic. Why did the world suddenly become so strange.

In his past life, it was quite rare to transform people, but for superpowers and magic, it was different.

As a standard materialist, Tony's worldview has been completely broken.

"According to its characteristics, it should be some kind of black magic. You'd better be careful. This kind of magic is highly damaging and extremely vicious."

Since he didn't come to the scene in person, Kyle could only guess based on the pictures from the video.

Obadiah obviously took the vitality of those three people, which caused them to become like this.

And this kind of magic usually appears in black magic, not the white magic used by the ancient one.

Kyle can be said to be immune to magic, and his body is neither material nor energy, so there is little interference.

"Then do you think I can do anything else? My armor shouldn't be able to defend."

Tony asked with a look away. After calming down, he began to think about countermeasures. The most important thing now is to solve Obadiah.

As for the armor... Natasha drinks wine at him every day, she has seen it more than once, and she will definitely come back and report to Kyle.

Tony didn't engage in these falsehoods, but directly expressed his own problems.


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