But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 255: Bumped into (2)

It's really Xue Feifei. Everyone has to belittle others first. But Huang Qichu felt that she really blessed him.

It was this true heart that made his throat a little dull. He lowered his head and took a sip of black coffee, which was bitter, from the throat to the heart.

"Thank you."

"On your wedding day, I won't go to the bridal chamber."

Huang Qichu didn't speak, but his Adam's apple was a little up and down.

Xue Feifei smiled and got up, skillfully put on a mask and sun hat, "Thank you for the coffee today."

"Good." Huang Qichu nodded.

"Then I'm leaving, I wish you happiness."

Huang Qichu nodded stiffly, turned his head and looked at Xue Feifei's back, he suddenly discovered that the sneakers Xue Feifei was wearing at this time were the same pair that he bought for her six years ago on the eve of their breakup.

Six years have passed, and time has changed everything. Those shoes seemed to wear out the leather a long time ago, but she still wore them, no matter how many years passed, they never changed.

They met on the street, and he happened to have a client nearby when he came over today. It was impossible for her to predict that she would meet him in advance, so she put on these shoes just by chance.

The moment he saw the old pair of sneakers, he finally couldn't help getting up. When he walked to the door, the waiter stopped him: "Sir, I haven't paid yet."

He hurriedly opened his wallet, took out a piece of 100, stuffed it directly into the waiter's hand, and then rushed out.

But there was a lot of traffic and people coming and going, but no one was her.


Xue Feifei didn't leave on purpose. What Huang Qichu didn't know was that she was even in a restaurant not far away.

After she went out, she also saw two familiar people on the opposite street.

To be precise, it was three people walking together, but she only knew two of them.

Qin Zhisu and Cai Yiren.

She immediately crossed the road, just when the green light changed to red, and there were so many pedestrians coming and going, Huang Qichu did not see her.

The three people went all the way to the opposite shopping mall and found a steak house to sit down. Xue Feifei also hurriedly followed and sat down on the sofa seat next to them. The waiter came over. She pointed to a set meal casually, without saying anything, and listened to the situation next door with her ears up.

It is a pity that although she went to college seriously, but her English was really bad, and she had lost it for so many years and returned it to the teacher. For the three people next door, Qin Zhisu and Cai Yi have been mixed abroad for five years. English has become a second mother tongue, and the other is simply a foreigner.

After listening for a long time, I barely recognized that this foreigner was a classmate and colleague of Qin Zhisu in the United States. Qin Zhisu opened a design studio and naturally found a friend to partner.

Cai Yiren and the foreigner had a pretty good conversation, and Qin Zhisu seldom spoke.

But he couldn't prove anything. Together with Cai Yiren, he proved quite a lot.

She has to watch carefully, don't let that fool Lu Weixi be fooled by these scumbags.

After a while, the dishes were served, and the discussion on the other side became quieter. But before long, Qin Zhisu put the knife and fork down. The Cai Yiren next to him approached, "Don't you want to eat?"

Qin Zhisu did not answer, but the foreign friend opposite him smiled: "Simpson, Zoe still cares about you so much."

Qin Zhisu said lightly: "I just met her by chance."

Cai Yiren's complexion changed slightly, but he adjusted back quickly, and said softly:

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