Campfire Shelter

Chapter 225 “Gift” from Another World

"What's going on? Isn't the progress bar stuck at this time?"

Colin continued to flip through the book, but two hours passed without seeing the progress bar move——

Could it be that some key information is missing?

Just when he was a little confused, the maid with cat ears suddenly stepped forward and said, "Mr. Director, not long before you came here, I received a message from you asking me After re-reading most of the important information, I will tell you what this letter says.

"Excuse me, do you need me to execute this order?"

kindness? Sent a message not long ago? Isn’t “I” dead? !

Colin's heart trembled, and he felt a chill running up his tailbone, feeling as if he had seen a ghost.

But in the next second, he had a flash of inspiration, and realized that the received message might have something to do with the parchment that the other party had taken away by him, and it might automatically send a signal as soon as he got close to here.

The last words left in the sewer may not be just those on the surface.

"Say it."

Colin waved his hand, he wanted to see what else the other party could leave.

The cat-eared maid nodded, imitating the way humans speak, and opened her mouth: "Be careful! This is a trap from the beginning. It is a trap for you and us. For us, this is not a teleportation ceremony at all. But"

After a pause of two seconds without hearing the rest, Colin said, "But what?"

There was no answer, and the Nano Omnic suddenly jumped back. Just when Colin was alert and confused, he saw that it seemed to be short-circuited, and a lot of sparks and thick smoke came out of its body, and then twisted as if twisted into a twist, twitching a few times It melted and collapsed immediately after being applied.

Colin was stunned for a while.

But not long after, on the ground on the other side, another pile of silver liquid seeped out from the gap, arched upward, and turned into a new nano-omnic cat-eared maid.

"An unknown fault short circuit occurred in the core and is being repaired."

"Short circuit? Being shot eight times in the back is suicide, right?"

Colin couldn't believe what kind of short circuit it was, and asked thoughtfully: "Continue what you just said."

"This is a document about the history of the 'Hague Asylum'"

"No, not this one, the last one."

"Sorry, this information is already at the end of the existing memory, try to search for the lost backup"

'.never mind. ’

Colin felt that he couldn't get his memory back. He estimated that this was some interference left by the "administrator" who had left. Once some key information was mentioned, accidents would happen.

This method is not unusual.

"The only valid content of that statement is 'This is not a teleportation ritual'. Then it exploded. What's next?"

Raising his hand to rest his chin, Colin had some vague guesses in his mind, but he wasn't very sure.

For example, judging from the results, "Colin" did not pass, but Colin came, then there is a high probability that this is not only not a teleportation ceremony, but a summoning ceremony.

"But even if this is interrupted, it's not difficult to guess, right? Is there something else?"

Colin was puzzled, feeling that he almost touched all the truth and was able to complete the task, but in the end he was stuck at the last one percent.

After a while, the cat-eared maid completed its "self-inspection" and told Colin that an unknown fault had indeed occurred. It was suspected that some kind of reserved program BUG triggered a short circuit.

The good news is that the BUG has been fixed.

The bad news is that the memory files are completely lost and cannot be retrieved.

"You've obviously run away, why are you leaving these traps?"

Colin was speechless about the actions of the rebellious "administrator" of Bonfire Company - as for doing things so absolutely?

He didn't think too much about it. After knowing that the last bit of information was unlikely to be obtained, Colin lost interest in checking the information, got up and left the secret office.

While leaving, Ke Lin said to the "maid with cat ears" on the side: "Unlock all file permissions and hand them over to the personnel of the 'Human Future Research Institute' and the 'Light of Dawn Foundation'."

There's nothing here that they can't know, so it doesn't matter if they give it all away before leaving.

No one in the institute would object anyway.

"Yes, all permissions will be cancelled. It is expected to take three days."


Ke Lin didn't continue to ask, left the office, and then came to the resettlement hall, saw Qin Chuan and others lying on the hospital bed receiving treatment from the "nano omnic" nurse.

These nurses have cat ears, rabbits, fox tails, elf long ears, bat wings on the back, and some anthropomorphic species that Colin will not be able to identify for a while.

"This 'I' is an inhuman control."

Colin complained in his heart, then looked at Qin Chuan who was lying down, and said nothing polite:

"What would you think if you could take some people with you when you leave tomorrow?"

Whether or not people can be brought to Earth is not up to Colin. It has to be decided by the person in front of him. If he doesn't agree, that's okay, but if he agrees, if something goes wrong, he won't be responsible for it.


Qin Chuan hissed, also undecided.

Judging from the current intelligence, both they and the local forces know that the collapse of this world is almost inevitable. If they do not leave, most people here will have no chance to survive. Qin Chuan, who was determined to protect the people when he was a child, also I can't bear this happening.

But if the people here bring some special viruses or pollution to the earth, they will be in big trouble.

During the conversation between the two, Xia Liufang and others did not interrupt. They all had similar ideas.

I sympathize with what’s going on in the world, but I’m even more worried that my compassion will cause terrible disasters to our fellow citizens in real life.

"What about you? What do you think?" Qin Chuan raised his head and asked Colin.

The ball is back again. Seeing Qin Chuan's hesitation, Colin shook his head and said:

"If you can't make up your mind, let's talk about it tomorrow. After all, I'm not sure yet how I will leave this world."

If it was through the "Advent Agreement" of "Bonfire Company" or something like that, Colin wouldn't mind taking it away.

No matter how bad it is, it will be better than here if we take it to "World Number-13"

"Okay." Qin Chuan nodded and did not continue.

After the topic ended, the air suddenly fell silent.

Qin Chuan wanted to find some topic to understand Colin's thoughts, but didn't know how to speak. However, they were not surprised that Colin "stopped pretending".

Because, unless there is a way to erase the memory without being discovered, Colin's identity will definitely be exposed by then. We are not fools. Under various scrutiny, no matter how small the inconsistency is, we will find out.

In their profession, there is no such thing as "doubt the guilt but never blame it", but rather "prefer to believe it is true rather than believe it is not true".

Moreover, now is not the time for chatting. After all, the eyes of some people in the team looking at Colin are full of inexplicable and angry meanings.

From their perspective, Colin mastered mysterious means and was suspected to be an insider of the "Bonfire Company". Thinking about it again, this unexpected incident may even be his conspiracy.

No, to be more precise, he and the eighth-level personnel were both insiders.

Even if I saved them before, it might be for some special purpose.

"Don't look at me like that. What's happening now really has nothing to do with me. I'm also very annoyed."

Colin felt those gazes and shook his head helplessly.

After saying that, without waiting for the guys to respond, he walked to the other side, found a seat casually, and sat alone.

Time passed quickly, and with the last eight hours remaining, the retreat began.

In accordance with the agreement with the "Father of the Deep Sea", Colin came to the established location on the seaside. In addition to Qin Chuan and others, there were a large number of "Unsullied" selected by the two shelters around him.

These are humans whose pollution values ​​are lower than 0.01, and they are the seeds they plan to send away from this world.

Of course, because it was agreed in advance that if they were unable to take them away in a special way, they would have no complaints.

At this time, 223, who had changed his body, walked up to Colin, holding a metal suitcase in his hand. While handing it over, he said to the puzzled eyes of Colin and others.

"This box is a special hard drive that can guarantee no contamination. It records the information and technical means of our dozen post-disaster shelters, the list of personnel, what we have done, our persistence and struggle, our failures and mistakes , our struggles”

"Of course, this also includes the knowledge of the 'Light of Dawn Foundation' and the 'Future of Humanity Institute', as well as the knowledge of the 'Hague Institute' that was compiled before, as well as all the names and names of all the people we can collect. Deeds, etc.”

"In addition, there are most records about various monsters in the world, as well as pre- and post-disaster geography, history, changes in physical constants we have observed, mathematics, etc."

"We have recorded all the knowledge and information that can be recorded in our world, and handed it over to you as a gift."

"Even if you can't take away anyone on this land, it doesn't matter to us, because this is understandable and there is no need to feel guilty."

"After all, you are human beings, and so are we. Your appearance lets us know that we are not alone, nor are we cut off."

"I feel sad that our world is coming to an end, but happy to know that there are still compatriots far away."

"Please say hello to one of the people who lives there."

"In short, this is a gift, a gift that does not require any gift in return."

"I hope this gift can bring some help to your world."

After saying a long paragraph, 223 looked at Colin and others who were in a daze, said "poof", and then said as if he was joking:

“I don’t know who wrote the manuscript, but the second half is so sensational, and I don’t like it.

"However, there is something to be said, we are not selfish.

"If after a long, long time, you can still remember that there was a world that brought you some small help, you can even remember that there was a man named 223 from the Dawn Foundation.

"Then I'm happy because it means we're not really dead."

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