Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1093: End of the ceremony, Yunjian Project

Adam's rough voice sounded. As long as he thought of Lan Su going away, he would never come back, and the whole man couldn't help shaking.

He has grown so large and has never been so out of control once.

Adam's grumpy is something everyone in the Dark Soul Organization knows.

The Dark Soul Organization's four leaders are Adam's most irritable and Mosen's most calm.

Qi Wei and Xueying have both.

It is also Adam who usually loves to joke. Lan Su has supported Adam for so long because of Adam's injury. This is the first time that Adam has seen such anger.

She was frightened.

"You can't do this, you, you calm down, calm down!" Lan Su put out her hands and stubbornly resisted Adam's big hand that wanted to tear her clothes. She desperately closed her legs to lengthen her legs.

But at this moment Adam didn't listen at all, he was completely out of control.

"Calm? I'm calm now!" Adam said, rudely tearing a thin floral dress on Lan Su's body, and at the same time using his feet to separate the beautiful legs that Lan Su wanted to close.

At this time Lan Su had only one piece of underwear and **** on her body. She was perfectly free of fat, and her uneven skin and baby-like skin appeared to Adam.

Adam saw this scene, he was almost crazy.

At this moment, even if Lao Tzu comes, he will still do her!

He was torn off somewhere in the shame, his hands were raised high, and his thighs were completely separated from each other.

After feeling Adam's nakedness, Lansu gave up his struggle

What happened in the hotel's large suite did not affect the few people who were still organizing the end of the wedding ceremony.

Except for one less Adam, the four leaders of the Dark Soul Organization are helping to clean up the end of the wedding.

"You said where did Adam's kid go, why didn't he come back for a long time to help!" Snow Eagle fiddled with the things on his hand, opening his mouth.

"Let's go to the whole person again, and he just has this hobby." Even Wei Wei, who has not always liked not to talk, took a word.

Xi Wei is the oldest of the four leaders of the Dark Soul organization, and he is also the most stable in dealing and speaking.

Of the three, only Moson said nothing.

Mawson always has a bad hunch, but he doesn't know what it feels like.

The wedding is completely over, but the night of the new house has not yet begun.

International gangsters left the scene.

Even the demon girl said goodbye to Yun Jian and returned to M country.

The neighbours who came to have a drink in Xinjiang Town also left most of the time. The trouble of setting up a new house in the evening was a group of relatives and friends who played well with each other.

Ordinary people are gone.

The helpers are still busy, and there are a lot of things to carry back at the wedding ceremony.

There is only one Yunjian sitting leisurely on a bench holding his chest.

Si Yi has been helped by Yun Yila.

His future daughter-in-law's brother wants to help himself.

So the leader of the dignified dark soul organization, the youngest of the Lengge arms family, is now reduced to the point where people are sent to help.

But the most bizarre is that he was willing and willing to help.

Si Yi was called to help, and Yun Jian was sitting on the bench alone.

Celadon has also been called by her brother to help.

Yun Jian was sitting on the bench with one hand half-rested against the dining table. She raised the phone with the other hand and glanced at the time on the phone.


The guests had left for less than half an hour.

"Sister Jian." Just when I saw the time on my phone pointing to seven o'clock, Yun Jian shook in front of him and two figures appeared.

If you look at it, it is not difficult to see that it is the snake lizard and the tiger leopard.

"Let's go." Yun Jian closed the screen of her mobile phone, and she half-hook a red arc, and there was a flash of murderous intention between her eyes.

Then she took the lead toward the gate, and the snake lizard and tiger leopard followed suit.

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