Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1358: Into the woods of uninhabited island

"Even if they are stupid, our classmates can't make it to you! Trash Wulin Military Academy!" Lin Shuya didn't know what was wrong at this time. She actually helped Yun Jian yell at the boy.

Lin Shuya's help to Yun Jian is purely because the Wulin Military Academy and the Min City Military Academy are now hostile.

It's one thing to quarrel with yourself, but it's another thing to quarrel with someone outside.

"What does your woman say? Be careful, I'll beat you!" The boy from Wulin Military Academy stood up and squeezed his fist at Lin Shuya.

After all, boys are more powerful than ordinary girls. When Lin Shuya saw this, she shrank and got a little scared.


When the boys at Wulin Military School saw Lin Shuya's counseling one by one, Haha laughed, and Yun Jian's hand originally attached to the armrest of the seat suddenly forced hard.

On hearing the sound, a group of people looked around, but saw Yun Jian's hand attached to the seat armrest. With a little force, she even broke the plastic seat armrest!

Although this seat armrest is made of plastic, it is definitely not ordinary effort to break it because of its large size!

And Yun Jian looked at the thin and weak, and his small body was like no food, no energy at all.

But with a slight flick of this hand, it even broke the plastic handrail!

What kind of strength is this?

The group of boys at the Wulin Military Academy had just been indifferent to the hippie smiles, and suddenly when they saw this scene, they were frightened to stop breathing.

"I'm going! Mother! This, this is not human, this ...!" There was a boy over there at the Wulin Military Academy who even shouted in shock after seeing this scene.

But when Yun Jian over there dropped the armrest of the seat to the ground, she put her hand next to her ear and said impatiently: "You are very noisy."

After listening to Yun Jian's words and looking at Yun Jian's move just now, the boys at the Wulin Military Academy closed their mouths instantly, and all of them persuaded.

Seeing this scene, the boys in Yunjian's school laughed one by one.

"I'm going, get deflated! Yunjian, you're great! We support you!"

There are endless sounds like this.

But Yun Jian just turned to his side and closed his eyes.

After calming down, some of the boys at the Wulin Military Academy shouted to Yunjian: "It's not good for a girl to be so rude. Be careful when you grow up, no one wants you!"

"I want what I want! Such a beautiful beauty, I can scarce it!"

What's more, someone even shouted at Yun Jian: "Hey, sister, if you want us to win this game, will you be my girlfriend?"

This remark caused another uproar.

No one on the Min City Military Academy spoke for Yun Jian.

Lin Ying had originally scolded Yun Jian back, but Mu Ying stopped him.

After arriving at the uninhabited island, the instructors urged them, and finally checked each student's military travel bag for sufficient food, enough to survive for seven days, before seeing a group of students into the dense forest of uninhabited island.

Every student brought enough food and essential items.

After all, a group of classmates do not have any practical experience, and it is very dangerous to let them in if nothing is brought.

In addition, the instructors prepared a military dagger for defense of each classmate.

Just entering the woods on the uninhabited island, all the students from the Wulin Military School and Min City Military School went together.

At first, when the sun was shining, you would not feel gloomy even if you walked into the woods.

Lin Yan walked, seemingly affected by the environment. She glanced over at Yun Jian, then turned to Mu Ying, and asked, "Mu Ying, what happened when you and Yun Jian were in the Amazon Forest before? OK? Can you tell me! "

With that said, Lin Ying blinked curiously.

When I heard that two girls had been to the Amazon Forest, the boys of the Wulin Military School who had no idea what they were all about turned their eyes, and looked at Yun Jian and Mu Ying.

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