Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2644: She changed her head and killed her headlessly (Final ending 13 [on])

"Cha! Chacha! Chashen!"

The man didn't even have time to return from the surprise. He exhaled and exhaled a few times, his ruddy cheeks, now replaced by paleness and thriller.

"Is n’t Susan already dead !!! Did n’t the media have released Susan ’s last look to the world !!!”

The woman was so scared that she turned pale and seized the man's hand. Her fingers were so strong that she could cut the skin of the man, but just thinking about their actions ...


This is a quiet alley, surrounded by residential houses, because at this time it is one or two in the afternoon. People who live in the house have either gone out to find someone to play, so take a nap at home.

At this time, the lonely alley was the most deserted.

The pair of white shoes under Yunjian's long legs lightly stepped on the ground, as if opening the gate of **** and stepping on the death of thousands of corpses, sharp eyes glanced sideways and slanted on the men and women.

"You! You you! I tell you! This is a society ruled by law! How dare you treat me! I! I am me! If you dare to kill me! The scene will leave evidence!

"Now in a high-tech society, killing me will surely find out that you are the real murderer. If you are caught, you will be sent to jail! Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha, I advise you to be kind! ..."

When the man was talking, the voice line was shaking and he could not help but loosen his girlfriend's hand.

The moment the man approached himself in Yunjian, he was so frightened that he grabbed his girlfriend, hugged him fiercely, and tried to drag her forward.

Yes, but saw Yunjian hand over a blank piece of paper and black pen.

"Write on it all the people and addresses you know have bullied Qin Yirou's family, and let you go."

If Yun Jian's words, let the man feel relieved, he quickly grabbed the black pen in Yun Jian's hand and brushed down on the white paper to write down the names and addresses of everyone he knew.

"I know everything on it, let's go!" Pushing the black pen and white paper back into Yunjian's hand, the man pushed his girlfriend and ran two steps, almost because his feet were unstable. Take a moment.

"Slow." The slow and slow words came out from Yunjian's mouth, listening to her voice, and she knew that there was no trace of expression on her face.

The man and his girlfriend's heart trembled slightly. The man just turned around and wanted to say if Yun Jian had no intention of saying anything, but he suddenly heard behind him, there was yin and indifference. He had heard the last words of this world:

"You two who know I'm still alive in this world, do you really think you can leave safely?"

Hezhou, Ontario.

A dance studio.

A group of beautifully dressed young girls are following the instructor in front of a large mirror, swinging to the music, dancing in an enchanting manner.

Unlike these brightly-groomed young girls, two or three janitors, all-over work clothes, wearing some yellowish white shoes, and bending over the large floor in the dance studio to clean up and mop the girls back and forth, working hard .

The two or three part-time workers were invited by the boss to clean the dance classroom regularly every day.

One of them was slender and perfectly in shape, but his eyes were slightly sharper than those of ordinary girls.

This ordinary-looking girl is not someone else, it is the easy-moving Yunjian.

At that time, Yun Jian raised his eyes, and his eyes were not far away from the same-looking, good-looking girl who was fifteen or sixteen years old who was doing the finest work.

Take a closer look. The 15- or 16-year-old girl seen by Yun Jian is 80% similar to Yun Jian!

This girl is no one else. It was her biological daughter, Si Lui, who grew up!

Yun Jian's eyes sank slightly.

At this time, I heard the latest news report from a color TV set in front of the dance room:

"It is reported that more than a dozen headless murders have occurred in Longmen City, Zhejiang Province, but the killer knows how to erase the traces on the scene. The police cannot investigate. The police are still investigating. Please follow us. We will have further information. Time for you ... "

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